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    Al Despertar – (Spanish)


    Por que te despiertas cada maana?

    Que descubres una vez que abres los ojos y pones los pies en el suelo? Una montaa de notificaciones? Un flujo interminable de titulares que te enojan? Una inundacion de tareas que no puedes posiblemente completar en las proximas veinticuatro horas?

    Que tal si pudieras despertar cada dia para descubrir algo mucho mas grande-y mucho mejor para ti-que todo ese caos? Que tal si pudieras descubrir a Dios? Que tal si pudieras descubrirte a ti mismo a la luz de ese Dios? Que tal si tus ojos pudieran abrirse a las cosas que realmente importan? Que tal si, con solo un devocional simple al dia, pudieras extraer principios de la sabiduria eterna para prepararte para los desafios inevitables de cada dia?

    En su voz lirica, convincente y conmovedora, la autora mas vendida y maestra de la Biblia, Jackie Hill Perry, ofrece sesenta reflexiones cortas y diarias sobre pasajes especificos de las Escrituras para ayudarte a despertar al Dios para el que fuiste hecho, a la vida para la que fuiste hecho, y a la persona que fuiste hecho para ser.

    What do you wake up to each day?

    What do you discover once your eyes have opened and you put your feet to the floor? A mountain of notifications? An endless feed of headlines that make you angry? A flood of tasks that you can’t possibly get done in the next twenty-four hours?

    What if you could wake up each day to discover something so much bigger-and so much better for you-than all that chaos? What if you could discover God? What if you could discover yourself in light of that God? What if your eyes could be opened to the things that really mattered? What if, in one simple devotional a day, you could glean principles from timeless wisdom to sharpen you for each day’s inevitable challenges?

    In her lyrical, compelling, and poignant voice, bestselling author and Bible teacher Jackie Hill Perry offers sixty short, daily reflections on specific passages from Scripture to help you awaken to the God you were made for, the life you were made for, and the person you were made to be.

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    SKU (ISBN): 9798384503545
    Language: Spanish
    Andrew Peterson
    Binding: Trade Paper
    Published: March 2025
    Publisher: B and H Publishing Group



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