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Showing 12251–12300 of 13689 results

  • Only Believe : Experience Gods Miracles Every Day


    God confirmed Smith Wigglesworth’s ministry through powerful signs and wonders, including the creative formation of missing limbs and the disappearance of cancerous growths. His words continue to provide spiritual, financial, emotional, and physical healing as they inspire and build faith.

    Answering God’s call, Smith Wigglesworth took God at His Word with dramatic results. Sight was restored to the blind, hearing to the deaf, health to the diseased, and mental wholeness to the insane. Even several who were dead were brought back to life.

    Do you want to be used by God to do the miraculous? Like Wigglesworth, you will find that you will receive power to:
    *Defeat fear, depression, and temptation.
    *Receive the Master’s healing touch.
    *Take authority over Satan.
    *Be an effective soulwinner.
    *Lay hold of impossibility and make it reality.

    As you explore these truths, you will connect with God’s glorious power, cast out doubt, build up your faith, and see impossibilities turn into realities. Your prayer life will be transformed as you experience the joy of seeing powerful results in your life and when you minister to others.

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  • Love Carried the Cross


    SKU (UPC): 614187455234Made popular by: Endless HighwayMedia: CDReleased: October 2005DayWind Music Group Tracks

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  • Turn Your Back


    SKU (UPC): 614187455432Made popular by: Justified QuartetMedia: CDReleased: October 2005DayWind Music Group Tracks

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  • On My Father’s Side


    SKU (UPC): 614187455333Made popular by: Tim MenziesMedia: CDReleased: October 2005DayWind Music Group Tracks

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  • A Hundred Different Altars


    SKU (UPC): 614187455135Made popular by: SteelesMedia: CDReleased: October 2005DayWind Music Group Tracks

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  • One Name


    SKU (UPC): 614187455036Made popular by: Jeff Easter | Sheri Easter | The SoundMedia: CDReleased: October 2005DayWind Music Group Tracks

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  • Divine Revelation Of Spiritual Warfare


    We face a powerful enemy in Satan—discover the divine protection available to you through Christ! Learn what spiritual warfare is (and is not); and be equipped to use spiritual weapons, reclaim what Satan has stolen, break generational curses, conquer entrenched sin, release others from bondage, and more! 207 pages, softcover from Whitaker.

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  • 1 Year Book Of Hope


    This book is for anyone who has been hurt in life and would benefit from a hope-filled daily companion. Critically acclaimed author Nancy Guthrie offers insightful daily reflections based on the Word of God to comfort, encourage, and uplift those who are feeling the aches of life–whether it’s because of everyday disappointments or deep losses. Through a year’s worth of thoughtful entries, the reader will learn how much God longs to lift us up, carry us through in times of difficulty and uncertainty, and give us true, lasting joy. Each daily step draws you closer to a God who truly cares and the hopeful life he wants you to enjoy. In short: Daily Scripture readings. Daily reflections for those who are experiencing any pain, disappointment, or grief. Daily opportunity to “dig deeper” into God’s Word. Weekly questions for reflection, opportunities for further meditation, and directed prayer.

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  • Revelacion Divina De Guerra Es – (Spanish)


    Venciendo la guerra espiritual…

    !USTED es el vencedor!

    La autora de libros de mayor venta, Mary K. Baxter, nos informa por experiencia personal de la oposicion que enfrentamos de los poderosos enemigos espirituales invisibles. En Una Revelacion Divina de la Guerra Espiritual, usted aprendera como recibir la proteccion divina y usar las armas espirituales que son legitimamente suyas. Luego, usted podra:
    ” Retomar lo que Satanas se ha robado.
    ” Liberarse de las maldiciones generacionales.
    ” Conocer lo que es y lo que no es la guerra espiritual.
    ” Triunfar sobre los pecados y habitos que esten arraigados.
    ” Recibir sanidad.
    ” Libertar a otros de la atadura espiritual.

    El enemigo busca conquistar y destruir su espiritu, alma y cuerpo; sin embargo el diablo tiene mucho menos poder del que Dios ha dispuesto para nosotros. !Una Revelacion Divina de la Guerra Espiritual le prepara para enfrentarse a las batallas espirituales-Y GANAR!

    Best-selling author Mary K. Baxter has learned the secrets of applying Christ’s victory and defeating both sin and Satan. In Spiritual Warfare, you’ll learn how to receive divine protection and use the spiritual weapons that are rightfully yours as a child of God.
    The enemy seeks to conquer and destroy your spirit, soul, and body! Yet the devil has far less power than God has given to us. Spiritual Warfare reveals the enemy’s strategies and equips you to engage in spiritual battles-and win. Find out how you can participate in Christ’s victory over the enemy right now and live a victorious life!

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  • Visions Beyond The Veil


    Beggars…Outcasts…Homeless… Such were the forgotten, uneducated children in China where the Spirit of God fell upon their humble orphanage, the Adullam Home. The boys spent days in powerful meetings, praying and praising God. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, they prophesied, saw visions, and discovered:

    * Angels…how they operate and protect us
    * Unbelievers…and their fate
    * Heavenly Occupations…what our jobs will be
    * Paradise…revealed through the eyes of children
    * The Throne of God…experiencing true worship
    * Death…what happens when we die
    * Demons…and their evil works

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  • Believe


    SKU (UPC): 715187892729Artist: Natalie GrantMedia: CDReleased: October 2005Word Entertainment Songs

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  • Lord Of The Beans (DVD)


    It’s a tale of good versus evil….with beans! Lord of the Beans follows the fantastic journey of a Flobbit named Toto Baggypants (Junior Asparagus) who inherits a most unusual and powerful bean. With the help of his mentor Randalf and a spirited group of friends, Toto embarks on a mission to discover how he should use his gift. On their quest, the group encounters many challenges, including crossing the mountains of Much-Snowia, and facing the dreaded Lord Scaryman who seeks the bean for misguided, selfish reasons. Will Toto discover the purpose of his gift, or will the scary dude and his Spork army capture the bean and wield its awesome powers?

    Features the new song “It’s About Love” performed by Wynonna Judd.

    Lesson: Using your gifts
    Key Verses: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God created in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10
    Silly Song: My Baby Elf
    Run Time: 52 min

    Bonus Features:
    Behind the Scenes
    Wynonna Judd Music Video
    Interview with Wynonna
    Trivia Game
    Sing Along with Larry
    Lord of the Beans Game
    Toto’s Family Activity
    The Other Elf’s Secret Cookie Recipe
    How to Draw Toto and Leg-O-Lamb
    Creating Lord of the Beans
    Veggie Commentary
    Hidden “Easter Eggs”
    English and Spanish Subtitles
    Closed Captioned

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  • Guerra Espiritual – (Spanish)


    “Porque las armas de nuestra milicia no son carnales, sino poderosas en Dios para la destruccion de fortalezas”.
    -2da Corintios 10:4

    En su poderosa investigacion sobre la guerra espiritual, Richard Ing discute acerca de los gobernadores y jerarquias del reino demoniaco. El revela que los espiritus de Jezabel y Acab son una plaga de la iglesia en la actualidad, destruyendo incluso los ministerios mas eficaces por medio de mujeres controladoras y hombres pasivos.

    Descubra como vencer las insidiosas tacticas de Satanas al aprender las tecnicas y estrategias disponibles en su propio arsenal completo, incluyendo:

    ?El uso apropiado de atar y desatar.
    ?La anatomia de una liberacion.
    ?Los derechos legales de Satanas.
    ?Los juegos de guerra espiritual.
    ?Exitosas estrategias espirituales.

    !La guerra espiritual victoriosa es suya a medida que el Espiritu Santo le da autoridad a usted!

    Richard Ing discusses the rulers and hierarchies of the demonic kingdom and shows you all of the techniques available to you in your full arsenal of weapons. Victorious spiritual warfare is possible as the Holy Spirit empowers individuals in the body of Christ, including you!

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  • Public Education Against America


    While America wasn’t looking, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic was largely replaced by Moral Relativism and Secular Humanism in our kindergartens, grade schools, and universities.

    This manipulation of the values and beliefs of our young generation is not an accident nor is it due to incompetence. It is a deliberate assault on the spiritual and moral compass of America’s children.
    This book exposes:
    *How the radical academic left has outlawed student expressions of patriotism and faith-but only in the case of Christianity.
    *How “political correctness” has replaced freedom of speech on American campuses.
    *How schools utilize techniques to “reprogram” children as early as kindergarten!
    *The lies being taught to children under the guise of “Sex Education.”
    *How schools willfully manipulate the religious and moral beliefs of children-without the knowledge or consent of their parents in order to create a new society based on “secular humanism.”
    *Why you should seriously consider removing your children from the public school system.

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  • Marriage Covenant


    Is your marriage less than what you envisioned? Are you suffering in a bad marriage, but don’t want to be the next divorce statistic?
    If you find yourselves divided as a couple while you focus on who is at fault rather than what can be done – here is the answer!
    In Marriage Covenant, Derek Prince unravels the principle of covenant and how we can build “a cord of three strands” that cannot be broken.
    By following God’s plan for marriage, you will build a relationship that faces difficulties, overcomes them, and emerges stronger than ever.
    Discover a cherished love the most people only dream about.

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  • Names Of God


    God’s names reveal His favor and immeasurable love for you. He is your Healer, Provider, Peacemaker, Conqueror, and much more. By knowing how God expresses His love for you through His names, you can:
    *deepen your fellowship with Him
    *discover your purpose in life
    *find security and peace in His presence
    *receive healing for your body
    *defeat Satan’s influence in your life

    By understanding the nature of God, you’ll reap the blessings of His many promises, live out the great plan He has for your life, and have your deepest needs met.

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  • Once Upon A Dream


    Wynne Taylor…a woman with a love for chocolate. The day she opened her own store, Chocolate Blessings, Wynne created her dream job, which, of course, also allowed her to indulge in her sweet passion for chocolate on a daily basis.

    Until recently, Wynne has tried to keep thoughts of finding love on the backburner. While she may not verbally talk of her desire for a home filled with love and the little patter of feet, she dreams about it every night. In her dreams, Wynne is dancing in the arms of a very strong, handsome man–THE man. Always in that same black tux, she can smell his cologne, the smell that haunts her as just being out of her reach. Even though she never looks into his face, she knows it’s always the same man. She knows him deep in her heart. Her desire is to make this dream a reality, but to do so, she must not only face her past, but with God’s help, she must also deal with her heart issues. When ex-fiance Jude unexpectedly shows up in town and announces that he’s planning on getting married, somehow Wynne finds herself knee-deep in planning his engagement party, while her closest friends worry about how she’s really doing.

    Is Wynne still in love with Jude? Will her dreams finally become reality? Can her slogan, “With God and chocolate, all things are possible,” really help her face her inner desires or will she just continue to live in her own little dream world?

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  • Women Of Faith (Student/Study Guide)


    Ask the average person about women from the Old Testament and they will probably imagine that these ancient documents have little to say. After all, doesn’t the Bible come from an age in which women were totally repressed? In fact, until recently, hasn’t the Bible itself been responsible for keeping women down?

    If these are opinions that you share or have come across, then this Good Book Guide will give you a totally different view of the Bible. It examines the lives and experiences of seven women from ancient Israel, highlighting their flaws and their faith, their struggles and solutions. Women who were wives, mothers and worshippers of God from a pagan prostitute to a prophetess waging war.

    Through the lives of these women we learn about God, ourselves, the great problem with this world, and what God is doing about it. This is not just a history course these stories could change your life!

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  • Southern Gospel Hits 3


    SKU (UPC): 614187967928Artist: VariousMedia: CDReleased: September 2005Karaoke Style #DayWind Music Group Songs

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  • Live For Today


    SKU (UPC): 614187984925Made popular by: Natalie GrantMedia: CDReleased: September 2005DayWind Music Group Tracks

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  • Country Christmas 2


    SKU (UPC): 614187968222Artist: VariousMedia: CDReleased: September 2005Karaoke Style #DayWind Music Group Songs

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  • Traditional Christmas 3


    SKU (UPC): 614187968123Artist: VariousMedia: CDReleased: September 2005Karaoke Style #DayWind Music Group Songs

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  • Armor Of God Pamphlet 5 Pack


    Unfolds To 33″ Long
    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

    Additional Info
    New! Armor of God Pamphlet
    Be ready for the spiritual battles in life! This pamphlet shows the whole armor of God: the sword of the spirit, helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, and more, each with a scripture reference. Help students learn how to stand firm in the faith using the principles of spiritual warfare as they face temptations and struggles. Pamphlet fits inside a Bible cover

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  • Kathyrn Kuhlman : A Spiritual Biography Of Gods Miracle Worker


    1. A Miracle Service
    2. The Legend Begins
    3. Defining Moments
    4. The Call Of God
    5. The Day Kathryn Kuhlman “Died”
    6. The First Miracle
    7. Her Best Friend
    8. The Glory Belongs To God

    Additional Info
    Join historian Roberts Liardon on a riveting journey through the life of Kathryn Kuhlman, one of the most fascinating women of the 20th century.
    In this study of a miraculous healing ministry that spanned a half a century, you will:
    *Read about the countless thousands who were healed in her presence-often without her ever laying a hand on them.
    *Learn all about her vitality and victory, her tragedies and triumphs, and how she used them all to draw her ever closer to Jesus.
    *Find out how she was able to allow the Holy Spirit to become her best Friend and greatest Teacher-and how you can, too.

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  • He Knows My Name


    SKU (UPC): 614187985724Made popular by: McRaesMedia: CDReleased: September 2005DayWind Music Group Tracks

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  • My Favorite Place


    SKU (UPC): 614187146224Artist: Greater VisionMedia: CDReleased: September 2005New Day Christian Distributors Songs

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  • Christmas With Brian Free and Assurance


    SKU (UPC): 614187145722Artists: Brian Free | AssuranceMedia: CDReleased: September 2005DayWind Music Group Songs

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  • Live A Night Of Stories And Songs (CD with DVD)


    SKU (UPC): 080688641023Artist: Mark SchultzMedia: CD with DVDReleased: September 2005Word Entertainment Songs

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  • This Is Gospel Too


    SKU (UPC): 014998414725Artist: VariousMedia: CDReleased: September 2005Provident Distribution Songs

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  • Yuletide Joy


    SKU (UPC): 000768365328Artist: Sandi PattyMedia: CDReleased: September 2005Provident Distribution Songs

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  • Christmas Sessions


    SKU (UPC): 000768365120Artist: MercyMeMedia: CDReleased: September 2005Provident Distribution Songs

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  • Following Jesus Pamphlet


    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
    Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

    Additional Info
    New! Following Jesus pamphlet – Basic Discipleship in 2 Hours
    This easy-to-understand guide is perfect to give to new believer, or to go through with them. Includes the basics of the Christian life, including: Prayer * Bible study * Quiet time * Assurance of salvation * Assurance of forgiveness * Who is God and can he be trusted * Why is Christianity the only way, and more. Get people on the right path so that they do not become discouraged and give up on their faith

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  • 50 Golden Hymns


    SKU (UPC): 614187004128Artist: VariousMedia: CDReleased: August 2005DayWind Music Group Songs

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  • Genuine Aventurine Madonna Center (Rosary)


    SKU (UPC): 714611181033ISBN: 5043207655 Colors: GreenManufacturer: Dicksons

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  • Quartz Bead Madonna Center (Rosary)


    SKU (UPC): 714611164463ISBN: 5043207507 Colors: PinkManufacturer: Dicksons

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  • Hematite Madonna Center (Rosary)


    SKU (UPC): 714611164456ISBN: 5043207493 Colors: BlackManufacturer: Dicksons

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  • Beads Emerald Romangna (Rosary)


    SKU (UPC): 714611089001ISBN: 5053208042Deluxe BoxColor: SilverManufacturer: Dicksons

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  • American By Birth License Plate


    SKU (UPC): 603799439497PlasticColor: Full ColorManufacturer: Dicksons

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  • Filigree Madonna Ave Maria Center (Rosary)


    SKU (UPC): 603799342568Silver PlatedColor: SilverManufacturer: Dicksons

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  • Thinline Bible


    The top-selling ESV Bible is ideal for use at home and on-the-go. At less than 1″ thick and available in multiple designs, there is a perfect ESV Thinline Bible for everyone.

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  • Thinline Bible


    The top-selling ESV Bible is ideal for use at home and on-the-go. At less than 1″ thick and available in multiple designs, there is a perfect ESV Thinline Bible for everyone.

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  • Platinum Toddler Collection (DVD)


    Welcome to the very special Platinum Toddler Collection from Cedarmont Kids! All the well-loved songs from the individual DVDs Toddler Tunes, Preschool Songs, and Silly Songs are all together in one collection. In this live action sing-along set, you’ll get 64 back-to-back music videos for kids, over 90 minutes, on 3 full-length DVDs. Recommended for ages 2 to 5.

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  • Greatest Hymns


    SKU (UPC): 715187889026Artist: SelahMedia: CDReleased: August 2005Word Entertainment Songs

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  • Right Place (DVD)


    SKU (UPC): 801193150998Artists: Rudolph McKissick | Word And Worship Mass ChoirMedia: Video DVDReleased: August 2005Provident Distribution Songs1. Thank You2. High And Lifted Up3. Precious Jesus4. Right Place5. Lift Your Voices6. Theres None Like You7. Highest Praise8. We Have Come To Lift Him Up9. Dont Stop Believing

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  • Remembering The Happy Goodmans


    SKU (UPC): 614187145920Artist: PerrysMedia: CDReleased: August 2005New Day Christian Distributors Songs

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  • New Testament Church And Its Ministries


    New Testament Church And It Ministries lays out God’s plan for the church’s construction and His concern for the active involvement of every member in their ministry and calling. Emphasizing the function of the members, each of the five-fold ministries is defined and developed in the context of its function in the Body of Christ..

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  • Release The Power Of Prayer

    Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $7.50.

    George Muller was the worst of sinners–a thief and a liar. But after turning to Christ, he provided for over 10,000 orphans–without ever asking anyone but God to supply his needs! He testified that he knew of at least 50,000 specific answers to his prayers. Here are his reports of a few of the most spectacular ones.

    From his amazing personal experiences, you will find the secret to receiving miraculous answers to your prayers.

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  • Mark 1-8 : The Coming King (Student/Study Guide)


    Ten studies for individuals or groups

    Jesus has always been endlessly fascinating to people, yet few know accurately the eye-witness record of Jesus found in the gospels. These ten Bible-studies in Marks gospel provide a great opportunity to find out the truth about Jesus, taking you on a journey of discovery through the first eight chapters, as the disciples learn who Jesus really is. Find out for yourself just how much Mark has packed into his brief account of Jesus!

    Youll learn, beyond doubt, that Jesus is King, but also find answers to many questions: Why does this promised king come in such a secret way? Why is He powerful, yet opposed? Why does He stop people talking about Him? Why do some recogniseize Him, but not others?

    Most of all however, with two very practical sections for personal application in every session, this course aims to help each of us live with Jesus as our king.

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  • Kindness Matters Ceramic


    Pretty gift mug in ceramic, contrast interior accent and special sentiment for her

    *14 ounce capacity
    *Kindness matters. Jacobean trim; black with white
    *Not for mw/dw/freezer; foil embellishment

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  • Grace LED


    Reads: Grace

    Unscented, wax-coated, flameless LED candle
    Built in 6-hour timer option with On/Off switch
    Warm, Realistic glow
    Features art from Amylee Weeks

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