Christian Living

Showing 451–500 of 2566 results

  • When Religion Hurts You


    Religious trauma is something that happens far more often than most people realize.

    In When Religion Hurts You, Dr. Laura Anderson takes an honest look at a side of religion that few like to talk about. Drawing from her own life and therapy practice, she helps readers understand what religious trauma is and isn’t, and how high-control churches can be harmful and abusive, often resulting in trauma. She shows how elements of fundamentalist church life–such as fear of hell, purity culture, corporal punishment, and authoritarian leaders–can cause psychological, relational, physical, and spiritual damage.

    As she explores the growing phenomenon of religious trauma, Dr. Anderson helps readers embark on a journey of living as healing individuals and finding a new foundation to stand on. Recognizing that healing is a lifelong rather than a linear process, she offers markers of healing for those coming out of painful religious experiences and hope for finding wholeness after religious trauma.

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  • American Man : Speaking The Truth About The War On Masculinity

    Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $25.97.

    Fox & Friends cohost Lawrence Jones? delivers the common sense book America needs more than ever in this definitive takedown of the left’s never-ending attacks on masculinity.

    A generation ago it was understood that men and women were unique, yet interdependent, and designed by God to be that way. Today, the woke crowd wants you to believe masculinity is “toxic.” In his first book, Lawrence embarks on a thorough examination of who is doing the attacking and why. Informed by his travels across the country for Fox News, Lawrence explains how confused progressives are about manhood–and how powerful the need is to set the record straight. Men, he argues, are indispensable to thriving families and prosperous societies, and the sooner men start acting like men, the better off we all will be.
    Packed with stories from his own life and work, Lawrence makes a persuasive case for the virtues of manliness–courage, resilience, godliness, and self-reliance among others. Lawrence challenges his fellow men to live up to their responsibilities as men and to fill the cultural void woke ideologues have been happy to exploit. In confronting the chaos of contemporary culture, Lawrence is forced to reexamine his own beliefs as he spurs an honest discussion about what it means to be a man in America. The book also includes candid, never-before-shared interviews conducted by Lawrence of his Fox News colleagues, like Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Pete Hegseth, Will Cain, as well as other prominent voices like NFL great Ben Watson and actor Dean Cain.

    This insightful and uncompromising book from one of the country’s fastest rising stars will enlighten and inspire readers–as it proves once and for all the crucial role men can and must play in American life today.

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  • Ready Or Knot Prayer Guide


    Who you choose to marry is one of the most important decisions of your life. This decision affects everything that will happen to you from that point forward. So how much have you and your significant other prayed together about your shared life to come?

    The best time to start praying for your marriage is before you say, “I do.” This devotional guide helps you learn how to pray together for twelve specific areas of your relationship, including:

    * the purpose of marriage
    * communication and conflict
    * spiritual, emotional, and sexual intimacy
    * understanding your roles and your differences
    * friendship and romance
    * money
    * parenting
    * and more

    It may sound like a cliche when you hear the old adage that “couples who pray together stay together,” but the reality is that the divorce rate for couples who pray together, out loud, on a consistent basis is less than one percent. Prayer is key to a strong and lasting relationship. The Ready or Knot Prayer Guide shows you how to develop a lifelong habit to sustain a lifelong marriage.

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  • Take Back Your Life

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $9.97.

    Paralyzed by anxiety, fear, and uncertainty? In this 40-day interactive journey, discover a step-by-step process that can break that cycle. Offering an action plan and journaling space for turning your thoughts into real change, learn to take back your life.

    Every person has a mission and a God-given potential to impact the world, whether they recognize it or not. But life presents challenges and traps us in a helpless, hopeless loop of anxiety and fear.

    In Take Back Your Life, a blend of his bestselling books Through the Eyes of a Lion and I Declare War, join Levi Lusko on an interactive journey to equip yourself to become the best version of yourself. Offering forty daily challenges to help you come to terms with the reality of your internal battle, learn to take up the weapons God has given you and engage in the fight.

    With biblical truth and perspective, this step-by-step journaling process will help you:

    *Get out of your own way by learning to think right so you can live right
    *Find purpose by discovering that God will do great things with your imperfect progress
    *Learn that your pain is not an obstacle to being used by God but an opportunity to be used like never before

    This is more than a book. It’s an intimate self-analysis tool that will help you recognize what’s weighing you down or holding you back. This is a journey to get back the life you know you were born for–to change your thinking so you can change your living and become the difference-maker God sees when he sees you.

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  • Near In The Night

    Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $16.09.

    Why is it that when the lights go off our minds start racing? We stew over what we could have done differently that day. We remember details we’re afraid we’ll forget in the morning. And most of all, we worry. Small anxieties as well as huge fears come alive when we’re exhausted and the house is finally quiet.

    Emily Ley finds that having a simple devotional routine before bed puts anxieties in their place and brings peace to her soul. In this unique evening devotional, she shares her own stories and struggles, invites you to contemplation, and brings you back to the unchanging comfort of God’s Word.

    Near in the Night includes practical ideas to make your evenings calmer, along with pages for taking notes, making lists (so you can stop thinking about those to-dos!), and writing out personal reflections. Each of the 100 devotions will help you:

    *Turn off your worries and regrets at night
    *Remember God’s goodness in an uncertain world
    *Develop a gentle, grace-filled evening routine so you can sleep well and wake up refreshed and prepared for the day ahead

    This devotional is perfect for:

    *Anyone looking for uplifting biblical readings for those stress-filled evening hours

    *Readers of Emily’s previous books, including her companion morning devotional, Sure as the Sunrise

    *Christmas, New Year’s, Mother’s Day, birthdays, and graduation

    Pairing biblical wisdom with Emily’s simplicity expertise, Near in the Night reminds us that God is always faithful and ever near, even in the darkest of nights.

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  • Your Next Leap Of Faith


    Live Fearless in a World Dominated by Fear

    In the space of just nineteen days, former Army Special Forces officer and police officer Shane Winnings went from a public, six-figure career to an unpaid, full-time missionary position across the country. His story exploded across social media, and to this day he reaches millions each week with his audacious daily encouragement to be a light in a dark world.

    Showing how hearing God’s voice changes the trajectory of your entire life, Shane infuses you with courage to cast off the world’s crushing expectations and go all in for Christ. Through incredible testimonies and real-world application, he empowers you to:

    * say yes to Jesus
    * tune into His voice
    * press through your fears and anxiety
    * boldly follow where God leads
    * take faith-filled risks

    You can have a life of incredible adventures, lifesaving protection, and improbable peace. Take your next leap of faith–and never look back.

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  • UnCovery Devotional : Rethinking Recovery One Day At A Time – A 365 Day Dev


    All of us are recovering from something. Whether it’s an addiction, a painful incident from our past, or a daily challenge just to get by in this world, something is holding us back from the promised-land life God wants for us.

    Real recovery isn’t a one-time event or a process that fits into twelve steps or a preset length of time. Uncovering how to live free of what holds you back is a lifelong journey, and one that is best traveled with others.

    The Uncovery Devotional: Rethinking Recovery One Day at a Time will help you take those steps toward a better, healthier, happier you. The authors, George A. Wood and Brit Eaton, know that battles with addiction, mental health, suicidal thoughts, and past trauma cannot be won overnight. They’ve been in your shoes. And they provide the love, commitment, and compassion that will help you uncover and heal the bottom-line issue that causes you to struggle in the first place.

    Each month follows a theme, such as reflection, relationship, and reconciliation, while each day provides a short Scripture and prayer.

    Wild opportunities for hope, healing, and transformation exist for you in the Christian recovery space because you’re not working to recover an old, broken life–you’re going after a brand new one.

    You’ll discover the truth about who you really are and Whose you really are so that you can reach deep levels of healing and deliverance.

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  • Is Atheism Dead


    A National Bestseller — now in paperback!

    Is Atheism Dead? is a highly entertaining, impressively wide-ranging, and decidedly provocative answer to that famous 1966 TIME cover that itself provocatively asked “Is God Dead?” In a voice that is by turns witty, muscular, and poetic, Metaxas echoes C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterton in cheerfully and logically making his case, along the way presenting breathtaking–and sometimes astonishing–new evidence and arguments against the idea of a Creatorless universe. Taken all together, he shows that much we have assumed about the biggest questions of human existence is in fact dramatically outdated — and is therefore in need of the most urgent reevaluation.

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  • In This Together


    Do you spend days and nights alone wondering, “Where are my people?”

    If you feel this way, you’re in good company and there is great news for you! Over the course of this 90 day devotional, you can discover what it really means to find unity in Christ, in the body of Christ, and for the sake of Christ.

    Take this deep dive into the New Testament book of Ephesians. The church at Ephesus was like many in the early days of Christianity: a melting pot of backgrounds, ethnicities, social classes, occupations, and ideas. Becoming a community was no easy feat. Even among Christians today, we may struggle to find “our people” with those with whom we can effortlessly find fellowship. Through a Scripture reading, a short devotion, prayers, and inspirational quotes you’ll find out exactly what kind of connection you were made for. You are headed for glory, and you can experience transcendent connections with others and with God on a regular basis.

    “The togetherness we need most begins with our unity in Christ because that is where the power lies.”

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  • You Are Welcomed


    You Are Welcomed by a loving God is the gospel truth we need to hear when life is an unruly combination of responsibilities, relationships, interruptions, dreams, and drama. In this ten-week devotional, author and women’s ministry leader Trish Donohue helps women who are weary turn to the Lord, put down their burdens, rest in his welcome, and then welcome others to walk with Jesus too.

    Trish shares stories of biblical men and women who brought their burdens to the Lord. Each story exemplifies a different sort of pressure, including busyness, disillusionment, crisis, isolation, envy, doubt, fear, and failure. You are not alone in what you’re facing, and God wants to meet you in the same ways he has shown himself to his people from the beginning.

    *Easy-to-follow daily format of Scripture reading, devotional reflection, and simple application questions.

    *A beautifully designed devotional in the Gospel Truth for Women series, helping women to identify their struggles, go to Scripture to meet God, then share those truths with family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers.

    *Relatable for busy women of all ages and stages making it perfect for gift-giving.

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  • 90 Day Bible Reading Devotional For Women


    Daily Bible study made simple with themed devotional plans!

    Do you want to spend time in God’s Word, but aren’t sure where to start? The 90-Day Bible Reading Devotional for Women can help!

    This fantastic book features three themed 30-Day Bible Reading Plans: Getting to Know God, Knowing Jesus Better, and Growing Your Faith. Each entry includes the scripture reference for the day’s Bible reading, questions for further thought, a devotional reading, and prayer starter-all to encourage you to apply God’s Word to your own life and heart.

    This practical book is perfect for personal quiet time or small groups.

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  • When A Friendship Falls Apart


    We all long for “friends forever”–but what happens when forever ends?

    They say friends are the family we choose. And that choosing–the joy of loving and being loved by someone who isn’t genetically obligated to share life with us–adds priceless worth to our days, but also great risk. Because hurt can happen even in the closest friendships, and sometimes friendships fall apart. The loss can be staggering. As we struggle to digest the pain and confusion, we wonder, How could this happen? And what do I do now?

    In When a Friendship Falls Apart, beloved author Elizabeth Laing Thompson comes alongside readers as they process their struggling friendships–the faltering, the fractured, and the failed. Blending personal story, biblical examples, and faith-filled wisdom, each page explores questions like the following:

    *How do we guard against the poison of bitterness so we can process the hurt and move forward?

    *When and how do we seek reconciliation? What does forgiveness look like?

    *How do we know when it’s time to leave a friendship behind?

    *How do we open up again and entrust our wounded hearts to new friendships?

    If you find yourself in the midst of a friendship that’s falling apart, or you’re grappling with past hurts and regrets, this book is for you. May it be a comfort and help, leading you closer to the Friend who will never leave.

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  • Strong Girls Strong World: A Practical Guide To Helping Them Soar–and Crea


    You Can Make a Global Impact–One Girl at a Time

    In Strong Girls, Strong World, Dale Hanson Bourke draws on her international leadership and reporting experience to offer personal insights we can all use as a road map to understanding the issues girls face–and the tangible ways we can each make a difference. Filled with personal stories, hope-filled examples, and specific opportunities, readers will discover:

    *how investing in girls changes communities and entire countries
    *eight areas that create high-impact investments for girls
    *what leading organizations are doing to change the lives of girls, and
    *dozens of specific and practical ways you can make a difference today.

    Investing in the life of a girl can bring about global change. In Strong Girls, Strong World, you’ll find out how to take the first steps.

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  • Real Good Life

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $20.99.

    Where are you looking for joy, contentment, and purpose? Stevie and Sazan Hendrix show us that the good life we’re looking for won’t be found in our latest purchase, achievement, or dream vacation–it’s found by intentionally cultivating the simple, everyday moments that make up a real, good life.

    We say we want “the good life,” but that often leads us to constantly chase after the next thing, compare ourselves to others, and feel disconnected and unable to enjoy the good things that are right in front of us. Stevie and Sazan know what it’s like to search for the good life and, having achieved “success” at a young age, they know firsthand that the success we think we want isn’t what truly satisfies.

    Even as their careers and social media popularity grew, Stevie and Sazan were still searching for the good life, just like everyone else. What they discovered in that search completely changed how they lived their days–and by extension their lives. In A Real Good Life, you’ll join them on their journey

    *identifying how you can set yourself up for a good day by being intentional with all of your hours;

    *discovering your unique process for building faith and connection in yourself, your home, and your relationships;

    *rethinking your routines so you can establish life rhythms that are sustainable and unique;

    *recognizing that reflecting, focusing, gathering, and resting are crucial values; and

    *inspiring you to see life as a gift that should be cherished every single moment.

    Slow down and trade the endless cycle of striving and competing for real, good days filled with purposeful reflection, intentional focus, gathering with loved ones, and true rest.

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  • Youre Not Finished Yet

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.99.

    Are you facing a difficult season? Do your prayers feel unanswered? The middle of any endeavor–career, relationships, ministry, health–is often when our perseverance waivers, when peace seems out of reach, when the future feels uncertain. It’s when life really gets hard.

    In this empowering devotional, bestselling author, human rights activist, and international speaker Christine Caine reminds you that you can go the distance–not because you have the strength but because God does. As Christine shares stories from her ministry experience, her personal life, her walk with Jesus, and her hikes through the mountains of Southern California, Christine offers Scripture and spiritual reflections to help you:

    *Intentionally journey with Jesus even when you feel discouraged
    *Rely on God’s strength in seasons of waiting
    *Keep praying, seeking, walking with Jesus every day
    *Focus your mind on spiritual practices that bring peace

    Each of the 100 devotions includes a scripture, a devotion entry, and a takeaway for the reader.

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  • How To Put Love First

    Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $13.79.

    Do you feel your relationships are lacking deep connections? Do you feel your time with God could be more rewarding? New York Times bestselling author Sadie Robertson Huff and her husband, Christian, invite you on a 90-day journey to embrace a life-giving relationship with God and experience authentic, healthy relationships with your people and your community.

    You are meant to be in relationships that bring joy and connection–that help you know soul-deep peace and leave you feeling loved instead of lonely. Instead, surface-level friendships, filtered social media feeds, unresolved conflicts, and unhealthy relationships can often seem to harm our self-worth, spiritual growth, and mental health–and keep us from the very relationships that could bring that true connection.

    How to Put Love First reminds you that prioritizing and deepening your love relationship with God is the key to growing healthy relationships in every area of life. Through personal stories of their own walks with God, their pitfalls and victories in relationships of all kinds, and biblical encouragement, Sadie and Christian will help you:

    *Find peace and connection in your relationship with God
    *Enjoy healthier, happier relationships with close friends and family
    *Learn how to resolve conflict, offer forgiveness, and endure loneliness
    *Reap the mental and spiritual health benefits of thriving in community

    As an added bonus, Dr. Josh Kirby, a psychologist and life coach, joins Sadie and Christian to speak into some of the key themes in the book to offer informed, practical counsel to further help you incorporate these important teachings into your life.

    If your relationships feel more frustrating than life-giving or if you feel like something deeply important is missing in your life, join Sadie and Christian on this 90-day challenge to discover the joy and freedom of being loved and loving well.

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  • Whats So Amazing About Grace Revised And Updated (Revised)

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.99.


    It’s the most powerful force in the universe, our only hope for love and forgiveness, and a foretaste of eternal life: amazing, radical, life-changing grace.

    Millions of lives have been changed by award-winning author Philip Yancey’s startling exploration of grace at street level. Grace is the one thing the world can’t duplicate, the healing force we need, and the key to transforming a broken world.

    In this revised and updated edition of his personal and provocative book, Yancey offers true portraits of grace’s life-changing power. These stories, set in the midst of life’s stark realities, evoke such questions as:

    *If grace is God’s love for the undeserving, how do I get it?

    *How well are we dispensing grace to a world that knows far more of strife and unforgiveness than it does of mercy?

    *Can grace make a difference in the midst of such atrocities as the Nazi holocaust, and how can it withstand the brutality of hate?

    With powerful stories, rich theology, and practical suggestions, Yancey challenges us to become living answers to a world that desperately needs to know, What’s So Amazing About Grace?

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  • Warrior King : A Battle With The World, The Flesh, And The Devil


    We think our biggest spiritual enemy is Satan, but it’s really our flesh.

    This book will help you to see Christ as the one who is able to take on all spiritual battles so that you know you are not alone in this journey of life.

    In her first two books, The Heavens Opened and The Priestly Bride, Anna Rountree chronicled her remarkable visions of heaven, giving readers a glimpse of what heaven is like and how events happening in the earth today correspond with activities in the spirit realm. In this third book in her trilogy, Rountree offers a revelation of mankind’s chief enemy, the flesh, and how our heavenly Father trains us to be warriors for the fierce battles to come.

    Caught up once again in a vision of heaven, Rountree sees the redeemed and the heavenly hosts armed for war. She is told that all God’s children are issued armor but not everyone heeds the command to put on the full armor of God. As with all equipment, this armor must be tested before being worn into conflict.

    Thus begins the tests to fit Rountree for battle. These tests take place underground in the root system of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is the flesh. The seriousness of the tests-tests all Christians must take-are both shocking and revelatory. This book takes readers on a journey through the dark bowels of the flesh and reveals how they can come out armed as overcomers who serves the Warrior King.

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  • Lazarus And Me


    Have you ever wondered what happened to Lazarus after Jesus resurrected him from death? Lazarus was given an extension of life and time spent on earth.

    Do you think Lazarus lived a drastically different life after his resurrection?

    Would you think and live differently if you were given such an opportunity?

    Dr. Asher Chanan-Khan, a world-renowned cancer researcher and clinical oncologist, experienced such a “Lazarus moment” in his very own life when his terminal cancer was miraculously paused, rendering him an extension of life. Now, 15 years later, Dr. Asher ponders upon his living in these “Lazarus moments.”

    Discover how you too can learn about God’s grace in the face of imminent mortality and how the author’s journey in these extended moments of life are purposefully designed to bring glory to his Creator.

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  • Managing Your Emotions

    Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $17.97.

    Learn to rule your emotions before they rule you with #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer.

    The highs and lows of life bring many challenges, and our feelings want to swing accordingly, like an emotional roller coaster taking us from one extreme to another throughout the day – if we let them. Our emotions serve a purpose, but if we allow them to dictate how we choose to act, we lose our peace and stability, which only leads to confusion, anxiety, anger, and a host of other unhealthy attitudes. It’s a dangerous way to live and can cause us to make bad decisions that impact ourselves and others.

    But it doesn’t have to be this way. The Bible contains wisdom to help you learn to manage your emotions each day, no matter what challenges life brings your way. And with this 90-day devotional, you’ll discover how to take charge of those fickle feelings before they take charge of you!

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  • 15 Ways To Live Longer And Healthier


    #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen shares his best wisdom on the simple choices we can make each day to live longer, happier, and healthier lives.

    What if a healthy, abundant, joyful, faith-filled life is within reach? What if you could increase your energy, vitality, and happiness, and stop dragging through the day, living discouraged and depressed, and settling for less than the life you want?

    In 15 Ways to Live Longer and Healthier, New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen, with his trademark wisdom and encouragement, helps you to discover greater success, stronger relationships, tame stress, and find real happiness. He shows that the key to good health, longevity, and abundance is to keep your soul healthy by focusing on your attitude, your thoughts, and your emotional well-being. In this book, he shows you how to:

    *Stay positive toward yourself;
    *Deal with difficult people;
    *Let go of control;
    *Choose to be happy;
    *Unclutter your mind;
    *Live in the present;
    *Tame the tongue; and
    *Take care of yourself.

    Start today to make a real change that lasts. Not just for a week, a month, or a year but for the rest of your life.

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  • Purpose Doesnt Pause


    Purpose Doesn’t Pause asks: What if this season of confusion became a season of spiritual transformation? What if as you wait for life to begin you realize it’s already started?

    Even if you’re feeling stuck–lost about who you are and where you’re going–God invites you to live with intention and joy. With true stories and faith-based practical ideas, author Hope Reagan Harris speaks into ten different experiences that cause confusion, such as when:

    *Something good comes to an end
    *You feel pressure to figure out who you are
    *You’re called out of your comfort zone
    *Nothing is going as planned
    *You wonder if you’re good enough

    You could keep waiting for the life you want. Or you could embrace God’s purpose in the life you have. With free video content and interactive prompts for reflection and discussion, Purpose Doesn’t Pause helps you create a map for the road ahead as you flourish in who God created you to be.

    Presented by Esther Press: Books for Courageous Women

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  • See Yourself Beautiful See Yourself Happy


    If someone asks you who you are, you probably have a pat answer that tells them what you do. But saying who you are? That’s not always so easy.

    In See Yourself Beautiful, See Yourself Happy: An Invitation to Discover Who You Were Meant to Be, Sonia Luna invites you to embark on a journey to discover your true self. As the pastor of a church that reaches thousands weekly, she is known for her strong faith and Holy Spirit anointing.

    Through each chapter, Sonia shows her vulnerability, sharing details of her life as a daughter, wife, mother, and minister of the Lord, explaining how everything developed her identity. By way of example, she offers insights into spiritual, psychological, and emotional issues that confront us as life unfolds.

    This journey is shaped by our experiences since birth, the influences of our families, the moments that mark us, and the many stages that we go through in our development as human beings.

    In an intimate, relatable narrative, Sonia describes how the psychological and emotional wounds that once affected us in our childhood and youth can continue to cause deep traumas that alter or threaten our identity. These can lead to insecurities, fears, difficulty in recognizing our own talents, and unsatisfactory interpersonal relationships.

    But Sonia offers reason for hope, affirming that there is not a single life that cannot be transformed by God. She invites you to discover your identity through the “infinite trigger” of Christ. By placing your life in His hands, you will fulfill your divine purpose and see yourself as you are: beautiful, valued, and loved.

    “It is only when we understand how valuable we are to God that we start to notice the mistaken concept we had of ourselves,” Sonia says.

    Once you see the best in yourself as God does, you will know your true identity as His beloved child. Happiness awaits when you work to achieve the divine purpose He has for you.

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  • All My Hope


    Julie knew she could spend the rest of her life in prison if she were caught crossing the border with four pounds of methamphetamine duct-taped around her waist. But life had become so overwhelming, so painful, that she no longer cared if she lived or died. So she crossed over the border. And with her arrest as a drug smuggler that day, her years of running from responsibility–and from God–came to an end.

    Through one miraculous event after another, God transformed Julie from drug dealer to Hope Dealer. Read her story now as Julie Seals unveils her extraordinary journey of overcoming a 17-year addiction to crystal meth and being transformed by the supernatural power of God.

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  • Habitat Of Healing


    From trauma to triumph, Krissy Spivey tells her story of growing up in the church and being faced with unimaginable choices that would change the course of her life forever.

    At eighteen years old she was baited by a stranger online, raped, and exploited. Months later, when faced with an unplanned pregnancy, she chose abortion out of fear of judgement. She tells of her messy transition from religion to relationship after fourteen years of deep repression as a leader in the church. The Lord met her at her most vulnerable, unraveled her faulty identity of helpless victim, and invited her to dine with Him as a healed victor.

    The Habitat of Healing is a gathering place for the broken to feast in the fullness of God. It is a fresh take on spiritual freedom that equips the reader with keys to unlock the mystery of the table that they were born to sit at. It is an invitation to be made whole in the Healer’s habitation.

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  • Trailblazers : A Journey To Discover God’s Purpose For Your Life


    Are you ready to live a life like no one else?

    We all want our lives to count for something. We desperately want to know if we matter, what our purpose is, and if it’s ok to chase a dream bigger than ourselves. In Trailblazers, using biblical characters and his own life experiences, pastor Micah E. Davis shows how a life that is built on a solid foundation of faith can lead us to blaze a new trail . . . a unique one God has purposed for us. And the best part is you don’t have to wait for anyone else–you can start right now!

    In his debut book, Micah takes us on a fresh, honest, and bold journey, exploring such questions as:

    *What is my purpose and how do I know it’s what God wants for me?
    *What do I need to let go of to pursue the calling God has placed on my life?
    *Does God have more in store for me than this? Am I really allowed to go after it?
    *Can God use a flawed and broken person like me to impact the Kingdom?
    *And more!

    At the heart of a Trailblazer lies a supernatural courage, strength, and faith to go first. Come alongside Micah to discover what it truly means to live out the way of a Trailblazer and to live a life that matters.

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  • Sunday Matters : 52 Devotionals To Prepare Your Heart For Church


    Paul David Tripp’s Weekly Devotional Helps Readers Prepare Their Hearts for Church

    Christians understand the importance of attending church, but many find their attention being pulled away from worship because of family, schedule, work, finances, and other distractions. With so much on their minds, how can churchgoers prepare their hearts to offer God the worship he deserves?

    In Sunday Matters, Paul David Tripp shares 52 devotions about the beauty and significance of church, helping Christians engage in vibrant gathered worship each week. Each short, accessible meditation highlights an essential spiritual topic, including divine grace, gratitude, our identity in Christ, and dependence on the Lord. Over the course of a year, Sunday Matters will strengthen each believer’s personal relationship with God and fill churches with joyful, engaged, and passionate worshipers.

    *52 Weekly Devotionals: Each reading includes Scripture and thought-provoking questions to prepare hearts for gathered worship

    *Accessible: Theologically rich entries in a conversational, inspiring tone for churchgoers, pastors, and worship leaders alike

    *Written by Bestselling Author Paul David Tripp: Author of 30+ books, including New Morning Mercies, Lead, and Parenting

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  • Called Into Questions


    Do we know what it means to question well?

    We need not fear questions. By the grace of God, we have the safety and security to rush headlong into them and find ourselves better for it on the other side.

    Faith is not the sort of thing that endures so long as our eyes are closed. The opposite is the case: Faith helps us see, and that means not shrinking from the ambiguities and the difficulties that provoke our most profound questions.

    In our embrace of questioning, we must learn to question well. In our uncertainty, we must not give up the task of walking worthy of the calling that Christ has placed upon us.

    We are living in the age of deconstruction. We are constantly bombarded online, in schools, and sometimes even in our homes by attitudes and arguments aimed at deconstructing our faith. Called Into Questions is written to aid us in faithfully questioning our foundations. Professor Matthew Lee Anderson shows us, and the ones we love, how to grapple with doubt in a redemptive way–in a way that brings us closer and leaves us more secure in Jesus Christ.

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  • Just Show Up


    If someone puts one more thing on my shoulders, I might collapse.

    Bestselling self-help book titles tell you that you’re brilliant, awesome, powerful–usually with an expletive thrown in, just to pound home the point. Do these affirmations feel accurate? Instead of blasting through projects and conquering the world, most of us feel like we’re crawling uphill.

    But Christians are still called to live a life that glorifies God and blesses others. How do we do that when we’re stretched to capacity? Just Show Up answers that question with a liberating message: God doesn’t expect you to do everything. And He certainly doesn’t expect you to do it all overnight. Simply showing up is often the most important thing.

    This book looks at present-day examples and also stories from Scripture of imperfect people used by God. Moses, by his own admission, wasn’t very eloquent, but he showed up and God used him to liberate and lead His people. We name churches and children after the disciples. But originally, they were just a bunch of uneducated nobodies with one thing in common: when Jesus said, “Follow me,” they showed up.

    With humor and candor, Dyck reflects on his own faltering progress while recounting inspiring stories of how God rewards the persistent presence of ordinary people. Just Show Up challenges readers to show up for God, family, community, and themselves.

    We tend to think it’s the big, bold moments that matter. In reality, it’s the steady accumulation of small acts of obedience to God that add up to a life of meaning and impact. -Dyck

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  • Called To Cultivate


    Grasping the dignity and significance of women and work.

    Women are an integral part in God’s call to work–to create and advance God’s kingdom. But work looks different for each one of us. Whether in the home, with children, or in a professional environment–or some combination of all of these–women are cultivating a world of beauty, truth, and hope. But it’s not easy. We have doubts and dreams … questions and concerns. Chelsea Patterson Sobolik provides a robust theological foundation as she engages with our most pressing questions:

    *How do I glorify the Lord with my work?
    *How do I balance work and life?
    *Is it wrong for me to pursue my career ambitions?
    *What does it mean to be a Christian in the workplace?
    *How do I respectfully stand up for myself at work?
    *How do I discern my calling?

    Work, whether it’s professional or in other avenues of society, is an act of cultivation that involves developing something or someone to be better. Even if you don’t receive a paycheck, you’re still working. Caring for children and homes, volunteering in our communities, leading a Bible study, or caring for aging parents is God-given work.

    Chelsea faithfully engages with our questions and provides practical rhythms that women can incorporate into their lives to flourish in their work.

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  • 5 Minute Prayer Plan For When Life Is Overwhelming


    5 minutes to a dynamic, focused, powerful time of prayer!

    Many Christians yearn for a dynamic prayer life, but we often get stuck in a repetitive routine of prayer, praying for the same things, people, and situations-sometimes even with the same words.

    This practical and inspirational guide will give you new ways to pray when life feels overwhelming with 90 focused 5-minute prayer plans for your daily quiet time. These prayer plans explore a variety of life themes such as health, finances, relationships, parenthood, and job stress. Each entry includes:

    Minute 1: A scripture to meditate on
    Minutes 2-3: Specific prayer points and questions to consider as you enter a time of prayer
    Minutes 4-5: A jump-starter prayer to springboard you into a time of conversation with God

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  • Jesus With Us Meeting Him Where He Began


    What would it have looked like and felt like to walk daily with Jesus during His time on earth, sharing in what He experienced and taught? And how does His life have significance for our own lives today? We can answer these questions by following in His footsteps–each step of the way.

    In any journey, the destination is important, but just as significant is the life we experience as we travel that path. Jesus’ journey was similar. Who He traveled with, where He went, and what He experienced along the way were all important to Him. He’s still on His journey, and He has invited you to join Him on it.

    This new devotional series, Life Along the Way, takes you through the life of Jesus by way of all four Gospels and the first chapter of Acts. In four 90-day devotionals, you can travel with Jesus for a full year if you wish–from His birth, to His ministry and miracles, to His relationships with the people around Him, to His death, resurrection, and ascension. The four devotionals in the journey, which you can read either sequentially or in any order, are:

    1. Jesus With Us: Meeting Him Where He Began
    2. Jesus Among Us: Walking with Him in His Ministry and Miracles
    3. Jesus Through Us: Following His Example in Love and Service
    4. Jesus in Us: Living Wholeheartedly the Life He Intends

    In this devotional, Jesus with Us, you will stop at important early places along Jesus’s path, including His birth, the fulfillment of the promises of His coming, the plot to kill the Christ Child, Jesus’s youth, the beginning of His ministry, the calling of His first followers, and His famous Sermon on the Mount.

    This devotional is designed so that…

    *Each day’s Scripture will be life-transforming
    *Each day’s “Life Lessons from Jesus” will be dynamic and relevant
    *Each day’s questions will be reflective and self-exploring, leading to spiritual growth
    *Each day’s prayer will be authentic and relational

    The beginning of Jesus’s story is powerful, but it can also be very personal. As you journey each day with the Savior, you will learn to l ove Jesus and l ove l ike Jesus.
    Where are you on your walk with Jesus?

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  • Parenting Gen Z


    Why is parenting Gen Z so challenging?

    When it comes to raising kids in the Christian faith, common challenges like lack of biblical knowledge, uncertainty and doubt, and the breakdown of discipleship in the home make it difficult for parents to raise spiritually healthy kids. Nowhere is this more apparent than with Gen Z, the most non-Christian generation in American history. How can parents instill a love for God in their children and help them avoid the pitfalls unique to their generation?

    Parenting Gen Z is a must-read for everyday parents looking for ways to parent their sons and daughters effectively. In this motivational guidebook, Jason Jimenez tackles today’s parenting challenges in a fun and empowering way. This book includes easy-to-follow steps designed to improve your parenting skills and relationships with your kids! It covers:

    *understanding and relating to Gen Z
    *setting and monitoring device and gaming limits
    *expert advice on how to talk about faith, sex, porn, LGBTQI issues, abortion, and depression
    *tips for fruitful discipleship
    *applying authority and discipline kids will respect

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  • Loving Disagreement : Fighting For Community Through The Fruit Of The Spiri


    What does it look like to love someone you disagree with?

    Fighting, disagreements, hatred, dissension, and silence. These things seem common in the wider Christian community today. Politics, theology, and even personal preference create seemingly insurmountable rifts. It’s hard not to see ourselves as “at war” with each other.

    We’re not doomed to be stuck here, though. There is a twofold path out of this destructive war, out of seeing our brothers and sisters as enemies–and into a spacious place of loving each other even as we disagree.

    In Loving Disagreement, Kathy Khang and Matt Mikalatos bring unique insight into how the fruit of the Spirit informs our ability to engage in profound difference and conflict with love. As followers of Jesus are planted in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit grows and bears good things in our lives–and relationships and communities are changed.

    *Each chapter features author conversations about the communal and cultural implications of the fruit of the Spirit.

    *Book includes a glossary of social and cultural terms.

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  • Triumphant In Tough Times


    Each New Day, Celebrate Your Identity and Freedom in Christ

    Bestselling author Neil Anderson has long been a tremendous source of wisdom and encouragement when it comes to dealing with the battles we face in life. In Triumphant in Tough Times, the best of his devotional writings have been brought together in one convenient collection.

    Every day brings fresh challenges and responsibilities. With these personal devotions, stay rooted in the Word and strengthen your faith with thoughtful meditations that will help you:

    *understand and celebrate what Christ has done for you and the resources He has given you for spiritual victory

    *see your everyday struggles through the lens of His power working in you

    *grow more in Christlikeness and spiritual maturity

    Meet Christ anew and encounter His endless grace in surprising and transformative ways. This book is your invitation to abide in Him daily and experience His faithfulness!

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  • Power Of A Praying Wife Devotional


    Spiritual Help for Your Husband, Your Marriage, and Yourself

    In these 100 topical devotionals, bestselling author Stormie Omartian shares how she has witnessed God do even more amazing things in her marriage since first writing The Power of a Praying Wife (more than 10 million copies sold).

    For women in all seasons of faith and life, these helpful insights, perfect Scriptures, and powerful prayers will help you welcome God’s guidance into your marriage. These devotions will strengthen you as you pray for:

    *your husband, as you ask God to provide him with wisdom, direction, and encouragement
    *yourself, as your strong prayer life gives you a richer experience of God’s love and restoration

    *your marriage, as you welcome God’s leading in your heart so you can live out His will, patience, love, and peace in every circumstance

    The Power of a Praying Wife Devotional nourishes your soul with biblical truth and Stormie’s gentle mentorship on becoming a wife who is always pleasing to God. As these devotions help you commit to consistent prayer, you’ll experience incredible transformations in your marriage that only God can accomplish.

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  • KJV Devotional In The Morning And In The Evening


    Readers seeking spiritual insight to begin and end their days will treasure this twice-daily devotional featuring Scripture verses from the King James Version of the Bible.

    The King James Version of the Bible is one of the most venerable and popular translations in history, loved for its unrivaled eloquence and literary richness.

    This collection of beautifully worded verses, coupled with short spiritual applications, makes a welcome addition to readers’ morning and evening quiet times with the Lord. Each day’s paired devotions share biblical wisdom about a different topic, including finding joy, achieving victory, and experiencing God’s goodness.

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  • Sacred Seasons : A Family Guide To Center Your Year Around Jesus


    Make Jesus the Center of Your Family’s Year

    The time-honored traditions of the liturgical calendar guide Christians through a year-long meditation on the life of Christ. Beyond just Christmas and Easter, each season of the church year offers special opportunities to remember and celebrate the work of God.

    In Sacred Seasons, Danielle Hitchen helps you incorporate the rhythms and rituals of this ancient Christian discipline into your everyday family life. Part theology, part church history, and part practical spirituality, Sacred Seasons provides an easy-to-use guide to observing the liturgical year complete with fun activities, delicious recipes, and meaningful liturgies.

    Grow your family’s faith in tangible ways as you experience the meaning and joy of each sacred season together.

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  • 1 Day Nearer


    365 Days of Keeping Watch and Finding Hope

    The absolute certainty of Christ’s return is proclaimed all through the Bible. God has given us many prophecies about this wonderful event to fill us with hope. In a world that is descending deeper into evil and darkness, Bible prophecy is God’s way of assuring us that, ultimately, goodness and righteousness will prevail.

    One Day Nearer is an invitation to let the great truths and promises found in Bible prophecy encourage you. As you read the 365 daily devotions within, you will:

    *see God’s love, power, and wisdom on display in all that He has done and will do at Christ’s first and second comings

    *learn what it means to live wisely in these last days and set your mind on things that are above

    *discover the many ways God is committed to sustaining you today and will bless you in the future

    The more we take God’s prophetic promises to heart, the more we will live each day with an eternal perspective–one that enables us to persevere through life’s challenges, live in anticipation of Christ’s return, and rejoice in the wonders of heaven and eternity.

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  • Speak The Unspeakable


    Everyone has secrets. Elizabeth Good’s seem shocking – at first – until the room begins to shift, hands raise, tears well, and hurting hearts respond, “I thought I was the only one.”

    Brave enough to lay her own story on the table, Elizabeth Good noticed, as the scales of shame and fear began to fall from her eyes, the same was happening to others in domino effect of healing. Thousands who have lived paralyzed by secrets are learning to speak up and live free through Good’s Real Talk curriculum, and the move of God is not so quietly transforming churches, business, families, and communities.

    Now readers can engage with the same tools, giving them permission (often for the first time in their lives) to Speak the Unspeakable and change the trajectory of their life, discovering their purpose for impacting others, and becoming the ultimate key to unlock a Spirit of silence and brokenness threatening to tear the contemporary church apart.

    Speak the Unspeakable is an invitation to transformation and a handbook for getting the job done. The world of silence in which we’ve been living, is starting to shift culturally as Good leads others (individuals and groups from kids to CEOs) through her unconventional approach to emotional healing and next-level living.

    Using the language and lessons gained from her decades as a pastor, licensed psychologist, and not-for-profit activist working with sex trafficking victims, Good is uniquely equipped to guide and support readers on their journey as they “trade unspoken problems for unspeakable results.”

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  • Preparing For Marriage (Revised)


    Created by FamilyLife, one of America’s leading marriage and family ministries, Preparing for Marriage is a dynamic, comprehensive program designed to help you prepare for life together after the cake is cut and the guests head home. That is when the real adventure begins–the adventure of creating an intimate, lasting, and biblical marriage!

    This third edition is again restructured and refreshed for today’s young couples, while still offering the solid, dependable information it has since first published.

    Centered around five essential conversations about God, finances, sex, and more, inside you’ll find a fun, romantic study that will help you target areas for growth in your relationship. You can work through Preparing for Marriage as a couple or with a mentoring couple, pastor, or premarital counselor.

    Don’t just plan your wedding . . . prepare for your marriage!

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  • Hearts Of Fire 2

    Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $14.39.

    Shortly after Tamara and her husband moved to the city of Isfara, Tajikistan, a delegation of Muslim women paid her a visit. After welcoming the women into her home, Tamara realized their visit was not a friendly one. The women knew she and her husband were sharing the gospel and declared the two needed to leave the city. Christians–especially those who would share their faith with Muslims–were not welcome. While Tamara heard their message, she did not fully understand the danger she and her husband were in. Tamara is one of twelve courageous women you will meet in this follow-up to Hearts of Fire. From the Colombian evangelist on the run for witnessing to guerrilla fighters, to the American woman who publicly forgave the Islamic extremists who gunned down her husband on the streets of Benghazi, Libya, these women’s lives were turned upside down when they obeyed the words of Christ. However, each embraced the hope found only in the unshakeable eternal kingdom of Jesus Christ our Lord. In addition to these twelve stories, you will also read the testimonies of eleven women who share how God strengthened them and provided for them when their earthly kingdom was shaken as they served Him. For more than 50 years, The Voice of the Martyrs has shared the stories of courageous Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places to follow Christ. This new volume brings you true stories of courageous women, heroes of the faith, who represent countless others facing similar trials today. These role models of faith and obedience will inspire you to pursue Christ with heart aflame, no matter the cost!

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  • Hopeful Lament : Tending Our Grief Through Spiritual Practices


    We need to rediscover lament to heal and hope again.

    We’ve lost the practice of lament. Most people don’t know how to process personal or communal mourning and instead struggle to honor their tears, vulnerability, and the full weight of these disillusioning times. But tending our grief might be exactly what we need to reimagine a way forward.

    Tracing her difficult experiences of a catastrophic home fire, a threat to her child’s well-being, and other devastating losses and upheavals, Terra McDaniel offers a clear framework for expressing heartache and burdens. McDaniel says, “Lament is surprisingly hopeful. As strange as that may sound now, I promise it’s true. It’s an act of trust both that we can face pain and survive, and that God cares about our anger, confusion, doubt, grief, and fear. Lament refuses to bury pain or, just as dangerous, to give in to despair.”

    Hopeful Lament makes space for the powerful act of crying out before a loving God and offers provoking reflection questions, embodied practices, and applications for families with children. Learn how to journey gently through suffering.

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  • Know Your Bible Devotions For Teen Girls


    You want your life to matter–
    take the first step by knowing God through His Word.

    You want your life to matter, and Know Your Bible Devotions for Teen Girls encourages you to pursue greatness–by knowing and obeying God’s Word. This entertaining and encouraging devotional addresses 101 topics vital to a life of Christian integrity, such as:

    *knowing God
    *following Jesus
    *and much more

    Written especially for 13-18-year-olds, these devotions offer needed guidance for living in a fresh and fun package. And each entry ends with references for further study, plus thought-provoking questions to help you interpret scripture for yourself.

    You want your life to matter–take the first step by knowing God through His Word. Know
    Your Bible Devotions for Teen Girls will help!

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  • Keep Looking Up


    You Weren’t Created to Tread Water–You Were Created to WALK on It

    When storms hit and the mess of life comes crashing down, it is easier to sink into the undertow than fight to stay above water. When you focus on the waves, you miss the hand reaching down to help you.

    With warmth and wisdom, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Jentezen Franklin reminds you that no storm is so fierce it can’t be calmed and no obstacle is too big it can’t be moved. In these forty inspiring and compelling devotionals, he not only creates daily opportunities for you to overcome what holds you back but also empowers you to:

    * trust God no matter your circumstances or storms
    * conquer the four common tactics the enemy uses to pull you under
    * implement the five biblical keys to overcoming any difficulty in life
    * live the life God always intended you to live

    Don’t ignore the lifeline God’s throwing you. It’s time to look up, reach out and get free from whatever is overwhelming you.

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  • Know Your Bible Devotions For Teen Guys


    You want your life to matter–
    take the first step by knowing God through His Word.

    You want your life to matter, and Know Your Bible Devotions for Teen Guys encourages you to pursue greatness–by knowing and obeying God’s Word. This entertaining and encouraging devotional addresses 101 topics vital to a life of Christian integrity, such as:

    *knowing God
    *following Jesus
    *and much more

    Written especially for 13-18-year-olds, these devotions offer needed guidance for living in a fresh and fun package. And each entry ends with references for further study, plus thought-provoking questions to help you interpret scripture for yourself.

    You want your life to matter–take the first step by knowing God through His Word. Know
    Your Bible Devotions for Teen Guys will help!

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  • Warrior Bride : Conquering The Five Demonic Spirits That War Against God’s


    These Five Insidious Spirits Have Marked You for Destruction

    Does it feel as if the host of hell is aimed at preventing you from advancing, from stepping into God’s destiny for your life?

    They are–and their attacks are planned, plotted, and targeted by five insidious spirits hell-bent on destroying the body of Christ: Leviathan, Jezebel, Religious Spirit, Depression, and Vanity. Deployed to war against the five-fold ministry offices–apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists–these demonic agents coordinate their attacks not just against leaders, but also against every believer who occupies these functions in any sphere of influence.

    With passion and piercing insights, international prophet and bestselling author Jeremiah Johnson exposes these demonic forces and their tactics, empowering you with courage to prevail against any attack by operating as Jesus’ end-time church-the Warrior Bride.

    This landmark book will equip you to become spiritually armed and dangerous, giving you the tools, strategies, and weapons to:

    *Identify which evil spirit specifically wars against your unique operation in the body of Christ
    *Discern the enemy’s influence and ancient strategies at work in your life
    *Overthrow every demonic attack against you
    *Advance into your divine destiny

    Now it’s your turn to live on the offense, crushing the enemy’s assaults every time they come against you!

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  • 5 Lies Of Our Anti Christian Age


    In a prevailing culture of rapidly changing beliefs, God’s Word provides answers. Dr. Butterfield writes in memoir style, using personal stories, cultural studies, literary criticism, and theology to expose the five lies our modern society promotes concerning sexuality, spirituality, feminism, transgenderism, and modesty. Apply Scripture’s timeless truths to crucial dilemmas facing today’s church. 320 pages, hardcover from Crossway.

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  • Anointing Of Preservation


    Live shielded from Hell’s interruptions.

    Is it possible to live in a dimension of God’s divine protection where you are safeguarded from the attacks of the enemy? Jesus said that in the world we would have tribulation, but with that statement came a radical promise: He had overcome the world. This same anointing of divine preservation lives inside of you!

    What is preservation? Divine protection — a dimension where God is watching over you so no scheme or strategy of the enemy can prevail against you. Prophet and pastor Hank Kunneman teaches you how to activate God’s divine protection so you are shielded from the dark strategies of the enemy.

    Get ready to:

    *Understand how the spirit realm operates in a greater dimension.
    *Cooperate with God’s supernatural activity in your life.
    *Spiritually shield your life, your family, your home, and your nation from the plots of satan.
    *Discern how the anointing of preservation significantly impacts the natural realm in spectacular ways, confirming God’s hand is at work.

    The truths in this book will show you how to partner with the spirit realm to gain protection from evil so you can bring God’s Kingdom to Earth!

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  • 3 Minute Devotions To Bless Your Heart


    Make the Next 3 Minutes the Best 3 Minutes!

    You’ll find the spiritual pick-me-up you desire in 3-Minute Devotions to Bless Your Heart.

    This delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration into just-right-sized readings for your busy schedule.

    Minute 1: scripture to meditate on
    Minute 2: a short devotional reading
    Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God

    Take time to pause, reflect, rejuvenate by reading scripture, encouraging words, and a prayer starter to begin a dialogue with God. No matter what your day brings, the blessings offered in this fantastic little book is exactly what you need in your faith walk.

    This portable package makes a fabulous any-occasion gift for every woman.

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