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Christian Living

Showing 251–300 of 2818 results

  • Prayer Map Mornings With God

    Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $6.39.

    THE ORIGINAL Prayer Map!

    How Can You Start Every Day Off Right? . . .

    Find out in The Prayer Map: Mornings with God.

    This unique prayer journal is an engaging and creative tool to help guarantee good mornings as you experience the power of prayer. Each page features a lovely 2-color design that guides you to write out specific thoughts, ideas, and lists. . .creating a “map” for you to follow as you talk to God. Each map includes a spot to record the date, so you can look back on your prayers and see how God has worked in your busy life. The Prayer Map: Mornings with God will not only encourage you to spend your mornings in prayer with the one who loves you most. . .it will also help you build a healthy spiritual habit of continual prayer for life!
    This lovely journal, perfect for personal quiet time or small groups, features:

    *A user-friendly spiral binding–lays flat!
    *Delightfully designed two-color interior
    *Space to record the date on each Prayer Map
    *Prompted sections guide the creation of each Prayer Map-from start to finish
    *Carefully selected scripture on every spread

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  • Daily Prayer Minutes For Teen Girls

    Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $13.59.

    Beautiful girl, God’s always listening. . .and He’s always interested in what you have to say.

    Open your heart and your mind as you read these daily, comforting prayers. Each turn of the page reveals an inspiring “prayer minute” (a prayer that can be read in just 60 seconds) alongside an encouraging scripture selection, guaranteed to reassure and inspire your soul every day of the year.

    Spend your daily quiet time with these prayers, where you’ll encounter overflowing blessings and the never ending grace of your heavenly Creator.

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  • Braving Change : Release The Past, Welcome Growth, And Trust Where God Is L


    Change in our lives is inevitable whether it is a change we desire, like a new job or a new city, or one thrust upon us, like the loss of a loved one or a challenge to our health. Either way, we get to choose who we become as a result of these changes in our lives. Change is a powerful teacher, shaping and molding us more into the likeness of Christ as we let it do its work.

    Combining biblical wisdom with inspiring personal stories, Braving Change helps you:
    *recognize the transition you are in
    *recover from loss
    *reclaim your power to make healthy choices
    *rebuild after change

    Each chapter includes reflection questions and a guided prayer to help you make sense of the change you’re experiencing so that you can grow through it and be prepared for the next change that comes your way.

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  • Enfoque Del Reino – (Spanish)


    !Mas de un millon de copias vendidas en la serie del reino!

    Busquen el reino de Dios por encima de todo lo demas y lleven una vida justa, y el les dara todo lo que necesiten (Mateo 6:33).

    Tener el enfoque correcto lo cambia todo en la vida. Si nos ocupamos en enfocarnos en frivolidades externas o en ambiciones personales en vez de en el reino de Dios, terminamos perdiendonos de servir al reino de Dios… y nos perdemos tambien de mucho mas que esperamos obtener en la vida. Sin embargo, cuando alineamos nuestras vidas con la Palabra de Dios, llegamos a experimentar la mejor libertad posible.

    En Un enfoque del reino, Tony Evans les ensea a los lectores como enfocarse en las cosas en las cuales Dios mismo se enfoca en las Escrituras, y explora que es lo que deleita el corazon de Dios. Es al hacerlo que podemos descubrir el gozo y el poder de deleitarnos en las mismas cosas. Permita que Dios agudice su enfoque, transforme su mente y lo empodere a vivir cada aspecto de su vida a la luz del reino al cual ha sido llamado y para el cual ha sido elegido: para un momento como este. Aprenda como:

    *examinar los habitos espirituales que podemos utilizar para agudizar nuestro enfoque en el reino de Dios,

    *maximizar la vida terrenal,

    *profundizar en el caracter y el corazon de Dios y

    *reconocer como nos guia paso a paso el amor de Dios.

    Over 1 million books sold in the Kingdom series!

    “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you” (Matthew 6:33, NASB).

    Having the right focus makes all the difference in life. If we are busy focusing on external frivolities or personal ambitions rather than on the Kingdom of God, we wind up missing out on serving God’s Kingdom-as well as many of the other things we hope to attain in life. However, when we align our lives with God’s Word, we get to experience the greatest freedom we could ever know.

    In Kingdom Focus, Tony Evans teaches readers how to focus on the things God Himself focuses on in Scripture and explores the issues that delight His heart. It is by doing so that we can discover the joy and the power of delighting in the same things. Allow God to sharpen your focus, transform your mind, and empower you to live every aspect of your life in light of the Kingdom to which you have been chosen and called, for such a time as this.

    Learn how to:

    *examine the spiritual habits we can employ to sharpen our focus for God’s Kingdom,
    *fully maximize life w

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  • From Broken Boy To Mended Man


    A Simple and Hope-filled Blueprint to Break Free from a Hurtful Childhood that May Be Holding You Back-Secret Hurts, Destructive Cycles, Buried Anger, and More

    Hiding inside every man is a little boy. For some this kid is healthy and strong. For others he’s insecure. Afraid. Angry. And broken. This describes Patrick Morley. Successful entrepreneur and businessman, Patrick ignored the pain of his childhood wounds for decades. This book tells his story and offers a surprising remedy. An ironclad promise of wholeness. Today, millions of men are suffering silently and not breaking the cycle because they’ve never processed the pain of their father and mother wounds. Does that describe you?

    If so, you are not alone. And there’s hope. A better way. You can find healing and finally break free from a lifelong cycle of pain and smoldering rage. You can, by God’s grace, re-write the script for your future and achieve so much more. Can you imagine?

    In From Broken Boy to Mended Man, Patrick Morley describes his own revealing and healing journey and offers answers on how to safely uncover wounds that may have fueled destructive patterns for decades. This book will help you discover:

    *How to overcome denial and acknowledge your suffering;

    *How to find healing for your childhood wounds and break free from any destructive, dysfunctional cycles that hold you back;

    *How to shift your perspective to have a compassionate view of your parents (even if they’re gone) and reach a place of biblical forgiveness; and

    *How to create an action plan to help you better parent your own children so hurtful patterns are not repeated.

    You can move forward from unprocessed pain. Discover today how to start brand new.

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  • Not What I Signed Up For


    What do I do when I don’t know what to do?

    Have you ever found yourself in an unexpected season? Struggling with fear, uncertainty, and an unknown future? And thinking to yourself (and saying to God): This is not what I signed up for.

    From counselor and Bible teacher Nicole Unice comes a book for when you feel scared, helpless, and in over your head. In Not What I Signed Up For, Nicole takes us on a journey through the biblical story of Joseph-thirteen years of conflict, abandonment, and captivity-to help us see how God uses life’s hard times, twists, turns, and in-between spaces to grow something essential in our souls. With honest vulnerability, she’ll help you learn to:

    *Move forward when every choice feels impossible.
    *Persevere when you have no idea how your story will end.
    *Recognize signposts of hope in times of doubt, anxiety, and disappointment
    *Develop a sense of purpose and a resilient faith as you walk through seasons of uncertainty

    As you witness Joseph’s eventual restoration and redemption unfold in an entirely different way than what he must have expected, you’ll find the strength, hope, and perspective to navigate a season you didn’t sign up for.

    Not What I Signed Up For also makes a perfect gift for anyone in need of spiritual encouragement.
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  • Power Of Hope


    Let all that I am wait quietly before God,
    for my hope is in him.
    He alone is my rock and my salvation,
    my fortress where I will not be shaken.
    Psalm 62:5-6 NLT

    Hope is a powerful weapon against feelings of helplessness, stress, and dissatisfaction. It increases happiness and improves our quality of life by helping us to remain committed to goals and by motivating us to take action. Hope gives us a reason to keep fighting through the tough days, believing that our circumstances will improve.

    Where we place our hope is critical. If we hope for temporary things, whether we achieve them or not, we are left wanting. But when we hope in what is eternal, our longing is quenched in the stream of God’s love. His presence assures us that we are never alone.
    The sacrifice Jesus made secured our redemption and reconciled us to our very good Father. Our future is certain. Our present circumstances can be endured. We can thrive, knowing that our inheritance is to spend eternity with our amazing Creator.

    As you read these Scriptures, devotions, and prayers, be encouraged by the hope God gives you. Walk in confidence each day with peace and joy that remain no matter what the circumstance may be. Your eternity is secure!


    *High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

    *Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.

    *Metallic and matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.

    *High-quality sturdy Smyth-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.

    *Matte art high quality paper with a smooth satin touch provides long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

    *A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.

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  • Exiles : The Church In The Shadow Of Empire


    A thoughtful exploration of the intersection of faith and politics, Exiles asks: What if we considered ourselves “exiles in Babylon” and turned to Scripture, not political parties, to shape our most passionate values?

    Politics are dividing our churches like never before. New York Times-bestselling author Dr. Preston M. Sprinkle reminds us that the first-century church was not an apolitical gathering, where Christians left their Roman politics at the door. It also wasn’t a place where Christians mounted a Roman flag next to–or above–a Christian one. Church was a place where God’s plan for governing the world was revealed, where one could witness what it means to follow the Creator’s design for human flourishing.

    In this timely book, Preston explores why:

    *Israel’s exile to Babylon profoundly shaped the political identity of God’s people–and still does today.

    *Christians should see themselves as foreigners in the country where they live.

    *The gospel of Jesus’ kingdom was politically subversive.

    *The church today should view its political identity as fundamentally separate from the empire.

    Total allegiance to a political party dilutes the church’s witness. Discover a more biblical, powerful way to live in a secular world. Discover what it means to live in exile.

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  • Bedtime Family Devotional


    Connect with God as a family in just a few minutes each night

    You love your children and want to pass your faith on to them, but in the busy activity of daily life, it’s not as easy as it sounds.

    This helpful, hopeful family resource is exactly what you need to strengthen your faith as a family. It includes 90 days of biblically grounded devotions, prayers, and action steps.
    Organized into three sections, this devotional helps parents answer three important questions: What do I want my child to know? What do I want my child to be? What do I want my child to do? As you walk through these pages together at the end of each day, you will not only instill God’s Word in your children’s hearts, but you will equip them to:

    *understand basic theology
    *develop Christlike character and virtue
    *discover their unique God-given gifts
    *live as confident witnesses in the world

    Before your children’s heads hit the pillow, let Jesus be the last thing on their minds.

    Great for families with kids ages 6 to 12

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  • Gift Of Limitations

    Original price was: $26.99.Current price is: $18.89.

    Are you feeling stretched to your limits and wish those limits weren’t there at all? Bestselling author Sara Hagerty asks: “What if your greatest weaknesses–the areas of your life you resent the most, the places where you feel the most overextended and unfulfilled–are your doorway to rich intimacy with God? What if your limitations were, in fact, your greatest gift?”

    It’s all too much. Too much laundry and too many bills. Too many appointments, meetings, and open tabs on our browser. Yet in the midst of so much, we feel deprived. Limited. We make another family dinner while shelving our passion for art. We tend our tiny patch of grass while envying the time our neighbor has to garden. We go to bed exhausted, too tired to enjoy a few minutes with our own thoughts.

    As a writer, speaker, and mother of seven, Sara Hagerty knows what limitations feel like. Yet she has also seen how the boundaries of our life circumstances can bring about growth and satisfaction we’d never experience otherwise. With the poetic voice, gentle validation, and deep spiritual insights that have made Sara’s books so popular, The Gift of Limitations explores how to:

    *Name the limitations that haunt us and how we have unknowingly given them power
    *Open our eyes to what God can do with the weaknesses we resent
    *Discover what God’s Word says about living within our limitations
    *Understand what embracing our limits looks like in everyday life
    *Recognize when we are pushing ourselves too far
    *Understand how God sees weakness and how He has used it in the lives of great believers
    *Dream again while remaining tethered to God’s best story for us
    *Release the shame and frustration of our weaknesses

    In The Gift of Limitations, you will learn to see the beauty and peace God provides in the midst of our life circumstances–and the deep spiritual growth we can experience through the limitations that we once thought held us back.

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  • God Given Dreams


    Get ready to step into your God-given destiny and make a difference in the world.

    Are you struggling to find your purpose and fulfill your God-given dreams? Do you battle with feelings of insecurity, doubt, or fear of being unqualified or unworthy? Are you looking for inspiration and empowerment to live out your God-given dreams?

    God has given you strengths and a divine purpose, but sometimes life has a way of beating us down and robbing us of our confidence. If you’re struggling with feelings of unworthiness, inadequacy, or invisibility, Nancy Gavilanes’s God-Given Dreams speaks directly to your heart, offering hope and encouragement through six transformative truths-that you are Created, Called, Chosen, Conformed, Clothed, and Commissioned-which will help you break free from the chains of doubt and fear.

    To encourage you in boldly living out your calling, this book includes:

    *Reflection questions to help you dig deeper
    *Activity ideas to help you take actionable steps
    *Prayer prompts to help you connect with God

    Uncover just how precious you are to your heavenly Father and become the fabulous, fierce, and fruitful woman God has called you to be.

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  • Nearing A Far God


    Experience Transformation When You Pray the Psalms with Your Whole Self

    Feeling hopeless? Lonely? Anxious? Do you want to experience the presence and love of God through every joy and struggle of life? Do you long to enrich your prayer life and grow your relationship with God? The Psalms will guide you into fresh encounters and a lasting deeper attachment to God.

    You may have read or studied the Psalms. In Nearing a Far God: Praying the Psalms with Our Whole Selves, you’ll experience the Psalms in fresh, personal, and life-changing ways:

    *Discover how the Psalms can draw you into dialogue with God no matter your pain, struggle, or doubt

    *Practice transformative writing and prayer exercises that engage and impact the whole brain and the whole self

    *Reclaim ancient practices of movement and bodily postures to heighten your worship and deepen attachment to God

    Masterful teacher and award-winning author Leslie Leyland Fields has helped thousands of God-seekers around the world experience spiritual breakthroughs by expressing their life stories through the lens of Scripture. Whether you read and practice Nearing a Far God on your own, with a local group, or with a cohort organized by Fields, you too can experience profound change, hope, and the always near presence of a loving God.

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  • Breathing Room For My Soul


    Women sometimes have difficult days–

    When the world feels like it’s closing in, when the stresses of life threaten to stifle your contentment and steal your joy. . .there is one who offers breathing room for your soul–and His name is Jesus.

    These 200-plus devotions and prayers, inspired by Psalm 62:5-6, will fill your heart to overflowing with all the good things that come from a relationship with Him:


    Spend your daily quiet time with these encouraging, uplifting devotions and prayers and experience true breathing room for your beautiful soul.

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  • Stress Less Pray More Devotional Journal


    What do you stress about most? . . .

    No matter your age, there’s likely one thing (probably more!) that stresses you to your very core.

    Whether you stress about piles of laundry, troubles at work, difficult relationships, finances, or something more, this devotional guide will help alleviate your anxiety-inducing thoughts as you learn to live in the freedom of Almighty God, who offers tranquility for your stressed-out soul. As you read and reflect on the devotions and prayers, you’ll grow ever closer to the Stress-Reliever Himself, who will transform your tense heart into a heart of serene faith.

    Inspired by this promise from God’s Word: “Make sure that you don’t get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. . . . Be up and awake to what God is doing! God is putting the finishing touches on the salvation work he began when we first believed.” (Romans 13:11-12 MSG)

    Read on. . .and discover the stress-free life today.

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  • Forgiveness : The Choice That Sets You Free


    Forgiveness is one of the most difficult things you may ever have to face. But it’s also one of the most important and rewarding things you can do. Packed with practical advice, helpful visuals, scannable outlines, and encouraging scriptures, Forgiveness is an all-in-one resource to get you started on your forgiveness journey today! This book will help you:

    *Understand what forgiveness really is (and what it’s not)
    *How to know when you’ve truly forgiven someone
    *Find hope and empathy for a hardened heart
    *And much more

    Making the brave choice to forgive can benefit us in amazing ways-in fact, it sets us free! Even more amazing is the mysterious fact that God can bring something good out of even your most painful wounds.

    All-In-One Scripture- and Science-Driven Forgiveness Advice

    Award-winning author and speaker, Debbie Barr, explains the high price we pay to our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing when we cling to resentment, bitterness, and thoughts of revenge. Backed by science, psychology, and scripture, this all-in-one book will help you equip your empathy, faith, and resilience to rise to the challenges forgiveness may bring.

    Writing with compassion and understanding, Barr shares her own experience with forgiveness and stories from others who have made the choice to forgive. She also shows how forgiveness can bring peace of mind, self-respect, and the kind of wellbeing that God wants us to have.

    Forgiving others is what God requires of us-and the more atrocious the offense, the more we need his help to do the hard work of forgiveness.

    Key Features of Forgiveness: The Choice That Sets You Free

    *Biblical – Enjoy getting biblical examples, scriptures, and word studies to help you grasp a deeper understanding of forgiveness.

    *Practical – With step-by-step instructions and research-driven advice, Forgiveness will equip you with everything you need to let go and live. Whether you’re dealing with a recent betrayal or a generational wound, get the keys you need to turn to God for freedom and peace.

    *Real & Compassionate – Using true stories and compassionate advice, Forgiveness will at once make you feel seen and hopeful in whatever circumstance you face. Get the encouragement and motivation you need to keep moving forward.

    *Easy-to-Understand and Read – It’s never been easier to get help on your forgiveness journey! With definitions, clear outlines, visuals, and scannable lists, you’ll be able to grasp key informat

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  • Caregiving : Taking Care Of Yourself While Caring For Someone Else


    Packed with practical advice, diagrams, statistics, photos, quizzes, and scannable outlines, this compact guide to caregiving is easy to read and gives you key information at a glance. Get expert knowledge distilled into easy-to-follow steps and apply them immediately to refresh and recharge your caregiving journey.

    Enjoy having:

    *Trustworthy advice for both seasoned and new caregivers (and everyone in between)

    *A Scale of Burden quiz to assess your current level of self-care

    *12 Signs of Stress & specific steps to manage them (PLUS: 3 happiness boosters for caregivers)

    *How to Build Your Team: step-by-step instructions to get help (and exactly what to say)

    *And much more

    Caregiving is draining-emotionally and physically. From changing bandages and diapers, to managing medical appointments and picking up prescriptions, caregiving can feel like an endless journey. But here’s the great news: the caregiving experience doesn’t have to be like that. When caregiving tasks are shared and caregivers understand how to take good care of themselves too, the whole experience can be much brighter for everyone.

    Trusted Help for Caregiving from Those Who’ve Been There

    In Caregiving: Taking Care of Yourself While Taking Care of Someone Else, award-winning author and speaker, Debbie Barr, writes with compassion and understanding, taking an honest look at the ups and downs of caregiving. She shares the real-life experiences of caregivers and the things they’ve learned along their journeys. This book will help caregivers like you know how to gather a team to help shoulder the caregiving load. You will be able to:

    *Identify when you’re nearing burnout
    *Discover the help available to you (and what to say)
    *Take specific action steps to cope wisely and learn to thrive
    *Know when the caregiving needs to change (and why it DOESN’T mean failure)

    Key Features of Caregiving: Taking Care of Yourself While Taking Care of Someone Else

    Caregiving will provide everything you need-from the basics to step-by-step details-to not only get you started on your journey, but to make the most out of your time and talents. Key features include:

    *Reliable-Award-winning author and speaker Debbie Barr unpacks real-life experiences and seasoned advice into trustworthy nuggets of caregiving gold you can carry with you throughout your day. Get refreshed and revitalized with compassion and truths from those who have experienced the emotions and journeys you are

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  • I Could Be Wrong But I Doubt It

    Original price was: $28.99.Current price is: $17.39.

    Discover the completely unique qualifications and accomplishments of Jesus Christ–the Creator of everything, the King who will set you free, and the best friend you could ever have.

    Over nearly five decades of walking with God, podcaster, author and Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has learned a thing or two about why Jesus is the only one worth following. Of all the things we could put our trust in, only Jesus has the answers to our questions and the solutions for our problems.

    Plenty of people claim to have the answers for a better life. Politicians claim they can fix our nation. Scientists and technologists trumpet the latest and greatest discoveries that’ll make everything right. Self-help gurus offer one pathway to peace after another. But it’s no secret that our world is increasingly divided and broken–and we’ve got the fear, anxiety, and hopelessness to prove it. Jesus alone can make good on the promise of lasting peace, real freedom, and life eternal.

    With his trademark directness, humor, and insight, Phil will help you:

    *experience Jesus as the Creator and all-powerful Sustainer of all creation;

    *reconcile your own brokenness and sinfulness with Jesus’ unending well healing, forgiveness, and peace;

    *develop the eyes to see Jesus for who he really is: the friend who will always be there for you, no matter what mistakes you’ve made; and

    *look to the Bible to get to know Jesus and better understand His grace and love for you.

    Politics won’t save you. Science can’t give you the power to sidestep death. The pleasures and joys of this world are fleeting at best, damaging counterfeits at worst. But Phil has good news for you: Jesus offers life, joy, and peace, and he’s never more than a prayer away.

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  • Vision Of Jesus


    What if Genesis through Revelation is just the beginning of knowing who God is?

    This book will guide you into a deeper understanding and intimacy with God as you study who He is as the resurrected King. You will have a better grasp of the book of Revelation and who Jesus is revealed in this powerful part of Scripture.

    The image we have of Jesus is one that affects the way we act as Christians and the way we take the gospel to the world. That image has sometimes been reflected badly because we do not have a fully rounded image of the Jesus we love and worship. Indeed, some modern concepts of Jesus in the church would be difficult to worship.

    In Revelation 1, Jesus appears in a vision given to the apostle John. It is an awesome, majestic vision. The Bible, perhaps intentionally, doesn’t give us much information about what Jesus looked like in human form. Yet here in John’s apocalyptic book, God gives us an image that transcends the incarnation, an image of Jesus we can really focus on. In A Vision of Jesus, respected Bible teacher R.T. Kendall mines Revelation 1 to show readers:

    *The unique promise of the Book of Revelation
    *What Revelation teaches us about how to handle guilt, jealousy, and the unexpected
    *Who God is and how Jesus is the fulfilment of the Old Testament pictures, as well as our great High Priest, the King, and more

    In these pages, Kendall guides readers toward a faith enriched by a more complete image of the Savior. Engaging and enlightening, this book will inspire Christians to renew their devotion to Jesus and share His transformative love with the world.

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  • Courage Workbook : Winning Life’s Toughest Battles (Workbook)


    This study guide for the book Courage is a call to men who want to be champions, a daring challenge to young men who want to be a success in life, a rousing cry for mature men to come alive again!

    From the acrid streets of New York to the arid deserts of Namibia to the airless mountains of Nepal, men worldwide, both young and old, are fighting a war waged against them, both physically and spiritually. Learn how to fight an enemy that would emasculate your manhood, shame your God-given ambitions, mock your ego-mastery, and try to make you a wimp.

    More than ever before in history, young men today must be trained to be men and have the courage to life in that manhood. If you have the guts to do more than wallow in a moral morass of mediocrity, this book if for you!

    Don’t waste your youth! Live your God-given dreams! This book will train you in manhood, in responsibility, in maturity, and in warfare. The only question is: Do you have the courage to read it?

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  • Sexual Integrity Workbook (Workbook)


    Understand today why God created you to be sexual and discover the pleasure of honoring your most precious gift!

    God made sex good! Sex is to be valued and respected. You have one thing that you can give one time to only one person in one lifetime. Possibly the most unusual and the most important book about sex you will ever read. Sexual Integrity Workbook addresses sexuality with powerful insight.

    Refreshing wisdom for every sexual question or issue you have.

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  • Never Quit Workbook (Workbook)


    If you’ve ever wanted to quit, read this first!

    Stress. Change. Crisis! Everyone know what it’s like. Everyone has been tempted to walk away, forget it, give up. “Crisis is normal to life,” best-selling author Edwin Louis Cole teaches. But God has a way for you to become a winner in every situation.

    Facing the challenge of a job loss, a mid-life crisis, a troubled marriage, moving, financial difficulties and general stress can become the fuel that propels you to your greatest victories and success!

    In this study guide for the best-selling book, Edwin Louis Cole offers real, sensible solutions to contemporary changes and crises. You’ll learn…

    *What to do in crisis
    *Ten steps to leave the old and enter the new
    *How to transform crisis into overwhelming success
    *What is your part; what is God’s part?

    When life is just too tough, God’s faithfulness is tougher. Even if you’re tempted to quit, you can make it through!

    Edwin Louis Cole was known for his practical application of wisdom. Using pithy statements and a confrontational style that demanded social responsibility and family leadership, he mentored hundreds of thousands of men worldwide. Over five million people studied his principles in the last fifty years. His powerful books have become the most widely-used Christian men’s resources in the world.

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  • 101 Prayers For Comfort In Difficult Times


    When words fail to soothe your soul, find solace in the 101 Prayers for Comfort in Difficult Times Gray Faux Leather Prayer Book. While our circumstances may be unique and our struggles often feel isolating, remember that God’s care is profound. As King David once declared, He collects our tears in a bottle-a testament to His deep compassion and awareness of our trials. This prayer book will guide your prayers when it is hard to pray.

    The prayer book features an elegant iron-gray faux leather cover decorated with white screen-printed flowers. The teal and gray-lettered sentiment is framed by a double bracket border and is presented in a multi-font design and accented with silver foil.

    101 Prayers for Comfort in Difficult Times

    The cover design continues on the two-color interior pages, where floral accents are applied to each page. To keep track of your reading, a gray satin ribbon marker is attached to the spine. Gilded page edges add a subtle sheen to the overall look of the ebook and elevate it to an elegant gift item.

    The book’s content includes 101 prayers addressing a wide range of topics, each accompanied by a supporting Scripture verse. Throughout the book, beautifully stylized pages are dedicated to Scripture verses and thoughtfully interspersed for moments of contemplation.

    Kate Motaung is an author and founder of Refine Services and hosts the Five Minute Friday writing community. Kate and her South African husband have three children and currently reside in West Michigan.

    The 101 Prayers for Comfort in Difficult Times Gray Faux Leather Prayer Book is a thoughtful and touching gift, perfect for showing your support to a friend facing a challenging struggle.

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  • 100 Days Of Strength In Any Struggle


    What if you could see God clearer and know Him deeper in the middle of your struggles? You don’t have to keep trying to muster up more grit, willpower, or wisdom on your own. You can tap into the source of true, unfailing strength. How? In this 100-day devotional, you’ll discover where strength really comes from?Jesus, who holds everything together. As you experience pain, move through daily challenges, or get bogged down by anxieties big or small, you’ll learn to find Him right in the middle of it, ready to strengthen you and give you rest. You are stronger than you think because God is closer than you know. (in)courage is an online community of women who seek Jesus together. Each day we meet you right where you are, as one of our writers shares what’s going on in her everyday life, and how God is right in the middle of it all. They bring their unique experiences – joys and struggles equally – so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives. Founded in 2009 by DaySpring, (in)courage comes alongside women through daily devotions, podcasts, books, and Bible studies.

    *This Devotional Journal by (in)courage offers genuine support amidst life’s challenges, reminding us that God is with us when life doesn’t go as planned.

    *Each day, readers can dive into authentic stories, empowering Scriptures, and thought-provoking prompts, providing the guidance needed to harness strength and resilience regardless of changing circumstances.

    *Perfect for those seeking to navigate life’s challenges with faith and strength, or a thoughtful gift for loved ones.

    *This devotional journal is brought to you by the (in)courage community, an online community of women who share their everyday life and how God is right in the middle of it, so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope of Jesus.

    *This paperback journal features an elegant gold foil design, contains 208 pages of inspiration, and measures 6.5 x 8 inches. It also includes a ribbon bookmark for easy tracking and a beautiful 4-color interior.

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  • Pure Joy : 90 Devotions On The Book Of James


    A 90-day devotional exploring the mystery of attaining joy through suffering.

    In the book of James, we’re told in no uncertain terms that the testing of our faith will result in perseverance, bringing us to a point where we “lack nothing.” But how can we really treat our trials with a spirit of “pure joy”? In this 90-day devotional, readers will embark on a journey through James’ enigmatic appeal, encouraging them to witness the profound transformation that unfolds when we embrace Christ’s power amidst our anguish, bewilderment, discontent, and hardship. Readers will gain a new perspective so that when life comes crashing in, they will experience a greater willingness to rejoice and trust the One who uses all suffering to make us mature and complete in Him.

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  • Power Of Potential Workbook (Workbook)


    Learn practical, workable solutions known by champions and leaders.

    Ed Cole reveals secrets to everyday problems that prevent people from achieving maximum potential. Now these situations can thrust you toward your greatest success! This direct, challenging message features hidden laws to help you…

    *Strengthen your greatest personal assets
    *Rise above injustice and criticism
    *Exchange tension for peace of mind
    *Resolve mental conflict and guilt
    *Turn anxiety into motivation
    *Regain your vision; renew your dreams
    *Unlock keys to future success

    Discover these brilliant insights to fulfill your destiny!

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  • God : Theology For Every Person


    Knowing, loving, and worshiping God is the call and privilege of every disciple of Jesus.
    Because all Christians are part of his royal priesthood, theology is not just for those teaching in the academy or serving in ministry vocations.

    Theology proper centers on God, exploring his existence, his divine nature, his Persons, and his attributes. In this book you will find an overview of these truths in the doctrine of God as well as other great truths in the doctrine of divine revelation.

    You are not simply setting out on a journey toward deeper knowledge. If theological study only results in knowing abstract truths about God, then we have not done theology well.
    Right theology invariably leads to right living and right worship, and this is our ultimate goal in these books and in this life.

    God is the first volume of a three-part series entitled Theology for Every Person. The other volumes will include God’s Word to the World, which considers God in Christ and his works of creation, humanity, and redemption, and God’s Work in the World, which explores God the Holy Spirit and the divine works of salvation, the church, and the end.

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  • Its A Good Morning Just Because You Love Me


    Some mornings don’t feel so good. The circumstances of life may have you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, discouraged, or even depressed. Isn’t it encouraging to know that God’s love is not dependent on your situation?

    Find the hope, joy, and strength that is abundant in God as you reflect on these devotional entries, Scriptures, and prayers. No matter what comes your way, you can choose to have a good day with God at your side.

    Special Features:

    *High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

    *Coordinating sturdy zippered closure allows you to tuck important extras inside.

    *Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.

    *Matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.

    *High-quality sturdy Smyth-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.

    *Uncoated, wood-free paper is of premium quality and thickness, lending itself to long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

    *A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.

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  • 365 Days Of Kindness


    You can walk in kindness every day when you rely on God to be your source. Be inspired to spread compassion, generosity, and hope as you read these daily devotions and Scriptures. Intentionally engage in the random acts of kindness suggested for each day.

    Spending time with God allows you to give generously to others out of the overflow of his heart for you. When you reflect God’s character to a world that often seems harsh, you bring encouragement to people who may otherwise feel forgotten or hopeless. Acts of kindness spark feelings of gratitude. And gratitude goes a long way in improving our quality of life–physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    Spread a little kindness today and watch everything around you brighten with joy!


    *High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

    *Coordinating sturdy zippered closure allows you to tuck important extras inside.

    *Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.

    *Matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.

    *High-quality sturdy Smyth-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.

    *Uncoated, wood-free paper is of premium quality and thickness, lending itself to long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

    *A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.

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  • Light For Today


    God is always with you.

    When you’re feeling overwhelmed or lost in the dark, it can be tough to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    In Light for Today, Lauren Green offers 365 days of hope and encouragement to ground you in God’s saving grace and unending faithfulness. Combining stories and wisdom found in Scripture with true stories from Green’s personal life and illustrious journalism career, this devotional will inspire you to:

    *strengthen your spirit,
    *find silver linings,
    *persevere through turbulent times, celebrate peaceful seasons, and
    *become a shining beacon of Christ for those around you.

    God promises that he will never leave or forsake you. Let these daily messages from his lighthouse brighten your days and open your eyes to see him fulfilling that promise every moment of every day.

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  • Welcome To The Basement


    If Jesus is the chief cornerstone of everything God is building in the world–what floor do you want to be on? In Welcome to the Basement, podcaster Tim Ross shows readers how they can achieve true greatness in the upside-down kingdom Jesus is building.

    When Jesus came to earth, his first-shall-be-last teachings turned the world upside-down. So it’s no surprise that when some of the earliest Jesus-followers started spreading the Good News, they were accused by the powers-that-be of having “upset the world” (Acts 17:6). They were labeled disrupters and troublemakers because they were preaching a new king, a new kingdom, and a new way of life.

    Christians today are still called to upset the world. In Welcome to the Basement, Tim Ross gives both a rallying cry and a practical guide for becoming great in God’s kingdom. In a conflict-ridden world that values celebrity, visibility, and self-promotion, Jesus invites you to join him in “the basement,” where ordinary acts of intentional love, service, empathy, and kindness have extraordinary power to welcome people into Jesus’ kingdom of peace, joy, and life to the fullest. Readers of Welcome to the Basement will:

    *discover that they are God’s masterpiece, called to a great identity and a great mission;

    *learn to receive God’s unstoppable love and grace that is always reaching out to the lost and hurting;

    *experience for themselves the good that God has for them–because only people whose lives have been turned upside-down by God can become true world upsetters; and

    *gain step-by-step guidance for identifying the people, places, and pieces that they’ve been called to disturb, disrupt, and shower with God’s love.

    Sometimes the humblest acts of goodness have the greatest power. And sometimes the lowest floor of the building is where the real party is. Jesus is the cornerstone of a new kind of kingdom–will you step into the good things God is doing in the world?

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  • Treasure Workbook : Uncovering Principles That Govern Success (Workbook)


    Study guide companion to Treasure, by best-selling author Edwin Louis Cole, which uncovers immutable principles that govern success.

    Describes the keys that have helped successful people worldwide prosper at a higher level:
    All of life is based on principles and follows patterns. Patterns are ways in which the universe operates. You will become successful and begin to prosper when you base your life on sound principles and establish proper patterns that work for you. This study guide is helpful for both individual or in a group discipleship setting.

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  • Unique Woman Workbook (Workbook)


    There are opportunities everywhere for women who have the courage to seize them! You have more than you think you have. You can do more than you think you can. You alone are responsible to use the intelligence, talents, abilities, and gifts God has given you.

    Ed and Nancy Cole took the truths and experience gathered from over half a century of marriage and ministry together to write Unique Woman. In one of Christianity’s modern classics, the Coles furnish tools to help women achieve the image God holds for them.

    In the same upfront and honest style that made Ed Cole an internationally known minister to men, he learned with his wife Nancy to answer the heart’s cry of women around the world who said, “Write us a book!”

    Although Unique Woman is addressed primarily to women, male readers have gained new insights and greater understanding of the issues faced by their wives and other women in their lives. Men will discover how the complementary nature of women can lead to greater fulfillment in their own lives.

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  • Raising Kids To Follow Christ


    How can we raise the next generation to have an unshakable faith in God as they navigate the challenging terrain of modern culture?

    Offering years of experience and countless success stories, author and parenting expert Lee Ann Mancini says what our children need is a heart change, not just a behavioral change, so that they become effective disciples. In Raising Kids to Follow Christ: Instilling a Lifelong Trust in God, she inspires parents, grandparents, teachers, and others to teach their children essential Christian principles to enable them to navigate the world with grace, integrity, and an unbreakable bond with their heavenly Father.

    This book goes beyond surface-level advice, delving into the intricate matters of children’s hearts and minds and offering a blueprint for nurturing a deep and unwavering faith in Christ.

    Raising Kids to Follow Christ offers:

    – Decades of personal experience and training based on key essential principles in Scripture

    – Practical strategies for addressing doubts, fears, and questions that arise in today’s culture

    – Ways to help children control their emotions and actions in various situations

    – Suggestions from some of today’s brightest Christian minds in children’s spirituality

    – Empowerment for parents to become their child’s spiritual champion

    – Easy-to-understand apologetics for children and adults

    – Fun ways to connect your child’s heart to Christ

    Raising Kids to Follow Christ is a collaborative journey inviting parents to learn, grow, and flourish alongside their children as they become bold in their witness and committed to their faith rather than secular culture.

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  • Tiny Thoughts That Ive Been Thinking


    As she was just beginning to enjoy life as an empty nester, Leslie was struck with a double cancer diagnosis and began an arduous three-year journey in the shadow of Death. While undergoing treatment meant to extend life, she could no longer teach or produce theater, so she turned her attention toward creative writing. Her imagination burst into life, beckoning all those around to follow her “further up and further in.” This collection is a magpie’s nest of reflections on art, faith, literature, community, caregiving, and mortality. Her essays, poems, and miscellaneous musings show us how one follower of Jesus lived life to the glory of God by adding to the Beauty in the world around her.

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  • What If Its All True


    What if it’s all true? What if the Bible truly is the words of God written down by the hands of men? What if Jesus was more than just a good teacher but actually the Son of God – what might that mean to you and me personally?

    Jesus claimed, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life (John 8:12).” Is it possible that we may not yet fully appreciate all that Jesus offers us? Could we have been so focused on the busyness of life that we miss that which is of greatest importance?

    In this short, accessible book, Rick Beckwith who has served with Young Life for more than 40 years, explores this question by investigating the Person and promises of Jesus.

    He answers questions like:

    *Who is Jesus?
    *What is truth and where is it found?
    *What is our purpose in life?
    *What did Jesus promise those who follow him?
    *Do painful experiences nullify what is true?
    *What if Jesus really did rise from the dead – so what?
    *What is the cost of ignoring Jesus’s true identity?

    In a culture that views absolute truth as a fixture of the past, it is necessary to have a deeper explanation of the hope available to us in Jesus. If this explanation is indeed plausible and the Bible is true, then the implications for how we live are nothing short of profound!

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  • Overflowing Joy : What Jesus Says About A Joy-Filled Life


    Whether you’re facing the ordinary, daily pressures of squaring away today’s to-do list or an unexpected season of suffering that seems to have no end, sometimes it feels like Jesus’s promise of “overflowing joy” is simply not within reach for your real life.

    But it doesn’t have to be that way.

    By journeying with you through Jesus’s words in John 15, author and Bible teacher Tara Dew reveals three surprising paths to a truly joy-filled life. If you’re willing to take Jesus up on His teaching, you’ll find that God’s pruning, God’s presence, and God’s commands have the power to deliver not just a taste of joy as a fruit God is developing in your life, but an overflowing bushel of it! The question is, are you willing?

    If so, prepare to experience a truly, fully, and genuinely joy-filled life–no matter the season or circumstance!

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  • Country Faith : 70 Inspired Stories From Leading Country Music Stars


    With personal stories from Carrie Underwood, Alan Jackson, Trisha Yearwood, Steven Curtis Chapman, and dozens of other top and rising country music stars, Country Faith is a perfect gift for music lovers or an attractive full-color coffee table book for guests. Each artist answers which Bible verse has been most meaningful to them and why, leading to heartwarming stories of their values and beliefs. Readers will enjoy the mix of encouraging vignettes alongside crisp photographs of their favorite artists and the up-and-coming stars they’ve yet to discover. This unique compilation is destined to entertain and inspire those who cherish the authentic soul and roots of faith behind today’s country music scene.

    Product Features:

    *”Country Faith” is a vibrant compilation of 70 inspired stories from top country music stars, including Carrie Underwood, Alan Jackson, Trisha Yearwood, and more, sharing their favorite Scriptures and faith experiences.

    *Discover the perrsonal stories, values, and beliefs of these renowned country artists as they reveal which Bible verses have been most meaningful to them and why, offering a heartwarming glimpse into their faith journeys.

    *This full-color coffee table book, measuring 6.25 x 6.25 inches, is not only a perfect gift for music lovers but also a beautiful addition to your own collection, featuring crisp photographs of your favorite artists and rising stars.

    *With 160 pages of encouraging vignettes and a four-color interior, “Country Faith” provides an engaging and inspirational exploration of the authentic faith at the heart of today’s country music scene.

    *This unique compilation, presented in a hardcover format with a ribbon bookmark, is an ideal gift to inspire friends and family on any occasion, celebrating the genuine soul and roots of faith within the country music world.

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  • Resting In Jesus


    A 30-day devotional on the art of letting go of daily chaos to find perfect peace in Christ.

    When our phones are pinging, children are crying, emails are pouring in, and the refrigerator is empty, finding time to rest in Jesus can seem like a near impossible task. If we aren’t being productive, we feel like missing out and falling behind. But Christ invites us to sit at His feet, especially in the midst of our daily chaos. The example of Mary and Martha offers us a picture of how God understands not only what we’re going through, but where our priorities really need to be. Resting in Christ is not a luxury, it’s a necessity… and it informs everything else that we do. This devotional will guide readers in the journey to discovering the art of being still before God – and releasing their cares to the One who cares for them.

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  • Do The New You Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In this companion study guide to the New York Times bestselling Do the New You, follow along with pastor Steven Furtick as you discover your God-given identity and grow into the person God designed.

    Do you ever get a glimpse of yourself that is exactly who you want to be, but always seems just out of reach? The happier, kinder, less stressed, more courageous you? The ideal version of you isn’t imaginary at all. It’s actually the authentic you trying to break through. And it’s not a future version of yourself you have to chase. The true you may be new to you, but it’s not new to God. It’s the you he knew all along.

    In Do the New You, New York Times bestselling author and pastor Steven Furtick speaks directly to the challenge of living out your God-given identity and calling. He explores and unpacks six practical mindsets everyone can adopt to get from who you are today to where God is taking you. These six statements are truths you can speak over yourself any time and anywhere:

    – I’m not stuck unless I stop.
    – Christ is in me. I am enough.
    – With God there’s always a way and by faith I will find it.
    – God is not against me, but he’s in it with me, working through me, fighting for me.
    – My joy is my job.
    – God has given me everything I need for the season I’m in.

    These simple, powerful, memorable phrases will shift your focus, feelings, and actions to align with God’s vision of you. God isn’t just calling you to do you. He’s calling you to do the new you–the unique and powerful person he created you to be.

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  • Alone Advantage : 10 Behind-the-Scenes Habits That Drive Crazy Success

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.99.

    Master Your Minutes in Private and You’ll Master Your Life in Public

    In The Alone Advantage, Terri Savelle Foy shows how simple habits behind closed doors can reshape every aspect of your life.She knows what it’s like to be in a rut, repeating the same routine with no significant progress toward deep-down dreams. Terri started noticing that although the average person does not spend time alone–the average successful person does.

    Whatever your unique, God-given dream is, Terri reveals what successful people do in private to prepare and achieve the dreams in their heart. Discover:

    *the morning routine that can change your life before breakfast,
    *how to harness your imagination to visualize the future you want, and
    *why successful people spend time alone.

    Step-by-step, Terri shows you how realizing your biggest dream starts with a daily to-do list. As you learn the habits of successful people–everything from waking up to cleaning up to growing up–you will become your own best cheerleader. The Alone Advantage equips you to wake up with vision, have a clear set of goals, and protect your time in private so God can promote you in public.

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  • Praying Personalities : Finding Your Natural Prayer Style


    Discover the particular way God designed you to connect with prayer

    You should pray in the morning. You should write out your prayers. You should make prayer lists and pray through them every day. You should pray with others or out loud. We’ve all heard the you shoulds of prayer from pulpits, presenters, and well-meaning friends. But when none of these ways to pray feel natural, what’s next? Janet Holm McHenry has studied prayer extensively, and the one thing she knows for sure is that there’s no one-size-fits-all way to pray. Instead, there are different styles of prayer–and by discovering the style most instinctive to each individual personality, staying in touch with God throughout the day becomes simple and all the more joyful.

    In this book, the author helps readers determine their particular praying personality by examining the praying styles of biblical people, spiritual gifts, and various ideas about personality, including the classic temperaments, the Enneagram, and more. McHenry includes scores of bulleted suggestions for developing a praying lifestyle that works for individuals. She has also created a Praying Personality Quiz for readers (available in the book and online) to help narrow down the style that will most naturally fit into how they process a prayer life.

    Whether a longtime Christian who has tried various prayer strategies but can’t keep up or a new believer looking to learn about this spiritual discipline, every reader who dives into this book will come away with a renewed prayer life and a greater understanding of who God created them to be.

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  • Rescue Story : Faith, Freedom, And Finding My Way Home

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $17.99.

    From a hard-rocking life fueled by substance abuse to a hope-filled life of freedom and joy–this is music star Zach Williams’s bold and vulnerable story of faith and redemption.

    Before two-time GRAMMY Award winner Zach Williams penned heartfelt, faith-filled ballads like “Chain Breaker,” “There Was Jesus (featuring Dolly Parton),” and “Fear Is a Liar,” there was darkness. A rock-and-roll singer who thought he had all he ever wanted to make him happy, Zach instead felt empty. The drugs, alcohol, and late-night gigs played around the world couldn’t satisfy the longing in his heart for a place to belong. He was desperate for change.

    It came while on tour in Spain with his band, and in this powerful and poignant memoir, Zach shares in vivid detail his personal Rescue Story. He reflects on his childhood and the prophecy that kept his parents from giving up hope, his descent into the substance abuse that held him captive for so long, and ultimately the rescue he didn’t think was possible but embraced with open arms.

    A compelling, honest story of God’s unconditional love, grace, and redemption, Rescue Story shares the intimate journey of a beloved music artist and challenges you to seek resilient hope in the trials of your own life–because Jesus offers real freedom and joy, despite the mistakes of your past.

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  • Cross Our Glory


    The Cross, Our Glory Reflections on Christ’s Triumphant Sacrifice is a rich collection of messages by Charles H. Spurgeon on the Jesus’ journey from the garden of Gethsemane to Calvary. Spurgeon’s direct, compassionate, deep words surrounding Christ’s passion and His death will engage any reader eager to grow in their knowledge of Christ’s love for humankind.

    Sample of selected sermon themes:

    *Mourning at the Sight of the Crucified
    *The Crown of Thorns
    *The Believing Thief
    *The Messages of Our Lord’s Love
    *The Cross, Our Glory

    Spurgeon published over two thousand of his sermons, as well as numerous books, which constitute the largest collection of work by a single author. His printed Sunday sermons were so popular that they were literally sold by the ton. He continually appealed to his audiences to allow the Lord to minister to them individually. Highlighted with splashes of spontaneous, delightful humor, his teachings still provide direction to all who are seeking true joy and genuine intimacy with God.

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  • End Of The World As You Know It


    Thinking about the end times isn’t supposed to terrify you

    Christians rightly turn to the Bible to make sense of our times. But so often we get the wrong answers because we ask the wrong questions.

    In The End of the World as You Know It, Matthew L. Halsted challenges common end-times assumptions and points us back to Scripture. Each chapter reevaluates a popular question in light of the Bible’s own concerns: Will Christians be raptured? What is the mark of the beast? When we let Scripture direct our questions, we get better-and more hopeful-answers.

    The Bible was written for us, but not to us. We must bridge the gap between Scripture’s ancient context and our own. Reading end-times texts in their ancient context helps us understand our present and future. And when we do, we find that God’s word brings peace, not fear and confusion.

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  • Peace Be Still


    Take a Daily Break from the Busyness of Life

    When your soul longs for true peace. . .you can turn to the only One who is able to hush your troubled heart. You’ll be encouraged and comforted by these daily, devotional-like prayers–created to bring calm and much-needed stillness to your life. Featuring 365 scriptures and prayers, for both morning and evening quiet time, Peace, Be Still delivers a break from the busyness and bustle–exactly what your heart needs on the hard days!

    Topics include:

    Rest, the Goodness of God, Belonging, Surrender, Strength, God’s Protection, and more

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  • Even If He Doesnt


    How can I approach God if I’m struggling to believe in His goodness?

    So much of our belief can be formulaic. We often think that if we do A, B, and C, then God will do X, Y, and Z. We check things off the “Good Christian Checklist,” trusting we’ll be okay, and our trials will be minimal. But when our experiences inevitably deviate from that belief, our trust in God often crumbles. After a series of life-altering trials–including a devastating diagnosis–uncovering faith in the cracks of pain is something Kristen LaValley knows well.

    In Even If He Doesn’t, Kristen will:

    *share her vulnerable and honest story

    *unpack the nuances of suffering and faith, holding space for the tension between the two

    *reveal how engaging the gentleness and grace of Christ in our suffering offers a surprising path to healing

    *remind us that when our belief is reduced to a formula, we rob ourselves of a faith that’s enriched by suffering, not crippled by it

    Those in the midst of heartache will find strength and renewal as Kristen approaches the complexity of suffering with compassion, guiding us to endure while not forsaking the joy, hope, and peace of those marked by Jesus.

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  • Como Influenciar La Accion Hum – (Spanish)


    Naciste para liderar. Ahora es el momento de convertirte en lider.

    Los lideres se pueden encontrar en las salas de juntas, pero tambien se pueden encontrar en familias, escuelas y organizaciones de todo tipo, en cualquier lugar donde las personas interactuen, se nutran, creen o construyan. Contrario a la opinion popular, el liderazgo no esta destinado a un grupo elite de personas que, por destino o accidente, se convierten en lideres mientras que todos los demas estan destinados a ser seguidores de por vida. Despues de capacitar personalmente a miles de lideres de todo el mundo, el Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de exitos de ventas, expresa que, si bien todas las personas poseen el potencial de liderazgo, muchas no saben como cultivar la naturaleza del liderazgo y como aplicarlo a sus vidas. En El espiritu de liderazgo, el Dr. Munroe define las aptitudes unicas que exhiben todos los lideres efectivos, explica como eliminar los obstaculos a sus habilidades de liderazgo y le ayuda a cumplir con su vocacion particular en la vida.

    You were born to lead. Now it’s time to become a leader.

    Leaders may be found in boardrooms, but they may also be found in families, schools, and organizations of all kinds, anywhere people interact, nurture, create, or build. Contrary to popular opinion, leadership is not meant for an elite group of people who, by fate or accident, become leaders while everyone else is consigned to being a lifelong follower. After personally training thousands of leaders from around the world, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe reports that while every person possesses the potential of leadership, many do not understand how to cultivate the leadership nature and how to apply it to their lives. In The Spirit of Leadership, Dr. Munroe defines the unique attitudes that all effective leaders exhibit, explains how to eliminate hindrances to your leadership abilities, and helps you to fulfill your particular calling in life.

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  • Mostly What God Does

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $17.99.

    Mostly what God does is love you.

    If we could believe this, really believe this, how different would we be? How different would our lives be? How different would our world be?

    If you ever struggle with your connection to God (or whether you even feel connected to a faith at all!), you’re not alone. Especially in our modern world, with its relentless, never-ending news cycle, we can all grapple with such questions. Do we do that alone, with despair and resignation? Or do we make sense of it with God, and with hope? In these uncertain times, could believing in the power of divine love make the most sense?

    In this collection of essays, Savannah Guthrie shares why she believes it does. Unspooling personal stories from her own joys and sorrows as a daughter, mother, wife, friend, and professional journalist, the award-winning TODAY show coanchor and New York Times bestselling author explores the place of faith in everyday life.

    Sharing hard-won wisdom forged from mountaintop triumphs, crushing failures, and even the mundane moments of day-to-day living, Mostly What God Does reveals the transformative ways that belief in God helps us discover real hope for this life and beyond.

    A perfect companion to your morning cup of coffee, this incisive volume–not a memoir but a beautiful tapestry of reflections crafted as a spiritual manual–includes:

    *a fresh, biblically rooted look at six essentials of faith: love, presence, grace, hope, gratitude, and purpose;

    *an honest exploration of questions, doubts, and fears about the love of God;

    *a dose of encouragement for the faith-full, the faith-curious, and the faith-less; and

    *…and much more.

    This deeply personal collection is designed to engage the practical ways that God loves you–not just the world, but you–and to inspire you to venture down a path of faith that is authentic, hopeful, destiny-shaping, and ultimately life-changing.

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  • Everyday Courage : 50 Devotions To Build A Bold Faith

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.99.

    It takes courage to live out your faith boldly, especially in the face of hostility or suffering. What gave Joshua and Caleb the courage to follow God’s commands despite fear? What gave Esther the courage to risk her life and trust God’s plan for His people? What gave the disciples the courage to live out their faith, even to the point of being martyred? They leaned into a greater fear, one that conquers all others–the fear of the Lord.

    The fear of the Lord gives believers the power to live with uncompromising faith–a powerful reality we see played out in the pages of the Bible as well as in our lives today. In Everyday Courage, respected Bible teacher, speaker, and bestselling author John Bevere reminds us through Scripture, devotions, and examples from the fathers and mothers of the faith that we, too can live with courage because the fear of the Lord swallows up every other fear in our lives.

    Each entry offers:

    *A Bible passage to help you discover how to fear God–and why the fear of the Lord is your ultimate source of strength

    *A thoughtful reflection on the day’s Scripture

    *Stories of biblical figures and other heroes of the faith who lived courageously

    *A powerful prayer to seek courage every day

    As you rediscover the power of holy fear in your life, you will step bravely into courageous living and bolder faith–every single day.

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  • Healthy Conflict Peaceful Life

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.99.

    Author, speaker, and pastor’s wife Donna Jones gives women a practical, biblical blueprint for making regret-free choices in the middle of real-life conflict so they can exchange relational turmoil for personal and relational peace.

    We’ve all had moments where we look back on a conflict, shake our heads, and think, why did I handle it that way?

    With three decades of ministry experience, Donna Jones has had a front-row seat to–and been in the middle of–all kinds of conflict and she understands the regret, guilt, heartache, and hurt conflict can produce. But she also knows it’s possible for God to use those chaotic, painful moments and turn them into opportunities for better connection with those around us. With encouragement, warmth, and wisdom, Donna shows readers how to navigate the stressful confusion conflict can bring and helps them to:

    *discover the single most important quality necessary to handle conflict well;

    *communicate thoughts, feelings, and opinions with grace, truth, and zero regret;

    *be equipped to handle conflict in a God honoring way by exchanging conflict styles that hurt with conflict styles that heal;

    *identify common conflict mistakes and prevent unnecessary disagreements and defeat; and

    *stop being pulled into other people’s drama and remain calm in the midst of chaos.

    Whether readers are dealing with daily disagreements or occasional blowups, Healthy Conflict, Peaceful Life offers them a new paradigm, one where they learn how to honor God when they’ve been hurt, communicate when they’d rather retaliate, and move toward others when it seems easier to run away.

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