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Christian Living

Showing 151–200 of 2818 results

  • Holiness Here : Searching For God In The Ordinary Events Of Everyday Life


    Do You Recognize Holiness in Your Own Life and in the Here and Now?

    These days, brokenness feels more comfortable to discuss than holiness. It’s easier to say that we are messy than holy, that healing is a long way off. To say that we are holy seems like one step away from holier than thou, and no one ever wants to be that.

    Holiness Here offers practical and inspiring ways to transform your life by helping you see the holiness within your ordinary, everyday life. Holiness is:

    *a warm invitation to a new and better way to live
    *a calling for our lives in Scripture
    *a search that marks the life of a Christian (even when we don’t live fully into that reality)
    *a most basic urge-to live and love differently that we did before-because what we believe changes the way we act

    As a fellow pilgrim on the journey, Karen Stiller weaves together captivating stories, theological insights, and spiritual reflections to help you discover holiness in the mundane moments of your life. With her engaging style and accessible voice, Karen invites you to embark on a journey of spiritual growth, discipleship, and wisdom. You will explore holiness from a fresh perspective, from the importance of community and the role of the church to ways to cultivate a deeper relationship with God and live out your faith. Karen also explores topics like the fruit of the Spirit, money and work, hospitality, and humility.

    Read on your own or with a group, Holiness Here is a rich spiritual formation and discipleship resource that will inspire you to seek out the beauty and wonder of a holy life.

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  • 3 Minute Devotions To Find Hope When Life Hurts


    Make the Next 3 Minutes the Best 3 Minutes!

    You’ll find the spiritual pick-me-up your heart needs in 3-Minute Devotions to Find Hope When Life Hurts.

    This delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration into 180 just-right-sized readings for your hurting heart.

    Minute 1: scripture to meditate on
    Minute 2: a short devotional reading
    Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God

    Take time to pause, reflect, and rejuvenate by reading scripture, encouraging devotions, and a prayer starter to begin a conversation with God. No matter what your day brings, the blessings found in this fantastic little book is exactly what you need in your faith walk.
    This portable package makes a fabulous any-occasion gift for every woman.

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  • 100 Bible Prayers For Men


    The Bible is packed with prayers,
    and they all offer guidance to us today. . .

    *Nehemiah’s quick prayer while talking with the king
    *Daniel’s confession of his nation’s sins
    *Abraham’s servant’s prayer for success in his duties
    *Peter’s “Save me!” as he plunged into the Sea of Galilee
    *Jesus’ model prayer spoken in response to the disciples’ request, “Teach us to pray”

    100 Bible Prayers for Men highlights powerful prayers from scripture, making them the basis of practical and encouraging devotions. You’ll learn the meaning and purpose of each prayer along with ways to apply it to your own life.

    Communicating with God is vital to healthy spiritual living–find the insights you need in 100 Bible Prayers for Men.

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  • 3 Minute Reset Devotional For Women


    Allow God to Reset Your Beautiful Spirit

    Every day brings its own troubles that challenge and tests our hearts, but God’s Word offers real, rejuvenating peace! Within the pages of this daily devotional, you’ll find the refreshment and recharge you need to live a beautiful life in Christ. This lovely book packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration into brief readings that provide wisdom from scripture, a heartfelt devotion, and a prayer starter–all of which you can apply to everyday life. It’s the perfect pick me-up for morning quiet time, evening unwinding, or a much-needed moment of refreshment throughout the day!

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  • 180 Morning Devotions For A Joyful Heart


    Encouragement and Bible Wisdom for Your Mornings!

    This beautiful devotional collection will engage your spirit with Bible wisdom and set the tone for each new day. Each reading includes a scripture, faith-building reading, and prayer–all designed to draw you closer to your Father God through morning quiet time.
    This women’s devotional is perfect for personal use or makes a thoughtful gift that will be cherished for years to come.

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  • Your Best Day Devotional Journal

    Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $10.39.

    Make Today Your Very Best Day with These 180 Inspiring Devotions!

    Good days have many things in common: joy, blessings, wonder, delight, contentment. . .but the very best days are those that include God in the details. Your Best Day Devotional Journal provides much-needed encouragement and inspiration for your soul. With each turn of the page, you will encounter a lovely design alongside faith-building, biblically based devotions and related scripture selections. Touching on topics like stress, joy, emotions, rest, relationships, freedom, and more, these 180 readings will help you discover that your very best day always begins–and ends–in conversation with your heavenly Father.

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  • Speak The Blessing (Large Type)


    New York Times bestselling author and pastor of Lakewood Church Joel Osteen shares how the power of our words can help create a better reality.

    Your words are like seeds. Every time you say them, they’re taking root and growing. Are you planting good seeds? Are you seeing the increase, the health, the relationships, and the happiness you dream about? If not, check out what you’re saying. Whether you realize it or not, the words you speak today are setting the direction for the rest of your life.

    In Speak the Blessing, New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen offers you unique insights into this profound truth: Your words have creative power. When you discover the power of speaking what God says about you, you give those words the right to come to pass. There is a miracle in your mouth. There is healing in your mouth, freedom in your mouth, and new levels in your mouth. But nothing happens until you speak the blessing.

    Your words become your reality. Start blessing your future today. Use the words you speak to unlock the power within and create the life you were designed to live. The life-changing possibilities are limitless.

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  • Speak The Blessing


    New York Times bestselling author and pastor of Lakewood Church Joel Osteen shares how the power of our words can help create a better reality.

    Your words are like seeds. Every time you say them, they’re taking root and growing. Are you planting good seeds? Are you seeing the increase, the health, the relationships, and the happiness you dream about? If not, check out what you’re saying. Whether you realize it or not, the words you speak today are setting the direction for the rest of your life.

    In Speak the Blessing, New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen offers you unique insights into this profound truth: Your words have creative power. When you discover the power of speaking what God says about you, you give those words the right to come to pass. There is a miracle in your mouth. There is healing in your mouth, freedom in your mouth, and new levels in your mouth. But nothing happens until you speak the blessing.

    Your words become your reality. Start blessing your future today. Use the words you speak to unlock the power within and create the life you were designed to live. The life-changing possibilities are limitless.

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  • How We Love Matters


    This powerful book reimagines discipleship by begging us to acknowledge that racism exists in the Church-and offers the hopeful message that we can disciple it out.

    It is not an accident that racism is alive and well in the American church. Racism has, in fact, been taught within the church for so long most of us don’t even recognize it anymore. Pastor Albert Tate guides all of us in acknowledging the racism that keeps us from loving each other the way God intends and encourages siblings in Christ to sit together in racial discomfort, examining the role we may play in someone’s else’s struggle.

    How We Love Matters is a series of nine moving letters that educate, enlighten, and reimagine discipleship in a way that flips the church on its head. In these letters that include Dear Whiteness, Dear America, and Dear Church, Tate calls out racism in the world, the church, within himself and us. These letters present an anti-racist mission and vision for believers to follow that helps us to speak up at the family table and call out this evil so it will not persist in future generations.

    Tate believes that the only way to make change is by telling the truth about where we are-relationally, internally, and spiritually. How We Love Matters is an exposition of relevant Biblical truth, a clarion call for all believers to examine how they see and understand each other, and it is a way forward toward justice, reconciliation, and healing. Because, yes, it is important that we love each other, but it is even more important how we love each other.

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  • Night Is Normal Workbook (Workbook)


    An 8-week workbook for those struggling with disillusionment and spiritual pain.

    It’s unnerving, isn’t it? When our faith feels ungrounded, untethered . . . unreal. When our certainty is adrift, as though an undercurrent has pulled us away from shore into the deep, into the darkness.

    And if this is you-if you’re in a dark night of the soul-please know that you are not alone. (And you are not as far away from safety as you may feel or fear.) Based on The Night Is Normal, revered author, speaker, and mentor. Dr. Alicia Britt Chole offers this workbook, a companion through your days and nights of uncertainty. Within these sacred pages created for group or individual study, you’ll dive deeper into Alicia’s groundbreaking content, study what the Scriptures say, and respond to how disillusionment may be affecting your daily life.

    Sessions include:

    *Navigating the Night
    *Disillusionment with God
    *Disillusionment with Self
    *Disillusionment with Others.

    The roots-and fruits-of spiritual pain are actually an invitation to deep love. Alicia offers practical and soul-full tools to help you navigate the night and find your way to a livable and love-saturated hope.

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  • Does Christianity Still Make Sense Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    A study guide that helps you understand and respond to the biggest challenges to the Christian faith. Written by a former skeptic.

    Does Christianity still make sense? Years after Bobby Conway became a Christian, this question haunted him. Even though by then, he was the pastor of a thriving church, it seemed as if his entire belief structure was being dismantled. Had he been duped?
    Perhaps you can relate to how Bobby felt. Maybe you find yourself questioning in the same way.

    In this study guide, designed to be used alongside the book Does Christianity Still Make Sense?, Bobby explores four key challenges to the faith:

    *Why Are There So Many Scandals in the Church?
    *Why, If God Is Good, Is There So Much Evil?
    *Why Is Christianity So Exclusive?
    *Hasn’t Science Buried God?

    Join Bobby as he explores these questions while describing his own journey through doubt to a settled trust in God.

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  • Does Christianity Still Make Sense


    A chronic doubter responds to 20 of the most difficult questions about Christianity

    From the Foreword by J. Warner Wallace: “A book written by a man who has genuinely struggled with the questions, wrestled with doubts, and emerged faithful on the other side.
    He understands you.”

    Does Christianity still make sense? Years after Bobby Conway became a Christian, this question haunted him. Even though by then, he was the pastor of a thriving church, it seemed as if his entire belief structure was being dismantled. Had he been duped?
    Perhaps you can relate to how Bobby felt. Maybe you find yourself questioning in the same way.

    In this book, Bobby describes his own long journey through chronic doubt to a settled and confident trust. In this book, he responds to the twenty toughest challenges to the Christian faith, including these difficult questions:

    *Why are there so many scandals in the Church?
    *Aren’t Christians just a bunch of hypocrites?
    *Why do Christians use God’s name to oppress others?
    *Why are so many Christians racists?
    *Why does God allow evil in the world?
    *Is there reliable evidence for God’s existence?

    Join Bobby in this book as he explores these questions and many more while describing how he was hammered with doubts for years.

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  • Gimme Some Sugar


    A perfect start to a joyful heart.

    Good things from God can calm the soul and fill you with confidence. In Gimme Some Sugar, award-winning author Linda Kozar brings her southern wit and wisdom to sweeten your life with spiritual nourishment to ponder, perspective to pray about, and a touch of joy to put a smile on your face. This 90-day devotional will encourage you to set your heart and mind on God’s Word while having fun along the way. Each devotion includes:

    ? an engaging saying,
    ? inspiring insights from Scripture,
    ? practical advice for daily life, and
    ? a sprinkle of homespun humor.

    Brighten your day with a spoonful of biblical encouragement and reminders of God’s enduring love, hope, and peace.

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  • Courage For Today


    Unlock your courage within.

    Many of us go through life pretending everything is perfect. Driven by fear, we hide behind a mask of confidence while secretly wrestling with self-doubt, anxiety, and isolation. But we don’t have to live this way.

    Courage for Today guides you on a 365-day journey exploring the challenges, choices, and perseverance of inspiring men and women from the Bible who overcame fear and stood firm in their faith. Draw insight and encouragement from their stories, knowing God stands beside you, too, eagerly waiting for you to take hold of his guiding hand. Learn to:

    *grow in self-confidence,
    *incorporate God’s Word into everyday life,
    *live with purpose and intention,
    *lean on God for hope and guidance, and
    *develop a spirit of boldness.

    God has given you all the courage you need to step into the authentic, abundant life he created for you. Rise each day inspired and empowered to overcome any obstacle and walk confidently in your faith.

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  • Treasures In The Dark

    Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $14.99.

    Sometimes the most valuable treasures are found in the darkest of times. In fact, it’s often in the very heart of our deepest pain and struggle that God chooses to reveal his most precious gifts. Let Katherine Wolf lead you in finding the hope God has for you in your most painful places.

    In our lowest, most difficult moments, it’s often impossible to see any good thing around us. We suffer, we struggle, we grow weary. We wonder, Is God at work in my life? Is he near me? Is there any point to my suffering and any hope for change?

    Though it’s easy for our overwhelming pain to cloud our view of reality, the truth is that, even though we can’t see it or feel it, God is at work in the darkness. Our Creator is in the business of bringing dead–and nearly dead–things to life.

    Even now, no matter how fresh your wounds might be, he invites you to unearth his hidden treasures in your hurting, to reframe your darkness as a sacred space in which the light of hope can shine most brilliantly. Come join Katherine Wolf as she vulnerably shares her own places of wounding and the life-changing insights she has found there. Treasures in the Dark will guide you as you:

    *find grace for the heartbreak of unmet expectations;
    *explore the surprising intersection of pain and purpose;
    *wholeheartedly embrace the life you never imagined living with perseverance and joy; and
    *recognize how your healing can be a part of the world’s healing.

    With her vibrant faith and unique perspective on life as a stroke survivor and person living with significant disabilities, Katherine will inspire, encourage, and strengthen tender and hurting hearts.

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  • Now And Not Yet

    Original price was: $28.99.Current price is: $17.39.

    Bestselling author Ruth Chou Simons guides readers who are restless in their current circumstances on a journey of growth, purpose, and pressing in.

    Too often, we feel disappointed with our “right now”–our life circumstances, our relationships, our progress, our daily grind. We want to do so many things–good, godly things–but our situations don’t allow us to step into them. Are we missing out on our own lives? Why does right now seem so far from where we really long to be?

    Bestselling author Ruth Chou Simons reminds us that it’s okay to not like the right now we’ve been given, but we don’t have to like it to lean in. In Now and Not Yet, Ruth shows us how to.. .

    *embrace the biblical truth that someday is made up of thousands of right nows;

    *discern how the difficult parts of our lives are actually a unique gift by discovering five ways to flip the script on a hard season;

    *stop feeling trapped when we are not where we want to be with guided liturgies for what we are facing today; and

    *live faithfully in the tension between what is and what is not yet.

    Your right now matters. And you can choose to press in and not check out. To know God is at work even when you don’t see the progress you’re looking for. To start where you are in this very moment. Because he’s not through with you yet.

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  • Staying Positive In A Negative World


    Too many people allow their negative attitudes to swindle them out of experiences and opportunities that life has to offer.

    Staying Positive in a Negative World is for people who are tired of melancholy and despair. Combining biblically based principles with personal stories and historical examples, Roger Campbell has created an encouraging guide for spiritual growth and a helpful resource for counseling. With compassion and insight, Campbell helps readers see that God is at work even in the darkest times.

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  • Your Mission In Gods Army


    Your Ultimate Mission Briefing

    As the enemy wages war against the Lord’s army and the world hurls toward the Second Coming of Christ, God has a unique Kingdom deployment for each of us.

    Highlighting both the urgency and divine opportunity of these difficult days, retired U.S. Army colonel David Giammona and Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist Troy Anderson initiate you into God’s army. With sharp clarity and motivating biblical instruction, this hands-on manual prepares you to

    * discern your divine destiny and mission
    * develop your hidden spiritual gifts
    * walk in supernatural power, protection and provision
    * glean wisdom from U.S. military intelligence tactics and strategies
    * employ powerful techniques and disciplines used by biblical heroes
    * find your place in the greater mission to help bring in the end-times harvest

    Rather than huddle in fear and uncertainty, you can live with boldness and security, walking by faith as a dynamic, purpose-filled, fully armored warrior of God. You are not just a bystander in these extraordinary times–you are a crucial and remarkable part of God’s divine plan.

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  • Still Standing : How To Live In God’s Light While Wrestling With The Dark


    How do you stand up after life knocks you down?

    That’s the question Courtney Joseph Fallick asked herself when she entered the darkest season of her life. She found herself drowning in fear, shame, and grief, while God seemed silent.

    Opening up about her husband’s deep betrayal and abandonment, Courtney shows you how to rise up after your own heart-crushing struggles, cling to God’s promises, and move forward stronger than before.

    Sharing the hard-fought lessons she learned, she helps you:

    * hold on to your faith when life wounds you
    * stand back up–and keep standing–after being knocked down
    * overcome discouragement and disillusionment
    * heal your hurts and let go
    * recover from loss and grief
    * find enough strength, joy, rest, and peace for each day

    This dark valley will end. Here is the infusion of hope you need to rise, live well, and walk with the King.

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  • Honesty Over Silence



    Honesty Over Silence seeks to open up conversations around topics that many find difficult, such as trusting God when life is painful, dealing with anxiety and depression, learning to look after ourselves, developing our character, and living with thankful hearts even in tough seasons.

    It examines our strength in letting go of our need to be in control, as well as looking at how we can stop comparing ourselves to others, and instead live authentically and honestly as we grow into the people God has created us to be.

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  • Lessons From Joseph


    Pursue God’s Dreams for Your Life

    Have you ever dreamed of your future but wonder how to make those dreams a reality? Are you seeking God’s plan for your life but unsure how it could happen? Do you feel there’s more for you, but you aren’t experiencing it?

    Find the answers you need by drawing inspiration from the life of Joseph, who is one of the greatest examples of character, perseverance, and destiny found in the Bible.

    Renowned Bible teacher and bestselling author Andrew Wommack highlights faith-filled lessons from Joseph’s life to guide you toward your own divine destiny. After years of hardship and setbacks, Joseph’s journey ultimately took him from the pit to the palace. And just as God transformed his life, He will do the same for you!

    As Andrew walks you through Joseph’s journey, you will learn:

    The power of resilient faith to turn trials into triumph Practical steps to discern, embrace, and fulfill your destinyThe faith that never retreats from big dreamsHow to rise above every obstacle with God on your sideThe keys to unlocking divine favor

    Hold on to your God-given dreams, place your trust in God, and you will soon discover yourself fulfilling the remarkable destiny He has prepared for you, just as Joseph did.

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  • Tired Of Being Tired Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    It’s time to quit the unsustainable pace of life we find ourselves in and receive God’s gift of realistic rest.

    In Tired of Being Tired, bestselling author and speaker Jess Connolly offers good news to soul-weary women: there is a better way, and it is yours for the taking. In this companion study guide, you’ll discover practical ways to apply the biblical truths that will change your life.

    You can break the cycle of living like you’re constantly on the hook and come to Jesus to find rest for your weary and burdened soul. This study guide will show you how to implement new rhythms and relational patterns so that you can experience the abundant life God intended for you–in your life today, not just some unreachable future.

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  • Tired Of Being Tired


    If you’re a woman, chances are you know the cycle: You start the day already exhausted and end it defeated, all the while telling yourself things will get better if you can just power through this week. But then the weeks turn into months, and you start to believe you’ll never be able to stop, slow down, or catch your breath. You wouldn’t even know how if you tried. And yet God has made you for a life of abundance, not a life of exhaustion. It’s time to quit the unsustainable pace and receive God’s gift of realistic rest.

    With relatable stories and eye-opening insights, bestselling author and speaker Jess Connolly offers good news to soul-weary women: There is a better way, and it is yours for the taking. She shows you:

    * how to find the source of your fatigue
    * scripts for saying no and strategies for protecting your peace
    * practices for bringing realistic rest into your daily and weekly rhythms

    You can break the cycle of living like you’re constantly on the hook and come to Jesus to find rest for your weary and burdened soul. This book will show you how to find new rhythms so that you can experience the abundant life God intended for you.

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  • Peace In The Waiting


    Your call to love those who don’t know Jesus does not mean you need to save them.
    Through real-life guidance and encouragement, Peace in the Waiting helps us navigate the grief, confusion, and urgency we feel for loved ones who have rejected or wandered away from God.

    Is your heart weary from praying for someone you love to know Jesus? Peace in the Waiting offers a hope-filled path as you turn from your own doubts and frustration to God’s sovereignty and comfort. Drawing on her experience with a close friend, author June Chapman explores:

    *How to name and process our sorrow over friends and family who don’t know God
    *Our confusion about some people being saved and not others
    *Our questions about unanswered prayers
    *Why we need to remember that a loved one’s salvation is not up to us
    *How we can embrace peace even in the longing we have for others to follow Jesus

    Peace in the Waiting calls us to take the focus off ourselves and trust in God’s promises so that we might have a renewed sense of hope for those we love most.

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  • 5 Love Languages Of Teenagers Workbook (Workbook)


    The essential companion book for The 5 Love Languages(R) of Teenagers

    Struggling to connect with your teen?

    These thirteen lessons-created to strengthen and deepen your relationships with the teens in your life-provide workable strategies for applying the principles of The 5 Love Languages(R) of Teenagers. They offer glimpses of our relationship’s potential when you understand and speak a teenager’s love language.

    This workbook includes interactive questions, quizzes, charts, and diagrams-all aimed at helping you better express love and identify areas for development. Whether you’re working with this book as an individual, a couple, or in a small group, let patience, grace, and humor be your companions.

    Never before has raising teens been so perplexing. If you are wondering what on earth you’re doing wrong, you’re not alone. But there is hope. By learning to meaningfully express love amid your teen’s many changes, you can stay connected, maintain influence, and help your teen grow into a healthy adult.

    As you apply the interactive and practical lessons from this book, you will see dividends. And the more you pour into this workbook, the greater your dividends will be.

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  • 5 Love Languages Of Children Workbook (Workbook)


    The essential companion book for The 5 Love Languages(R) of Children

    You know you love your child. But how can you make sure your child knows it?

    The twelve lessons in this book were created to strengthen and deepen your relationship with your kids. These lessons give you workable strategies for applying the principles of The 5 Love Languages(R) of Children. They offer glimpses of your relationship’s potential when you understand and speak your child’s love language.

    This workbook-designed for individuals, couples, or small groups-focuses on the invaluable love languageTM content. It includes interactive questions, quizzes, charts, and diagrams-all aimed at helping you better express love and identify areas for development.

    As you work through this book, let patience, grace, and humor be your companions. Learning a love language requires more than a little trial and error. But it’s worth the effort. As you combine the insights of The 5 Love Languages(R) of Children with this practical, interactive workbook, you will enjoy the beautiful, flourishing relationships with your kids that you desire!

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  • Rested Soul : 30 Meditations To Quiet Your Heart


    Do you feel rested and at peace? Or are you bombarded with obstacles keeping you from true soul rest? Daily life can be a grind, full of confusion and chaos. Award-winning author and Bible teacher Tessa Afshar has been there. Drawing from the lessons she learned from battling anxiety in her own life, Tessa brings you on a journey that cultivates a rested soul.

    A book of 30 devotionals, The Rested Soul, includes vulnerable stories from Tessa’s personal life-stories that will make you feel known and remind you that you are not alone. Full of inspiration found in ordinary moments, Tessa shows you how to remove the impediments that stand in the way of a quiet heart. These deep reflections are accompanied by beautiful images (photography by Tessa’s husband). Exhale, heal, and find rest in God.

    Tessa’s meditations create an oasis of calm when powerful storms of anxiety assail you. She brings you into your hope-filled, joy-infused life in Jesus. In Him, our hearts find quiet and comfort.

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  • My Lowest For His Highest


    Even in the hardest things, we get to fix our eyes on the God who brings us out of the dark night.

    Broken dreams. Discouragement. Grief. Kathryn Shultis has been there. In My Lowest for His Highest, Kathryn shares with honesty and depth about walking through valleys and days of wilderness. Kathryn delves into the heart of our heavenly Father when you find yourself amidst a story that is not what you’d hoped it to be.

    How do you set your eyes on heaven when your life has not turned out as planned? How do you walk through hard seasons of disappointment and learn to heal? Kathryn goes deep into discussing our identity in Christ and how we can rely on Him for comfort, peace, and purpose in all circumstances. You will find your heart strengthened and encouraged as you travel with Kathryn-through her triumphs and failures-and discover the hope of persevering in the love and power of Jesus. You will learn to dance upon life’s disappointment and come out stronger on the other side.

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  • Permission To Be Imperfect


    Stop Striving and Start Living

    Is your life ruled by checklists or obligations? Do you define a godly life by service to others, accomplishments, or even a constant pursuit to please God? Bad news: these well-intentioned efforts make you weaker, not stronger, actually fueling your battles with anger, addiction, anxiety, depression, insecurity, or shame.

    But here’s the good news: God designed the abundant, victorious life to happen far more effortlessly than you imagined! In these pages you’ll discover the keys to lasting peace, joy, and healing, including how to:

    * win the war against your most toxic emotions and behaviors
    * spark growth fueled by God’s love and grace, not rules and performance
    * align your life and mind with a proper perspective of God and His expectations
    * discover how both Scripture and science reveal God’s design for pressure-free living
    * allow yourself to be imperfect

    Here is everything you need to live from rest, not stress, and experience a powerful new way of living–that doesn’t all depend on you!

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  • Favor Aint Fair


    You Were Meant to Soar When Everything Around You is Shaking!

    Everyday life is a journey of peaks and valleys. Circumstances, trials, and challenges are unavoidable. But it is possible for you to rise above whatever comes against you and experience God’s abundant blessings in every season. ??

    In this dynamic new 90-day devotional, New York Times bestselling author Bishop T.D. Jakes offers timeless wisdom for soaring above your challenging seasons. When economies are failing, crises headline the news, and instability seems to be the common theme, the children of God- you-have received an advantage. An unfair advantage. It’s called favor!

    Through daily words of encouragement, Bible-based teachings, inspiring reflections, and thought-provoking journal prompts, Bishop Jakes exhorts you to:

    Walk in God’s abundant provision despite the economic situation. Discover your rights and privileges as a child of God who radiates divine favor. Live like a citizen of Heaven when it seems like all hell is breaking loose in the world. Experience peace and strength in any storm.

    Don’t let your circumstances discourage, define, or disempower you. You are a child of God, a citizen of Heaven. Learn how to position yourself to walk in the King’s favor and experience the peace, power, and provision of Heaven in every season-no matter what is shaking around you!

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  • Unmasking Jezebels Intercessors


    Are You Being Prayed For-Or Preyed On?

    Do you feel like unseen forces are wreaking havoc on your life? As if some who claim to be Christians are actually praying prayers of manipulation and sabotage over you?

    Having fought firsthand against these prayers of witchcraft, bestselling author and prophetic teacher Jennifer LeClaire has seen both personal and regional breakthroughs over this high-level demonic force-and she wants the same for you.

    In Unmasking Jezebel’s Intercessors, Jennifer helps you expose and shut down the manipulative Jezebel spirit that is trying to sabotage your destiny so you can experience immediate breakthrough and victory.

    Full of practical tools and prophetic insight, this book will help you:

    Recognize the Jezebel spirit at work in your life. Combat the witchcraft prayers released against your mind and body. Cancel the demonic assignments sent to destroy your life. Confront Jezebel’s intercessors. Arm yourself with effective spiritual warfare strategies.

    Make no mistake: Jezebel’s intercessors are on a mission to steal, kill, and destroy. Don’t fall prey to their prayers. It’s time to shut down Jezebel’s spiritual sabotage and unleash the destiny God has for you, your church, and your city.

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  • Parenting With Hope Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Build a Flourishing Family Culture

    With this study guide companion to Parenting with Hope, author and experienced mom Melissa Kruger provides wisdom for navigating the teen years and creating a home environment that encourages teens to grow and mature in their faith–long after they leave.
    Using a combination of thought-provoking questions, opportunities for reflection, and practical guidance, Melissa will help you…

    *prayerfully study and live out God’s Word

    *apply scriptural insight as you consider each aspect of your teens’ lives: home, church, school, and their social and extracurricular activities

    *identify biblical principles and values that will equip and enrich you in your parenting journey

    Parenting is not easy, and parenting teenagers comes with a unique set of challenges. This insightful resource will help you think biblically, engage gracefully, and live wisely so that this can be a spiritually formative season of life–for you and your teenage children.

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  • Parenting With Hope


    Raise Your Teens on a Rock-Solid Foundation

    As children mature, it’s important for parents to prepare for the unique changes and challenges of adolescence. With so many cultural pressures and influences vying for teens’ attention, parents need a secure foundation for creating an environment where faith can flourish.

    Parenting with Hope invites you to anchor your hopes and expectations in Christ–the true source of wisdom, strength, contentment, and fruitful parenting. Integrating sound biblical teaching, insights from developmental experts, and her own experiences as a teacher and mother, Melissa Kruger will wisely guide you through today’s most common concerns. Emphasizing principles over prescriptions, Melissa will help you to understand how you can build up and bless your teens in God-honoring ways.

    When you recognize God as the ultimate parent, you’ll begin to truly understand that he is presently at work in the hearts of both parents and teens. This encouraging and practical guide will equip you with the wisdom to cultivate a Christ-centered household, passing on a legacy of faithfulness to your teenage children.

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  • Honest Prayers For Mama Bears


    Encouragement to Pray What You Really Feel

    In the everyday battle of raising kids who love Jesus while living in a world that doesn’t, God invites you to come to Him. No cleaning up, no pretenses, no fancy words–all you need is to tell Him what’s truly on your heart and then ask for the wisdom, encouragement, and protection that only He can provide.

    From the bestselling team behind Mama Bear Apologetics(R) comes a one-of-a-kind book of prayers gathered from mamas just like you, speaking to the spectrum of seasons, concerns, and needs faced throughout Christian motherhood. You will become more vulnerable and intentional in your conversations with God as you pray in specific and timely ways for your family, your community, and even for yourself.

    Honest Prayers for Mama Bears puts words to the cries of your heart as you seek clarity and truth in today’s confused culture. Through these praises, confessions, thanksgivings, and petitions, you’ll lay your burdens at your heavenly Father’s feet and experience His comfort and hope as you entrust Him with your unedited thoughts.

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  • Grace Period.: Living In The Amazing Reality Of Jesus Finished Work


    Bestselling author and megachurch pastor Robert Morris unpacks the full meaning and significance of the grace of God, revealing for Christians a freedom from shame, guilt, and striving that few believers have begun to grasp.

    In life, we often look for fulfillment in our performance. We try to earn our way to happiness by achieving goals and meeting obligations. We try everything we can to earn favor with God. But what we find instead is disappointment, fear, and weariness.
    In Grace, Period., Pastor Robert Morris shows that we don’t need to live this way. What we truly want has already been given to us-we simply need to receive it!

    Looking in-depth at the life and teachings of Jesus, Pastor Morris reveals the beauty and perfection of God’s amazing grace. He uncovers its sheer abundance, lavishness, and extravagance, and explains what happens in our day-to-day lives when we fully accept it. Exploring the blessings we have now-access to God’s love, favor, and approval-Pastor Morris teaches us how to find rest, gratitude, fruitfulness, confidence, joy, and the list goes on.

    In other words, Grace, Period. is a clear and compelling roadmap for arriving at an end to striving and shame. It’s a guide for finding and enjoying the abundant life God sent Jesus to purchase for us. A life given to us by grace-only grace.

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  • When Hope Is All You Have


    What if your greatest pain could point you to your greatest purpose?

    After reading this book, you will begin to feel hopeful for the future. You will see the world more from God’s perspective instead of your own so you don’t feel the need to dwell on your past hurts. Instead, you will see how He is working all things together for good.

    Tracy Duhon could never have prepared herself for the plan God had in store for her life. It was a journey that would take her down a painful and dark path of loss and sorrow, but one that brought her out on the other side a new person with a greater sense of purpose and deeper appreciation for God’s plan.

    There is no greater pain for a mother than losing a child. When Tracy experienced this loss, she felt a huge hole in her heart. “The pain was excruciating. I was numb. I knew I was being called to trust God in my darkest moments, but it was so hard. I was broken and questioned why He would allow this to happen to us–not once, but twice.” In her greatest darkness, she did the only thing she knew to do. She turned to God and His Word. She trusted even in the moments when she questioned and was full of pain and anger. Allowing God to work in her life created a space to turn her greatest pain into her life’s greatest purpose, and from that pain a seed was planted. She began to see people hurting and wanted to meet them in their time of need. She learned how to love with the love of God and give in a way she had never known before. She began to see the world through God’s eyes rather than her own.

    When Hope Is All You Have is about looking back on the moments you cannot imagine you survived, but you did. It’s realizing that from the depths of that pain came your purpose. From the depths of darkness, came light. From the place of hurt, came hope. It is the story of unwavering faith and trusting God, and holding on to hope that does not disappoint, even when you walk through the unthinkable. With God as your anchor, there is always hope–even during your greatest pain whenhope is all you have.

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  • Kind Words Are Like Honey Sweet To The Soul Journal


    A journal for improving one’s self-talk and letting Christ-centered positivity overflow to others.

    Learning to speak kind words to others, in every situation, often begins with learning to speak kind words to yourself. Impatience and self-criticism tend to bleed over into our interactions with others, and they are often rooted in fear and insecurity. When we recognize the kindness Christ has shown to us, we can speak kindly to ourselves-and those life-giving words start to overflow to others. This beautifully-designed journal offers the inspiration and space to develop a habit of kind words that can transform thought and action in both the writer and those they encounter.

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  • Enduring Friendship : Sticking Together In An Age Of Unfriending


    Friendships are difficult.

    Sometimes it can seem as if friends are more work and pain than they’re worth, with friendship challenges that we have to endure and struggle through. Life gets in the way of our well-intentioned efforts to connect. Conflicts and differences over serious issues divide us and make us think that we could never be close to a person ever again. In today’s cancel culture, it’s easy to give up on people and just walk away, leaving us all more isolated than before. How can we build real relationships that are life giving and pass the test of time?

    Bryan Loritts mines one of the Bible’s least-known books for insights into how friendships can flourish even in the midst of sin and brokenness. With careful exposition and insight, he unpacks how the apostle Paul helped Philemon and Onesimus reconcile a most unlikely relationship with truth, repentance, and grace. With God’s work and steadfast love, even the most painful relationships that have ruptured are not beyond the reach of forgiveness and reconciliation. Discover how friendships that are hard can be transformed into friendships that endure.

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  • Ask Pastor John


    John Piper’s Answers to Hundreds of Questions about Ethics, Theology, the Bible, and More

    Navigating the Christian life in a secular world will inevitably stir questions in the lives of thoughtful believers. Motivated by the need for sound biblical advice, Ask Pastor John was formed, a podcast featuring pastor-theologian and bestselling author John Piper’s answers to audience-proposed questions about life’s toughest topics. Podcast episodes have been played over 230 million times and have become a staple in the lives of Christians around the world.

    In this unique book, Ask Pastor John host Tony Reinke summarizes and organizes ten years of their most insightful and popular episodes into accessible, thematic sections. Readers will be able to quickly and systematically access Piper’s insights on hundreds of topics including Bible reading, dating, social media, mental health, and more. We discover afresh how asking good questions strengthens faith and grows our understanding of God’s word.

    *Based on John Piper’s Well-Known Podcast Ask Pastor John: Questions and answers are distilled by journalist, author, and host Tony Reinke

    *Widely Accessible: Appeals to new believers, seasoned Christians, church leaders, and young adults alike

    *Useful Reference Tool: Great for looking up commonly questioned topics related to life, Christianity, and the Bible

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  • Return Of The Gods


    The Return of the Gods, Cahn takes the reader on a journey from an ancient parable, the ancient inscriptions in Sumer, Assyria, and Babylonia that become the puzzle pieces behind what is taking place in our world to this day, specifically in America.

    The mystery involves the gods. Who are they? What are they? And is it possible that these beings, whose origins are from ancient times, are the unseen catalysts of modern culture?

    Is it possible that these gods lie behind the most pivotal events, forces, and movements taking place in our nation and around the world at this very moment? Are the gods at this very moment transforming our culture, our children, our lives, and America itself?

    Could this mystery have even determined the exact days on which Supreme Court decisions had to be handed down?

    What is the Dark Trinity? Is it possible that what we in the modern world take as nothing more than ancient mythology could actually possess a reality beyond our fathoming?

    Who is the Possessor? The Enchanter? The Destroyer? And the Sorceress? Could a sign that has appeared all over America and the world be linked to the gods of Mesopotamia? And if so, what does it actually mean?

    Could the gods have returned to New York City and an ancient mythology played out on the streets in real time? Is it possible that the gods lie behind everything from what appears on our computer monitors, our televisions and movie screens; to the lessons given in our classrooms; to the breakdown of the family; to wokism; to the occult; to our addictions; to the Supreme Court; to cancel culture; to children?s cartoons; to every force and factor that has transformed the parameters of gender; to that which appears in our stores, on our T-shirts, and on our coffee mugs—to that which is, at this very moment, transforming America and much of the world? Is it possible that behind all these things are ancient mysteries that go back to the Middle East and ancient Mesopotamia? This and so much more, most of which we can?t even reveal in this description, will be uncovered.

    Is it possible that the gods are even affecting your life right now? How can you recognize it? And what can you do about it?

    The Return of the Gods is not only one of the most explosive books you?ll ever read but also one of the most profound. It will reveal the most stunning secrets and truths behind what is happening before your eyes in America and the nations. You will see things, even in your world, in

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    In 2020 the world came to a standstill, leaving humanity in the grip of a crisis unlike any other. It left many feeling lost, trapped in a bubble of despair, loss and brokenness. The light within them flickered and faith wavered. For those who feel stuck, uncertain, powerless, and purposeless, SHYFT into FOKUS illuminates the path towards a purposeful life. It offers strategies that can be employed daily to navigate life along with stories of growth and vulnerability told through the lens of faith. At the end of each chapter, a section called SHYFT ZONE encourages a time to intentionally pause, reflect and take action. It is meant to help develop a blueprint for your own SHYFT so that you can enjoy sustained success over time and maintain your FOKUS.

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  • P Is For Pilgrim


    This A-Z of the Christian faith is written for beginners of all ages.

    It suitable for anyone aged 9 – 90.

    It introduces the key words and concepts of the Christian faith and tells the story of how God’s heart’s is open to everyone through the life, death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ.

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  • Explore Apr-Jun 2024


    Ninety-one dated and numbered devotions from April to June 2024, covering portions of the Psalms, Jason Meyer on Mark’s Gospel, Ligon Duncan on 1 Thessalonians, and Steve Lawson on Philippians.

    These daily devotionals will take you around 15 minutes. In just 15 minutes you can be encouraged to dig into the treasures of the Bible for yourself, excited to know and love Jesus Christ more and more each day, and equipped to live for him in the time and place that he has put you in.

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  • Moments Of Strength


    Today, let God fill your spirit with His strength.

    As men, we often work hard to prove ourselves, live well, and take care of the people we love. But with all the demands on our time and energy, life can get overwhelming. Thankfully, God never intended for us to go it alone, in our own power. He designed us to function best (and be strongest) when we regularly take time to connect with Him through His Word and in prayer.

    Moments of Strength is an invitation for you to spend a few minutes each day in conversation with God. As you connect with Him, you will be revitalized and challenged to place your trust in the hands of the all-powerful God of the universe-and to walk fully in the strength of His love, mercy, and grace.

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  • New Morning Mercies For Teens


    Paul David Tripp’s Bestselling Daily Devotional New Morning Mercies, Adapted for Teenagers

    Teenagers today face unprecedented and complex challenges in their lives and relationships. Parents and youth leaders can offer valuable Christian guidance, but it’s in Scripture that we encounter the wisdom of Jesus, new and sufficient for that day’s difficulty and temptation.

    This updated edition of Paul David Tripp’s bestselling book New Morning Mercies features 366 engaging daily devotionals, adapted for teenagers. Each day includes a one-sentence, gospel-centered reading and an extended meditation, Bible verses, and a prompt for discussion or personal reflection. Tripp also includes a bonus Q&A chapter in which he briefly answers questions around relevant topics including anxiety, gender, social media, and spiritual disciplines. Focused less on behavior modification and more on helping teenagers encounter the living God, this book helps young people to fall in love with Jesus, find freedom and joy within his boundaries, and live for his glory-day in and day out.

    *Adapted from New Morning Mercies (Over 1 Million Copies Sold): Features 366 revised devotionals and new discussion questions for teenagers

    *Bonus Q&A Chapter: Tripp answers questions around 18 important topics including depression, pornography, social media, and church

    *Written by Paul David Tripp: Author of the bestselling books Parenting and Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens

    *A Great Gift for High School Students and College Students

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  • New Morning Mercies


    Paul David Tripp’s Bestselling Devotional Features 365 Gospel-Centered Readings for the Whole Year

    Mornings can be tough. Sometimes, a hearty breakfast and strong cup of coffee just aren’t enough. Offering far more than a rush of caffeine, bestselling author Paul David Tripp aims to energize Christian readers with the most potent encouragement imaginable: the gospel.

    In the popular devotional New Morning Mercies, 365 engaging readings lead off with a compelling, gospel-centered thought, followed by an extended meditation for the day. Focused less on behavior modification and more on helping people encounter the living God, this resource equips readers with the good news that they need to trust in God’s goodness, rely on his grace, and live for his glory-day in and day out.

    *365 Engaging Devotionals: Each daily reading includes questions for personal reflection and application, guidelines for prayer, and a list of relevant biblical passages for further study

    *Popular Daily Devotional: Over 1 million copies sold

    *Written by Paul David Tripp: Author of several books, including Lead; Reactivity; and Journey to the Cross: A 40-Day Lenten Devotional

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  • Short Guide To Gospel Generosity


    We live in a possession and money obsessed culture.

    The normal American has far more than they need, yet still feel incredibly insecure, needing to grasp it all tightly and continue to gain more. This isn’t just true with our acquisition of things, but also in the way we approach all resources that God has given to us: our time, gifts and talents, our families, and our lives themselves. What is the solution to this problem?

    Throughout Gospel Generosity you will see how the answer to our obsession with possessions is turning to the Gospel. It’s only in the Gospel can we find the type of life transformation that enables us to turn our focus from ourselves to others, to give generously, and follow the way of Christ. God has modeled generosity throughout redemptive history, culminating in the gift of His Son, and this sacrificial generosity is the basis of true gospel generosity. Readers of this book will be called to consider all of their resources and gifts from God that are to be held loosely, ready to be used for God’s purposes. Everything is His anyway.

    Gospel generosity is simply giving that is rooted in the saving work of Jesus Christ. It is the Christian’s joyful awareness of what Christ has done for them and how they are privileged to participate in proclaiming that work through giving and advancing the Gospel. Generosity sprouts from the Gospel and bears fruit for the Gospel.

    In Gospel Generosity you will explore topics such as:

    *Giving is an issue of our heart, health, and service to God
    *Tithing is not a required practice of New Testament believers
    *The Kingdom of God calls Christians to humility, selflessness, and fidelity in giving
    *Called by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Christians give generously as an act of Grace to others until Jesus returns

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  • Brain Change Program


    Become the person God created you to be.

    When we think of self-improvement, our minds often turn to dieting, exercise, or productivity hacks. But without understanding how the mind works, these improvements are unlikely to stick.

    In The Brain Change Program, Dr. Alan Weissenbacher merges neuroscience with biblical wisdom and leads you through his six-step program to achieve lasting, meaningful change. He shares actionable, lifelong strategies and tools to help you:

    *unlock the mysteries of your brain,
    *gain control over destructive thoughts and behaviors,
    *redesign your prayer life,
    *guide yourself into right thinking, and
    *cultivate Christlike character.

    Set foot on a radical journey of self-discovery, where joy, fulfillment, and spiritual transformation await.

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  • Jesus And The Powers

    Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $16.09.

    An urgent call for Christians everywhere to explore the nature of the kingdom amid the political upheaval of our day.

    Should Christians be politically withdrawn, avoiding participation in politics to maintain their prophetic voice and to keep from being used as political pawns? Or should Christians be actively involved, seeking to utilize political systems to control the levers of power?

    In Jesus and the Powers, N. T. Wright and Michael F. Bird call Christians everywhere to discern the nature of Christian witness in fractured political environments. In an age of ascending autocracies, in a time of fear and fragmentation, amid carnage and crises, Jesus is king, and Jesus’s kingdom remains the object of the church’s witness and work.

    Part political theology, part biblical overview, and part church history, this book argues that building for Jesus’s kingdom requires confronting empire in all its forms. This approach should orient Christians toward a form of political engagement that contributes to free democratic societies and vigorously opposes political schemes based on autocracy and nationalism. Throughout, Wright and Bird reflect on the relevance of this kingdom-oriented approach to current events, including the Russian-Ukraine conflict, the China-Taiwan tension, political turmoil in the USA, UK, and Australia, and the problem of Christian nationalism.

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  • Dont Hold Back


    The New York Times bestselling author of Radical challenges Christians to break free from an American gospel that prostitutes Jesus for comfort, power, prosperity, and politics-and fully pursue the true gospel that exalts Jesus above all.

    Pastor David Platt believes we’ve gotten really good at following a really bad gospel-one that worships American ideas over biblical truth. It’s time for disillusioned, discouraged, and divided Christians, and the next generation, to follow Jesus into a different future.

    But we have to make a choice: an American gospel or the biblical gospel. Worldly division or otherworldly unity. Compromise with the idols of our country or commitment to God’s call in our lives. In Don’t Hold Back, Platt encourages followers of Jesus to take necessary risks and find unimaginable reward as we:

    * Work for-not against-each other, especially when we disagree
    * Turn the tide on centuries of racial division in the church
    * Trust all of God’s Word with conviction while loving everyone around us with compassion
    * Do justice with kindness, and experience the good life according to God
    * Play our part in spreading the gospel to all the nations of the world

    We can experience the full wonder of Jesus and transcendent beauty of his church here and now. But in order to do so, some things need to be different. Starting not in “those people,” but in each one of us. With the gospel in our hearts and God as our prize, let’s press on and don’t hold back.

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