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    Youth/Teen Bibles

    • 9781433598258 Student Study Bible

      Student Study Bible


      Winner of the 2012 ECPA Book of the Year Award

      The ESV Student Study Bible is adapted from the ESV Study Bible and is ideally suited for students who are serious about God’s Word-who want to learn more about what the Bible teaches and how the Bible applies to all of life.

      With 12,000 clear, concise study notes, the ESV Student Study Bible provides numerous features-including nearly 900 “Did You Know?” facts, 120 Bible character profiles, and topical articles. It also features a glossary of key terms, more than 80 maps and illustrations, an extensive concordance, and 80,000 cross-references. These and many other features make it the most comprehensive and content-rich student Bible available today.

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    • 9781496476968 Daily Living Study Bible For Youth

      Daily Living Study Bible For Youth


      El estudio de la Biblia !cobra vida!Esta Biblia visualmente llamativa alienta el aprendizaje profundo de las Escrituras, e invita al lector a buscar un conocimiento cada vez mA!s profundo de Dios y de su obra en el mundo. El atractivo interior a todo color tambiA(C)n ayuda a personas de todas las edades a leer la Biblia con facilidad y placer.La Biblia de estudio del diario vivir para jA”venes utiliza el texto claro y preciso de la Nueva TraducciA”n Viviente (NTV) y tambiA(C)n viene con la aplicaciA”n Filament Bible. Esta Biblia estA! perfecta para los que estA!n buscando una Biblia de estudio innovadora de la NTV.Las caracterA-sticas incluyen:Miles de notas de estudio, tanto impresas como digitalesUna guA-a de lectura que delinea la trama principal de la Biblia81 resAmenes de la vida de personas importantes en la Biblia136 imA!genes que ilustran lugares y objetos bA-blicosRespuestas a 59 preguntas esenciales acerca de la fe cristiana y lo que significa llevar una vida cristiana315 mapas, cuadros y diagramasLa aplicaciA”n Filament Bible con cientos de perfiles, artA-culos temA!ticos y devocionales, ademA!s de videos, infografA-as y mapas interactivos y miles de notas de estudio adicionalesEl texto claro y preciso de la Nueva TraducciA”n VivienteAmplifica tu estudio bA-blico con la aplicaciA”n Filament, y descubre un mundo de conocimiento e inspiraciA”n al alcance de tu mano !completamente gratis!La aplicaciA”n Filament Bible es tu puerta de entrada a una experiencia de estudio bA-blico mA!s profunda y enriquecedora. Cada pA!gina de tu Biblia conecta de manera fA!cil y conveniente a toda una colecciA”n de recursos relacionados, que incluyen:Alrededor de 25.000 notas de estudio, escritas por mA!s de 40 eruditos bA-blicos, que ofrecen una comprensiA”n mA!s profunda de las EscriturasMA!s de 100 videos que proveen informaciA”n clave sobre el trasfondo y el significado de la BibliaMA!s de 30 mapas e infografA-as que explican la geografA-a y el trasfondo cultural de la BibliaCientos de perfiles biogrA!ficos y artA-culos temA!ticos que revelan a las personas y las historias detrA!s de los versA-culos, enriqueciendo tu conexiA”n con el texto bA-blicoMA!s de mil artA-culos devocionales que proporcionan inspiraciA”n diaria y numerosas oportunidades para la reflexiA”n diariaLa Biblia en audio que hace posible un acercamiento fresco a la Palabra de Dios en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugarUna biblioteca de mAsica de adoraciA”n perfecta para escuchar durante tu es

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    • 9781496476951 Daily Living Study Bible For Youth

      Daily Living Study Bible For Youth


      El estudio de la Biblia !cobra vida!Esta Biblia visualmente llamativa alienta el aprendizaje profundo de las Escrituras, e invita al lector a buscar un conocimiento cada vez mA!s profundo de Dios y de su obra en el mundo. El atractivo interior a todo color tambiA(C)n ayuda a personas de todas las edades a leer la Biblia con facilidad y placer.La Biblia de estudio del diario vivir para jA”venes utiliza el texto claro y preciso de la Nueva TraducciA”n Viviente (NTV) y tambiA(C)n viene con la aplicaciA”n Filament Bible. Esta Biblia estA! perfecta para los que estA!n buscando una Biblia de estudio innovadora de la NTV.Las caracterA-sticas incluyen:Miles de notas de estudio, tanto impresas como digitalesUna guA-a de lectura que delinea la trama principal de la Biblia81 resAmenes de la vida de personas importantes en la Biblia136 imA!genes que ilustran lugares y objetos bA-blicosRespuestas a 59 preguntas esenciales acerca de la fe cristiana y lo que significa llevar una vida cristiana315 mapas, cuadros y diagramasLa aplicaciA”n Filament Bible con cientos de perfiles, artA-culos temA!ticos y devocionales, ademA!s de videos, infografA-as y mapas interactivos y miles de notas de estudio adicionalesEl texto claro y preciso de la Nueva TraducciA”n VivienteAmplifica tu estudio bA-blico con la aplicaciA”n Filament, y descubre un mundo de conocimiento e inspiraciA”n al alcance de tu mano !completamente gratis!La aplicaciA”n Filament Bible es tu puerta de entrada a una experiencia de estudio bA-blico mA!s profunda y enriquecedora. Cada pA!gina de tu Biblia conecta de manera fA!cil y conveniente a toda una colecciA”n de recursos relacionados, que incluyen:Alrededor de 25.000 notas de estudio, escritas por mA!s de 40 eruditos bA-blicos, que ofrecen una comprensiA”n mA!s profunda de las EscriturasMA!s de 100 videos que proveen informaciA”n clave sobre el trasfondo y el significado de la BibliaMA!s de 30 mapas e infografA-as que explican la geografA-a y el trasfondo cultural de la BibliaCientos de perfiles biogrA!ficos y artA-culos temA!ticos que revelan a las personas y las historias detrA!s de los versA-culos, enriqueciendo tu conexiA”n con el texto bA-blicoMA!s de mil artA-culos devocionales que proporcionan inspiraciA”n diaria y numerosas oportunidades para la reflexiA”n diariaLa Biblia en audio que hace posible un acercamiento fresco a la Palabra de Dios en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugarUna biblioteca de mAsica de adoraciA”n perfecta para escuchar durante tu es

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    • 9780829773286 Teen Study Bible Comfort Print

      Teen Study Bible Comfort Print


      La Reina-Valera 1960 Biblia de Estudio para Jóvenes, es el recurso de estudio con mayor éxito, ayudando a los adolescentes a aplicar la Palabra de Dios en los problemas que enfrentan cada día.La misma contiene herramientas de estudio que ayudarán a los adolescentes de hoy a aprender más acerca de Dios y la Biblia, y de cómo la Palabra de Dios se relaciona con sus vidas.Esta Biblia contribuirá a descubrir las verdades eternas de la Palabra de Dios y aplicarlas a las dificultades que afrontan los adolescentes cada día, ofreciéndoles consejos bíblicos para enfrentarse a todo, desde los amigos, la familia y la escuela, hasta los problemas como el acoso escolar y la depresión. Mientras los adolescentes navegan por una vida agitada y a veces estresante, esta Biblia de estudio los ayudará a profundizar y comprender su fe, al tiempo que les asegura que Dios siempre está con ellos y nunca se encuentran solos.CaracterísticasTexto completo de la fiel y confiada Reina-Valera 1960Palabras de Jesús en rojo”Creemos”, una sección emocionante que establece el fundamento de la fe cristiana al explicar el Credo de los Apóstoles”Panorámica”, una sección que ayuda a mantener en mente la imagen general del libro de la Biblia y recuerda el tema principal de cada uno de los librosÍndices temáticos que ayudan a profundizar en el estudio de la BibliaIntroducciones a los libros, que proporcionan una visión general de cada libro de la BibliaVersículos bíblicos importantes para memorizarPreguntas y respuestas, las cuales ponen a prueba los conocimientos bíblicosPerfiles de personajes de la BibliaMapas a todo colorConsejos bíblicos sobre los amigos, la familia, la escuela y otros temasTipografía exclusiva Comfort Print(R) de 9,5 puntosFull of study features to help today’s teen learn more about God, the Bible, and how God’s Word relates to their lives, the RVR60 Teen Study Bible will help them keep in step with all God has done, is doing, and will do in the world.Reina-Valera 1960, Teen Study Bible, LeathersoftTM, Blue, Comfort Print(R), Words of Jesus in RedTeens will discover the eternal truths of God’s Word and how to apply them to the issues they face every day as they read biblical advice about dealing with everything from friends, family, and school to problems such

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    • 9780829773279 Teen Study Bible Comfort Print

      Teen Study Bible Comfort Print


      La Reina-Valera 1960 Biblia de Estudio para Jóvenes, es el recurso de estudio con mayor éxito, ayudando a los adolescentes a aplicar la Palabra de Dios en los problemas que enfrentan cada día.La misma contiene herramientas de estudio que ayudarán a los adolescentes de hoy a aprender más acerca de Dios y la Biblia, y de cómo la Palabra de Dios se relaciona con sus vidas.Esta Biblia contribuirá a descubrir las verdades eternas de la Palabra de Dios y aplicarlas a las dificultades que afrontan los adolescentes cada día, ofreciéndoles consejos bíblicos para enfrentarse a todo, desde los amigos, la familia y la escuela, hasta los problemas como el acoso escolar y la depresión. Mientras los adolescentes navegan por una vida agitada y a veces estresante, esta Biblia de estudio los ayudará a profundizar y comprender su fe, al tiempo que les asegura que Dios siempre está con ellos y nunca se encuentran solos.CaracterísticasTexto completo de la fiel y confiada Reina-Valera 1960Palabras de Jesús en rojo”Creemos”, una sección emocionante que establece el fundamento de la fe cristiana al explicar el Credo de los Apóstoles”Panorámica”, una sección que ayuda a mantener en mente la imagen general del libro de la Biblia y recuerda el tema principal de cada uno de los librosÍndices temáticos que ayudan a profundizar en el estudio de la BibliaIntroducciones a los libros, que proporcionan una visión general de cada libro de la BibliaVersículos bíblicos importantes para memorizarPreguntas y respuestas, las cuales ponen a prueba los conocimientos bíblicosPerfiles de personajes de la BibliaMapas a todo colorConsejos bíblicos sobre los amigos, la familia, la escuela y otros temasTipografía exclusiva Comfort Print(R) de 9,5 puntosFull of study features to help today’s teen learn more about God, the Bible, and how God’s Word relates to their lives, the RVR60 Teen Study Bible will help them keep in step with all God has done, is doing, and will do in the world.Reina-Valera 1960, Teen Study Bible, LeathersoftTM, Rose Gold, Comfort Print(R), Words of Jesus in RedTeens will discover the eternal truths of God’s Word and how to apply them to the issues they face every day as they read biblical advice about dealing with everything from friends, family, and school to problems

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    • 9780829773262 Teen Study Bible Comfort Print

      Teen Study Bible Comfort Print


      La Reina-Valera 1960 Biblia de Estudio para Jóvenes, es el recurso de estudio con mayor éxito, ayudando a los adolescentes a aplicar la Palabra de Dios en los problemas que enfrentan cada día.La misma contiene herramientas de estudio que ayudarán a los adolescentes de hoy a aprender más acerca de Dios y la Biblia, y de cómo la Palabra de Dios se relaciona con sus vidas.Esta Biblia contribuirá a descubrir las verdades eternas de la Palabra de Dios y aplicarlas a las dificultades que afrontan los adolescentes cada día, ofreciéndoles consejos bíblicos para enfrentarse a todo, desde los amigos, la familia y la escuela, hasta los problemas como el acoso escolar y la depresión. Mientras los adolescentes navegan por una vida agitada y a veces estresante, esta Biblia de estudio los ayudará a profundizar y comprender su fe, al tiempo que les asegura que Dios siempre está con ellos y nunca se encuentran solos.CaracterísticasTexto completo de la fiel y confiada Reina-Valera 1960Palabras de Jesús en rojo”Creemos”, una sección emocionante que establece el fundamento de la fe cristiana al explicar el Credo de los Apóstoles”Panorámica”, una sección que ayuda a mantener en mente la imagen general del libro de la Biblia y recuerda el tema principal de cada uno de los librosÍndices temáticos que ayudan a profundizar en el estudio de la BibliaIntroducciones a los libros, que proporcionan una visión general de cada libro de la BibliaVersículos bíblicos importantes para memorizarPreguntas y respuestas, las cuales ponen a prueba los conocimientos bíblicosPerfiles de personajes de la BibliaMapas a todo colorConsejos bíblicos sobre los amigos, la familia, la escuela y otros temasTipografía exclusiva Comfort Print(R) de 9,5 puntosFull of study features to help today’s teen learn more about God, the Bible, and how God’s Word relates to their lives, the RVR60 Teen Study Bible will help them keep in step with all God has done, is doing, and will do in the world.Reina-Valera 1960, Teen Study Bible, Hardcover, Red, Comfort Print(R), Words of Jesus in RedTeens will discover the eternal truths of God’s Word and how to apply them to the issues they face every day as they read biblical advice about dealing with everything from friends, family, and school to problems such as bu

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    • 9780310464457 Journal The Word Bible For Teen Girls

      Journal The Word Bible For Teen Girls


      Deepen her relationship with God through contemplative prompts and space to journal her responses.With hundreds of journaling prompts and plenty of space for notes, art, and doodles, the NIV Journal the Word(R) Bible for Teen Girls provides a place for a teen girl to capture her thoughts while reading Scripture.Throughout the pages of this beautiful journaling Bible, she can journal her feelings, dreams, and hopes, as well as create art, color, and doodle. However she wishes to creatively express herself, she can engage with God’s heart and get to know the One who knows and loves her.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)Hundreds of thought-provoking questions for teen girls to reflect on and respond toLined, wide margins for notes and reflectionsThicker white paper for enduring note-takingTwo-color page designWords of Jesus in redRibbon markerCloth over board cover lies flat when openType size: 8

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    • Sale! 9781496483935 Student Bible Thinline Reference Filament Enabled Edition

      Student Bible Thinline Reference Filament Enabled Edition

      Original price was: $44.99.Current price is: $35.99.

      Reignite Bible reading in your teen or student.Ready for a Bible that fits your on-the-go lifestyle? The NLT Student Thinline Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition is your ultimate companion for life’s adventures. Packed with readable text, a sleek layout, and cross-references all in a slim, easy-to-carry size perfect for school, church, youth group, or wherever you roam. But hold on, there’s more! Brace yourself for a bold new design and the trusted, easy-to-read New Living Translation (NLT) the language you speak.Key features of this youth Bible include:Words of Jesus in red, making His teachings stand out.Thousands of cross-references for deeper understanding.Quality lay-flat, Smyth-sewn binding for durability.The Tyndale Verse Finder for easy navigation.A Visual Overview of the Bible bringing scripture to life.Comfortable 8.75-point font for smooth reading.A presentation page to make this Bible uniquely yours.Level Up Your Bible Study with the Epic Filament Bible App It’s Free! Unlock a world of knowledge on every page with this app from uplifting devotionals and thrilling videos to interactive maps and inspiring worship music. Plus, jam out to an awesome library of worship music that’ll fire up your spirit! With the Free Filament Bible App you’ll be instantly connected to:25,000+ study notes for deeper understanding.350+ videos to bring scripture to life.40+ maps and infographics for visual context.400+ profiles and articles for enriching insights.1,500+ devotionals for daily inspiration.Library of worship music to uplift your soul.Audio Bible to immerse yourself in God’s Word.The Filament Bible app transforms this beautiful Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand. And there is no additional cost for the Filament Bible app. No additional purchase. No additional size or weight.Of course, you can use this Bible without the app, but when you want to go further grab your phone or tablet and open the Filament Bible app and begin your immersive exploration. It’s so easy to use.This beautiful book is the perfect choice to give as a gift or to grow your faith and enhance your own experience of Scripture.

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    • Sale! 9781496483904 Student Bible Thinline Reference Filament Enabled Edition

      Student Bible Thinline Reference Filament Enabled Edition

      Original price was: $34.99.Current price is: $27.99.

      Reignite Bible reading in your teen or student.Ready for a Bible that fits your on-the-go lifestyle? The NLT Student Thinline Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition is your ultimate companion for life’s adventures. Packed with readable text, a sleek layout, and cross-references all in a slim, easy-to-carry size perfect for school, church, youth group, or wherever you roam. But hold on, there’s more! Brace yourself for a bold new design and the trusted, easy-to-read New Living Translation (NLT) the language you speak.Key features of this youth Bible include:Words of Jesus in red, making His teachings stand out.Thousands of cross-references for deeper understanding.Quality lay-flat, Smyth-sewn binding for durability.The Tyndale Verse Finder for easy navigation.A Visual Overview of the Bible bringing scripture to life.Comfortable 8.75-point font for smooth reading.A presentation page to make this Bible uniquely yours.Level Up Your Bible Study with the Epic Filament Bible App It’s Free! Unlock a world of knowledge on every page with this app from uplifting devotionals and thrilling videos to interactive maps and inspiring worship music. Plus, jam out to an awesome library of worship music that’ll fire up your spirit! With the Free Filament Bible App you’ll be instantly connected to:25,000+ study notes for deeper understanding.350+ videos to bring scripture to life.40+ maps and infographics for visual context.400+ profiles and articles for enriching insights.1,500+ devotionals for daily inspiration.Library of worship music to uplift your soul.Audio Bible to immerse yourself in God’s Word.The Filament Bible app transforms this beautiful Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand. And there is no additional cost for the Filament Bible app. No additional purchase. No additional size or weight.Of course, you can use this Bible without the app, but when you want to go further grab your phone or tablet and open the Filament Bible app and begin your immersive exploration. It’s so easy to use.This beautiful book is the perfect choice to give as a gift or to grow your faith and enhance your own experience of Scripture.

      in stock within 3-5 days of online purchase

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    • 9781496483898 Student Bible Thinline Reference Filament Enabled Edition

      Student Bible Thinline Reference Filament Enabled Edition


      Reignite Bible reading in your teen or student.Ready for a Bible that fits your on-the-go lifestyle? The NLT Student Thinline Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition is your ultimate companion for life’s adventures. Packed with readable text, a sleek layout, and cross-references all in a slim, easy-to-carry size perfect for school, church, youth group, or wherever you roam. But hold on, there’s more! Brace yourself for a bold new design and the trusted, easy-to-read New Living Translation (NLT) the language you speak.Key features of this youth Bible include:Words of Jesus in red, making His teachings stand out.Thousands of cross-references for deeper understanding.Quality lay-flat, Smyth-sewn binding for durability.The Tyndale Verse Finder for easy navigation.A Visual Overview of the Bible bringing scripture to life.Comfortable 8.75-point font for smooth reading.A presentation page to make this Bible uniquely yours.Level Up Your Bible Study with the Epic Filament Bible App It’s Free! Unlock a world of knowledge on every page with this app from uplifting devotionals and thrilling videos to interactive maps and inspiring worship music. Plus, jam out to an awesome library of worship music that’ll fire up your spirit! With the Free Filament Bible App you’ll be instantly connected to:25,000+ study notes for deeper understanding.350+ videos to bring scripture to life.40+ maps and infographics for visual context.400+ profiles and articles for enriching insights.1,500+ devotionals for daily inspiration.Library of worship music to uplift your soul.Audio Bible to immerse yourself in God’s Word.The Filament Bible app transforms this beautiful Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand. And there is no additional cost for the Filament Bible app. No additional purchase. No additional size or weight.Of course, you can use this Bible without the app, but when you want to go further grab your phone or tablet and open the Filament Bible app and begin your immersive exploration. It’s so easy to use.This beautiful book is the perfect choice to give as a gift or to grow your faith and enhance your own experience of Scripture.

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    • Sale! 9780310457497 Quest Study Bible For Teens Comfort Print

      Quest Study Bible For Teens Comfort Print

      Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $41.99.

      Helps teens answer the most common (and uncommon) questions they have about the BibleTeens will find answers to thousands of questions about the Bible in the NIV Quest Study Bible for Teens, including how God’s Word fits with their lives, their struggles, and their world. Over 7,000 question and answer notes clarify passages in the Bible. More than 360 articles explore 20 Big Ideas-topics that teens, youth leaders, and parents said were important to them. Profiles introduce readers to teens featured in the Bible and explain how the lessons in Scripture still apply to life today. Easy to follow reading plans and study helps give teens an easy way to dive into God’s Word. One of the best ways to learn is to ask questions as you study. This unique Bible, derived from the bestselling NIV Quest Study Bible, helps teens answer the questions they have about the stories found in Scripture, while also sharing important lessons about friends, family, school, and God.The only question-and-answer Bible for teens is now available in Zondervan’s exclusive NIV Comfort Print(R) typeface for easy reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New International Version (NIV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-English Bible translation.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)Over 7,000 notes arranged in a unique question-and-answer formatMore than 360 articles explore 20 Big Ideas that teens said they were interested inProfiles highlight teens from the BibleBook introductions give helpful information about each book and identify themes and eventsBiblical answers about friends, family, school, and GodReading plans and study helps that are fun and easy to followCharts and maps that bring the Bible to lifeSatin ribbon markerLeathersoft covers lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefacePrint Size: 8

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    • Sale! 9780310457480 Quest Study Bible For Teens Comfort Print

      Quest Study Bible For Teens Comfort Print

      Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $41.99.

      Helps teens answer the most common (and uncommon) questions they have about the BibleTeens will find answers to thousands of questions about the Bible in the NIV Quest Study Bible for Teens, including how God’s Word fits with their lives, their struggles, and their world. Over 7,000 question and answer notes clarify passages in the Bible. More than 360 articles explore 20 “Big Ideas”-topics that teens, youth leaders, and parents said were important to them. Profiles introduce readers to teens featured in the Bible and explain how the lessons in Scripture still apply to life today. Easy to follow reading plans and study helps give teens an easy way to dive into God’s Word. One of the best ways to learn is to ask questions as you study. This unique Bible, derived from the bestselling NIV Quest Study Bible, helps teens answer the questions they have about the stories found in Scripture, while also sharing important lessons about friends, family, school, and God.The only question-and-answer Bible for teens is now available in Zondervan’s exclusive NIV Comfort Print(R) typeface for easy reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New International Version (NIV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-English Bible translation.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)Over 7,000 notes arranged in a unique question-and-answer formatMore than 360 articles explore 20 Big Ideas that teens said they were interested inProfiles highlight teens from the BibleBook introductions give helpful information about each book and identify themes and eventsBiblical answers about friends, family, school, and GodReading plans and study helps that are fun and easy to followCharts and maps that bring the Bible to lifeSatin ribbon markerLeathersoft covers lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefacePrint Size: 8

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    • 9781424562411 Make A Difference Youth Bible

      Make A Difference Youth Bible


      God’s Word can transform the world-through your kids. The world may seem too big, too chaotic, and too confusing for today’s youth to make a difference, but God has called them to stand up in faith and join a legacy of difference makers. The Make a Difference Youth Bible is filled with life-changing reflections and get-out-of-the-chair activities to help the younger generations walk with Jesus, impact the world around them, and bring the good news of Jesus to people who need hope. They can uncover their radical, God-given purpose with this Bible’s dynamic features: Difference-maker reflections and action steps to encourage them to apply God’s Word to their livesStory arc callouts to reveal how God transforms ordinary people for his extraordinary purposeScripture-based questions and prayers to bring them closer to the living GodComplete text of the New Living Translation in an easy-to-read single-column formatWide margins with convenient space for journaling and note-takingGraphics, index, and more Your kids will see God in action as his redemptive plan unfolds throughout history and discover how they can take part in his world-changing mission. 

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    • 9781433593109 Teen Study Bible

      Teen Study Bible


      Robust Study Bible for Teens with 12,000 Study Notes, Devotionals from Jon Nielson, and More

      Our world today pushes an endless number of distractions and temptations, which is why having faithful and accessible biblical resources for teens is more important than ever.

      Edited by pastor Jon Nielson, the ESV Teen Study Bible features numerous study and resource materials – including 12,000 accessible study notes adapted from the ESV Concise Study Bible, 365 devotions adapted from The Story by Jon Nielson, and 200 sidebars defining key doctrines and helping teens apply Scripture to their own lives. It also has full-page introductions for each biblical book, more than 150 maps and illustrations, an extensive glossary and concordance, and over a dozen topical articles. These features help facilitate deep engagement with the Scriptures, impacting the minds, hearts, and lives of teen followers of Christ.

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    • 9781641587969 Message Student Bible

      Message Student Bible


      Understand and enjoy the wisdom and beauty of God’s Word!Generation after generation of Bible readers have discovered that the Bible is written not only about us but to us. In these pages we become insiders to a conversation in which God forms, guides, and ultimately saves us. The Message Student Bible invites a new generation into this holy conversation, guiding young men and women into a lifelong love of reading God’s Word.Learn the essential context surrounding every book of the Bible as you fall in love with reading Scripture. Eugene Peterson’s understandable and enjoyable translation combines the authority of God’s Word with the energy and cadence of conversational English. The single-column design allows for comfortable reading as you find yourself leaning into the Bible to discover the surprises and wonders waiting there for you.Features Included:Introduction to The MessageWhat You Need to Know about the Books of the BibleWell Known Stories from the BibleMaps

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    • 9781641588041 Message Student Bible

      Message Student Bible


      Understand and enjoy the wisdom and beauty of God’s Word!Generation after generation of Bible readers have discovered that the Bible is written not only about us but to us. In these pages we become insiders to a conversation in which God forms, guides, and ultimately saves us. The Message Student Bible invites a new generation into this holy conversation, guiding young men and women into a lifelong love of reading God’s Word.Learn the essential context surrounding every book of the Bible as you fall in love with reading Scripture. Eugene Peterson’s understandable and enjoyable translation combines the authority of God’s Word with the energy and cadence of conversational English. The single-column design allows for comfortable reading as you find yourself leaning into the Bible to discover the surprises and wonders waiting there for you.Features Included:Introduction to The MessageWhat You Need to Know about the Books of the BibleWell Known Stories from the BibleMaps

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    • 9781636097916 Simplified KJV For Teen Boys

      Simplified KJV For Teen Boys


      Barbour’s Simplified KJV builds off the familiarity and trustworthiness of the King James Bible while removing the negatives of antiquated language and punctuation. Keeping all the original translation work of the 1611 Bible, the Simplified KJV carefully updates old styles that may interfere with your reading pleasure and comprehension today.  

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    • Sale! 9781087731087 Essential Teen Study Bible

      Essential Teen Study Bible

      Original price was: $44.99.Current price is: $35.99.

      God’s Word is foundational to our lives, changing everything! The KJV Essential Teen Study Bible features redemption-focused devotionals and study helps written specifically for teens to help them better understand God’s love and the truth of the gospel. With a full-color immersive design and robust study tools placed throughout from Genesis to Revelation, this Bible includes everything teens need to apply God’s Word to their life and learn to live God’s way.    FEATURES  144 redemption-focused devotions written specifically for teens   “Redemption Thread” feature to show how the entire Bible points to Jesus  “Behind the Story” study helps to provide background and context for important passages  “Respond” callout prompts to help teens apply key biblical truths to everyday life  “Essential Questions” about the Christian faith with answers teens need to know  “99 Essential Truths” of the Christian faith to foster growth and discipleship  Key memory verse callouts from Genesis to Revelation  Book introductions to help teens better understand each book of the Bible   Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding Two-column verse-by-verse text format  Topical subject headings   Easy-to-read 9.5-point type size  Words of Christ in red  Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages  Presentation page for gift-giving  Full-color maps  The KJV Essential Teen Study Bible features the authorized Pure Cambridge Edition text of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible. 

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    • 9781430082705 Essential Teen Study Bible

      Essential Teen Study Bible


      God’s Word is foundational to our lives, changing everything! The KJV Essential Teen Study Bible features redemption-focused devotionals and study helps written specifically for teens to help them better understand God’s love and the truth of the gospel. With a full-color immersive design and robust study tools placed throughout from Genesis to Revelation, this Bible includes everything teens need to apply God’s Word to their life and learn to live God’s way.    FEATURES  144 redemption-focused devotions written specifically for teens   “Redemption Thread” feature to show how the entire Bible points to Jesus  “Behind the Story” study helps to provide background and context for important passages  “Respond” callout prompts to help teens apply key biblical truths to everyday life  “Essential Questions” about the Christian faith with answers teens need to know  “99 Essential Truths” of the Christian faith to foster growth and discipleship  Key memory verse callouts from Genesis to Revelation  Book introductions to help teens better understand each book of the Bible   Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding Two-column verse-by-verse text format  Topical subject headings   Easy-to-read 9.5-point type size  Words of Christ in red  Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages  Presentation page for gift-giving  Full-color maps  The KJV Essential Teen Study Bible features the authorized Pure Cambridge Edition text of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible. 

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    • 9781087731094 Essential Teen Study Bible

      Essential Teen Study Bible


      God’s Word is foundational to our lives, changing everything! The KJV Essential Teen Study Bible features redemption-focused devotionals and study helps written specifically for teens to help them better understand God’s love and the truth of the gospel. With a full-color immersive design and robust study tools placed throughout from Genesis to Revelation, this Bible includes everything teens need to apply God’s Word to their life and learn to live God’s way.    FEATURES  144 redemption-focused devotions written specifically for teens   “Redemption Thread” feature to show how the entire Bible points to Jesus  “Behind the Story” study helps to provide background and context for important passages  “Respond” callout prompts to help teens apply key biblical truths to everyday life  “Essential Questions” about the Christian faith with answers teens need to know  “99 Essential Truths” of the Christian faith to foster growth and discipleship  Key memory verse callouts from Genesis to Revelation  Book introductions to help teens better understand each book of the Bible   Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding Two-column verse-by-verse text format  Topical subject headings   Easy-to-read 9.5-point type size  Words of Christ in red  Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages  Presentation page for gift-giving  Full-color maps  The KJV Essential Teen Study Bible features the authorized Pure Cambridge Edition text of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible. 

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    • 9780310460886 Teen Study Bible

      Teen Study Bible


      The bestselling NKJV Teen Study Bible helps teens apply God’s Word to the issues they face every day!Full of study features to help today’s teen learn more about God, the Bible, and how God’s Word relates to their lives, the NKJV Teen Study Bible will help them keep in step with all God has done, is doing, and will do in the world. Teens will discover the eternal truths of God’s Word and how to apply them to the issues they face every day as they read biblical advice about dealing with everything from friends, family, and school to problems such as bullying and depression. As teens navigate their hectic and sometimes stressful lives, this study Bible will help them to deepen and understand their faith while reassuring them that God is always with them, and they are never alone.Now available in the exclusive NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface, the NKJV Teen Study Bible is as easy to read as it is to understand. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New King James Version (NKJV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the translation.Features:Complete text of the New King James Version (NKJV)”We Believe” features unpack the Apostles’ Creed to reveal the biblical foundation of faith”Panorama” features keep the big picture of each book of the Bible in viewTopical indexes help with in-depth Bible studyBook introductions provide an overview for each book of the BibleBiblical advice about friends, family, school, and other issuesImportant Bible verses to memorizeQ and As test your Bible knowledgeProfiles of people in the BiblePresentation page for gift givingTwo-color page design8-page full-color map sectionSilver-stained page edgesTwo satin ribbon markersLeathersoft cover lies flat when openExclusive NKJV Comfort Print typefacePrint size: 9.5

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    • 9781430082699 Essential Teen Study Bible

      Essential Teen Study Bible


      God’s Word is foundational to our lives, changing everything! The KJV Essential Teen Study Bible features redemption-focused devotionals and study helps written specifically for teens to help them better understand God’s love and the truth of the gospel. With a full-color immersive design and robust study tools placed throughout from Genesis to Revelation, this Bible includes everything teens need to apply God’s Word to their life and learn to live God’s way.    FEATURES  144 redemption-focused devotions written specifically for teens   “Redemption Thread” feature to show how the entire Bible points to Jesus  “Behind the Story” study helps to provide background and context for important passages  “Respond” callout prompts to help teens apply key biblical truths to everyday life  “Essential Questions” about the Christian faith with answers teens need to know  “99 Essential Truths” of the Christian faith to foster growth and discipleship  Key memory verse callouts from Genesis to Revelation  Book introductions to help teens better understand each book of the Bible   Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding Two-column verse-by-verse text format  Topical subject headings   Easy-to-read 9.5-point type size  Words of Christ in red  Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages  Presentation page for gift-giving  Full-color maps  The KJV Essential Teen Study Bible features the authorized Pure Cambridge Edition text of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible. 

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    • 9781433590498 Teen Study Bible

      Teen Study Bible


      Robust Study Bible for Teens with 12,000 Study Notes, Devotionals from Jon Nielson, and More

      Our world today pushes an endless number of distractions and temptations, which is why having faithful and accessible biblical resources for teens is more important than ever.

      Edited by pastor Jon Nielson, the ESV Teen Study Bible features numerous study and resource materials – including 12,000 accessible study notes adapted from the ESV Concise Study Bible, 365 devotions adapted from The Story by Jon Nielson, and 200 sidebars defining key doctrines and helping teens apply Scripture to their own lives. It also has full-page introductions for each biblical book, more than 150 maps and illustrations, an extensive glossary and concordance, and over a dozen topical articles. These features help facilitate deep engagement with the Scriptures, impacting the minds, hearts, and lives of teen followers of Christ.

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    • 9781433590474 Teen Study Bible

      Teen Study Bible


      Robust Study Bible for Teens with 12,000 Study Notes, Devotionals from Jon Nielson, and More

      Our world today pushes an endless number of distractions and temptations, which is why having faithful and accessible biblical resources for teens is more important than ever.

      Edited by pastor Jon Nielson, the ESV Teen Study Bible features numerous study and resource materials – including 12,000 accessible study notes adapted from the ESV Concise Study Bible, 365 devotions adapted from The Story by Jon Nielson, and 200 sidebars defining key doctrines and helping teens apply Scripture to their own lives. It also has full-page introductions for each biblical book, more than 150 maps and illustrations, an extensive glossary and concordance, and over a dozen topical articles. These features help facilitate deep engagement with the Scriptures, impacting the minds, hearts, and lives of teen followers of Christ.

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    • 9781433588471 Teen Study Bible

      Teen Study Bible


      Robust Study Bible for Teens with 12,000 Study Notes, Devotionals from Jon Nielson, and More

      Our world today pushes an endless number of distractions and temptations, which is why having faithful and accessible biblical resources for teens is more important than ever.

      Edited by pastor Jon Nielson, the ESV Teen Study Bible features numerous study and resource materials – including 12,000 accessible study notes adapted from the ESV Concise Study Bible, 365 devotions adapted from The Story by Jon Nielson, and 200 sidebars defining key doctrines and helping teens apply Scripture to their own lives. It also has full-page introductions for each biblical book, more than 150 maps and illustrations, an extensive glossary and concordance, and over a dozen topical articles. These features help facilitate deep engagement with the Scriptures, impacting the minds, hearts, and lives of teen followers of Christ.

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    • 9781433588464 Teen Study Bible

      Teen Study Bible


      Robust Study Bible for Teens with 12,000 Study Notes, Devotionals from Jon Nielson, and More

      Our world today pushes an endless number of distractions and temptations, which is why having faithful and accessible biblical resources for teens is more important than ever.

      Edited by pastor Jon Nielson, the ESV Teen Study Bible features numerous study and resource materials – including 12,000 accessible study notes adapted from the ESV Concise Study Bible, 365 devotions adapted from The Story by Jon Nielson, and 200 sidebars defining key doctrines and helping teens apply Scripture to their own lives. It also has full-page introductions for each biblical book, more than 150 maps and illustrations, an extensive glossary and concordance, and over a dozen topical articles. These features help facilitate deep engagement with the Scriptures, impacting the minds, hearts, and lives of teen followers of Christ.

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    • 9781636095004 Daily Wisdom For Teen Guys KJV Devotional Bible

      Daily Wisdom For Teen Guys KJV Devotional Bible


      You’ll find daily challenge and encouragement from this handsome Daily Wisdom for Teen Guys KJV Devotional Bible. Featuring 365 entries keyed to specific passages, thought-provoking quotations on the faith, and an easy-to-read, single-column layout with plenty of marginal space for notes, this Bible is an all-in-one resource for personal spiritual growth.  

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    • 9781496449610 Student Life Application Study Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Student Life Application Study Bible Filament Enabled Edition


      Serious Study Comes to LifeThe visually engaging NLT Student Life Application Study Bible brings learning to life for those who want to get serious about their study of Scripture. It invites readers into an ever-deeper knowledge of God and his work in the world.This Bible uses the clear and accurate New Living Translation to help you connect what the Bible says to the way we live today.This study Bible is equipped with the Filament Bible app, enabling you to go further in your study. Scan any page number with your mobile phone or tablet to connect to a vast library of related content.

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    • Sale! 9781496449634 Student Life Application Study Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Student Life Application Study Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $37.49.

      Serious Study Comes to LifeThe visually engaging NLT Student Life Application Study Bible brings learning to life for those who want to get serious about their study of Scripture. It invites readers into an ever-deeper knowledge of God and his work in the world.This Bible uses the clear and accurate New Living Translation to help you connect what the Bible says to the way we live today.This study Bible is equipped with the Filament Bible app, enabling you to go further in your study. Scan any page number with your mobile phone or tablet to connect to a vast library of related content.

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    • 9780310455851 Teen Study Bible Compact Comfort Print

      Teen Study Bible Compact Comfort Print


      The bestselling NIV Teen Study Bible helps teens apply God’s Word to the issues they face every day!Full of study features that will help today’s teen learn more about God, the Bible, and how God’s Word relates to their lives, the NIV Teen Study Bible will help them keep in step with all God has done, is doing, and will do in the world. This NIV Bible for teens will help them discover the eternal truths of God’s Word and apply them to the issues they face every day, including offering biblical advice about dealing with everything from friends, family, and school to problems such as bullying and depression. As teens navigate their hectic and sometimes stressful lives, this compact-sized study Bible will go with them anywhere, helping them to deepen and understand their faith while reassuring them that God is always with them and they are never alone.With over 3.5 million copies sold, the NIV Teen Study Bible continues to be a teen’s top resource for discovering the foundational truths of the Bible. Now available in Zondervan’s exclusive NIV Comfort Print typeface for smooth reading, the NIV Teen Study Bible is as easy to read as it is to understand. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New International Version (NIV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-English Bible translation.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)”We Believe” features unpack the Apostles’ Creed to reveal the biblical foundation of faith”Panorama” features keep the big picture of each book of the Bible in viewTopical indexes help with in-depth Bible studyBook introductions provide an overview for each book of the BibleImportant Bible verses to memorizeQ and A’s test your Bible knowledgeProfiles of people in the BibleA presentation page and information about the Apostles’ Creed8-page full-color map sectionBiblical advice about friends, family, school, and other issuesGold stained page edgesTwo satin ribbon markersCompact size for easy carryingExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface7.5-point print size

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    • 9780310455837 Teen Study Bible Comfort Print

      Teen Study Bible Comfort Print


      The bestselling NIV Teen Study Bible helps teens apply God’s Word to the issues they face every day!Full of study features that will help today’s teen learn more about God, the Bible, and how God’s Word relates to their lives, the NIV Teen Study Bible will help them keep in step with all God has done, is doing, and will do in the world. This NIV Bible for teens will help them discover the eternal truths of God’s Word and apply them to the issues they face every day, including offering biblical advice about dealing with everything from friends, family, and school to problems such as bullying and depression. As teens navigate their hectic and sometimes stressful lives, this study Bible will help them to deepen and understand their faith while reassuring them that God is always with them and they are never alone.With over 3.5 million copies sold, the NIV Teen Study Bible continues to be a teen’s top resource for discovering the foundational truths of the Bible. Now available in Zondervan’s exclusive NIV Comfort Print typeface for smooth reading, the NIV Teen Study Bible is as easy to read as it is to understand. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New International Version (NIV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-English Bible translation.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)”We Believe” features unpack the Apostles’ Creed to reveal the biblical foundation of faith”Panorama” features keep the big picture of each book of the Bible in viewTopical indexes help with in-depth Bible studyBook introductions provide an overview for each book of the BibleImportant Bible verses to memorizeQ and A’s test your Bible knowledgeProfiles of people in the BibleA presentation page and information about the Apostles’ Creed8-page full-color map sectionBiblical advice about friends, family, school, and other issuesSilver stained page edgesTwo satin ribbon markersLeathersoft cover lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface9.5-point print size

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    • 9781087750347 Student Study Bible

      Student Study Bible


      The CSB Study Bible for Students is designed to be a catalyst for lifelong discipleship. Discover student-centered resources and tools to help you understand and engage with the life-changinga- a-message of God’s Word.  Features include:High-quality smyth-sewn binding that will lie open whether you are reading Genesis 1 or Revelation 22Study tools, articles, and commentary placed alongside the corresponding biblical text, including 40 articles/essays, 30 character profiles, 99 “Essential Truths” of the Christian faith, 10 “Know Your Faith Q&A,” and 99 foundational memory versesFull-color visuals to help you see the structure and context of Scripture come alive, including over 100 maps, illustrations/reconstructions, charts, and book-specific timelines Introductions and outlines for each book, including background information, theological themes, and insights into the unique contribution of each bookEasy-to-read layout with two columns of text, words of Christ in red, page-edge cross-references, and three columns of study notes found at the bottom of each pageThe CSB Study Bible for Students features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

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    • 9780310455066 Bible For Teens Thinline Edition Comfort Print

      Bible For Teens Thinline Edition Comfort Print


      Provide your teen with an easy-to-read Thinline Bible they can take with them wherever they go.With a new, easy-to-read typeface, the NIV Bible for Teens, Thinline Edition invites teens to deeply explore God’s Word anywhere they are. Measuring less than an inch thick, this is the perfect on-the-go Bible to take to church, school, or travel. The colorful, trendy cover creates a Bible that teens will love to carry.Expertly designed for the New International Version (NIV) text, Zondervan’s exclusive Comfort PrintA(R) delivers a smooth reading experience that complements the most widely read contemporary-English Bible translation.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV) translationLess than one inch thickDouble-column formatPresentation pageGilded page edgesSatin ribbon markerWords of Jesus in redLeathersoft cover lays flat when openExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface9-point print size

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    • 9781496434326 Teen Life Application Study Bible

      Teen Life Application Study Bible


      The only teen Bible based on today’s #1-selling study Bible, the Teen Life Application Study Bible is packed with features designed to meet the challenges and needs of today’s high school students.Combining traditional study-Bible features like book introductions, textual notes, person profiles, and maps with application-oriented features focusing on choices, real-life issues, and real-life stories of actual teens, the Teen Life Application Study Bible helps teens understand and apply God’s Word to all areas of their lives and encounter God in an authentic way.

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    • Sale! 9780785225706 Thinline Bible Youth Edition Comfort Print

      Thinline Bible Youth Edition Comfort Print

      Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $17.50.

      The NKJV Thinline Bible Youth Edition, featuring the trusted New King James Version, is lightweight and convenient-ideal for students on the go. Striking the perfect balance between portability and readability, this Bible fits easily into purses and backpacks, and it comes with features that will enhance your reading experience: the elegant and readable Thomas Nelson NKJV font, two ribbon markers, and the words of Christ in red.Features include:Exclusive NKJV Comfort Print Words of Christ in redEasy-to-read 9-point print sizeTwo ribbon markersGilded page edges

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    • Sale! 9780785225805 Thinline Bible Youth Edition Comfort Print

      Thinline Bible Youth Edition Comfort Print

      Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $17.50.

      The NKJV Thinline Bible Youth Edition, featuring the trusted New King James Version, is lightweight and convenient-ideal for students on the go. Striking the perfect balance between portability and readability, this Bible fits easily into purses and backpacks, and it comes with features that will enhance your reading experience: the elegant and readable Thomas Nelson NKJV font, two ribbon markers, and the words of Christ in red.Features include:Exclusive NKJV Comfort Print Words of Christ in redEasy-to-read 9-point print sizeTwo ribbon markersGilded page edges

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    • Sale! 9780785225775 Thinline Bible Youth Edition Comfort Print

      Thinline Bible Youth Edition Comfort Print

      Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $17.50.

      The NKJV Thinline Bible Youth Edition, featuring the trusted New King James Version, is lightweight and convenient-ideal for students on the go. Striking the perfect balance between portability and readability, this Bible fits easily into purses and backpacks, and it comes with features that will enhance your reading experience: the elegant and readable Thomas Nelson NKJV font, two ribbon markers, and the words of Christ in red.Features include:Exclusive NKJV Comfort Print Words of Christ in redEasy-to-read 9-point print sizeTwo ribbon markersGilded page edges

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    • 9780310080046 True Images The Bible For Teen Girls

      True Images The Bible For Teen Girls


      For 15 years, the best-selling NIV True images Bible for Teen Girls has been a trusted resource guiding teen girls ages 13-18 towards a closer relationship with God. Updated for this generation, this new edition is packed with tools and insight to help teens navigate today’s contemporary cultural issues with confidence, love, and grace. Facing today’s contemporary issues can be difficult, but the NIV True Images Bible gives teen girls a fresh perspective on faith-related issues and provides tools to navigate a complex world. They will ask the big questions, take valuable lessons to heart, and help others do the same. Beautifully designed from the inside out, this Bible is filled with challenging insights, honest advice, and personal notes helping teen girls build a closer relationship with God as they set out on a personal journey of their world. Following Jesus isn’t unfashionable or illusive. It’s an authentic way of life! This newly updated edition uses the accurate, readable, and clear NIV translation and includes features strategically designed to empower teen girls in their quest for truth. Features: Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version 12 Magazine-Style Quizzes that help girls learn more about themselves In-depth introductions establish the context of each book in the Old and New Testaments. “In Focus” notes explain the Bible’s perspective on contemporary cultural topics such as perfectionism, spiritual growth, eating disorders, pornography, prayer, self-harm, relationships, sex, bullying and popularity on social media Over 300 “Genuine” notes focus on the value of authenticity and true inner beauty. Over 100 “Love Notes” give opportunities to reflect on God’s love. 500 “Dare to Believe” challenges help you discover God’s truth about life and faith. 52 “Mirror Images” share the stories of Biblical women. “Christianity 101” introduces you to the basics of Christianity “Beliefs 101” helps you dig deep into the underlying principles that shape your worldview X

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    • 9780310079996 Revolution The Bible For Teen Guys

      Revolution The Bible For Teen Guys


      Explore what it means to live a revolutionary life for God with the help of the NIV Revolution Bible. Packed with challenging insights, smart advice, and open discussion about today’s contemporary cultural issues, this best-selling Bible empowers young men ages 13-18 to ask big questions, discover fresh perspectives and impact others while living their faith on the edge. Teens will discover how to impact a broken and diverse world with fresh perspectives on a variety of faith-related issues. Their life, their relationships, their community: it’s all a big deal, and it takes a big, God-filled heart to make a difference. A revolution of the heart isn’t about how popular or tough they are. It’s about what God can do in them and through them. This newly updated edition uses the accurate, readable, and clear NIV translation and includes features strategically designed to empower teen guys in their quest for truth. Features: 12 full-color pages offer life-impacting ideas like: 50 PASSAGES THAT SHOW GOD IS A REVOLUTION GOD and 50 WAYS TO BE A BETTER FRIEND In-depth book introductions give an overview of the context of each book in the Old and New Testaments “Battlelines” answer tough questions that teens have and present the Bible’s perspective on spiritual growth and contemporary cultural topics such as self-harm, sex, divorce, environmental care, prayer, drug use, underage drinking, pornography, modesty, reading the Bible, relationships, and popularity on social media Over 200 “Be the Change” articles challenge teen guys to discover God’s truth on various topics 100 “God Calling” notes bring focus to key verses on God’s words to teens’ lives 50 “Matchups” capture the strategies, reflections and conflicts between the Bible’s heroes and villains “Christianity 101” introduces teens to the basics of Christianity “Beliefs 101” helps teen guys dig deep into the underlying principles that shape their worldview

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    • 9780310079989 Revolution The Bible For Teen Guys

      Revolution The Bible For Teen Guys


      Explore what it means to live a revolutionary life for God with the help of the NIV Revolution Bible. Packed with challenging insights, smart advice, and open discussion about today’s contemporary cultural issues, this best-selling Bible empowers young men ages 13-18 to ask big questions, discover fresh perspectives and impact others while living their faith on the edge. Teens will discover how to impact a broken and diverse world with fresh perspectives on a variety of faith-related issues. Their life, their relationships, their community: it’s all a big deal, and it takes a big, God-filled heart to make a difference. A revolution of the heart isn’t about how popular or tough they are. It’s about what God can do in them and through them. This newly updated edition uses the accurate, readable, and clear NIV translation and includes features strategically designed to empower teen guys in their quest for truth. Features: Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version 12 full-color pages offer life-impacting ideas like: 50 PASSAGES THAT SHOW GOD IS A REVOLUTION GOD and 50 WAYS TO BE A BETTER FRIEND In-depth book introductions give an overview of the context of each book in the Old and New Testaments “Battlelines” answer tough questions that teens have and present the Bible’s perspective on spiritual growth and contemporary cultural topics such as self-harm, sex, divorce, environmental care, prayer, drug use, underage drinking, pornography, modesty, reading the Bible, relationships, and popularity on social media Over 200 “Be the Change” articles challenge teen guys to discover God’s truth on various topics 100 “God Calling” notes bring focus to key verses on God’s words to teens’ lives 100 “Live the Revolution” notes show you how to change your life and revolutionize your impact on others 50 “Matchups” capture the strategies, reflections and conflicts between the Bible’s heroes and villains “Christianity 101” introduces teens to the basics of Christianity “Beliefs 101” helps teen guys dig deep into the underlying principles that shape their worldview X

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    • 9781433648724 Essential Teen Study Bible

      Essential Teen Study Bible


      There’s only one life essential you really need-God’s Word.The CSB Essential Teen Study Bible can give you all the tools you need to tackle this life and learn to live it God’s way. Filled with hundreds of study helps and 146 devotions written especially for teens, this fully designed, four-color Bible will help you apply God’s Word each day and connect with Him as never before.Features include:-      146 devotions on redemption, written specifically for teens-      Redemption Thread feature from Genesis to Revelation to help readers understand how each story points us to Christ-      Respond feature that guides students on how to apply Bible passages to their lives-      Behind the Story feature with in-depth info to better understand biblical text-      Essential Questions feature with the answers students are looking for-      Memory Verses to strengthen teens’ faith-      99 Essential Doctrines that all teens need to know-      Introductions for each book of the Bible-      Full text of the CSB (Christian Standard Bible)-      Study notes-      Full-color maps Part of what makes the CSB Essential Teen Study Bible so special is the readable, faithful-to-the-original text of the Christian Standard Bible. An independent study ranked the CSB among the most readable translations, and also among the most reliable. So the CSB is a trustworthy, easy-to-understand resource to study and memorize today – and live and share for a lifetime. 

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    • 9781433556258 Student Study Bible

      Student Study Bible


      Winner of the 2012 ECPA Book of the Year Award for Bibles The ESV Student Study Bible is adapted from the ESV Study Bible and is ideally suited for students who are serious about God’s Word-who want to learn more about what the Bible teaches and how the Bible applies to all of life. With 12,000 clear, concise study notes, the ESV Student Study Bible provides numerous other features-including nearly 900 “Did You Know?” facts, 120 Bible character profiles, and 15 topical articles. It also features a glossary of key terms, more than 80 maps and illustrations, an extensive concordance, and 80,000 cross-references. These and many other features make it the most comprehensive and content-rich student Bible available today. Features: Size: 5.375″ x 8.25″ 8 pt pt point Gotham type (study notes) 1,856 pages Black letter text 12,000 clear, concise study notes Introductions and timelines for each Bible book 80+ maps and illustrations throughout 15 topical articles Nearly 900 new “Did You Know” facts 120 Bible character profiles Glossary with concise definitions of key terms 80,000 cross-references Extensive concordance Smyth-sewn binding Lifetime guarantee Packaging: Backer card (HC), slipcase (TruTone), permanent slipcase (cloth over board)

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    • 9780310446460 Outreach Bible Student Edition

      Outreach Bible Student Edition


      Ideal for churches and ministries buying in bulk, the NIV Value Outreach Bible Student Edition is a great witness tool to give to students looking to discover God’s Word. You can feel comfortable and confident handing this Bible to students interested in spiritual issues or who are open to talking about God. Features include the complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version with sectional headers and translators’ notes, plan of salvation, and table of weights and measures in a softcover binding. This low-cost Bible with extra helps is perfect for anyone looking to distribute God’s Word to students.

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    • 9781433555879 Student Study Bible

      Student Study Bible


      Winner of the 2012 ECPA Book of the Year Award for Bibles The ESV Student Study Bible is adapted from the ESV Study Bible and is ideally suited for students who are serious about God’s Word-who want to learn more about what the Bible teaches and how the Bible applies to all of life. With 12,000 clear, concise study notes, the ESV Student Study Bible provides numerous other features-including nearly 900 “Did You Know?” facts, 120 Bible character profiles, and 15 topical articles. It also features a glossary of key terms, more than 80 maps and illustrations, an extensive concordance, and 80,000 cross-references. These and many other features make it the most comprehensive and content-rich student Bible available today. Features: Size: 5.375″ x 8.25″ 8 pt Meta Serif OT type (Bible text); 6 pt Gotham type (study notes) 1,856 pages Black letter text 12,000 clear, concise study notes Introductions and timelines for each Bible book 80+ maps and illustrations throughout 15 topical articles Nearly 900 new “Did You Know” facts 120 Bible character profiles Glossary with concise definitions of key terms 80,000 cross-references Extensive concordance Smyth-sewn binding Packaging: Backer card (HC), slipcase (TruTone), permanent slipcase (cloth over board)

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    • 9780310753063 Bible For Teen Guys

      Bible For Teen Guys


      The NIV Bible for Teen Guys, designed specifically for guys ages 13 to 18, is for real teenage guys with real lives. Packed with daily readings, highlighted promises of God, challenging insights, smart advice, and open discussion about the realities of life, this Bible is designed to help teen guys grow in their faith. The NIV Bible for Teen Guys is as serious about your walk with God as you are, helping you discover his will for all areas of your life, including relating to your family, dealing with friends, work, sports, girls, and so much more. Features include: Daily readings for teen guys by popular Christian male authors (Mark Batterson, Kyle Idleman, Mark Hall, Max Lucado, and more) Character profiles of men in the Bible Book introductions for each book of the Bible Highlighted promises of God: verses worth remembering A concordance for help in finding verses The complete text of the bestselling New International Version (NIV) of the Bible

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    • 9781433548055 Student Study Bible

      Student Study Bible


      Winner of the 2012 ECPA Book of the Year Award The ESV Student Study Bible is ideally suited for students who are serious about God’s Word-who want to learn more about what the Bible teaches and how the Bible applies to all of life. With 12,000 clear, concise study notes, the ESV Student Study Bible provides numerous new features-including nearly 900 “Did You Know?” facts, 120 new Bible character profiles, and 15 new topical articles. It also features a new glossary of key terms, more than 80 maps and illustrations, an extensive concordance, and 80,000 cross-references. These and many other features make it the most comprehensive and content-rich student Bible available today. Suited to high school and college students, the ESV Student Study Bible is also a versatile resource for anyone engaged in serious study of God’s Word. Created by an outstanding team of more than 100 evangelical Christian scholars, teachers, and pastors, the ESV Student Study Bible is adapted from the highly acclaimed and best-selling ESV Study Bible. With numerous new features, the ESV Student Study Bible is an invaluable resource. For high school and college students, but equally for all students of the Bible-for everyone who loves to read and learn more about God’s Word. Black letter text Highly readable double-column format Smyth-sewn binding Free access to the online ESV Student Study Bible

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    • 9781414324654 Teen Life Application Study Bible

      Teen Life Application Study Bible


      The only teen Bible based on today’s #1-selling study Bible, the Teen Life Application Study Bible (formerly the Student’s Life Application Study Bible) is packed with features designed to meet the challenges and needs of today’s high school students. Combining traditional study Bible features like book introductions, textual notes, person profiles, and maps with application-oriented features focusing on choices, real-life issues, and real-life stories of actual teens, the Teen Life Application Study Bible stands apart in the crowded world of teen Bibles.

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    • 9781414324630 Teen Life Application Study Bible

      Teen Life Application Study Bible


      The only teen Bible based on today’s #1-selling study Bible, the Teen Life Application Study Bible (formerly the Student’s Life Application Study Bible) is packed with features designed to meet the challenges and needs of today’s high school students. Combining traditional study Bible features like book introductions, textual notes, person profiles, and maps with application-oriented features focusing on choices, real-life issues, and real-life stories of actual teens, the Teen Life Application Study Bible stands apart in the crowded world of teen Bibles.

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    • 9781414324623 Teen Life Application Study Bible

      Teen Life Application Study Bible


      The only teen Bible based on today’s #1-selling study Bible, the Teen Life Application Study Bible (formerly the Student’s Life Application Study Bible) is packed with features designed to meet the challenges and needs of today’s high school students. Combining traditional study Bible features like book introductions, textual notes, person profiles, and maps with application-oriented features focusing on choices, real-life issues, and real-life stories of actual teens, the Teen Life Application Study Bible stands apart in the crowded world of teen Bibles.

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