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    John Bevere

    • 9781400244164 Everyday Courage : 50 Devotions To Build A Bold Faith

      Everyday Courage : 50 Devotions To Build A Bold Faith


      It takes courage to live out your faith boldly, especially in the face of hostility or suffering. What gave Joshua and Caleb the courage to follow God’s commands despite fear? What gave Esther the courage to risk her life and trust God’s plan for His people? What gave the disciples the courage to live out their faith, even to the point of being martyred? They leaned into a greater fear, one that conquers all others–the fear of the Lord.

      The fear of the Lord gives believers the power to live with uncompromising faith–a powerful reality we see played out in the pages of the Bible as well as in our lives today. In Everyday Courage, respected Bible teacher, speaker, and bestselling author John Bevere reminds us through Scripture, devotions, and examples from the fathers and mothers of the faith that we, too can live with courage because the fear of the Lord swallows up every other fear in our lives.

      Each entry offers:

      *A Bible passage to help you discover how to fear God–and why the fear of the Lord is your ultimate source of strength

      *A thoughtful reflection on the day’s Scripture

      *Stories of biblical figures and other heroes of the faith who lived courageously

      *A powerful prayer to seek courage every day

      As you rediscover the power of holy fear in your life, you will step bravely into courageous living and bolder faith–every single day.

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    • 9781641239677 Guiados Por La Eternidad - (Spanish)

      Guiados Por La Eternidad – (Spanish)


      Un dia estaras delante de Dios y daras cuenta de tu vida. La pregunta mas importante que puedes hacerte ahora es, estaras listo?

      La mayoria de los cristianos saben que su respuesta a la cruz determina donde pasaran la eternidad. Pero, sabias que como pasaras la eternidad esta determinado por lo que hagas en esta vida?

      Dios quiere que descubras tu llamado. El no esta tratando de mantenerte en la oscuridad.
      De hecho, El anhela que encuentres el significado y el proposito de saber por que has sido puesto en esta tierra.

      En Guiados por la eternidad, el exitoso autor John Bevere usa una alegoria reveladora y una extensa escritura para revelar como nuestras elecciones diarias dan forma a nuestra existencia eterna.

      La vida mas alla del ultimo aliento es mucho mas que un destino. No espere hasta que sea demasiado tarde. Descubra su destino dado por Dios y haga que su vida cuente tanto hoy como para siempre.

      One day you will stand before God and give an account of your life. The most important question you can ask yourself now is, will you be ready?

      Most Christians know their response to the cross determines where they will spend eternity. But did you know that how you’ll spend eternity is determined by what you do in this life?

      God wants you to discover your calling–He’s not trying to keep you in the dark. In fact, He longs for you to find the meaning and purpose that comes with knowing why you’ve been placed on this earth.

      In Driven by Eternity, best-selling author John Bevere uses an eye-opening allegory and extensive Scripture to unveil how our daily choices shape our eternal existence.

      Life beyond the final breath is much more than a destination. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Discover your God-given destiny and make your life count both today and forever.

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    • 9798887690193 Multiplique El Potencial Que D - (Spanish)

      Multiplique El Potencial Que D – (Spanish)


      “No retengamos nada y muramos vacios, derramandonos completamente como un regalo para Dios. . . Aqui es cuando realmente volveremos a vivir y experimentaremos la vida al maximo “. – John Bevere

      Alguna vez te has sentido como un espectador en el reino de Dios? Quizas sabes que hay algo que deberias estar haciendo, pero no puedes identificarlo. La mayoria de nosotros queremos tener un gran impacto en nuestras vidas, pero luchamos con preguntas como:

      *Como puedo estar seguro de que no me estoy perdiendo la voluntad de Dios para mi?

      *Que papel juegan mis dones unicos en la construccion del reino de Dios?

      *Como me aseguro de estar a la altura de mi potencial dado por Dios?

      *Mi llamamiento es menos significativo si no estoy en el “ministerio”?

      *Como equilibro el descanso en la gracia de Dios con acciones significativas para su reino?

      *Como rompo el miedo y sigo adelante incluso cuando se siente incierto y arriesgado?

      En este libro profundo, el exitoso autor John Bevere se basa en una exploracion cuidadosa de las Escrituras y utiliza historias poderosas para ayudarlo a pensar de manera diferente acerca de su llamado y por que es tan importante para Dios. A medida que pasa estas paginas, tendra el poder de multiplicar sus dones dados por Dios y aumentar su potencial.
      Si esta listo para cambiar la inaccion por un proposito mayor, su viaje comienza aqui.

      Let’s hold nothing back and die empty, pouring ourselves out completely as a gift back to God… This is when we’ll truly come alive and experience life to its fullest. –John Bevere
      Do you ever feel like a spectator in God’s kingdom? Perhaps you know there’s something you should be doing, but you just can’t pinpoint it. Most of us want to make a big impact with our lives, but struggle with questions like:

      *How can I be sure I’m not missing God’s will for me?
      *What role do my unique gifts play in building God’s kingdom?
      *How do I make sure I live up to my God-given potential?
      *Is my calling less significant if I’m not in ministry?
      *How do I balance resting in God’s grace with meaningful actions for His kingdom?
      *How do I break fear and move forward even when it feels uncertain and risky?

      In this profound book, best-selling author John Bevere relies on a careful exploration of Scripture and uses powerful stories to help you think differently about your calling and why it’s so important to God. As you turn these pages, you’ll be empowered to multiply your God-given gifts and st

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    • 9781641239875 Destruye Lo Que Roba Tu Fuerza - (Spanish)

      Destruye Lo Que Roba Tu Fuerza – (Spanish)


      Tu puedes destruir lo que roba tu fuerza. Puedes saltar sobre cualquier obstaculo y derrotar a todos los enemigos. Los seguidores de Cristo tienen la habilidad sobrenatural para conquistar los desafios que enfrentamos, pero nuestro problema es que el pecado roba nuestra fuerza.

      Este libro responde por que tantos de nosotros somos incapaces de experimentar la fuerza divina que era evidente entre los cristianos del primer siglo. En Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza, John Bevere revela por que el pecado compromete comunidades, y como liberarte de su atadura.

      No apto para los debiles de corazon, Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza es todo menos un “alza en azucar” espiritual. Esta es verdad seria para cualquier seguidor de Cristo que anhela abrazar el desafiante, pero gratificante camino de la transformacion.

      You can destroy what steals your strength. You can jump over any obstacle and defeat all enemies. Followers of Christ have the supernatural ability to conquer the challenges we face, but our problem is that sin robs us of our strength.

      This book answers why so many of us are unable to experience the divine force that was evident among first-century Christians. In Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza, John Bevere reveals why sin binds communities, and how to free yourself from its bondage.

      Not for the faint of heart, Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza is anything but a spiritual “sugar boost”. This is serious truth for any Christ-follower who longs to embrace the challenging, yet rewarding path of transformation.

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    • 9781641238137 Recompensa Del Honor - (Spanish)

      Recompensa Del Honor – (Spanish)


      Ningun cristiano quiere poner limitaciones a Dios, pero muchos de nosotros, sin saberlo, restringimos Su actividad en nuestras vidas porque ignoramos un principio espiritual critico: el honor. Es un concepto perdido en gran parte en nuestra cultura, pero como vera en las paginas de este libro, es fundamental para liberar el reino de Dios en todos los aspectos de la vida. En La recompensa del honor, el autor de exitos de ventas John Bevere revela como aceptar el llamado al honor lo alinea con el sistema de valores de Dios y lo posiciona para recibir todo lo que El tiene para usted. Combinando profundos conocimientos biblicos con poderosas historias de estos principios en accion, este libro le dara una nueva perspectiva de esta virtud olvidada y, lo que es mas importante, una pasion por incorporarla en cada area de su vida.

      No Christian wants to place limitations on God, but many of us unknowingly restrict His activity in our lives because we ignore the critical spiritual principle of honor. It is a concept largely lost in our culture, but as you will see in this book, it is core to releasing God’s kingdom into all aspects of life. In Honor’s Reward, best-selling author John Bevere unveils how embracing the call to honor aligns you with God’s value system and positions you to receive all He has for you. Pairing profound biblical insights with powerful stories of these principles in action, this book will give you a fresh outlook on this forgotten virtue, and more importantly, a passion to incorporate it into every area of your life.

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    • 9781937558253 X : Multiply Your God-Given Potential

      X : Multiply Your God-Given Potential


      “Let’s hold nothing back and die empty, pouring ourselves out completely as a gift back to God. . . . This is when we’ll truly come alive and experience life to its fullest.”–John Bevere

      Do you ever feel like a spectator in God’s kingdom? Perhaps you know there’s something you should be doing, but you just can’t pinpoint it. Most of us want to make a big impact with our lives, but struggle with questions like:

      – How can I be sure I’m not missing God’s will for me?
      – What role do my unique gifts play in building God’s kingdom?
      – How do I make sure I live up to my God-given potential?
      – Is my calling less significant if I’m not in “ministry”?
      – How do I balance resting in God’s grace with meaningful actions for His kingdom?
      – How do I break fear and move forward even when it feels uncertain and risky?

      In this profound book, best-selling author John Bevere relies on a careful exploration of Scripture and uses powerful stories to help you think differently about your calling and why it’s so important to God. As you turn these pages, you’ll be empowered to multiply your God-given gifts and step into your potential.

      If you’re ready to trade inaction for greater purpose, your journey begins here.

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    • 9780768450903 Glory Has Come

      Glory Has Come


      Christmas is a supernatural invitation to divine encounter!

      More than gifts and celebrations, even beyond Bethlehem, the shepherds, and wise men, Christmas is about Heaven coming to Earth in the person of Jesus!

      This unique advent devotional pulls back the veil on the wonder of the incarnation! Featuring contributions from bestselling authors and Spirit-empowered teachers, each of these 25 daily entries leading up to Christmas is a unique revelation of the glory that was released by Jesus’ birth!

      Contributors include: Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Randy Clark, Heidi Baker, Robert Henderson, John Arnott, Lana Vawser, Ana Werner, Lance Wallnau, Kevin Zadai, and more!

      Prepare for an Advent journey unlike any other! Discover how;
      *the Christmas season can be a special time of visitation and encounter with God.
      *Jesus’ incarnation connected Heaven and Earth in a supernatural way.
      *”Glory in the highest” releases favor, blessing and power on Earth.
      *angels and angelic activity accompany the glory of God.
      *to experience God’s glory every season of the year.

      Encounter Jesus in powerful new ways and experience the fullness of the glory that Christmas made possible!

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    • 9781641233019 Dios Donde Estas - (Spanish)

      Dios Donde Estas – (Spanish)


      Te sientes perdido en una temporada dificil, preguntandote: “Dios, donde estas?”.

      Tal vez escuchaste a Dios hablar, pero ahora El parece callado. Tal vez avanzaste con fe, pero ahora su presencia no se encuentra en ninguna parte. Bienvenido al desierto, el lugar entre recibir una promesa de Dios y ver como se hace realidad.

      Pero aqui estan las buenas noticias: esto no es un paramo sin proposito. Dios usa el desierto para prepararte y equiparte para tu destino si lo navegas correctamente. Al contrario de lo que muchos puedan pensar, superar esta temporada no es solo una cuestion de esperar en Dios. Tienes un papel que desempear mientras navegas a traves de ella. Uno grande. Y si no quieres perder el tiempo vagando en circulos, es importante saber que es eso.

      En este libro que te abrira los ojos, el autor de exitos de venta, John Bevere, te equipa con perspectivas biblicas clave e historias profundas que te ayudaran a navegar en tus temporadas secas o dificiles, y a recibir todo lo que Dios tiene para ti.

      Do you feel lost in a difficult season, wondering, “God, where are You?!”

      Perhaps you heard God speak, but now He seems silent. Maybe you moved forward in faith, but now His presence is nowhere to be found. Welcome to the wilderness?the place between receiving a promise from God and seeing it come to pass.

      But here’s the good news?this is no purposeless wasteland. God uses the wilderness to prepare and equip you for your destiny?that is, if you navigate it correctly. Contrary to what many may think, getting through this season isn’t just a matter of waiting on God. You have a part to play in navigating through it. A big one. And if you don’t want to waste time wandering in circles, it’s important to learn what that is.

      In this eye-opening book, best-selling author John Bevere equips you with key biblical insights and profound stories that will help you navigate your dry or difficult seasons and step into all that God has for you.

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    • 9781629117560 Espiritu Santo - (Spanish)

      Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


      El Espiritu Santo le acompaa fielmente en todos las luchas y alegrias de su vida. Fue enviado para revelar a Jesus y empoderar a todo el Cuerpo de Cristo.

      Sin embargo, una de las figuras mas malentendidas por la Iglesia es el Espiritu Santo. Se pretende entender Su obra y Su poder, sin conocerlo primeramente como una Persona. Y es, ante todo, una Persona que ha prometido no dejarnos ni desampararnos jamas, porque somos Su pasion y deleite.

      Las explicaciones claras y directas de este libro interactivo le llevaran a:
      *Desarrollar una relacion de amistad intima con el Espiritu Santo.
      *Hablarle, preguntarle, escucharle.
      *Recibir su empoderamiento.
      *Entender la llenura del Espiritu Santo y buscarla.
      *Pedirle y recibir su guia, su consuelo y su revelacion.
      *Distinguir entre los dones y los frutos del Espiritu Santo.
      *Conocer las diferentes lenguas, y discernir para orar en el Espiritu.
      *Buscar Su presencia.

      Sin el Espiritu Santo, no hay vida cristiana, vision, revelacion, paz ni libertad. !Dediquese a conocer y a depender de su Compaero Fiel para toda la vida!

      The Holy Spirit keeps your company in every battle and in moments of joy. He was sent to reveal Jesus and empower the Body of Christ.

      However, He has been misunderstood by church and His people. They pretend to understand His works and His power, without knowing him as a Person. And the Holy Spirit is, first of all, a Person who has promised never to leave us nor forsake us, because we are His passion and delight.

      The straightforward facts in this interactive book will take you to:
      *Develop and keep a close friendship with the Holy Spirit.
      *Talk to Him, ask Him and listen to Him.
      *Receive His empowerment.
      *Understand the Holy Spirit’s fulfillment and pursue it.
      *Ask Him and receive His guidance, his relief and His revelation.
      *Understand the difference between the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
      *Get to recognize the different tongues, and have discernment to pray in the Spirit.
      *Pursue His presence.

      Without the Holy Spirit, there is no Christian life, vision, revelation, peace or freedom. Devote yourself to know Him, and rely on your Faithful Companion forever!

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    • 9781629117010 Bueno O Eterno - (Spanish)

      Bueno O Eterno – (Spanish)


      En estos dias, los terminos “bueno” y “Dios” parecen sinonimos. Creemos que lo que generalmente se acepta como bueno debe estar en linea con la voluntad de Dios. La generosidad, la humildad, la justicia son buenas. El egoismo, la arrogancia, la crueldad son malos.
      La distincion parece bastante clara.

      Pero es eso todo lo que hay? Si lo bueno es tan obvio, por que la Biblia dice que necesitamos discernimiento para reconocerlo? Porque lo que parece bueno, no siempre viene de Dios.

      En este libro aprenderas:
      *Que lo que parece bueno, sabio, estrategico y hasta beneficioso, puede ser daino e improductivo
      *A conocer y entender los estandares de Dios, diferentes a nuestros estandares de lo que es “bueno”
      *A separar lo que parece “bueno” de lo que es “bueno” segun Dios
      *A discernir la voluntad de Dios sobre lo que es realmente “bueno” para tu vida
      *A alcanzar un nivel de comprension y plenitud que lograra alinear toda tu vida al proposito presente y eterno de Dios contigo.

      Bueno o Eterno? no es otro mensaje de auto-ayuda. Este libro hara mucho mas que pedirte que cambies tu comportamiento. Te empoderara para involucrarte con Dios a un nivel que cambiara cada aspecto de tu vida para siempre.

      Porque lo que parece “bueno”, si no esta Dios, no es suficiente.

      These days the terms good and God seem synonymous. We believe what’s generally accepted as good must be in line with God’s will. Generosity, humility, justice-good. Selfishness, arrogance, cruelty-evil. The distinction seems pretty straightforward. But is that all there is to it? If good is so obvious, why does the Bible say that we need discernment to recognize it?.

      Forgiveness is the bridge that enables dialogue to regain trust, and strengthen the relationship. If we don’t forgive and ask for forgiveness, we may kill the illusion and joy of sharing our lives with each other.

      Through this book you will learn:
      *Whatever seems to be good or strategic, may be harmful.
      *to understand God’s standards, which may not match yours.
      *to discern what is good for you from what is good for Him.
      *to follow God’s will on what he finds really good for you.
      *to achieve a level of engagement with God that aligns your life to His purpose.

      Good or God? isn’t another self-help message. This book will do more than ask you to change your behavior. It will empower you to engage with God on a level that will change forever every aspect of your life.

      Because good, without God, is not enough.

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    • 9781621365488 Bait Of Satan 20th Anniversary Edition

      Bait Of Satan 20th Anniversary Edition


      The twentieth-anniversary edition of one of our most popular books The Bait of Satan exposes one of the most deceptive snares Satan uses to get believers out of the will of God-offense. This trap restrains countless Christians, severs relationships, and widens the gulfs between us. With testimonials from people whose lives have been changed by his message, the book will inspire readers to stay free from offense and its destructive power, answering tough questions like: ·     Why am I compelled to tell “my side” of the story? ·     How can I fight thoughts of suspicion or distrust? ·     What can I do to stop rehearsing past hurts? How can I regain trust after someone deeply offends me?

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