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    Rico Tice

    • 9781784987701 Ultimate Christmas Wishlist

      Ultimate Christmas Wishlist


      Outreach book sharing the hope of Christianity at Christmas.

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    • 9781784986827 Hope Explored Handbook

      Hope Explored Handbook


      There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?

      Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.

      It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.

      This easy-to-use guest Handbook contains everything a participant needs for Hope Explored.

      With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment and is one of the easiest ways to discover more about Christianity. It can be run in person or on video-meeting technology, in small groups or .

      Leaders of this series will need a Leader’s Handbook and the video sessions, which are available as downloads or on DVD.

      The videos are presented by Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. They introduce the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and deliver compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.

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    • 9781784986803 Hope Explored : What's The Best Future You Could Ever Imagine (DVD)

      Hope Explored : What’s The Best Future You Could Ever Imagine (DVD)


      There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?

      Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.

      It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.

      With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment from guests, so it is one of the easiest ways to introduce someone to Christianity. It can be run in person or on video-meeting technology, in small groups or . The Christianity Explored series can then be run as a follow-up course for those eager to explore the Christian faith more.

      On this DVD, Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries, introduces the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and delivers compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.

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    • 9781784987213 Hope Explored Leaders Kit

      Hope Explored Leaders Kit


      There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?

      Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.

      It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.

      With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment from guests and is one of the easiest ways to introduce someone to Christianity. The Christianity Explored series can then be run as a follow-up course for those eager to explore the Christian faith more.

      This Leader’s Kit contains everything you need to evaluate and run your course:
      – a Leader’s Guide
      – a guest handbook
      – picture cards
      – a DVD
      – a code to access video downloads

      The videos are presented by Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. They introduce the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and deliver compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.

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    • 9781784986810 Hope Explored Leaders Handbook (Teacher's Guide)

      Hope Explored Leaders Handbook (Teacher’s Guide)


      There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?

      Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.

      It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.

      With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment from guests and is one of the easiest ways to introduce someone to Christianity. The Christianity Explored series can then be run as a follow-up course for those eager to explore the Christian faith more.

      The videos are presented by Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. They introduce the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and deliver compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.

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    • 9781784985806 Faithful Leaders : And The Things That Matter Most

      Faithful Leaders : And The Things That Matter Most


      Explore the things that really matter for a successful ministry.

      “Well done good and faithful servant.” Every ministry leader wants to hear these words when they meet their Lord. But what does successful ministry look like?

      There are many books on leadership strategies and church structures, but this one looks at what matters most: the character and attitude of church leaders. It recognizes that the spiritual health of the church leaders in large part determines the spiritual health of the congregation and therefore the success of the ministry.

      In this short, punchy, challenging and at times surprising book, Rico Tice draws on decades of experience in church leadership to call fellow pastors and others with oversight of areas of church ministry to define success biblically, fight their sin, lead themselves and serve their churches. It will be a battle, but one worth fighting because personal holiness and godly leadership matter eternally.

      A must-read on pastoral leadership for pastors, elders, worship leaders, youth leaders and anyone else with a leadership role in church ministry.

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    • 9781784983673 Finding More : Real Life Stories Worth Telling

      Finding More : Real Life Stories Worth Telling


      Introduction (by Rico Tice)
      1. Katie | “I Knew I Still Hadn’t Found It”
      2. Larry | “I Wanted The Evidence”
      3. Caroline | “The Religious People I Knew Were Hypocrites”
      4. Jason | “I Thought Christianity Was A White Man’s Religion”
      5. Drew | “I Started Shouting Abuse At The Speaker”
      6. Rick | “It Just Didn’t Make Sense”
      7. Deb | “I Started Reading The Bible As I Got High”
      8. Nicky | “I Was Scared Of How Life Would Change”
      9. David | “I Knew I Had To Do Something To Get My Life Together”
      10. Rachel | “I Thought Christians Were Stupid Bigots”
      11. Kateryna | “I Became A Christian… And Then It
      All Went Downhill”
      Find Your More (by Rico Tice)

      Additional Info
      Most of us wonder: is there something more to life?

      Finding More tells the stories of eleven people who asked that question, and found the answer.

      These fascinating life stories introduce you to people from all kinds of backgrounds who became Christians when they encountered the only One who gives us more: Jesus Christ. As their stories unfold, you’ll be shown who Jesus is, why he came, and what it means to follow him.

      This is an ideal book to give to guests on a Christianity Explored course, or to show friends what they might stand to gain by investigating Jesus for themselves. Whoever they are and whatever their background, this book will have someone they relate to or a story which intrigues them and it will show them that Jesus’ message is for everyone.

      Is there something more to life? It’s time to find out.

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    • 9781784981594 Capturing God

      Capturing God


      Imagine being offered one photograph that captured the essence of Godan image that revealed everything you need to know about everything that matters. And imagine if this picture of God would shock you]] shake you]] and change you forever. Would you look at it? Rico Tice takes readers to the cross in all its shock, inviting readers to see God as they have never seen him before. Readers will see that the God captured in Luke’s Gospel is a God of integrity, welcome, justice and peace.

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    • 9781784980818 Christianity Explored Leaders Kit (Teacher's Guide)

      Christianity Explored Leaders Kit (Teacher’s Guide)


      Kit Includes:
      Christianity Explored DVD
      Christianity Explored Leader’s Guide
      Christianity Explored Handbook
      Quick Start Guide
      Video Download Card

      Additional Info
      This stunning new look Christianity Explored contains the same trusted content. Christianity Explored gives people time and space to discover the best news they’ve ever heard. Over seven interactive sessions, as they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, what he achieved, and what it means for us today. The course is very flexible. You can use it one-to-one, or in larger groups, in churches, or in homes.

      This brand new Leader’s Kit contains everything you need to run your course – a revised Leader’s handbook that’s more concise and user-friendly, a guest handbook, a DVD and a code to download digital copies of the video sessions.

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    • 9781784980771 Christianity Explored Handbook

      Christianity Explored Handbook


      1. What Are We Doing Here?
      2. Who Is Jesus?
      3. Why Did Jesus Come?
      4. Why Did Jesus Die?
      5. Why Did Jesus Rise?
      6. How Can God Accept Us?
      Day Away Part 1: How Will We Respond?
      Day Away Part 2: What Do We Want Jesus To Do For Us?
      Day Away Part 3: What Choices Will We Make?
      7. What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus?

      Additional Info
      This stunning new look Christianity Explored contains the same trusted content. Christianity Explored gives people time and space to discover the best news they’ve ever heard. Over seven interactive sessions, as they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, what he achieved, and what it means for us today. The course is very flexible. You can use it one-to-one, or in larger groups, in churches, or in homes.

      This new look, easy-to-use guest Handbook contains everything a participant needs for the course sign and features a section on the reliability of Mark’s Gospel.

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    • 9781784980795 Christianity Explored : Whats The Best News Youve Ever Heard (DVD)

      Christianity Explored : Whats The Best News Youve Ever Heard (DVD)


      1. Good news [11:13]
      2. Identity [17:49]
      3. Sin [13:47]
      4. The Cross [17:22]
      5. Resurrection [13:37]
      6. Grace [16:58]
      Day Away part 1: The Sower [13:26]
      Day Away part 2: James and John [10:45]
      Day Away part 3: Herod [13:29]
      7. Come and Die [13:48]

      Additional Info
      This stunning new look Christianity Explored contains the same trusted content. Christianity Explored gives people time and space to discover the best news they’ve ever heard. Over seven interactive sessions, as they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, what he achieved, and what it means for us today. The course is very flexible. You can use it one-to-one, or in larger groups, in churches, or in homes.

      The fresh new look contains the same award-winning DVD presented on location by Rico Tice. It works alongside the Handbook and Leader’s Guide and has over 150 minutes running time. It also has subtitles in over 14 other languages.

      The Christianity Explored DVD has already won awards for its superb production values and warm, engaging presentation of the gospel.

      It now features 14 subtitled languages on the same disc making it more accessible than ever and superb value. Ideal for using with an English-speaking group where one member would benefit from viewing subtitles in their mother tongue.

      Languages include:

      Simplified Chinese, Spanish, French, Korean, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, Arabic, Farsi, German, Polish, Dutch, Italian, Romanian and English for hard of hearing.

      Please note, this DVD is available in NTSC format only. The vast majority of modern DVD players can read this format but older machines may not be able to. PAL discs are available but they only contain English subtitles for the hard of hearing.

      Why only NTSC format?
      Subtitles that have been produced for NTSC format need to be totally re-timed to make them work in the PAL format. This process would have cost many thousands of pounds for so many languages. Given the fact that the vast majority of DVD players in traditionally PAL regions can now read NTSC without problem, we considered this extra expense to be an unwise use of gospel resources.
      If you find that your DVD player will not play this DVD, you may wish to consider updating your DVD player (which will cost around 30).

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    • 9781784980788 Christianity Explored Leaders Handbook (Teacher's Guide)

      Christianity Explored Leaders Handbook (Teacher’s Guide)


      Section 1 – How To Run The Course
      * Getting Started
      * God’s Role In Evangelism – And Ours
      * How The Course Works
      * Identity, Mission And Call In Mark’s Gospel
      * What To Do If…
      Section 2 – Handbook Questions And Answers
      Section 3 – Day Away
      Appendices – Answers To Tough Questions

      Additional Info
      This stunning new look Christianity Explored contains the same trusted content. Christianity Explored gives people time and space to discover the best news they’ve ever heard. Over seven interactive sessions, as they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, what he achieved, and what it means for us today. The course is very flexible. You can use it one-to-one, or in larger groups, in churches, or in homes.

      This Leader’s Handbook contains everything you need to lead a course and works alongside the new-look Handbook and DVD. It features training material and advise and includes questions from the Handbook, complete with answers!

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    • 9781909919396 Honest Evangelism : How To Talk About Jesus Even When Its Tough

      Honest Evangelism : How To Talk About Jesus Even When Its Tough


      1. What They Don’t Tell You
      2. So Why Talk About Jesus?
      3. The Other Half Of The Story
      4. Why You (still) Won’t Evangelize
      5. I Must Remember…
      6. What Do I Say?
      7. Be Yourself
      8. Getting Going
      9. Workers Wanted

      Additional Info
      Hostility and hunger that’s the response to the message of Jesus. The first is painful, the second is wonderful, and Rico Tice is honest about both.

      Short, clear, realistic and humorous, this book will challenge you to be honest in your conversations about Jesus, help you to know how to talk about him, and thrill you that God can and will use ordinary people to change eternal destinies.

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