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Showing 101–150 of 841 results

  • Word Searches A Grandma Will Love


    Relax, reflect, and create with these beautiful images to color and Bible verses to inspire. Each design will remind you of the light of God’s love. Beautiful Images. Meaningful Messages. Easily removed for display or framing.

    Grandma, Mammaw, Nana, Mimi, Granny… whatever the very special name she’s called, it’s the most beautiful name in the world. A grandmother does so much for her family, and for that, this book is made to give her a break for enjoyment. These word search puzzles are filled with special moments to remember, beautiful things from nature, childhood memories, and happenings through the decades.

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  • We Carry Kevan


    Kevan longs for adventures beyond the limits of his wheelchair. And with the help of a few friends and a heart full of courage, he just might go as far as his dreams can take him. With artwork by Natalie Peterson, author Kevan Chandler tells the true story of going to Europe with his friends in an albeit unconventional way… in a backpack on their backs. WE CARRY KEVAN is a timeless example of friendship, trust, and courage.

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  • Genio – (Spanish)


    “La fortaleza mental, la claridad mental y la salud mental tienen una cosa en comun: el viaje comienza en tu mente”. En esta guia radical, el galardonado autor de La ultima flecha ilumina un camino sorprendente hacia la realizacion personal y el rendimiento optimo.

    McManus se ha dado cuenta de que muchos de nosotros tenemos experiencias “cercanas a la vida”. Casi realizamos nuestros sueos. Casi tomamos la decision que lo cambia todo. Siempre estamos a una eleccion de distancia. Si queremos vivir sin remordimientos, debemos hacer un cambio mental: cambiar las creencias que limitan nuestro potencial por otras que nos ayuden a avanzar hacia un desempeo optimo y perseguir el exito de estar completamente vivos. Debemos pasar de una vida de obligacion a una vida de intencion. En “Genio”, McManus reune doce marcos mentales que han ayudado a algunas de las personas mas exitosas del mundo a crear estructuras internas de exito. No necesitas una audiencia. Es lo que haces en privado lo que te hace ser quien eres. Compartiendo experiencias de empresarios, artistas, atletas profesionales y su propia carrera, McManus nos muestra como transformar nuestro pensamiento y, a su vez, transformar nuestras vidas.

    “Mental toughness, mental clarity, and mental health have one thing in common: the journey begins in your mind.” In this radical guide, the award-winning author of The Last Arrow illuminates a surprising path to personal fulfillment and optimal performance.

    McManus has realized that many of us have “close to life” experiences. We almost realize our dreams. We almost make the decision that changes everything. We are always a choice away. If we want to live without regrets, we must make a mental change: change the beliefs that limit our potential for others that help us move towards optimal performance and pursue the success of being fully alive. We must move from a life of obligation to a life of intention. In Genius, McManus brings together twelve mental frameworks that have helped some of the world’s most successful people create internal structures of success. You don’t need an audience. It’s what you do in private that makes you who you are. Sharing experiences from entrepreneurs, artists, professional athletes, and his own career, McManus shows us how to transform our thinking and, in turn, transform our lives.

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  • Made From Scratch Life


    Podcaster and author Melissa K. Norris introduces readers to the basics of modern homesteading with expert advice on how to live a healthier, more self-sufficient life.

    Are you concerned about the rising costs of feeding your family, where your food comes from, or what’s in the cleaning products you use every day? Melissa K. Norris, host of the popular Pioneering Today podcast, wants to help you embrace a simpler, more natural lifestyle.

    In The Made-from-Scratch Life, Melissa shares easy-to-follow instructions (and plenty of inspiration) on how to…

    *grow and preserve your own food
    *build a well-stocked pantry
    *cook hearty meals featuring homegrown ingredients
    *create safe and effective cleaning products
    *raise animals for healthier and more sustainable sources of meat and dairy

    Filled with helpful charts, checklists, and recipes, this guide gives you the know-how you need to incorporate time-tested homesteading practices into your everyday life.

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  • Never Give Up (DVD)


    It’s the tennis match of his life, 20-year-old University of Toledo Freshman BRAD MINNS versus 30-year-old JEFF OSBORNE, the reigning world gold medalist. Through the ups and downs of the nearly five-hour match, we follow Brad’s story from when he became deaf at age 3, to attending elementary school as the only non-hearing person, to learning tennis and upsetting the junior tennis world, to winning a walk-on spot on his college squad, and finally making the United States Tennis Team in the Deaf World Games. With the help of his family, Minns can make it in a hearing world … and with the help of God, he is able to win this never-to-be-forgotten match.

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  • No Pain No Gaines

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.99.

    A New York Times bestseller

    Now available in trade paper!

    In a world that feels increasingly more disconnected, it’s time to reclaim a life of rich, authentic connection–because we are all made better when we trust one another and work together.

    There are a lot of books out there that promise you the path of least resistance or teach you how to hustle harder. This isn’t one of those.

    In his most vulnerable book to date, Chip Gaines shows us how to build relationships that pull us into a life of meaning, joy, and connection. It happens by being intentional about choosing the company we keep. Chip explains the value of seeking out people who are electrified by living according to their purpose, who will stand beside you as you tackle new challenges, who bet on each other instead of the status quo. The key is being true to yourself, figuring out what you want to do with your life, and finding people who will lift you up along the way.

    No Pain, No Gaines will open your eyes to valuable lessons, including how to:

    *be awake to life, not asleep at the wheel
    *find the risks worth taking
    *value what you bring to the table
    *resist the status quo
    *look outside yourself and your circle and foster connections with others
    *get comfortable with being uncomfortably kind

    A good life doesn’t always come easy, but that’s because the good stuff never does. It requires faith in people. It requires faith in yourself. It requires hope. And it requires a willingness to grow even when it hurts. In No Pain, No Gaines, through hard-won lessons and personal stories all told with his trademark blend of wit and wisdom, Chip Gaines will coach you on how to make your life rich and your relationships run deep.

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  • 180 Healing Prayers For The World

    Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $10.39.

    The World Could Use Some Healing Prayers Right Now. . .

    And this delightful book invites girls, ages 8 to 12, to pray big, courageous, powerful prayers to make the world a better place!

    180 inspiring prayers will guide the girls in your life to pray for their families, their neighborhoods, their schools, their cities, their country, and beyond. With each turn of the page, girls will pray for positive, healing change in the world as they encounter the many ways they can make an impact through their conversations with God. Featured “Be the Change” sections after every prayer will encourage girls to “act” as they listen for God’s voice and direction for their lives.

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  • Who Is The God Of Heaven

    Original price was: $2.99.Current price is: $2.39.

    Millions of people around the world have reported a near-death experience. Do these accounts prove the existence of a loving God?

    Never in history, until now, have we been able to hear from so many people around the world who have been brought back from clinical death. Modern medical resuscitation and digital communication have revealed a gold mine of intriguing near-death experiences (NDEs). John Burke has spent the last three decades studying the commonalities of more than one thousand NDEs. He started his investigative journey as a skeptical agnostic when his own father was dying from cancer. After he first read these eyewitness accounts, he couldn’t help asking himself:

    “Could this be real evidence-even possible proof-of God’s existence?”

    Who Is the God of Heaven? answers the most common questions about the God revealed throughout history in Scripture, and now illustrated in thousands of near-death experiences from around the globe.

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  • Show Me Your Scars


    Is your soul hurting because someone has betrayed you? Do you feel as if you will never trust anyone again? Are you struggling with emotional pain, unable to approach each day with joy and hope? If so, this book is for you! You will learn the principles that Job, Joseph, David, Paul and Jesus Himself used to confront and overcome betrayal. Pastor Stephen boldly proclaims that, as you faithfully apply these principles, you will be able to move past the pain and be made whole again – so you can enjoy the life God has given you and fulfill His purpose for your life. He shares how he went through betrayal himself and how he applied these principles in his own life and experienced the healing power of God’s Word.

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  • Most Important Lesson


    What’s the most important lesson you have ever learned?

    It took almost fifty-seven years for me to learn The Most Important Lesson-and it changed my life forever. It wasn’t until I suffered a cardiac arrest, was clinically dead for five minutes, and had a profound death experience that I finally realized I had been missing the mark most of my life.

    I’m here, thanks to God’s mercy, to share with you the lesson I learned. This lesson is for everyone. And the earlier this lesson is learned and applied, the better!

    Don’t waste time like I did. Get started now! You’ll be glad you did.

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  • Be Joyful : 50 Days To Defeat The Things That Try To Defeat You


    Conquer the most common obstacles to life with this 50-day guide as #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer draws upon the teachings of the apostle Paul to help you experience joy-filled living each day of your life.
    In this 50-day guide, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer draws upon the teachings of the apostle Paul to help you experience joy-filled living each day of your life.

    Joy is not just a “happy feeling” based on circumstances or on things you possess–it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that empowers you to remain stable and persevere through hard times so you rise above them, rather than becoming defeated by them. One of the hallmarks of Paul’s epistles is the joy with which he writes and which he invites his readers to experience also. He chose joy in all circumstances, even during times of struggle.

    In this unique book, Joyce Meyer presents Paul’s teachings on joy into concise lessons that equip you to triumph over the greatest challenges to a joy-filled life. Through these 50 daily entries, you’ll be encouraged to embrace the truths God has given you, truths that will allow you to overcome the emotions, attitudes, and experiences that rob you of joy. Be Joyful in the journey and begin to experience the wonderful, abundant life that the Lord has in store for you!

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  • Big Brain Bible Games


    Ready to test your knowledge of Scripture and learn more of God’s Word? Then you’re ready for Big Brain Bible Games!

    From Guinness World Records Puzzle Master Timothy E. Parker, this brand-new collection of puzzles, trivia, and brain teasers is sure to provide hours of entertainment. The hundreds of games include:

    * word searches
    * true or false
    * word scrambles
    * anagrams
    * fill in the blanks
    * and more

    There’s no better way to combine fun, relaxation, and education than with games.

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  • Coming Home


    How do you live fully alive when you feel lost within your own skin?

    That was the question Layla Palmer struggled with after developing an anxiety disorder that shrunk her confidence and her world.

    For the first time, Layla shares the details of her circuitous, hard-fought journey, and through soul-suffusing stories, inspiring imagery, curative quotes, helpful research, and restorative family recipes she helps you:

    * feel calmer, clearer, and better equipped to handle stress
    * tap into the healing power of nature
    * move past the things that are holding you back
    * reconnect with the home of who you are

    Anchored in hope, Coming Home bravely demonstrates how you can overcome adversity, soften to your whole self, build a place of belonging, and live fully alive.

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  • I Am Weak I Am Strong


    Even on the days you struggle to stay strong, you can live a resilient and hopeful life.

    After receiving a devastating brain cancer diagnosis, Jay Hewitt had a decision to make: Should he give up on faith or practice what he preached and trust that with God all things are possible? In I Am Weak, I Am Strong, Jay chronicles his journey of turning toward Jesus even when circumstances urged him to turn away. Faith in action for Jay included competing in an IRONMAN triathlon while undergoing cancer treatment. His race was a grand gesture of love for his young daughter–and a call to resilience for all of us.

    I Am Weak, I Am Strong reminds us that our true “superpower” comes from God. As you read Jay’s honest and inspiring words, you will:

    *Understand the counterintuitive wisdom of strength in weakness
    *Learn to discern the voice of God and his calling for your life
    *Live with resilience in the face of any trial
    *Discover how God moves mountains–even when you least expect it
    *Feel empowered to pray authentically, boldly, and continually

    For anyone who is searching for hope in anxiety and grief, needs validation and compassion in times of doubt, is curious about faith in the face of death, or longs for a more authentic relationship with God, I Am Weak, I Am Strong will teach you that faith grows from the freedom to doubt.

    Strength grows from realizing how weak we are on our own. And light grows when we follow God’s dreams for us, even through the darkness.

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  • Finding Baby Holly


    Holly Marie was forty-two years old the day she found out she was missing.

    At ten months old, Holly Marie was brought to the door of a church by three barefoot women in white robes and head coverings. Adopted by the pastor and raised in a loving Christian home, Holly nevertheless struggled with the ache of not knowing what had happened to her biological parents. She still felt their absence even as she married and started a family of her own.

    When two detectives showed up at the restaurant where she worked and informed her that she had a large family in Florida who had been searching for her for over 40 years, Holly’s past became the reality of her present, and she began the sometimes painful journey of discovering the truth about her origins: Her parents had been brutally murdered, their case still unsolved.

    With the help of law enforcement across four states, forensic genealogists, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and her newly discovered family members, the missing pieces began to come together. Except these-why had her parents been murdered? And who had murdered them? She soon found out that the truth leads not always to answers but sometimes to more questions, that it also brings healing and restoration, and that we must surrender our unknowns to God until, in His perfect timing, all truths are revealed.

    Finding Baby Holly is the true, inspiring story of a wife and mother who was “missing” for over forty years after her parents’ murders, the persistent detectives who never stopped investigating, and the birth family who never lost hope in finding her.

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  • 27 Summers : My Journey To Freedom, Forgiveness, And Redemption During My T

    Original price was: $28.99.Current price is: $20.29.

    In one of America’s most notorious prisons, a young man sentenced to life without parole miraculously found faith, forgiveness, redemption, and restoration. In 27 Summers Ronald Olivier shares his dramatic and powerful story and offers proof that God can bring healing and hope to even the darkest circumstances.

    As a teenager Ronald Olivier ran wild in the streets of New Orleans, selling drugs, stealing cars, and finally killing someone on what was supposed to be the happiest day of the year–Christmas Day. Facing the consequences of his crime, he remembered what his mother once said. “Baby, if you ever have real trouble, the kind that I can’t get you out of, you can always call on Jesus.” So he did.

    Ron was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Through the agony of solitary confinement and multiple transfers into increasingly dangerous prison environments, Ron kept seeking God for healing and hope. Finally, after being locked up for twenty-seven summers at the notorious Louisiana State Penitentiary–known as Angola–Ron was miraculously released. Remarkably, he became the director of chaplains at Mississippi State Penitentiary. Today, Ron loves to combat hopelessness, wherever he finds it, by saying, “Don’t tell me what God can’t do!”

    Readers will:

    *learn new insights about faith and patience from a man who spent almost three decades in a cruel and violent environment;

    *be encouraged, like Ron, to find grace and forgiveness to overcome the pain of their past; and

    *find hope that God can redeem and restore anyone.

    Ron’s fascinating story brilliantly displays God’s power to transform individuals, families, and communities, reminding us that there truly is nothing God can’t do.

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  • Joni Eareckson Tada


    A teenage trip to the beach, a diving accident, and a life of disability testifies to the goodness of God.

    Joni Eareckson Tada is a Christian author, speaker and artist whose life was turned upside down at the age of seventeen when a serious diving accident meant she was paralysed from the shoulders down. This short biography tells the story of what happened on that fateful day, and in the days and years that followed.

    Catherine MacKenzie skilfully shows how Joni’s story is a story of God’s goodness in the face of extreme suffering. Her testimony is one that has encouraged and moved people around the world. Read it here and see how the God of love is working for the good of those who love him, even in the most challenging circumstances.

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  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer


    The thrilling tale of a German preacher in World War II who plotted to assassinate Hitler

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer is one of the heroes of World War II. Not only did he preach God’s word fearlessly, he spoke and actively resisted the evil of the Nazi regime. Discovered to be one of the people behind the plot to assassinate Hitler he was arrested and eventually martyred. Not long before his death he was engaged to be married, and this unfulfilled marriage is one of the bittersweet notes to his story, written here by skilled storyteller Dayspring MacLeod.

    Today he is remembered for his writings, including his letters from prison and commentaries.

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  • Imagine The God Of Heaven


    Millions of people around the world have reported a near-death experience. Do they prove the existence of a loving God?

    Never in history, until now, have we been able to hear from so many people around the world who have been brought back from clinical death. Modern medical resuscitation and digital communication have revealed a goldmine of intriguing near-death experiences (NDEs) that show us the character of God. John Burke has spent the last three decades studying the commonalities of more than 1000 NDEs. His investigative journey started as a skeptical agnostic, when his own father was dying from cancer. When he first read these eyewitness accounts, he couldn’t help asking himself: “Could this be real evidence–even possible proof of God’s existence?”

    In this book, you will discover:

    *Analysis of 1000+ near-death experiences and how they reveal the wondrous attributes of God and correlate with the Bible

    *Follow up research to Burke’s exploration of the afterlife, Imagine Heaven, a New York Times best-seller of over 1 million copies

    *True stories from nearly 70 people from every continent who have died, been resuscitated, and now testify to having been more alive than ever in the presence of a loving God they never wanted to leave

    *People of all ethnicities and backgrounds-including doctors, engineers, and CEO-experience the same God.

    John Burke unveils the love story and characteristics of this God of all nations, revealed throughout history and in Scripture, now illustrated by these thrilling encounters. You will realize God’s love, power, compassion, friendship, and guidance are closer than you could ever imagine. And for such a time as this, people need to know a loving God is within their reach.

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  • Wanda E Brunstetters Amish Friends Life Hacks

    Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $13.59.

    Hundreds of Practical Tips from Amish Housewives

    New from New York Times bestselling author of Amish fiction, Wanda E. Brunstetter, this book is full of household advice and wisdom as shared by Amish contributors.
    Do you seek ways to make everyday life easier? Here you will find hundreds of practical tips covering all aspects of keeping a home, from stain removal to homemade laundry detergent, from baking perfect piecrust to making recipe substitutions, from taming a cough to mending a cut. You’ll also find advice for canning fruits and vegetables, sewing, gardening, animal care, and more! Woven throughout are Amish sayings and proverbs and colorful photos, making this an enjoyable read and a perfect gift.

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  • Now I Lay Me Down To Fight


    In stirring verse and essays, Katy Bowser Hutson chronicles her battle with breast cancer and the complications of faith amid such a fight. Accentuated by the art of Jodi Hays, Katy’s words lead us through the realization of cancer, the experience of chemotherapy and a mastectomy, relentless rounds of radiation, the uncertainty of ongoing treatment, and what comes after survival. She writes in resistance to sickness, of wrestling toward beauty:

    Cancer is an overgrowth, a kudzu:

    *Tangling and strangling legitimate life.
    *Chemo is a killing, a burning out:
    *Burning down to ashy carbon, indiscriminately
    *But cancer, did you know that I am a poet?

    Through it all, she shows what it means to struggle in a battered body and to pray to a God who is near to the broken. Join her in this consideration of mortality and witness her persisting trust in God’s unseen ways.

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  • Ways Of The Leader


    Leaders: Are you feeling overwhelmed in this post-pandemic world? The one-size-fits-all approaches no longer work. You need creative strategies based on godly wisdom that bring people together and break new ground.

    In The Ways of the Leader, Bill Mowry unpacks four competencies for everyday leaders in churches, ministries, communities, and businesses. To generate wisdom as a leader, you must become a:

    *lifelong learner who views your life and leadership as God’s classroom for discovery;
    *collaborator who engages people to explore, create, and implement new approaches;
    *cultural detective who examines assumptions and values where you lead and live; and
    *ministry innovator who discovers solutions that are crafted to the specific needs of your community.

    Rise up against the chaos of today as you nurture the wisdom to choose what is good (what brings life and nourishes people) and right (what is just and fair) and impact those right where you are with practical solutions.

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  • Learning To Be


    Juanita called it “The Crash.”

    Her counselor labeled it “a major depressive episode.” Others called it a nervous breakdown. On the spiritual front, it was a dark night of the soul.

    This experience landed Juanita, a busy pastor, mother, and community leader, in bed. When everything in her life finally came to a stop, she found that she had to learn to be-with herself and with God-all over again.

    If you are longing for a trustworthy companion through your dark days, this book is here for you. Each chapter includes life-giving spiritual practices to help you discover your own new ways of being.

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  • Near Death Experiences


    If you have ever been curious about life beyond the grave, if you’ve ever doubted whether Heaven really exists, Near Death Experiences is the powerful testimony of life beyond the veil that you’ve been waiting for.

    In Near Death Experiences, Randy Kay and Shaun Tabatt have collected fascinating stories of near-death experiences and afterlife encounters from ordinary people who have visited Heaven. Each of these brief accounts paints a clear picture of what heaven is really like and the radical life-changing experiences from those who have stood in the presence of Jesus.

    These supernatural accounts of the afterlife will:

    *Confront misconceptions about God and Heaven
    *Impart the healing love of the Father
    *Offer a Heavenly perspective on earthly trials
    *Bestow hope to those grieving the loss of loved ones
    *Portray the activity of Heaven and its direct effect on your daily life

    Don’t spend another day in confusion or uncertainty. In Near Death Experiences, you will find the afterlife answers, Heavenly hope, and eternal encouragement that you have been seeking.

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  • Christmas Miracles : True Stories From The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year


    Give the wonderful gift of Christmas with #1New York Timesbestselling author Karen Kingsbury’s classic collection of true tales, now updated with a new story.

    We have all experienced miracles. An incredible chance encounter that changes everything…help that suddenly appears from nowhere…kindness handed to us when it is least expected. In Christmas Miracles, Karen Kingsbury presents real-life stories about people whose lives were changed by the wonder of Christmas.

    Every December we look back and marvel at the design of God and see His fingerprints at work in our lives over the past year. Then, with hearts full of hope, we wait in expectation for the miracle of that holy, silent night.

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  • American Man : Speaking The Truth About The War On Masculinity

    Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $25.97.

    Fox & Friends cohost Lawrence Jones? delivers the common sense book America needs more than ever in this definitive takedown of the left’s never-ending attacks on masculinity.

    A generation ago it was understood that men and women were unique, yet interdependent, and designed by God to be that way. Today, the woke crowd wants you to believe masculinity is “toxic.” In his first book, Lawrence embarks on a thorough examination of who is doing the attacking and why. Informed by his travels across the country for Fox News, Lawrence explains how confused progressives are about manhood–and how powerful the need is to set the record straight. Men, he argues, are indispensable to thriving families and prosperous societies, and the sooner men start acting like men, the better off we all will be.
    Packed with stories from his own life and work, Lawrence makes a persuasive case for the virtues of manliness–courage, resilience, godliness, and self-reliance among others. Lawrence challenges his fellow men to live up to their responsibilities as men and to fill the cultural void woke ideologues have been happy to exploit. In confronting the chaos of contemporary culture, Lawrence is forced to reexamine his own beliefs as he spurs an honest discussion about what it means to be a man in America. The book also includes candid, never-before-shared interviews conducted by Lawrence of his Fox News colleagues, like Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Pete Hegseth, Will Cain, as well as other prominent voices like NFL great Ben Watson and actor Dean Cain.

    This insightful and uncompromising book from one of the country’s fastest rising stars will enlighten and inspire readers–as it proves once and for all the crucial role men can and must play in American life today.

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  • Charlie Browns Christmas Miracle


    Discover the inspiring, unknown, against-all-odds story of how the classic animated holiday special A Charlie Brown Christmas almost never made it on to television.

    Professor and cultural historian Michael Keane reveals much in this nostalgia-inducing book packed with original research and interviews. Keane compellingly shows that the ultimate broadcast of the Christmas special–given its incredibly tight five-month production schedule and the decidedly unfavorable reception it received by the skeptical network executives who first screened it–was nothing short of a miracle. Keane explains why the show, despite its technical shortcomings, has become an uplifting and enduring triumph embraced by millions of families every Christmas season, even more than fifty years after its premiere.

    This gripping and joyful behind-the-scenes story of how the creators of A Charlie Brown Christmas struggled to bring the program to life will also help readers (and loyal fans) understand how America’s favorite Christmas special changed our popular culture forever. Keane masterfully weaves the momentous events of 1965 (the turbulent year of the program’s production) into his story, providing critical context for a profound new understanding of the program’s famous climactic scene, Linus’s spot-lit soliloquy answering the question repeatedly posed by Charlie Brown–“Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?”

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  • Take Back Your Life

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $9.97.

    Paralyzed by anxiety, fear, and uncertainty? In this 40-day interactive journey, discover a step-by-step process that can break that cycle. Offering an action plan and journaling space for turning your thoughts into real change, learn to take back your life.

    Every person has a mission and a God-given potential to impact the world, whether they recognize it or not. But life presents challenges and traps us in a helpless, hopeless loop of anxiety and fear.

    In Take Back Your Life, a blend of his bestselling books Through the Eyes of a Lion and I Declare War, join Levi Lusko on an interactive journey to equip yourself to become the best version of yourself. Offering forty daily challenges to help you come to terms with the reality of your internal battle, learn to take up the weapons God has given you and engage in the fight.

    With biblical truth and perspective, this step-by-step journaling process will help you:

    *Get out of your own way by learning to think right so you can live right
    *Find purpose by discovering that God will do great things with your imperfect progress
    *Learn that your pain is not an obstacle to being used by God but an opportunity to be used like never before

    This is more than a book. It’s an intimate self-analysis tool that will help you recognize what’s weighing you down or holding you back. This is a journey to get back the life you know you were born for–to change your thinking so you can change your living and become the difference-maker God sees when he sees you.

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  • I Didnt Survive


    It’s hard enough having a painful secret that you are terrified of sharing.

    It’s even harder when you find yourself in the international limelight as the advocate wife of a Christian hero imprisoned for his faith.

    The worst part is fearing that, if you did share this secret, it might devastate the lives of your family and close friends, alienate tens of thousands of active supporters, and cause persecuted people around the world to become even more vulnerable.

    Naghmeh Abedini Panahi lived in constant tension from the irreconcilable realities playing out in her own life, in her family life, in the conduct of others, and on the worldwide stage as she interacted with power brokers and well-known religious leaders. Tension involving:

    *Steadfastly honoring God versus being carried away by the tide of circumstances
    *Personal reality versus public persona
    *Genuine faith versus hypocritical religion
    *Truth and caring versus the end justifying the means
    *Obedience to God versus loyalty to others

    For Naghmeh, it all came to a breaking point, and the only way through it was to die. Not physically, but in experiencing a death and rebirth in her understanding of God, her faith, and her identity as a woman. “I can’t tell you how I was able to make it through, because I didn’t,” she writes. “Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, the new me emerged from the catastrophe of my marriage.”

    I Didn’t Survive: Emerging Whole After Deception, Persecution, and Hidden Abuse is Naghmeh’s firsthand story, which takes you from war-torn Tehran to the quiet Midwestern U.S. to the halls of power in Washington D.C. It vividly describes the Islamic upbringing that shaped her, her unexpected conversion to Christianity, and the events that led to her marriage to Saeed Abedini, a magnetic pastor in the Iranian underground church. The book details Saeed’s arrest and imprisonment for preaching the gospel, her fateful decision to share the truth about her husband, her betrayal and abandonment by former supporters, and the new life of advocacy for women that has arisen from the brokenness.

    Through the pain, abuse, and loss, Naghmeh clearly demonstrates what it means for us to find our true identity in God, discover the protective care God has for His children, and participate in sharing the love and healing He desires to bring to the world.

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  • Lazarus And Me


    Have you ever wondered what happened to Lazarus after Jesus resurrected him from death? Lazarus was given an extension of life and time spent on earth.

    Do you think Lazarus lived a drastically different life after his resurrection?

    Would you think and live differently if you were given such an opportunity?

    Dr. Asher Chanan-Khan, a world-renowned cancer researcher and clinical oncologist, experienced such a “Lazarus moment” in his very own life when his terminal cancer was miraculously paused, rendering him an extension of life. Now, 15 years later, Dr. Asher ponders upon his living in these “Lazarus moments.”

    Discover how you too can learn about God’s grace in the face of imminent mortality and how the author’s journey in these extended moments of life are purposefully designed to bring glory to his Creator.

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  • All My Hope


    Julie knew she could spend the rest of her life in prison if she were caught crossing the border with four pounds of methamphetamine duct-taped around her waist. But life had become so overwhelming, so painful, that she no longer cared if she lived or died. So she crossed over the border. And with her arrest as a drug smuggler that day, her years of running from responsibility–and from God–came to an end.

    Through one miraculous event after another, God transformed Julie from drug dealer to Hope Dealer. Read her story now as Julie Seals unveils her extraordinary journey of overcoming a 17-year addiction to crystal meth and being transformed by the supernatural power of God.

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  • Habitat Of Healing


    From trauma to triumph, Krissy Spivey tells her story of growing up in the church and being faced with unimaginable choices that would change the course of her life forever.

    At eighteen years old she was baited by a stranger online, raped, and exploited. Months later, when faced with an unplanned pregnancy, she chose abortion out of fear of judgement. She tells of her messy transition from religion to relationship after fourteen years of deep repression as a leader in the church. The Lord met her at her most vulnerable, unraveled her faulty identity of helpless victim, and invited her to dine with Him as a healed victor.

    The Habitat of Healing is a gathering place for the broken to feast in the fullness of God. It is a fresh take on spiritual freedom that equips the reader with keys to unlock the mystery of the table that they were born to sit at. It is an invitation to be made whole in the Healer’s habitation.

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  • Superchef Family Cookbook

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.99.

    This is the cookbook your family has been waiting for!

    *The SuperChef Family Cookbook is more than a superhero-themed family cookbook-It’s two books in one!

    *The story of rising Food Network star Darnell SuperChef Ferguson’s life
    A cookbook of favorite family recipes written by SuperChef himself

    The biographical introduction, loaded with full-color illustrations, provides motivational content that helps children learn how to be a superhero for Christ. It follows Darnell’s journey from a little boy playing sports with his family and friends in Philadelphia to culinary school, the Olympic cooking team, his eventual fall from grace into trouble with the law, and his life-saving decision to put his whole self into God’s hands. His story then goes on…

    The second, bigger section of the book is jam-packed with creative and approachable recipes that the entire family will love-to cook as well as to eat! Culinary tips and techniques will be featured to help children learn to be a super chef like Darnell. This first book features information about knife-cutting techniques as well as safety in the kitchen. There are even QR codes that will take kids to online videos showing Darnell demonstrating the techniques and sharing other inspirational helps.

    Accompanying children in their culinary journey is Little Super, a character from Ferguson’s Becoming Super comic book. Little Super will add his own feedback about the recipes and techniques children (and their parents!) will be experiencing together.

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  • Bonus Trivia Bible Word Searches Easy To Read Large Print


    What’s better than a Bible word search puzzle?

    A Bible word search puzzle containing a hidden Bible trivia question!

    Here’s a collection of nearly 50 large print Bible word searches, with every search word drawn from the beloved King James Version of scripture. Hundreds of words will challenge your search skills–and the leftover letters spell out trivia questions to test your biblical knowledge.

    From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is packed with fascinating people, places, and stories–and Bonus Trivia Bible Word Searches Large Print will introduce (or reintroduce) you to many of them. You’re sure to learn something new as you enjoy these puzzles and trivia questions.

    Perfect for rainy days, quiet evenings, waiting rooms, or road trips, Bonus Trivia Bible Word Searches Large Print is the perfect way to pass time.

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  • Finding Grace : The Inspiring True Story Of Therapy Dogs Bringing Comfort,


    A powerful true story of what God can do through a willing heart and a wagging tail

    After a devastating series of personal losses, Larry Randolph finally had things under control. Then one morning while praying, he felt God speak two simple words to his heart: “Therapy dogs.”

    There was only one problem. Larry didn’t have a dog, and hadn’t since the loss of his beloved basset hound, Gus. Why would God say that? Could Larry even open himself up to loving a dog again? He had far more questions than answers.

    But then came Grace.

    Together, Larry and his beloved yellow lab Gracie brought hope and healing to hundreds of sick and lonely people. But when Larry’s own life takes a shocking and terrifying turn, it’s up to Gracie to rescue Larry and his family too.

    *Perfect for those looking for gifts for dog lovers and fans of animal stories
    *Told with humor and heart
    *Full of life lessons
    *Includes photo gallery

    Written by Jennifer Marshall Bleakley (Joey and Pawverbs) and Larry Randolph, Finding Grace is the inspiring true story of a man willing to take a leap of faith and the four-legged companions by his side.

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  • Fuera De Lo Comun – (Spanish)


    La vida presenta muchos desafios, pero a menudo el mayor obstaculo para nuestro propio exito y felicidad proviene del interior. De hecho, somos expertos en el autosabotaje. Si pudieramos apartarnos de nuestro propio camino, !imagina lo que podriamos lograr!

    Eso es exactamente lo que el exitoso autor John Mason te ayudara a hacer en este libro. Al concentrarse en las areas de tu vida en las que podrias estar interponiendote en tu propio camino, Mason te ayudara a conquistar:

    *el dialogo interno negativo
    *el miedo
    *la falta de concentracion
    *el arrepentirte
    *la indecision
    *los problemas de confianza
    *la distraccion
    *el perfeccionismo
    *la ansiedad
    *la comparacion
    *los errores
    *y mas

    Con su ayuda entusiasta, descubriras como puedes establecer y alcanzar tus metas, mantener una actitud positiva y enfrentar cada dia con un espiritu de gratitud y posibilidad.

    Life holds many challenges, but often the biggest obstacle to our own success and happiness comes from within. In fact, we are experts at self-sabotage. If we could just get out of our own way, imagine what we could accomplish!

    That’s exactly what bestselling author John Mason is going to help you do in this book. Honing in on areas of life where you might be standing in your own way, Mason will help you conquer:

    *negative self-talk
    *lack of focus
    *trust issues
    *and more

    With his enthusiastic help, you’ll discover how you can set and achieve your goals, maintain a positive attitude, and face each day with a spirit of gratitude and possibility.

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  • Hearts Of Fire 2

    Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $14.39.

    Shortly after Tamara and her husband moved to the city of Isfara, Tajikistan, a delegation of Muslim women paid her a visit. After welcoming the women into her home, Tamara realized their visit was not a friendly one. The women knew she and her husband were sharing the gospel and declared the two needed to leave the city. Christians–especially those who would share their faith with Muslims–were not welcome. While Tamara heard their message, she did not fully understand the danger she and her husband were in. Tamara is one of twelve courageous women you will meet in this follow-up to Hearts of Fire. From the Colombian evangelist on the run for witnessing to guerrilla fighters, to the American woman who publicly forgave the Islamic extremists who gunned down her husband on the streets of Benghazi, Libya, these women’s lives were turned upside down when they obeyed the words of Christ. However, each embraced the hope found only in the unshakeable eternal kingdom of Jesus Christ our Lord. In addition to these twelve stories, you will also read the testimonies of eleven women who share how God strengthened them and provided for them when their earthly kingdom was shaken as they served Him. For more than 50 years, The Voice of the Martyrs has shared the stories of courageous Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places to follow Christ. This new volume brings you true stories of courageous women, heroes of the faith, who represent countless others facing similar trials today. These role models of faith and obedience will inspire you to pursue Christ with heart aflame, no matter the cost!

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  • Notes From Jesus For Families


    Jesus is the stuff best friends are made of–for kids and for their families, too!

    He’s ready and willing to join family adventures, bring peace to family squabbles, and help families love and honor each other super well.

    Notes From Jesus for Families includes Jesus’ messages to kids and their grown-ups today. Each playfully illustrated note includes:

    *Advice for common family matters, like “Do I really have to share?” “Why can’t I get what I want?” and “What if families are messy?”

    *An inspirational Bible verse for family members to tuck away in their hearts

    *Doable, family-friendly ideas for family members to become even better friends with Jesus and each other

    This Christian book reminds families of all shapes and sizes that Jesus loves them, speaks to them, and wants to be a part of every single minute of their busy lives.

    This fun and meaningful book is designed for kids and families to read and experience together. It will grow their family relationships with each other and with Jesus! It’s the perfect gift for children continuing their friendship with Jesus…for families who want to grow in their relationships with each other and with Jesus…or as a meaningful birthday, holiday, Easter, or Christmas gift!

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  • Major And The Missionary


    After the death of his brother, Warren Lewis lived at The Kilns in Oxford, edited his famous brother’s letters, and did a little writing of his own. Then he got a letter from a stranger on the far side of the world. Over the years that followed, he and Blanche Biggs, a missionary in Papua New Guinea, shared a vibrant correspondence. These conversations encompassed their views on faith, their politics, their humor, the legacy of C. S. Lewis, and their own trials and longings. Their letters paint a colorful portrait that illuminates not only the particulars of distant times and places, but the intimate contours of a rare friendship.

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  • How Far To The Promised Land


    From the New York Times contributing opinion writer and award-winning author of Reading While Black, Esau McCaulley shares a riveting intergenerational account of his family’s search for home and hope.

    For much of his life, Esau McCaulley was taught to see himself as an exception: someone who, through hard work, faith, and determination, overcame childhood poverty, anti-Black racism, and an absent father to earn a job as a university professor and a life in the middle class.

    But that narrative was called into question one night, when McCaulley answered the phone and learned that his father-whose absence defined his upbringing-died in a car crash. McCaulley was being asked to deliver his father’s eulogy, to make sense of his complicated legacy in a country that only accepts Black men on the condition that they are exceptional, hardworking, perfect.

    The resulting effort sent McCaulley back through his family history, seeking to understand the community that shaped him. In these pages, we meet his great-grandmother Sophia, a tenant farmer born with the gift of prophecy who scraped together a life in Jim Crow Alabama; his mother, Laurie, who raised four kids alone in an era when single Black mothers were demonized as “welfare queens”; and a cast of family, friends, and neighbors who won small victories in a world built to swallow Black lives. With profound honesty and compassion, he raises questions that implicate us all: What does each person’s struggle to build a life teach us about what we owe each other? About what it means to be human?

    How Far to the Promised Land is a thrilling and tender epic about being Black in America. It’s a book that questions our too-simple narratives about poverty and upward mobility; a book in which the people normally written out of the American Dream are given voice.

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  • Teach Me To Feel


    Many of us suppress our feelings because we’re worried they are ungodly. Others of us are so led by our emotions that we let them dominate everything, including our faith.

    In these honest, personal and uplifting meditations on 24 selected psalms, Courtney Reissig looks at emotions we all experience, ranging from shame, anxiety, and anger through to gratitude, hope, and joy. For each, she shows how the psalms give us permission to acknowledge how we feel before God, and how they can help us to use those feelings productively and faithfully.

    This inspiring book will give women a language to cry out to God in order to help them process their feelings, as well as help them to grow in their faith. Can be used as a daily devotion.

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  • Undone : A Modern Rendering Of John Donne’s Devotions


    As the world entered the long night of 2020, Philip Yancey turned to John Donne’s Devotions, a nearly 400-year-old manuscript, for guidance. In it, he found a trustworthy companion for living through a global pandemic–or any other crisis. As Yancey says, “Nothing had prepared me for Donne’s raw account of confrontations with God.”

    By faithfully and poetically rendering Donne’s 17th century prose into 21st century vernacular, Yancey opens up this classic work to a new generation of readers. He presents these Job-like meditations on sickness and suffering, alongside his own reflections, in a series of 30 readings that examine the frailty of the human heart, the goodness and sovereignty of God, and the eternal hope of the Resurrection.

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  • Visiting Heaven : Heavenly Keys To A Life Without Limitations



    Driven by ambition, Dale Black’s entire life was fixated on personal success… until the day when everything changed. As the only survivor of a horrific plane crash, he encountered the spectacular glories of Heaven. After regaining consciousness, Dale made a supernatural physical recovery, and against all odds went on to become a jet pilot, aviation safety specialist and award-winning airline pilot instructor.

    Today, he inspires people worldwide by sharing about the glories of Heaven and the love of God which he encountered during his life-changing visit to Heaven.

    “Those who truly love God will love Heaven. Heaven is not meant to be an amusement park destination, but a purposeful lifestyle that is designed to bless and benefit all who reside there. In Heaven you fulfill your predestined purpose while being empowered by the Light and Life and Love of God which exudes from the Throne.”

    Dale’s incredible story will stir a passion for eternity now as you…

    *Gain clarity about how life continues on after death
    *Understand God’s awesome plan for your life
    *Discover how valuable your life really is
    *Gain greater purpose and clarity today, in light of eternity
    *Learn why the glories of Heaven help prepare you for the future

    Strap in for the ride of your life as Dale Black shares his journey to Heaven. It changed him forever, and it’s sure to change you!

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  • Being Elisabeth Elliot

    Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $19.97.

    Elisabeth Elliot was a young missionary in Ecuador when members of a remote Amazonian indigenous people group killed her husband Jim and his four colleagues. And yet, she stayed in the jungle with her young daughter to minister to the very people who had thrown the spears, demonstrating the power of Christ’s forgiveness.

    This courageous, no-nonsense Christian went on to write dozens of books, host a long-running radio show, and speak at conferences all over the world. She was a pillar of coherent, committed faith–a beloved and sometimes controversial icon. And while things in the limelight might have looked golden, her suffering continued refining her in many different and unexpected ways.

    Her early years, related in Becoming Elisabeth Elliot, traced the transition of a young woman who dealt in “certainties” to the woman who lived with the unknown.

    Now, being Elisabeth Elliot increasingly meant confronting how much she did not understand. She sought her reference point beyond her own experiences, always pondering what she called the “impenetrable mystery” of the interplay between God’s will and human choices.

    And it is that strange mystery which shaped the rest of her startling life story.

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  • All Hope Is Found

    Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $12.59.

    Hope is not a wish waiting to come true. It’s not an external desire waiting to be realized. Hope is an ever-present reality regardless of how dire a situation may seem.

    Undoubtedly, there are moments when hope is obscure. That’s because hope has many hiding places. It hides behind heartbreak, camouflages in stress, and disguises itself in grief. It only takes a few disappointments before our expectations are hijacked by doubt and disbelief. Hope is easy to lose and hard to find, but there is never a season when hope is out of reach.

    All Hope is Found, by bestselling author of Woman Evolve Sarah Jakes Roberts, will show

    *Hope can be broken.
    *Hope can be reframed.
    *Hope can be put to work.
    *Hope can spread.

    Inspiring you towards the pursuit of hope with a lens of compassion, Sarah serves as a guide who exposes the hidden hope that awaits you each day. Sarah is not shaking up your life with renewed expectation and the epic pursuit of hope for you to go back to your norm. She wants you to get out of your comfort zone and into your go zone–the space where the abnormal eventually becomes comfortable because you refused to give up.

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  • At Any Cost

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $23.99.

    Our persecuted Christian family members follow the Lord with a bold and costly faith. They joyfully face oppression, imprisonment and even death because Christ is worthy. In At Any Cost, you will see scenes of majesty and beauty in places where our brothers and sisters are advancing God’s eternal kingdom on some of the most difficult and dangerous mission fields on earth. May this visual journey inspire you to grow in fellowship with them and to deepen your commitment to Christ and his Great Commission–at any cost.

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  • Morning Has Broken


    A soothing and creative way to meditate on God’s magnificent creation, this exquisitely designed adult coloring book features 45 unique illustrations and accompanying quotes and Scripture to quiet your mind, fill your spirit, and exercise your creativity.

    In a world that can feel confining and dark, we long for light and space. Morning Has Broken from artist Jennifer Tucker invites you to immerse yourself in nature. This latest addition to the Coloring Faith line features:

    *Inspiring Bible verses and encouraging quotes imaginatively illustrated and accented with metallic ink

    *Single-sided perforated pages, making gifting finished illustrations a breeze

    *Inspiring patterns, designs, and full-page images for coloring

    *High-quality paper that resists colors from bleeding through

    *Convenient lay-flat binding

    As you calm your anxiety through the research-based benefits of coloring, you’ll create unique pieces of art that you can give away or display as decorative reminders of God’s love. Color your way to a calmer state of being.

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  • When Shift Happens


    When circumstances in our life change, many of us are left feeling uncertain and uneasy. From pandemics to natural disasters, from personal traumas to workplace issues, we often find ourselves at a crossroads–hurting, blindsided, and confused about what to do.

    Michelle McKinney Hammond knows all about life’s curveballs. She’s caught plenty of them. But when she was visiting England for some speaking engagements and the world suddenly went into lockdown mode because of the COVID-19 pandemic, she was taken by surprise along with the rest of us. It was time for her to shift gears. Again.

    Like a dear friend who’s been where you are now, Michelle offers a calming voice of reason in When Shift Happens: Say Yes to Your Next! Weaving stories from Scripture with tales from her own life, she offers heartfelt lessons, prayers, and reflection questions to help you embrace your next.

    When Shift Happens will:

    *Provide practical tools for navigating change
    *Give you solid spiritual principles for dealing with life’s shifts
    *Enable you to consider the value of mistakes
    *Help you embrace change as opportunity
    *Shift your perspective to expect the best as God redirects

    “Mindset is everything when confronted with unanticipated change,” Michelle notes. “You are never out of options unless you choose to be. Emerging cycles all point to one thing–whether you are ready or not, shift happens. It’s not the end. There’s always a next!”

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  • Jumbo Bible Winter Word Games


    Great for bad weather days, long cold nights, or any “I’m bored” moments

    Perfect for kids ages 8 to 12, this book is jam-packed with Bible-based pencil-and-paper games to challenge and amuse, entertain and educate.

    Here are scores of crosswords, word searches, acrostics, word scrambles, and more, each one based on a Bible passage or theme.

    Looking for something fun to do? Sharpen your pencil and tackle Jumbo Bible Winter Word Games!

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  • Bible Diamond Puzzles Large Print

    Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $6.39.

    Bible crosswords and word searches just got a new member of the family. . .

    Bible Diamond Puzzles are here!

    If you love Bible word games, this brand-new puzzle will challenge and delight.

    Diamond-shaped grids contain 16 letters that can be connected to spell words from the King James Version of scripture. Each puzzle provides four or five clues that the letters will solve. . .if you’re sharp enough to make the right connections!

    Featuring elements of classic games like Scrabble and dominoes, this Bible Diamond Puzzles collection offers 70 games to engage your mind and spirit.

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