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    Red Letter Bible

    • 9798384500407 Personal Size Notetaking Bible

      Personal Size Notetaking Bible


      Bellamente diseada, con espacio para tomar anotaciones o para creaciones artisticas, plan de lectura, cinta marcadora y mapas a todo color.

      La RVR 1960 Biblia de apuntes tamao personal ha sido diseada para mejorar el estudio personal de la Biblia y la preparacion de clases y predicaciones.

      Esta Biblia contiene la popular version Reina-Valera del 1960. Provee espacio de 4.5 centimetros para tomar notas en cada pagina, apuntar observaciones, anotar pensamientos y formular preguntas para la exploracion adicional del texto.

      La Biblia esta hermosamente encuadernada e incluye una pagina de presentacion y un plan para leer la Biblia en un ao.

      Beautifully designed, with space for notetaking or artistic creations, reading plan, ribbon marker and four-color maps.

      The RVR 1960 Personal Size Notetaking Bible is designed to enhance personal Bible study as well as preparation for teaching and preaching. The Bible uses the popular RVR 1960 translation. Abundant space is provided with a 1.8 inch notetaking space on each page to make observations, record insights, and raise questions for additional exploration of the text.

      The Bible is beautifully bound and includes a presentation page and a one-year Bible reading plan.

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    • 9798384500391 Personal Size Notetaking Bible

      Personal Size Notetaking Bible


      Bellamente diseada, con espacio para tomar anotaciones o para creaciones artisticas, plan de lectura, cinta marcadora y mapas a todo color.

      La RVR 1960 Biblia de apuntes tamao personal ha sido diseada para mejorar el estudio personal de la Biblia y la preparacion de clases y predicaciones.

      Esta Biblia contiene la popular version Reina-Valera del 1960. Provee espacio de 4.5 centimetros para tomar notas en cada pagina, apuntar observaciones, anotar pensamientos y formular preguntas para la exploracion adicional del texto.

      La Biblia esta hermosamente encuadernada e incluye una pagina de presentacion y un plan para leer la Biblia en un ao.

      Beautifully designed, with space for notetaking or artistic creations, reading plan, ribbon marker and four-color maps.

      The RVR 1960 Personal Size Notetaking Bible is designed to enhance personal Bible study as well as preparation for teaching and preaching. The Bible uses the popular RVR 1960 translation. Abundant space is provided with a 1.8 inch notetaking space on each page to make observations, record insights, and raise questions for additional exploration of the text.

      The Bible is beautifully bound and includes a presentation page and a one-year Bible reading plan.

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    • 9781087788616 Explorer Bible For Kids

      Explorer Bible For Kids


      La RVR 1960 Biblia para niños exploradores está hecha para ayudar a los niños a entender cómo la Palabra de Dios se relaciona con el mundo de Dios. Dentro de sus páginas, los niños explorarán e interactuarán con las personas, lugares y cosas de la Biblia y la creación de Dios. Esta Biblia presenta un atractivo diseño a todo color con imágenes, ilustraciones, cronologías y ayudas de estudio para equipar a los niños a leer, comprender y aplicar mejor la Palabra de Dios para toda la vida.  CARACTERÍSTICAS   Introducciones de libros para ayudar a los niños a comprender las verdades clave y los puntos clave de cada libro, incluido el «quién, qué, cuándo, dónde y por qué».  Cristo en contexto, para en cada libro mostrar cómo toda la Biblia apunta a Jesús y las buenas nuevas del evangelio  Descubriendo la verdad llama a ayudar a los niños a comprender las verdades esenciales de la Biblia y aplicarlas a su vida.  Ilustraciones de Excavando el pasado e imágenes del mundo real para ayudar a conectar los puntos entre importantes descubrimientos arqueológicos y la Biblia.  Datos e imágenes de Explorando la creación que conectan objetos y cosas modernas en el mundo de hoy con Dios y la Biblia  Trazar la historia, que ilustra líneas de tiempo y examina períodos de tiempo y eventos clave en la historia bíblica  Perfiles de la Guía de campo de personajes, con datos divertidos y puntos de vista sobre personas importantes en la Biblia  Archivando descubrimientos, que destaca versículos clave para memorizar a lo largo de la Biblia  Glosario explorador, concordancia temática para ayudar con algunas de las grandes palabras que se encuentran en la Biblia  Tamaño de letra de 9.5 puntos que es fácil de leer con palabras de Jesús en rojo  Marcador de cinta para una fácil referencia entre páginas  Página de presentación especialmente diseñada para la entrega de regalos o premios  Sección de mapas a todo color para ayudar a encontrar los lugares mencionados en la Biblia    The Explorer Bible for Kids RVR 1960 is made to help kids place God’s Wo

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    • 9781087788609 Explorer Bible For Kids

      Explorer Bible For Kids


      La RVR 1960 Biblia para niños exploradores está hecha para ayudar a los niños a entender cómo la Palabra de Dios se relaciona con el mundo de Dios. Dentro de sus páginas, los niños explorarán e interactuarán con las personas, lugares y cosas de la Biblia y la creación de Dios. Esta Biblia presenta un atractivo diseño a todo color con imágenes, ilustraciones, cronologías y ayudas de estudio para equipar a los niños a leer, comprender y aplicar mejor la Palabra de Dios para toda la vida.  CARACTERÍSTICAS   Introducciones de libros para ayudar a los niños a comprender las verdades clave y los puntos clave de cada libro, incluido el «quién, qué, cuándo, dónde y por qué».  Cristo en contexto, para en cada libro mostrar cómo toda la Biblia apunta a Jesús y las buenas nuevas del evangelio  Descubriendo la verdad llama a ayudar a los niños a comprender las verdades esenciales de la Biblia y aplicarlas a su vida.  Ilustraciones de Excavando el pasado e imágenes del mundo real para ayudar a conectar los puntos entre importantes descubrimientos arqueológicos y la Biblia.  Datos e imágenes de Explorando la creación que conectan objetos y cosas modernas en el mundo de hoy con Dios y la Biblia  Trazar la historia, que ilustra líneas de tiempo y examina períodos de tiempo y eventos clave en la historia bíblica  Perfiles de la Guía de campo de personajes, con datos divertidos y puntos de vista sobre personas importantes en la Biblia  Archivando descubrimientos, que destaca versículos clave para memorizar a lo largo de la Biblia  Glosario explorador, concordancia temática para ayudar con algunas de las grandes palabras que se encuentran en la Biblia  Tamaño de letra de 9.5 puntos que es fácil de leer con palabras de Jesús en rojo  Marcador de cinta para una fácil referencia entre páginas  Página de presentación especialmente diseñada para la entrega de regalos o premios  Sección de mapas a todo color para ayudar a encontrar los lugares mencionados en la Biblia    The Explorer Bible for Kids RVR 1960 is made to help kids place God’s Wo

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    • 9780829773071 New Testament Pocket Size With Psalms And Proverbs

      New Testament Pocket Size With Psalms And Proverbs


      Un Nuevo Testamento NVI en formato portátil y accesible, con Salmos y Proverbios.Siendo perfecto para las personas que viajan, el Nuevo Testamento NVI (2022) con Salmos y Proverbios cabe fácilmente en cualquier bolso, cartera, maletín o mochila. Su precio económico también es ideal para las oportunidades de evangelización.Disponible en el exclusivo tipo de letra Comfort Print(R) de Vida para una lectura fluida. Diseñado por expertos específicamente para ser utilizado con el texto de la Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI), Comfort Print(R) ofrece una experiencia de lectura más fácil que complementa la traducción de la Biblia al español moderno más leída.Características únicas:Texto del Nuevo Testamento con Salmos y Proverbios de la precisa, legible y clara Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) 2022Palabras de Cristo en rojoTamaño de bolsillo fácil de llevarGlosarioPlan de salvaciónExclusivo tipo de letra Vida Comfort Print(R) para facilitar la lecturaTamaño de letra a 7 puntosNVI, New Testament, Pocket Size, with Psalms and Proverbs, Softcover, BlackAn accessible NVI New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs in a portable size.Perfect for people on the go, the NVI (2022) New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs fits easily into any bag, purse, briefcase, or backpack. The economical price is also ideal for outreach opportunities.Available in the exclusive Vida Comfort Print(R) typeface for smooth reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) text, Comfort Print(R) offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-Spanish Bible translation.Features Include:New Testament text with Psalms and Proverbs from the accurate, readable, and clear Nueva Version Internacional (NVI) 2022Words of Christ in redEasy-to-carry pocket sizeGlossaryPlan of salvationExclusive Vida Comfort Print typeface for ease of readingPrint Size: 7The Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) is the world’s bestselling modern-Spanish Bible translation-accurate, readable, and clear, yet rich with the detail found in the original languages.

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    • 9780829773057 New Testament Pocket Size With Psalms And Proverbs

      New Testament Pocket Size With Psalms And Proverbs


      Nuevo Testamento de bolsillo ideal para baby showers, bautizos y dedicatorias de niños.Con su tamaño de bolsillo y su hermosa encuadernación LeathersoftTM, el Nuevo Testamento NVI con Salmos y Proverbios lucirá precioso como el complemento significativo perfecto para la habitación del bebé y será un adorable recuerdo cuando crezca. Con la Nueva Versión Internacional (2022) de la Biblia, la traducción al español moderno más popular hoy en día, y el exclusivo tipo de letra Comfort Print(R) de Vida para facilitar la lectura.CaracterísticasTexto completo del Nuevo Testamento con Salmos y Proverbios de la precisa, legible y clara Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) 2022Tamaño de bolsillo: 3-5/8 x 5-1/4 pulgadasEmpaque tipo caja de regalo perfecto para obsequiarHermosa cubierta LeathersoftTMFormato a doble columnaExclusivo tipo de letra Vida Comfort Print(R) para mejorar la legibilidadTamaño de impresión: 7NVI, New Testament, Pocket Size, with Psalms and Proverbs, Leathersoft, PinkPocket-sized New Testament ideal for baby showers, baptisms, christenings, and baby dedications.With its pocket size and beautiful LeathersoftTM binding, the NVI New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs will look adorable as the perfect meaningful addition to a baby’s nursery and make a lovely keepsake as they grow. Featuring the Nueva Versión Internacional (2022) of the Bible, today’s most popular modern-Spanish translation, and Vida’s exclusive Comfort Print(R) typeface for ease of readability.Features:Complete New Testament text with Psalms and Proverbs of the accurate, readable, and clear Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) 2022Pocket size: 3-5/8 x 5-1/4 inchesClamshell gift packaging perfect for gift givingBeautiful LeathersoftTM coverDouble-column formatExclusive Vida Comfort Print(R) typeface for enhanced readabilityPrint size: 7

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    • 9780829773040 New Testament Pocket Size With Psalms And Proverbs

      New Testament Pocket Size With Psalms And Proverbs


      Nuevo Testamento de bolsillo ideal para baby showers, bautizos y dedicatorias de niños.Con su tamaño de bolsillo y su hermosa encuadernación LeathersoftTM, el Nuevo Testamento NVI con Salmos y Proverbios lucirá precioso como el complemento significativo perfecto para la habitación del bebé y será un adorable recuerdo cuando crezca. Con la Nueva Versión Internacional (2022) de la Biblia, la traducción al español moderno más popular hoy en día, y el exclusivo tipo de letra Comfort Print(R) de Vida para facilitar la lectura.CaracterísticasTexto completo del Nuevo Testamento con Salmos y Proverbios de la precisa, legible y clara Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) 2022Tamaño de bolsillo: 3-5/8 x 5-1/4 pulgadasEmpaque tipo caja de regalo perfecto para obsequiarHermosa cubierta LeathersoftTMFormato a doble columnaExclusivo tipo de letra Vida Comfort Print(R) para mejorar la legibilidadTamaño de impresión: 7NVI, New Testament, Pocket Size, with Psalms and Proverbs, Leathersoft, WhitePocket-sized New Testament ideal for baby showers, baptisms, christenings, and baby dedications.With its pocket size and beautiful LeathersoftTM binding, the NVI New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs will look adorable as the perfect meaningful addition to a baby’s nursery and make a lovely keepsake as they grow. Featuring the Nueva Versión Internacional (2022) of the Bible, today’s most popular modern-Spanish translation, and Vida’s exclusive Comfort Print(R) typeface for ease of readability.Features:Complete New Testament text with Psalms and Proverbs of the accurate, readable, and clear Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) 2022Pocket size: 3-5/8 x 5-1/4 inchesClamshell gift packaging perfect for gift givingBeautiful LeathersoftTM coverDouble-column formatExclusive Vida Comfort Print(R) typeface for enhanced readabilityPrint size: 7

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    • 9780829773026 New Testament Pocket Size With Psalms And Proverbs

      New Testament Pocket Size With Psalms And Proverbs


      Un Nuevo Testamento NVI en formato portátil y accesible, con Salmos y Proverbios.Siendo perfecto para las personas que viajan, el Nuevo Testamento NVI (2022) con Salmos y Proverbios cabe fácilmente en cualquier bolso, cartera, maletín o mochila. Su precio económico también es ideal para las oportunidades de evangelización divulgación.Disponible en el exclusivo tipo de letra Comfort Print(R) de Vida para una lectura fluida. Diseñado por expertos específicamente para ser utilizado con el texto de la Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI), Comfort Print(R) ofrece una experiencia de lectura más fácil que complementa la traducción de la Biblia al español moderno más leída.Características únicas:Texto del Nuevo Testamento con Salmos y Proverbios de la precisa, legible y clara Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) 2022Palabras de Cristo en rojoTamaño de bolsillo fácil de llevarGlosarioPlan de salvaciónExclusivo tipo de letra Vida Comfort Print(R) para facilitar la lecturaTamaño de letra a 7 puntosNVI, New Testament, Pocket Size, with Psalms and Proverbs, Softcover, Bright LightsAn accessible NVI New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs in a portable size.Perfect for people on the go, the NVI (2022) New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs fits easily into any bag, purse, briefcase, or backpack. The economical price is also ideal for outreach opportunities.Available in the exclusive Vida Comfort Print(R) typeface for smooth reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) text, Comfort Print(R) offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-Spanish Bible translation.Features Include:New Testament text with Psalms and Proverbs from the accurate, readable, and clear Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) 2022Words of Christ in redEasy-to-carry pocket sizeGlossaryPlan of salvationExclusive Vida Comfort Print typeface for ease of readingPrint Size: 7The Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) is the world’s bestselling modern-Spanish Bible translation-accurate, readable, and clear, yet rich with the detail found in the original languages.

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    • 9780829773019 New Testament Pocket Size With Psalms And Proverbs

      New Testament Pocket Size With Psalms And Proverbs


      Un Nuevo Testamento NVI en formato portátil y accesible, con Salmos y Proverbios.Siendo perfecto para las personas que viajan, el Nuevo Testamento NVI (2022) con Salmos y Proverbios cabe fácilmente en cualquier bolso, cartera, maletín o mochila. Su precio económico también es ideal para las oportunidades de evangelización.Disponible en el exclusivo tipo de letra Comfort Print(R) de Vida para una lectura fluida. Diseñado por expertos específicamente para ser utilizado con el texto de la Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI), Comfort Print(R) ofrece una experiencia de lectura más fácil que complementa la traducción de la Biblia al español moderno más leída.Características únicas:Texto del Nuevo Testamento con Salmos y Proverbios de la precisa, legible y clara Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) 2022Palabras de Cristo en rojoTamaño de bolsillo fácil de llevarGlosarioPlan de salvaciónExclusivo tipo de letra Vida Comfort Print(R) para facilitar la lecturaTamaño de letra a 7 puntosNVI, New Testament, Pocket Size, with Psalms and Proverbs, Softcover, NavyAn accessible NVI New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs in a portable size.Perfect for people on the go, the NVI (2022) New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs fits easily into any bag, purse, briefcase, or backpack. The economical price is also ideal for outreach opportunities.Available in the exclusive Vida Comfort Print(R) typeface for smooth reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) text, Comfort Print(R) offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-Spanish Bible translation.Features Include:New Testament text with Psalms and Proverbs from the accurate, readable, and clear Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) 2022Words of Christ in redEasy-to-carry pocket sizeGlossaryPlan of salvationExclusive Vida Comfort Print typeface for ease of readingPrint Size: 7The Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) is the world’s bestselling modern-Spanish Bible translation-accurate, readable, and clear, yet rich with the detail found in the original languages.

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    • 9781496453013 Every Womans Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Every Womans Bible Filament Enabled Edition


      Discover your story in God’s story and find a life of extraordinary purpose.

      Every woman brings her own questions to the Bible: If I’m God’s child, why does my life sometimes feel ordinary or even disappointing? Why does the Bible say such hard and confusing things about and to women? How can I understand God and my own identity and place in God’s story?

      Every Woman’s Bible doesn’t shy away from the questions women ask. In these pages, active and impactful women of yesterday and today share age-old truths with modern relevance. Contributions from more than 100 women around the world-from every continent-explore the heartfelt needs, gritty challenges, and uncommon faithfulness of women of the Bible, throughout history, and today. Serious study and deep reflection will help you clarify your calling through personal stories, insights, inspiration, and study notes that dig into personal needs during your Bible reading-all created by women, for women.

      You’ll find . . .

      *Insight and transformation through deep study

      *Personal growth through reflective content

      *Connection to a global community of women

      *Powerful learning through access to additional study and devotional resources in the Filament Bible App

      *Greater understanding of God through digging into passages that are often difficult for women

      *Challenge through learning from a diverse group of women from many walks of life

      This beautiful Bible is created in community across socio-economic lines and international borders, by women united by their bond through Christ. This is your invitation to a global community. Together, in these pages, we discover the life we’re each made for and how to live it in our daily relationships with God, family and friends, and our communities, and how to create our unique imprint for good.

      Special features include . . .

      *The clear and accurate New Living Translation

      *Powerful and practical features by more than 100 women from around the world and in many walks of life

      *Insightful devotionals and study notes, all created by female scholars and writers

      *Beautiful full-color photographs and interior design

      *Content that’s perfect for personal study and for church or small group Bible studies
      interactive maps, and worship music that illuminate the page of Scripture you’re reading

      *Access to the innovative Filament Bible app, linking you to additional notes, articles, videos, interactive maps, and worship music that illuminate the

      in stock within 3-5 days of online purchase

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    • Sale! 9781496484383 Every Womans Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Every Womans Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Original price was: $54.99.Current price is: $38.97.

      Discover your story in God’s story and find a life of extraordinary purpose.

      Every woman brings her own questions to the Bible: If I’m God’s child, why does my life sometimes feel ordinary or even disappointing? Why does the Bible say such hard and confusing things about and to women? How can I understand God and my own identity and place in God’s story?

      Every Woman’s Bible doesn’t shy away from the questions women ask. In these pages, active and impactful women of yesterday and today share age-old truths with modern relevance. Contributions from more than 100 women around the world-from every continent-explore the heartfelt needs, gritty challenges, and uncommon faithfulness of women of the Bible, throughout history, and today. Serious study and deep reflection will help you clarify your calling through personal stories, insights, inspiration, and study notes that dig into personal needs during your Bible reading-all created by women, for women.

      You’ll find . . .

      *Insight and transformation through deep study

      *Personal growth through reflective content

      *Connection to a global community of women

      *Powerful learning through access to additional study and devotional resources in the Filament Bible App

      *Greater understanding of God through digging into passages that are often difficult for women

      *Challenge through learning from a diverse group of women from many walks of life

      This beautiful Bible is created in community across socio-economic lines and international borders, by women united by their bond through Christ. This is your invitation to a global community. Together, in these pages, we discover the life we’re each made for and how to live it in our daily relationships with God, family and friends, and our communities, and how to create our unique imprint for good.

      Special features include . . .

      *The clear and accurate New Living Translation

      *Powerful and practical features by more than 100 women from around the world and in many walks of life

      *Insightful devotionals and study notes, all created by female scholars and writers

      *Beautiful full-color photographs and interior design

      *Content that’s perfect for personal study and for church or small group Bible studies
      interactive maps, and worship music that illuminate the page of Scripture you’re reading

      *Access to the innovative Filament Bible app, linking you to additional notes, articles, videos, interactive maps, and worship music that illuminate the

      in stock within 3-5 days of online purchase

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    • Sale! 9781496453006 Every Womans Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Every Womans Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $39.99.

      Discover your story in God’s story and find a life of extraordinary purpose.

      Every woman brings her own questions to the Bible: If I’m God’s child, why does my life sometimes feel ordinary or even disappointing? Why does the Bible say such hard and confusing things about and to women? How can I understand God and my own identity and place in God’s story?

      Every Woman’s Bible doesn’t shy away from the questions women ask. In these pages, active and impactful women of yesterday and today share age-old truths with modern relevance. Contributions from more than 100 women around the world-from every continent-explore the heartfelt needs, gritty challenges, and uncommon faithfulness of women of the Bible, throughout history, and today. Serious study and deep reflection will help you clarify your calling through personal stories, insights, inspiration, and study notes that dig into personal needs during your Bible reading-all created by women, for women.

      You’ll find . . .

      *Insight and transformation through deep study

      *Personal growth through reflective content

      *Connection to a global community of women

      *Powerful learning through access to additional study and devotional resources in the Filament Bible App

      *Greater understanding of God through digging into passages that are often difficult for women

      *Challenge through learning from a diverse group of women from many walks of life

      This beautiful Bible is created in community across socio-economic lines and international borders, by women united by their bond through Christ. This is your invitation to a global community. Together, in these pages, we discover the life we’re each made for and how to live it in our daily relationships with God, family and friends, and our communities, and how to create our unique imprint for good.

      Special features include . . .

      *The clear and accurate New Living Translation

      *Powerful and practical features by more than 100 women from around the world and in many walks of life

      *Insightful devotionals and study notes, all created by female scholars and writers

      *Beautiful full-color photographs and interior design

      *Content that’s perfect for personal study and for church or small group Bible studies
      interactive maps, and worship music that illuminate the page of Scripture you’re reading

      *Access to the innovative Filament Bible app, linking you to additional notes, articles, videos, interactive maps, and worship music that illuminate the

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    • 9781433593147 Thinline Bible

      Thinline Bible


      The top-selling ESV Bible is ideal for use at home and on-the-go. At less than 1″ thick and available in multiple designs, there is a perfect ESV Thinline Bible for everyone.

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    • 9780310459071 Thompson Chain Reference Bible

      Thompson Chain Reference Bible


      An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible studyBeloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson(R) Chain-Reference(R) Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. This unique reference Bible enables you to search the breadth of Scripture’s teachings on thousands of topics and allows you to follow those topics throughout the entire Bible. With over 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, the chain-reference system is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary.The ESV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read. Features:Complete text of the English Standard Version (ESV)Easy-to-understand chain-reference system with over 100,000 referencesAlphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own topic number, for exhaustive topical studyAn extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study toolsFresh, two-color page design66 book introductions16-page full-color map section with map indexLine-matched text for enhanced readabilityWords of Jesus in redPresentation page for gift-givingGilded page edgesTwo double-sided satin ribbon markers, each 3/8-inch wideLeathersoft cover lies flat when openReadable Lexicon typeface9.5-point type size

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    • 9780310463122 Journal The Word Bible For Women Comfort Print

      Journal The Word Bible For Women Comfort Print


      Take a reflective journey through the Bible Do you seek stillness and inspiration in your quiet time? The NIV Journal the Word(R) Bible for Women guides you through God’s precious Word with reflections and thought-provoking questions placed beside Scripture. Explore God’s Word for you and express your heart in the wide margins of this journaling Bible with room for responses, journaling, and artistic expression.Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New International Version (NIV) text, Zondervan’s exclusive Comfort Print(R) typeface offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-English Bible translation. Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)Over 500 reflective journaling prompts carefully crafted to equip you to contemplate ScripturePresentation page for personalizing and gift givingTwo-color page designThick white paper for enduring note-taking or personal artwork in the wide marginsSubject index of journaling promptsWords of Jesus in redTwo satin ribbon markersLeathersoft cover lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefacePrint size: 9.5

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    • 9780829772715 NIV NVI 2022 Bilingual Bible Comfort Print

      NIV NVI 2022 Bilingual Bible Comfort Print


      La edición actualizada de la Nueva Versión Internacional (2022) y la New International Version en forma paralela y en un solo volumen, presentando la traducción moderna más leída de la Biblia en español y la traducción más popular de la Biblia en inglés, y ahora utilizando la hermosa tipografía Comfort Print(R).Esta Biblia Bilingüe es ideal en la comunicación con personas que hablan otro idioma y para aquellos que están iniciando sus estudios en inglés o español como segunda lengua, mientras disfrutan la lectura de la Palabra de Dios.CaracterísticasTexto completo de la Nueva Versión Internacional en español (2022) y de la New International Version en Inglés (2011) en un solo volumenDiseño comparable y contemporáneo que eleva visualmente su experiencia de lecturaPalabras del Señor Jesucristo en rojoExclusivo y bello tipo de letra Comfort Print(R)Marcadores de cinta de saténNIV/NVI Bilingual Bible, Leathersoft, Grey / NIV/NVI Biblia Bilingüe, Leathersoft, GrisThe updated edition of the Nueva Versión Internacional (2022) and the New International Version of the Bible head-to-head in one volume, presenting the most widely read modern translation of the Bible in Spanish and the most popular translation of the Bible in English, and now using the beautiful Comfort Print(R).This Bilingual Bible is ideal to use in communication with people who speak another language and for those who are starting their studies in either English or Spanish as a second language while enjoy reading the Word of God.Features:Full text of the Nueva Versión Internacional (2022) and the New International Version (2011) in one volumeComparable and contemporary design that visually elevates your reading experienceWords of the Lord Jesus Christ in redExclusive & beautiful Comfort Print(R) typefaceRibbon markers

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    • 9780829772708 NIV NVI 2022 Bilingual Bible Comfort Print

      NIV NVI 2022 Bilingual Bible Comfort Print


      La edición actualizada de la Nueva Versión Internacional (2022) y la New International Version en forma paralela y en un solo volumen, presentando la traducción moderna más leída de la Biblia en español y la traducción más popular de la Biblia en inglés, y ahora utilizando la hermosa tipografía Comfort Print(R).Esta Biblia Bilingüe es ideal en la comunicación con personas que hablan otro idioma y para aquellos que están iniciando sus estudios en inglés o español como segunda lengua, mientras disfrutan la lectura de la Palabra de Dios.CaracterísticasTexto completo de la Nueva Versión Internacional en español (2022) y de la Nueva Versión Internacional en Inglés (2011) en un solo volumenDiseño comparable y contemporáneo que eleva visualmente su experiencia de lecturaPalabras del Señor Jesucristo en rojoExclusivo y bello tipo de letra Comfort Print(R)Marcadores de cinta de saténNIV/NVI Bilingual Bible, Hardcover / NIV/NVI Biblia Bilingüe, Tapa DuraThe updated edition of the Nueva Versión Internacional (2022) and the New International Version of the Bible head-to-head in one volume, presenting the most widely read modern translation of the Bible in Spanish and the most popular translation of the Bible in English, and now using the beautiful Comfort Print(R).This Bilingual Bible is ideal to use in communication with people who speak another language and for those who are starting their studies in either English or Spanish as a second language while enjoy reading the Word of God.Features:Full text of the Nueva Versión Internacional (2022) and the New International Version (2011) in one volumeComparable and contemporary design that visually elevates your reading experienceWords of the Lord Jesus Christ in redExclusive & beautiful Comfort Print(R) typefaceRibbon markers

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    • 9798887691589 KJVER Gift And Award Bible Deluxe Edition

      KJVER Gift And Award Bible Deluxe Edition


      The King James Version is the most published and printed translation of the Bible to this day. No other version has ever matched the beauty of its writing or the depth of its meaning. The King James Version Easy Read Bible ( KJVER(TM)) is ” The Trusted King James in an Easy Read Format.”(R) It uses the original 1611 King James Version text (based on the Textus Receptus–Received Text–rather than the revised 1881 Greek and Hebrew text).

      The KJVER enhances the readability of the classic, beloved KJV by updating some seventeenth-century English words to their twenty-first-century equivalents. Even with these word exchanges, no doctrine has been changed. The KJVER maintains the meaning and integrity of the KJV translation.

      in stock within 3-5 days of online purchase

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    • 9798887691572 KJVER Gift And Award Bible Deluxe Edition

      KJVER Gift And Award Bible Deluxe Edition


      The King James Version is the most published and printed translation of the Bible to this day. No other version has ever matched the beauty of its writing or the depth of its meaning. The King James Version Easy Read Bible ( KJVER(TM)) is ” The Trusted King James in an Easy Read Format.”(R) It uses the original 1611 King James Version text (based on the Textus Receptus–Received Text–rather than the revised 1881 Greek and Hebrew text).

      The KJVER enhances the readability of the classic, beloved KJV by updating some seventeenth-century English words to their twenty-first-century equivalents. Even with these word exchanges, no doctrine has been changed. The KJVER maintains the meaning and integrity of the KJV translation.

      in stock within 3-5 days of online purchase

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    • 9798887691565 KJVER Gift And Award Bible Deluxe Edition

      KJVER Gift And Award Bible Deluxe Edition


      The King James Version is the most published and printed translation of the Bible to this day. No other version has ever matched the beauty of its writing or the depth of its meaning. The King James Version Easy Read Bible ( KJVER(TM)) is ” The Trusted King James in an Easy Read Format.”(R) It uses the original 1611 King James Version text (based on the Textus Receptus–Received Text–rather than the revised 1881 Greek and Hebrew text).

      The KJVER enhances the readability of the classic, beloved KJV by updating some seventeenth-century English words to their twenty-first-century equivalents. Even with these word exchanges, no doctrine has been changed. The KJVER maintains the meaning and integrity of the KJV translation.

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    • 9798887691558 KJVER Gift And Award Bible Deluxe Edition

      KJVER Gift And Award Bible Deluxe Edition


      The King James Version is the most published and printed translation of the Bible to this day. No other version has ever matched the beauty of its writing or the depth of its meaning. The King James Version Easy Read Bible ( KJVER(TM)) is ” The Trusted King James in an Easy Read Format.”(R) It uses the original 1611 King James Version text (based on the Textus Receptus–Received Text–rather than the revised 1881 Greek and Hebrew text).

      The KJVER enhances the readability of the classic, beloved KJV by updating some seventeenth-century English words to their twenty-first-century equivalents. Even with these word exchanges, no doctrine has been changed. The KJVER maintains the meaning and integrity of the KJV translation.

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    • 9798887691541 KJVER Gift And Award Bible

      KJVER Gift And Award Bible


      The King James Version is the most published and printed translation of the Bible to this day. No other version has ever matched the beauty of its writing or the depth of its meaning. The King James Version Easy Read Bible ( KJVER(TM)) is ” The Trusted King James in an Easy Read Format(R).” It uses the original 1611 King James Version text (based on the Textus Receptus–Received Text–rather than the revised 1881 Greek and Hebrew text).

      The KJVER enhances the readability of the classic, beloved KJV by updating some seventeenth-century English words to their twenty-first-century equivalents. Even with these word exchanges, no doctrine has been changed. The KJVER maintains the meaning and integrity of the KJV translation.

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    • 9780310461104 Wide Margin Bible Comfort Print

      Wide Margin Bible Comfort Print


      An NASB Bible beautifully laid out with wide margins ideal for taking notes.This NASB Wide Margin Bible features a beautiful two-color interior with substantial margins on both the inside and outside of the page, allowing you to record notes and deepen your reflection on and study of God’s Word.Universally recognized as the gold standard among word-for-word translations, the beloved New American Standard Bible, 1995 Edition, is now easier to read with Zondervan’s exclusive NASB Comfort Print(R) typeface. The NASB Wide Margin Bible gives you the translation celebrated for faithfulness to the original biblical languages along with ample room on each page for notes, reflections, or prayers, making this Bible ideal for study or to give as a keepsake. Features:The full text of the New American Standard Bible, 1995 EditionWide margins on the inside and the outside of the page provide ample room for making notesBeautiful two-color page designEight pages of full-color mapsNASB Comprehensive ConcordanceDouble-column formatWords of Jesus in redPremium 36 GSM paperTwo double-sided satin ribbon markers, each 3/8-inch wideCalfskin leather cover with raised hubs lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NASB Comfort Print(R) typefacePrint Size: 9.5

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    • 9780310461081 Wide Margin Bible Comfort Print

      Wide Margin Bible Comfort Print


      An NASB Bible beautifully laid out with wide margins ideal for taking notes.This NASB Wide Margin Bible features a beautiful two-color interior with substantial margins on both the inside and outside of the page, allowing you to record notes and deepen your reflection on and study of God’s Word.Universally recognized as the gold standard among word-for-word translations, the beloved New American Standard Bible, 1995 Edition, is now easier to read with Zondervan’s exclusive NASB Comfort Print(R) typeface. The NASB Wide Margin Bible gives you the translation celebrated for faithfulness to the original biblical languages along with ample room on each page for notes, reflections, or prayers, making this Bible ideal for study or to give as a keepsake. Features:The full text of the New American Standard Bible, 1995 EditionWide margins on the inside and the outside of the page provide ample room for making notesBeautiful two-color page designNASB Comprehensive ConcordanceDouble-column formatWords of Jesus in redPremium 36 GSM paperTwo satin ribbon markersLeathersoft cover lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NASB Comfort Print(R) typefacePrint Size: 9.5

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    • 9781430094814 Personal Size Bible

      Personal Size Bible


      The NASB Personal Size Bible comes in a portable and concise format that is perfect for your busy lifestyle. This Bible is great for personal reading or use at church and can easily fit in a backpack, tote bag, or purse, so it is always quickly accessible when on the go.   FEATURES   Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding   Two-column text format   Topical subject headings   7.5-point type size   Words of Christ in red   Footnotes   Gilded page edges   Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages   “Where to Turn” section with Scripture references for common life issues  Harmony of the Gospels  Presentation page for gift-giving  Full-color maps  The NASB Personal Size Bible features the trusted text of the New American Standard Bible (NASB, 2020 edition). The NASB is one of the most literal translations of the Bible, using a formal equivalence translation philosophy. This word-for-word translation method allows you to read, study, and teach with confidence. 

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    • 9781496482297 Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


      The NLT Giant Print Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition is an exciting addition to Tyndale’s Filament Bible Collection!

      The NLT Giant Print Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition offers easy-to-read 14-point type, the words of Jesus in red, a full-color Visual Overview of the Bible, and translation notes with minimal interruptions for a comfortable reading experience. And for the same low price as text-only Bibles, the NLT Giant Print Bible enables you to go further with the groundbreaking Filament Bible app.

      This beautiful Bible offers easy-to-understand language and extensive supplementary content in the Filament app, as well as a comfortable font size and a quality design.

      Enhance Your Bible Studying through the Free Filament Bible App

      This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page of this extra-large print Bible to a vast array of related content, including:

      *25,000+ study notes
      *350+ videos
      *40+ maps and infographics
      *400+ profiles and articles
      *1,500+ devotionals
      *Library of worship music

      The Filament Bible app turns this Tyndale Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand. And there is no additional cost for the Filament Bible app. No additional purchase. No additional size or weight.

      Of course, you can use this Bible without the app, but when you want to go further, grab your phone or tablet and open the Filament Bible app. It’s so easy to use.

      The New Living Translation is a clear and accurate English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading.

      This giant print Bible makes a perfect gift for young adults, adults, seniors, and those who are looking for an easier reading experience at any age.

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    • Sale! 9781400338313 Value Ultra Thinline Bible Comfort Print

      Value Ultra Thinline Bible Comfort Print

      Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $17.99.

      Enjoy the reliable and time-tested words of the King James Version in this extra-thin Bible. Measuring less than an inch thick, it is convenient to carry with you wherever you go.Features include:Thomas Nelson’s slimmest Bible edition, designed for portability and readabilityEasy to follow, double-column text layoutPresentation pageSatin ribbon markerWords of Christ in red8-pages of full-color mapsFlexible and strong Smyth-sewn bindingClear and readable 8-point KJV Comfort Print

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    • Sale! 9781400338290 Value Ultra Thinline Bible Comfort Print

      Value Ultra Thinline Bible Comfort Print

      Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $17.99.

      Enjoy the reliable and time-tested words of the King James Version in this extra-thin Bible. Measuring less than an inch thick, it is convenient to carry with you wherever you go.Features include:Thomas Nelson’s slimmest Bible edition, designed for portability and readabilityEasy to follow, double-column text layoutPresentation pageSatin ribbon markerWords of Christ in red8-pages of full-color mapsFlexible and strong Smyth-sewn bindingClear and readable 8-point KJV Comfort Print

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    • 9781430091905 Giant Print Bible With References

      Giant Print Bible With References


      Biblia letra gigante, con una tipografía completamente nueva y letra fácil de leer. Incluye referencias en cadena, palabras de Cristo en rojo, plan de lectura, atributos de Jesús, cinta marcadora y mapas a todo color. Giant Print Bible, with a completely new typeface and easy to read font. Includes chain references, words of Christ in red, reading plan, attributes of Jesus, marker tape, and full-color maps.

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    • 9781414302065 Gift And Award Bible

      Gift And Award Bible


      SKU (ISBN): 9781414302065ISBN10: 1414302061Translation: New Living Translation (NLT)Language: EnglishColor: BlackBinding: ImitationFont size: 7Words of Jesus Christ in Red LettersPresentation BiblePublished: February 2024Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • 9781414302072 Gift And Award Bible

      Gift And Award Bible


      SKU (ISBN): 9781414302072ISBN10: 141430207XTranslation: New Living Translation (NLT)Language: EnglishColor: BurgundyBinding: ImitationFont size: 7Words of Jesus Christ in Red LettersPresentation BiblePublished: February 2024Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • 9781400338320 Ultra Thinline Bible Comfort Print

      Ultra Thinline Bible Comfort Print


      Enjoy the reliable and time-tested words of the King James Version in this extra-thin Bible. Measuring less than an inch thick, it is convenient to carry with you wherever you go.Features include:Thomas Nelson’s slimmest Bible edition, designed for portability and readabilityEasy to follow, double-column text layoutPresentation pageSatin ribbon markerWords of Christ in red8-pages of full-color mapsFlexible and strong Smyth-sewn bindingClear and readable 8-point KJV Comfort Print

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    • 9780785263609 Breathe Life Holy Bible Comfort Print

      Breathe Life Holy Bible Comfort Print


      Faith in Action: Being a Gospel-Driven Change-MakerChristians are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world. To be proclaimers of good news-agents of reconciliation with a message of hope, and faith that takes action. We need wisdom from God’s Word, power from His Spirit, hope from His gospel, and faith that He will equip us for the task. The Breathe Life Bible invites you to experience Scripture through the lens of the BREATHE acronym: Believe, Reconcile, Exalt, Act, Trust, Hope, and Elevate. Receive practical biblical encouragement. Find answers to some of life’s most difficult situations. Discover what faith in action really looks like as we pursue God’s vision of being a community where all people are valued and cared for.Features include: Introduction article by Rev. Dr. Bernice A. KingForeword by Ambassador Andrew YoungPrayer of dedication by Bishop Hezekiah WalkerEncouragement letters from Rev. Matthew Wesley Williams (President, Interdenominational Theological Center), Dr. Thelma Thomas Daley (President, National Council of Negro Women), and Derrick Johnson (President, NAACP)The Sky Dive more deeply into faith in action with these three focused articles. Through God’s Word, you are empowered to live a fruitful, abundant life, fully engaged in the pursuit of healthy relationships with God and others.The Air Increase your understanding with introductions and overviews for each book of the Bible’s content and themes, plus insights on each book’s relevance to the hearts of people of color today.We Speak Look at life through the eyes of 49 people in the Bible. Relate to the joys, sorrows, victories, and defeats of those who lived long ago and glean insights on how to live today.Life Support Explore how God’s truth can be applied to action steps in your life through 10 passages in the Bible.Inhale-Exhale A Q&A format addresses some of the most difficult life situations with answers that remind you that it is possible to rise above challenges in God’s power.#Oxygen Be challenged and encouraged with 98 brief snippets of wisdom drawn straight from the Word.Release Focus on tenets of the BREATHE acronym-Believe, Reconcile, Exalt, Act, Trust, Hope, Elevate-through this series of 49 devotions developed by Christian pastors and teachers who seek hope and guidance in God’s Word.Cross references and concordanceWords of Christ in redClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Additional Contributors:Dr. Charrita Danly QuimbyRev. Dr. Eric W. LeeMi

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    • 9781636097558 Holy Bible Highlighting Gods Promises To You

      Holy Bible Highlighting Gods Promises To You


      What does scripture say about Adversity, Blessings, Character, Death, Eternity, or scores of other topics? Find out here, along with the full context of every promise. You’ll be challenged and encouraged by God’s many and certain promises as you read The Holy Bible KJV: Highlighting God’s Promises to You.  

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    • Sale! 9781400338306 Value Ultra Thinline Bible Comfort Print

      Value Ultra Thinline Bible Comfort Print

      Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $17.99.

      Enjoy the reliable and time-tested words of the King James Version in this extra-thin Bible. Measuring less than an inch thick, it is convenient to carry with you wherever you go.Features include:Thomas Nelson’s slimmest Bible edition, designed for portability and readabilityEasy to follow, double-column text layoutPresentation pageSatin ribbon markerWords of Christ in red8-pages of full-color mapsFlexible and strong Smyth-sewn bindingClear and readable 8-point KJV Comfort Print

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    • Sale! 9781400338283 Value Ultra Thinline Bible Comfort Print

      Value Ultra Thinline Bible Comfort Print

      Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $14.99.

      Enjoy the reliable and time-tested words of the King James Version in this extra-thin Bible. Measuring less than an inch thick, it is convenient to carry with you wherever you go.Features include:Thomas Nelson’s slimmest Bible edition, designed for portability and readabilityEasy to follow, double-column text layoutPresentation pageSatin ribbon markerWords of Christ in red8-pages of full-color mapsFlexible and strong Smyth-sewn bindingClear and readable 8-point KJV Comfort Print

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    • 9781636097541 Holy Bible Highlighting Gods Promises To You

      Holy Bible Highlighting Gods Promises To You


      What does scripture say about Adversity, Blessings, Character, Death, Eternity, or scores of other topics? Find out here, along with the full context of every promise. You’ll be challenged and encouraged by God’s many and certain promises as you read The Holy Bible KJV: Highlighting God’s Promises to You.  

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    • Sale! 9781400335442 Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $27.99.

      Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding

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    • Sale! 9781400335435 Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Original price was: $54.99.Current price is: $38.50.

      Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding

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    • Sale! 9781400335428 Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Original price was: $54.99.Current price is: $38.50.

      Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding

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    • 9781496480101 Compact Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Compact Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


      Tyndale’s innovative Filament-enabled Bible line is now available in the NLT Compact Giant Print edition. Like other compact editions of the New Living Translation, this Bible fits easily into a purse, backpack, briefcase, or suitcase. This Bible features the life-changing New Living Translation text in 10-point font with the words of Jesus in red, plus a presentation page and a full-color Visual Overview of the Bible. And for the same low price as similar text-only Bibles, the NLT Compact Giant Print Bible offers much more with the groundbreaking Filament Bible app.
      This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of curated content, including thousands of study notes and hundreds of devotionals, plus interactive maps, informative videos, and inspiring worship music. The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.

      The New Living Translation is a clear and trusted English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading.

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    • 9788418204586 Patristic Study Bible

      Patristic Study Bible


      La Biblia de Estudio Patrística coordinada por José María de Rus; cuenta con los principales expertos en las ciencias bíblicas, en Historia de la Iglesia, Iglesia Primitiva y la Patrística o Padres de la Iglesia; es una garantía de calidad y rigor en este ambicioso proyecto bíblico.Poner al alcance del lector en forma de notas de estudio, la esencia de las aportaciones, estudios y reflexiones de los lideres de la Iglesia Primitiva como Agustín de Hipona, Orígenes, Tertuliano, Justino Mártir, Ambrosio de Milán o Cirilo de Jerusalén, entre otros; es un trabajo inmenso, pero de gran valor.La Biblia de estudio Patrística editada por Justo L Gonzalez y Alfonso Ropero como principales editores, es la primera Biblia de estudio que examina las enseñanzas y escritos de forma global, histórica e integral, de los principales autores y personajes de esa época tan cercana y fundamental al inicio del cristianismo y desarrollo y expansión de la Iglesia Primitiva.Enfocada no solo para entender los esfuerzos de interpretación y aplicación bíblica de los primeros líderes de la iglesia sino para iluminar nuestra responsabilidad, pero también su interpretación actual y su relevancia hoy. Y un enfoque aplicativo para enriquecernos espiritual y moralmente, y poder caminaMas de 12.000 notas de estudio clasificadas en 7 tipos:ProféticasContextualesDoctrinalesTeológicasDevocionalesFilológicasExegéticasTambién se incluyen las palabras de Cristo en Rojo, tablas y gráficos, y cronologías, para poder visualizar mejor algunos conceptos e información de una forma visual.También se incluyen una serie de 50 excursus o estudios sobre algunas pasajes o temas importantes donde se amplía información y datos para profundizar en esa área importante.The Patristic Study Bible coordinated by José María de Rus; counts with the main experts in biblical sciences, in History of the Church, Primitive Church and the Patristic or Fathers of the Church; it is a guarantee of quality and rigor in this ambitious biblical project.Making available to the reader in the form of study notes, the essence of the contributions, studies and reflections of the leaders of the Early Church such as Augustine of Hippo, Origen, T

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    • 9780785280378 Encountering God Study Bible Comfort Print

      Encountering God Study Bible Comfort Print


      Encounter God through the Scriptures as you are guided by the wisdom and experience of the Blackaby family.The deepest need of every human heart is to encounter God. To meet with God, to be changed by Him, and to become more like Him as a result. For decades, the Blackaby family has dedicated their ministry to helping believers address this deepest need. Now you can learn from their insights to experience deeper encounters with God as you develop a regular routine of Bible reading and study in the Encountering God Study Bible.The Encountering God Study Bible is the crowning work of the Blackabys. Featuring their trusted approach to Bible study, explanatory notes, word studies, biblical character sketches, historical encounters with lives of exemplary faith, articles highlighting the creative nature of God, and other articles defending the faith, you will be encouraged to see that you can encounter God in His Word-and that He wants to encounter you through it.Features include: Encounter Notes highlighting how God might choose to encounter you in His WordArticles highlighting the creative nature of God by Daniel BlackabyArticles defending the lasting truths of the faith by Mike BlackabyRich explanatory notes explaining ideas, events, people, and places in the text to make the meaning clearWord studies, character studies, and biographical sketches of church history figures all written by members of the Blackaby familyBook introductions setting the scene for each biblical book and its importance for encountering GodTimeline of the biblical narrativeA succinct harmony of the GospelsChart of the prophecies fulfilled by Jesus as MessiahReading plansCenter-column reference setFull NKJV concordanceIndex to word studies, character studies, historical encounters, apologetic, and aesthetic articlesClear and readable NKJV Comfort Print(R) in a 9-point print size

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    • 9780785279532 Encountering God Study Bible Comfort Print

      Encountering God Study Bible Comfort Print


      Encounter God through the Scriptures as you are guided by the wisdom and experience of the Blackaby family.The deepest need of every human heart is to encounter God. To meet with God, to be changed by Him, and to become more like Him as a result. For decades, the Blackaby family has dedicated their ministry to helping believers address this deepest need. Now you can learn from their insights to experience deeper encounters with God as you develop a regular routine of Bible reading and study in the Encountering God Study Bible.The Encountering God Study Bible is the crowning work of the Blackabys. Featuring their trusted approach to Bible study, explanatory notes, word studies, biblical character sketches, historical encounters with lives of exemplary faith, articles highlighting the creative nature of God, and other articles defending the faith, you will be encouraged to see that you can encounter God in His Word-and that He wants to encounter you through it.Features include: Encounter Notes highlighting how God might choose to encounter you in His WordArticles highlighting the creative nature of God by Daniel BlackabyArticles defending the lasting truths of the faith by Mike BlackabyRich explanatory notes explaining ideas, events, people, and places in the text to make the meaning clearWord studies, character studies, and biographical sketches of church history figures all written by members of the Blackaby familyBook introductions setting the scene for each biblical book and its importance for encountering GodTimeline of the biblical narrativeA succinct harmony of the GospelsChart of the prophecies fulfilled by Jesus as MessiahReading plansCenter-column reference setFull NKJV concordanceIndex to word studies, character studies, historical encounters, apologetic, and aesthetic articlesClear and readable NKJV Comfort Print(R) in a 9-point print size

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    • 9780785266785 Encountering God Study Bible Comfort Print

      Encountering God Study Bible Comfort Print


      Encounter God through the Scriptures as you are guided by the wisdom and experience of the Blackaby family.The deepest need of every human heart is to encounter God. To meet with God, to be changed by Him, and to become more like Him as a result. For decades, the Blackaby family has dedicated their ministry to helping believers address this deepest need. Now you can learn from their insights to experience deeper encounters with God as you develop a regular routine of Bible reading and study in the Encountering God Study Bible.The Encountering God Study Bible is the crowning work of the Blackabys. Featuring their trusted approach to Bible study, explanatory notes, word studies, biblical character sketches, historical encounters with lives of exemplary faith, articles highlighting the creative nature of God, and other articles defending the faith, you will be encouraged to see that you can encounter God in His Word-and that He wants to encounter you through it.Features include: Encounter Notes highlighting how God might choose to encounter you in His WordArticles highlighting the creative nature of God by Daniel BlackabyArticles defending the lasting truths of the faith by Mike BlackabyRich explanatory notes explaining ideas, events, people, and places in the text to make the meaning clearWord studies, character studies, and biographical sketches of church history figures all written by members of the Blackaby familyBook introductions setting the scene for each biblical book and its importance for encountering GodTimeline of the biblical narrativeA succinct harmony of the GospelsChart of the prophecies fulfilled by Jesus as MessiahReading plansCenter-column reference setFull NKJV concordanceIndex to word studies, character studies, historical encounters, apologetic, and aesthetic articlesClear and readable NKJV Comfort Print(R) in a 9-point print size

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    • Sale! 9781496479112 Thinline Center Column Reference Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Thinline Center Column Reference Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Original price was: $89.99.Current price is: $71.99.

      The text Bible reimagined.

      The NLT Thinline Center-Column Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition features readable text, an attractive layout, and center-column cross-references in a thin, easy-to-carry size. It also features the Tyndale Hebrew and Greek word-study system providing helpful insights into the meaning of the original languages as well as book introductions and a concordance.

      The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, enabling you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page of this Bible to a vast array of related content, including study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music. For no additional cost, purchase, size or weight, you will have access to a wealth of information and resources from the very page you are reading without cluttering up your Bible. Read the NLT Thinline Center-Column Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition for a traditional reference Bible experience without the app or dive into all the free, easily accessible resources from your smartphone or tablet to explore God’s Word for an enriching experience of His presence.

      The Filament Bible app is both Android & iOS compatible

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    • 9781496479099 Thinline Center Column Reference Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Thinline Center Column Reference Bible Filament Enabled Edition


      The text Bible reimagined.

      The NLT Thinline Center-Column Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition features readable text, an attractive layout, and center-column cross-references in a thin, easy-to-carry size. It also features the Tyndale Hebrew and Greek word-study system providing helpful insights into the meaning of the original languages as well as book introductions and a concordance.

      The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, enabling you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page of this Bible to a vast array of related content, including study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music. For no additional cost, purchase, size or weight, you will have access to a wealth of information and resources from the very page you are reading without cluttering up your Bible. Read the NLT Thinline Center-Column Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition for a traditional reference Bible experience without the app or dive into all the free, easily accessible resources from your smartphone or tablet to explore God’s Word for an enriching experience of His presence.

      The Filament Bible app is both Android & iOS compatible

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    • Sale! 9781496479082 Thinline Center Column Reference Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Thinline Center Column Reference Bible Filament Enabled Edition

      Original price was: $79.99.Current price is: $63.99.

      The text Bible reimagined.

      The NLT Thinline Center-Column Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition features readable text, an attractive layout, and center-column cross-references in a thin, easy-to-carry size. It also features the Tyndale Hebrew and Greek word-study system providing helpful insights into the meaning of the original languages as well as book introductions and a concordance.

      The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, enabling you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page of this Bible to a vast array of related content, including study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music. For no additional cost, purchase, size or weight, you will have access to a wealth of information and resources from the very page you are reading without cluttering up your Bible. Read the NLT Thinline Center-Column Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition for a traditional reference Bible experience without the app or dive into all the free, easily accessible resources from your smartphone or tablet to explore God’s Word for an enriching experience of His presence.

      The Filament Bible app is both Android & iOS compatible

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    • 9781430082514 Personal Size Giant Print Bible

      Personal Size Giant Print Bible


      The CSB Personal Size Giant Print Bible features giant, easy-to-read 12-point type in a convenient personal trim size that is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church. The giant print type also makes this Bible an ideal choice for ministry and preaching.  FEATURES  Convenient personal trim size that is easy-to-carry  Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding  Two-column text format  Topical subject headings  Giant 12-point type size  Words of Christ in red  Footnotes  Gilded page edges  Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages   Topical concordance  Presentation page for gift-giving  Full-color maps  The CSB Personal Size Giant Print Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible(R) (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others. 

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    • 9781430082507 Personal Size Giant Print Bible

      Personal Size Giant Print Bible


      The CSB Personal Size Giant Print Bible features giant, easy-to-read 12-point type in a convenient personal trim size that is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church. The giant print type also makes this Bible an ideal choice for ministry and preaching.  FEATURES  Convenient personal trim size that is easy-to-carry  Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding  Two-column text format  Topical subject headings  Giant 12-point type size  Words of Christ in red  Footnotes  Gilded page edges  Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages   Topical concordance  Presentation page for gift-giving  Full-color maps  The CSB Personal Size Giant Print Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible(R) (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others. 

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