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Christian Living

Showing 1651–1700 of 2832 results

  • Assessing Your Prophetic Self


    The Prophetic Primers are a series of smaller books based on the best-selling The Prophet’s Dictionary and The Prophet’s Handbook that will bring clarity, discovery, and definition to the training of prophetic gifts. In Assessing Your Prophetic Self, Dr. Paula A. Price provides diagnostic tools, as well as language and knowledge, to discern, measure, and encourage the gifts of novice prophets. Readers will receive links for an online prophetic assessment test. Dr. Price also sets specific and measurable objectives, goals, and outcomes for the formation of a prophetic ministry. Also includes an introduction for the seasoned prophet looking to mentor others in the ministry.

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  • Praying Grace : 55 Meditations And Declarations On The Finished Work Of Chr


    Transform Your Prayer Life in 55 Days.

    For far too many believers, prayer is a fruitless, frustrating, joyless exercise. They know they ought to do it, but it rarely happens because there is little expectation that it will change anything.

    There is another way to pray: an exciting, joyous way that brings heaven’s power to earth and makes breakthroughs a daily reality. Praying Grace is a 55-day journey of discovery and hope created to:
    – help your heart absorb the full implications of Jesus’ finished work on the cross,
    – lead you to a deep revelation of God’s goodness and faithfulness,
    – ground your identity in who God says you are, and
    – model a form of praying that proclaims rather than pleads, making you a true partner with God.

    Get ready to discover how to pray from victory rather than struggle for victory. Take hold of the power of Praying Grace.

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  • Acceleration Fire Part One Of Four


    In this book, Russell Evans explores the fire of God-what feeds it, causes it to spread, and can quench it. We’re going to learn how to build that fire up and how we can keep it going, because while bushfires consume and destroy, the fire of God reveals the eternal things that He values most.

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  • Who God Is


    Do you know the character of our God–do you know who God is?

    What does it mean to say that God is love, light, life, and spirit? In Who God Is, world-renowned New Testament scholar Ben Witherington III explores the nature and character of the God of the Bible by focusing specifically on the nouns used to describe who God is. This rich exploration has its foundation in a deep reading of the biblical text. Reflecting on these descriptions of God gives us a fresh understanding of the beauty and uniqueness of the character of our God.

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  • Where Is God In A Coronavirus World


    How belief in a loving and sovereign God helps us to make sense of and cope with the coronavirus outbreak.

    We are living through a unique, era-defining period. Many of our old certainties have gone, whatever our view of the world and whatever our beliefs. The coronavirus pandemic and its effects are perplexing and unsettling for all of us. How do we begin to think it through and cope with it?

    In this short yet profound book, Oxford mathematics professor John Lennox examines the coronavirus in light of various belief systems and shows how the Christian worldview not only helps us to make sense of it, but also offers us a sure and certain hope to cling to.

    Here’s why John Lennox wrote the book:
    “This book consists of my reflections on what we are experiencing right now. I started writing it a week ago, and things have changed quickly since then and no doubt will do again…I would invite you, the reader, to view the book like this: we are sitting in a coffee shop (if only we could!) and you have asked me the question on the book cover. I put down my coffee cup and attempt to give you an honest answer. What follows is what I would try to say in order to convey some comfort, support and hope.”

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  • Listen And Make Room


    Listen for the cries of the vulnerable and welcome the children for whom Jesus made room. When Jesus made room, the vulnerable came for prayer. He treated their ills. He fixed what was broken. Jesus gave sight to the blind, made the lame walk, and welcomed the little children, creating space for those who had been excluded. Then he listened to those who often had no voice. Today, those people are often children. Finding places for those who are left out, especially children, is the work of discipleship. We rarely listen to those who have small voices in our world. Instead, we fill up all the space ourselves, leaving no room for those who have little ability to acquire a spot. But Listen and Make Room shows us that to follow Jesus’s example means to understand that the vulnerable are at the core of God’s mission.

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  • Love ANYWAY : The Secret To A Happy And Fulfilled Life


    Everyone wants to love and be loved unconditionally. But in such a broken world, how is this possible?

    In Love ANYWAY, Author and Pastor Adrienne Cooley shares how it you can share and experience genuine love, even in the most difficult circumstances. No matter what you’ve been through, who may have hurt you, or the condition of your relationships, it is possible to genuinely love anyway.

    Adrienne shares how, as you grow confident in God’s love for you, you can love others like never before!

    In this five-week devotional, each section includes a lesson, plus fun activities, quotes, and Bible verses to engage your brain and heart. Discover the power of the L.O.V.E. Method–a tool to help you put love into action:

    L – Journal Love notes from Heaven and scriptures that speak to you
    O– Observe and share your biggest “aha” moment
    V– Vow action to be a doer of the Word
    E– Examine your heart in prayer

    Love ANYWAY is designed for daily personal devotions, or to be enjoyed as a small group curriculum, a book club, or conference discussion guide. No matter how you use it, a life-changing journey of love awaits as you learn to Love ANYWAY!

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  • When The World Stops



    When the World Stops is a timely yet timeless message for God’s people that provides practical tools for not only weathering this current crisis, but emerging from it with a strengthened faith and deeper appreciation for the things that matter most. Like a reassuring hand on your shoulder, Dr. Michael L. Brown helps point the way forward for those seeking answers to questions like:
    Is this pandemic the final plague talked about in the Book of Revelation?
    Are we indeed in the final days before Jesus’ return?
    Who or what sent the virus?
    How do I balance my family’s needs with the faith to live for Christ in crisis?
    Should we submit to the government’s guidelines?
    How can I steward my health in a biblical way?
    Dr. Brown brings biblically sound and clear answers for staying healthy, living with wisdom, and maintaining your faith. As we move forward with wisdom in the power of the Holy Spirit, we must understand that “the darkness is the divine setup for the light. The sickness is the divine setup for the healing. The current crisis is the divine setup for the church to arise and shine and make a difference. We must seize this moment before it passes. We must milk it to the full, for the glory of God. Does your heart bear witness to my words?”

    This book will help you see how you can be the hands and feet of Jesus during this world’s dark hour. It provides a God Calibrated compass for the turbulent uncharted-waters we find ourselves in and sifts through the dizzying array of information regarding this current crisis, separating fact from fiction, prudence from pandemonium and faith from fear.

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  • 5 Keys To Health And Healing


    Is there an area of your life you want healing in? Do you find yourself struggling to stay positive? Everyone struggles with a challenge that can lead to hopelessness. Chances are there is an obstacle in your life you desperately want to overcome and you are tired of it weighing you down and holding you back. But how can you move forward? How can you heal?

    Instead of solely addressing the healing of emotions or spiritual life, Dr. Gregory Jantz’s proven and effective method encourages the focus on healing the whole person with 5 keys:
    *Harness Your Thoughts
    *Heal Your Emotions
    *Nurture Your Relationships
    *Nourish Your Body
    *Deepen Your Spirit

    Dr. Gregory Jantz explains the most important tools from his years of helping people overcome challenges in life. His biblically based advice will give you courage and tenacity as you take the first steps on the path toward wholeness and wellbeing, sustained and strengthened by a foundation of hope. Learn to:
    *Nurture helpful, healing thoughts while banishing the ones that bring you down and cause you doubt.
    *Discover your purpose: the one unique thing each of us has to offer the world.
    *Live with purpose and conviction as you learn to recognize God’s calling for your life and the way he equipped you to fulfill it.
    *Cultivate gratitude, which strengthens hope.

    Dr. Gregory Jantz knows hopefulness is not wishful thinking, unfounded optimism, or pie-in-the-sky idealism. It is a choice we make to believe in our own capacity to overcome any challenge and, more so, to believe in a loving God who watches over us and always wants the best for us. Discover:
    *7 stress-management strategies to practice
    *8 ways to experience inner peace
    *10 traits of healthy relationships
    *6 ways to strengthen your relationships
    *9 strategies for eating to enrich your body and lift your mood
    *6 steps toward a better lifestyle
    *And much more!

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  • Journey Back To The Soul Choosing Faith Over Fear


    As she tells her story, Memarie Gayle leads readers on her personal journey toward finding God’s will for her life. She rose to prominence in the Country Music industry only to find the excitement of it too often replaced with disappointments, challenges, and heartache. Then her journey became even more difficult when she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The author holds nothing back in portraying her gripping story. Her honesty and resolve to find God’s purpose for her life will inspire you on your own journey.

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  • Reconnected : Moving From Roommates To Soulmates In Marriage


    Over time, the business of life creeps in and even the most deeply committed couples can feel like they’re living parallel lives rather than enjoying life together. Their once happily-ever-after can quickly turn into an endless grind of work, chores, errands and carpool. And the pull of social media becomes more compelling than engaging with one’s spouse. In this book, Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley offer practical ways to rekindle the passionate, intimate, heart-to-heart spark of connection between husbands and wives.

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  • When Did We Start Forgetting God


    SKU (ISBN): 9781414373614ISBN10: 1414373619Mark GalliBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2020Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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  • Breaking The Strongholds Of Iniquity


    Break Free of Generational Curses!

    Though Jesus’ sacrifice grants you entry to Heaven, it’s still possible to live a life on earth in bondage.

    If you are a believer who is experiencing oppression, it may be caused by spiritual legalities granting demonic access to your life through iniquity in your bloodline!

    Bill Dennington is a respected Bible teacher, with a special emphasis on the New Covenant blessings available through the finished work of Jesus. In this groundbreaking book, Dennington reveals how it is possible for New Covenant believers to have open doors to the enemy through generational sin.

    In Breaking the Strongholds of Iniquity, you will learn how to:
    *Recognize the “mystery of iniquity” operating in your life
    *Overcome generational curses that try to hijack God’s purposes for you
    *Remove the spiritual roots of iniquity in your generational bloodline
    *Find freedom and deliverance by approaching Jesus as the Righteous Judge
    *Stop accepting delay to answered prayer and experience accelerated breakthrough

    Jesus’ work on the cross purchased total freedom from sin and iniquity. Discover how to apply the full redemptive power of Jesus to your bloodline, and experience the supernatural freedom He’s made available to you!

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  • Moving Beyond Anxiety


    12 Ways God Can Help You Conquer Anxiety

    Does it feel like a cloud of worry follows wherever you go? Do you find yourself in a state of fear about the unknown? It’s no secret that fear and anxiety are often at the root of our problems.

    The key to overcoming your anxiety are found in the person of Jesus. He frequently called his followers to trust rather than give into fear-be “anxious for nothing” (Matthew 6:25), and to cast all our anxieties on him (1 Peter 5:7).

    Author David Chadwick shares 12 ways you can overcome life’s fears and worries–all of which come straight from Scripture and include…
    *Focusing on faith
    *Caring for your health
    *Developing an eternal perspective
    *Finding good teammates

    Moving Beyond Anxiety will equip you to defeat worry and fear forever by trusting God and exercising your faith daily. As you immerse yourself in God’s truth, you will discover the most powerful antidotes to anxiety.

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  • 5 Things To Pray In A Global Crisis


    The coronavirus pandemic has left most of us feeling unsettled, concerned and very aware of human frailty. It has driven many of us to our knees, but it is such an overwhelming problem that many of us are unsure how to pray, or what for.

    This little book has been written specifically to help Christians in this season. Each spread takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray from it so that we can pray in line with God’s will. When we pray in line with God’s priorities, we know that our prayers will be powerful-they really will change things.

    These prayer prompts will help you to pray for such things as comfort in loneliness, peace in anxiousness, patience in frustration, wisdom in uncertainty and hope in grief. They will also help you to pray for family who you cannot visit, those who are sick and those looking after them, the vulnerable members of your community, your church, your government and the opportunities that this crisis presents for God’s kingdom to grow.

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  • Conviertete En Un Exito Fracas – (Spanish)


    En algun tiempo de la vida, nos enfrentaremos a un fracaso. Tendemos a desalentarnos, y muchos llegan a creer que ese es el fin de su futuro. Pero lo importante no es lo que te pasa, sino como te relacionas con lo que te pasa, y el tipo de observador con el que mires el fracaso. Este libro que desafiara al maximo tu mirada, te enseara que el aprendizaje esta en la brecha entre el fracaso y el exito, y que el fracaso es la materia prima del exito. Aprenderas como mirar la vida como posibilidad, y ver las oportunidades en medio del fracaso, para que obtengas lo mejor de cada paso que des, y te conviertas en un exito… !fracasando!

    At some point in life, you will face failure. You will become discouraged and start to believe that this is the derailment of your future plans. At this point, the most important thing is not what happens to you, but how you react to what happens to you and how you view failure. This book will challenge your preconceived ideas by suggesting that true learning lies in the gap between failure and success, and that failure is the raw material that leads to success. You will learn to see what is possible in life and recognize opportunities in the midst of failure in order to benefit from every step you take. Become a success…by failing!

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  • Do Yourself A Favor Love Your Wife


    This isn’t just a book. This is a manual for men, and an insight into men for women. With over half a million copies sold, marriages all over the world have been saved and renewed with its important message. Filled with good humour and invaluable lessons, this book will transform and refresh your struggling marriage, helping you to find that spark that is so desperately missed. It is a crucial guidebook for men who want to become the husbands that God intended them to be.

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  • Let Them Hear Moses


    Join best-selling author Ray Comfort on an exploration of the book of Exodus as we discover how the achievements and principles of Moses can be applied into our daily lives today. What does the life of Moses have to teach us today? How does this great deliverer, through whom God gave the Law, help us to be evangelistically effective and live faithfully in our day and age? Just as Moses was used by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery into the promised land, God calls us to do the same in our generation. The same powerful resources He gave to Moses are available for our use today.

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  • Whisper : How To Hear The Voice Of God


    The question isn’t whether God speaks. The question is what does He have to say to you? The New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker teaches readers how to listen to God.

    The voice that spoke the cosmos into existence is the same voice that parted the Red Sea, and made the sun stand still in the midday sky. One day, this voice will make all things new, but it’s also speaking to you now!

    That voice is God’s voice, and what we’ve learned from Scripture is that He often speaks in a whisper. Not to make it difficult to hear Him, but to draw us close.

    Many people have a tough time believing God still speaks. Sure, in ancient times and in mysterious ways, God spoke to His people, but is He still speaking now?

    Mark Batterson certainly believes so. And he wants to introduce you to the seven love languages of God; each of them unique and entirely divine. Some of them you might suspect but others will surprise you.

    By learning to tune in to and decipher each language, you’ll be able to hear His guidance in simple as well as life-altering choices. God is actively speaking through: Scripture, Desires, Doors, Dreams, People, Promptings, and Pain. Batterson gives you the tools you need to unlock each of these languages.

    God’s whisper can answer your most burning questions, calm your deepest fears, and fulfill your loftiest dreams.

    Discover how simple it is to hear God’s voice in every aspect of your life!

    He’s speaking, make sure you know how to listen!

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  • God Sees Her


    Women want to know they matter. This beautifully styled giftbook provides story after story of God’s care for women both in Bible times and in modern day life. You will be reminded of God’s love as you daily read this collection of Our Daily Bread devotions written by female authors. And you will know the warm presence of your heavenly Father as each article reassures you that God sees you, God knows you by name, and God cares about every detail of your life.

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  • They Shall Expel Demons (Expanded)


    What are demons? How do demons gain entry into people’s lives? Do Christians need deliverance from demons? In this practical, comprehensive handbook on deliverance, author and Bible expositor Derek Prince addresses the fears and misconceptions often associated with the subject of demons. By sharing his own struggles with unseen forces, he encourages believers to become equipped to take action against these evil beings. He exposes their characteristics, activities, and entry points, and offers solid, down-to-earth advice on how to receive and minister deliverance–and how to remain free.

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  • Entering The Presence Of God


    Deeper Dimensions of Worship and Intimacy

    The presence of God is a place of peace, blessing, and provision. Many believers long to find that place and remain there, but they’re not sure how to enter into it. They yearn to come into direct contact with the living God. Others don’t think they need to make a special effort to enter God’s presence. After all, isn’t He with us all the time?

    It is true that God is omnipresent, but He is also holy. We must enter His presence according to the biblical pattern He has given us, revealed in the prophetic design of the Old Testament tabernacle and made fully available to us by Christ in the New Testament.

    In this book, internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince reveals profound truths to help you effectively enter into God’s holy presence, where you will receive strength, power, and impartation. He explains the spiritual progression that will lead you step-by-step to the throne of grace, where you may hear the voice of God and find rest in His arms.

    Entering the Presence of God explores deeper dimensions of worship, as well as deeper intimacy with the heavenly Father, which will transform your relationship with Him. As Derek says, “Most of us come to God for things. We want blessings, we want power, or we want healing. God wants us to come simply for Him.”

    God is calling to you to enter into His presence. Will you take the first step toward Him?

    “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).

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  • Flourish Devotions For A Well Tended Heart


    Just as a garden needs nurturing to grow and thrive, so does your relationship with God. Flourish: Devotions for a Well-Tended Heart, features 75 devotions to help you dig deeper into your faith and cultivate trust in God’s promises for your life. Every reading is accented with a flower from the cottage garden so you can admire God’s beautiful handiwork as you reflect on Him. A short description or interesting fact about each flower is included with each devotional reading.

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  • Ever In Thy Sight


    Experience the Psalms with Abraham Kuyper.

    Well-known as a public figure and theologian, Abraham Kuyper was also, like David, a man after God’s own heart. His profound thought was energized by a vibrant faith. It is fitting that the Psalms–the anatomy of the human soul–inspired abundant meditation for Kuyper as he endeavored to apply Christ’s Lordship to all of life.

    Translated and introduced by James De Jong, these thirty-one meditations on the Psalms reveal the devotion of a seasoned saint who remained faithful to his Lord.

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  • 7 Traits Of Effective Parenting


    In today’s complex world, parenting is a tough job. Beyond the difficulties of the changing world we live in, there are also the daily frictions of imperfect people sharing a home together. However, Daniel P. Huerta, Focus on the Family’s Vice President of Parenting, offers hope and help for you to become an effective parent.Based on exhaustive research, Huerta presents a collection of seven powerful character traits designed to help parents grow and thrive as they take on the task of raising children. Parents will be encouraged to navigate family life with grace and love so their children ultimately see God’s transformative power, love, and influence.

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  • Miracles Happen


    Start seeing miracles! You did not encounter this book by accident. God is directing your steps, and he wants you to witness the miracles that continue to take place today. Miracles Happen! explores the miracles of Jesus as told in the Bible and shares stories of God’s miracles today. Filled with inspiring Scripture, spiritual insight, and guided prayers, Miracles Happen! will immerse you in real-life accounts of miracles of healing, salvation, provision, protection, and more. Raise your level of expectancy and open your eyes to God’s miraculous work.

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  • Father Friend And Judge


    Discover Prayer as a Supernatural Portal to Spiritual Dimensions!

    Many believers’ prayers go unanswered because they never fully enter the spiritual realms that their prayers unlock!

    Apostolic leader and author, Robert Henderson, is world-renowned for his bestselling series on The Courts of Heaven. In this new work on prayer, Robert provides Biblical strategies for every believer to unleash the full power of their prayers, and see them answered!

    God gave us prayer as more than a religious ritual. In fact, prayer is a supernatural portal through which we encounter God in multiple spiritual dimensions!

    In the Gospels, Jesus presented three different dimensions of prayer. Each one is connected to a specific identity of God:
    *Father: We encounter God the Father in the Secret Place and Throne of Grace.
    *Friend: We take our place as Friends of God when we operate as intercessors.
    *Judge: We come before the Judge when we are dealing with an adversary who resists our breakthrough.

    When Christians learn how to operate in each of these spiritual dimensions, they can align their prayers with God’s will, and release His power for miraculous results!

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  • Mujer Suena – (Spanish)


    Miles de mujeres suean con desarrollar sus talentos y capacidades mas alla de ser madres y esposas. Quieren crecer y realizarse. Algunas esconden sus sueos o deciden no albergarlos porque piensan que nunca los van a alcanzar. Pierden la fe que debe acompaar todo sueo. En Mujer, suea, Omayra Font, la autora del exito de ventas Mujer, valorate, impulsa a las mujeres a atreverse a soar, y las desafia a realizar sus mas grandes sueos compartiendo las ideas practicas que la han llevado a ella a realizarse en las areas que siempre soo, logrando el balance entre sus multiples prioridades.

    Thousands of women dream of developing their talents and abilities beyond their roles as mothers and wives. They want to grow and produce. Some women hide their dreams or decide not to pursue them because they assume they are unreachable. They lose the faith that must accompany every dream. In Woman, She Dreams, Omayra Font, author of the bestselling Woman, Value Yourself, encourages women to dare to dream, and challenges them to achieve their goals by sharing the practical ideas that have helped her to realize her dreams and achieve balance among life’s multiple priorities.

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  • Multicultural Church : Embracing Unity And Restoration


    Despite the progress our country has made in Civil Rights over the past century, Sunday morning is still one of the most segregated times in America. It seems like the only people striving to lead in the area of racial reconciliation are politicians, activists, and celebrities. Pastor Dan Willis wants to know… Where is the church? What can the people of God do to become leaders again and not just be Johnny-come-lately followers? The art of bringing harmony to the masses lies in the love all should see in the church of God. If the church is to make a difference and return to relevance in this world, the only option is multicultural ministry. If leaders are not prepared to minister to this growing culture, then American Christianity is in danger of becoming nonessential to the body of believers. For years, Dan Willis has led a growing, multicuItural Christian community in the suburbs of Chicago. In The Multicultural Church, Dan shares what he has learned, the mistakes he has made, and what can be done to successfully minister to a diverse culture.

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  • Jesus Next Door


    How Would Life Get Better for the People Around You If Jesus Were Their Neighbor?

    When a man asked Jesus to pinpoint what matters most in life, Jesus cut straight to the heart of it. He said the most important thing in life is to love God with the entirety of who you are and to love your neighbor as much as you love yourself (Matt. 22:37-39). In short, he said that love matters most.

    Even though Jesus’ words are crystal clear, most followers of Jesus are quick to admit that they struggle to love God-and those around them-practically speaking.

    Jesus Next Door is a focused thirty-day prayer guide that helps you move from simply knowing the great commandments to actually living them out-wherever you live, work, and play. For each of the thirty days, receive guidance as you:

    *Focus on a key Bible verse
    *Consider a short devotional thought
    *Read a selected Scripture passage
    *Reflect on key questions
    *Pray for yourself and others

    This guide will help you pray for the people around you and learn to practically love them.

    Do you long for God to bless the people around you-through you?

    Then this prayer journey is for you! Written as a companion to Revival Starts Here, this resource provides boots-on-the-ground prayers and practices to move you from inspiration to application. Dave Clayton offers this month-long guided journey for those who want to pray for and practically love those around them.

    Take a walk with God and learn to love the people around you as Jesus
    would-if he moved into your neighborhood.

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  • Explore April-June 2020


    SKU (ISBN): 9781784984670ISBN10: 1784984671Editor: Christopher Ash | Gary Millar | Christopher AshBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2020Publisher: The Good Book Company

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  • Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With


    Christians are increasingly seen as outdated, restrictive and judgmental when it comes to sex before marriage, cohabitation, homosexuality, gender identity or transgender rights. In fact for many people, this issue is one of the biggest barriers for them considering Christianity.

    Sam Allberry, author of many books including Is God Anti-gay sets out God’s good design for the expression of human sexuality, showing that God himself is love and that only he can satisfy our deepest desires.

    It is a great reminder of the Bible’s positive blueprint for love, sex and marriage and ideal for giving away to people who may see this as a stumbling block for belief.

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  • 10 Commandments : A Guide To The Perfect Law Of Liberty


    You know them. But do you understand them?

    The Ten Commandments have become so familiar to us that we don’t think about what they actually mean. They’ve been used by Christians throughout history as the basis for worship, confessions, prayer, even civil law.

    Are these ancient words still relevant for us today? Their outward simplicity hides their inward complexity. Jesus himself sums up the entire law in a pair of commandments: Love God with all your heart, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.

    Peter Leithart re-introduces the Ten Commandments. He shows us how they address every arena of human life, giving us a portrait of life under the lordship of Jesus, who is the heart and soul of the commandments.

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  • On Purpose : Living Life As It Was Intended


    What am I for?

    It’s a question we rarely ask, yet it’s the very question we spend our lives trying to answer. We know we must have a purpose, but it’s hard to define and harder to live.

    Could I be missing out? Did I ruin everything? What am I doing wrong?

    You don’t need to fear. This book can help free you. You can live in the joyful purpose of your current circumstances. Starting today.

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  • Scripture Confessions Collection


    When you are beset by life’s challenges, where do you turn? God’s Word is the only sure anchor in the storm.

    For days when hope is hard to find, bestselling authors, Keith and Megan Provance, offer this compilation of topically arranged, power-packed decrees, taken straight from God’s Word.

    This powerful collection of personalized declarations of faith will empower, equip, and encourage you to be an overcomer, no matter what life throws at you.

    Topics include:
    *And much more!

    Scripture Confessions includes five books of the bestselling Scripture Confessions Series, compiled into one edition. With more than 1.5 million copies sold in the series, this collection is a vital tool that will deliver life-changing words of faith, for everyday use.

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  • Experiencing God Together


    Learn to Love Well When You Give Love Away

    Jesus has empowered you to be His hands and feet to others. And you don’t have to go far to be Jesus to others. You can share His life and love with the people you meet every day.

    In Experiencing God Together, Dr. Tony Evans demonstrates how you can be a channel of God’s blessings to others. Whether you are learning to love those around you, providing hospitality for strangers, or offering forgiveness to those who harm you, Scripture offers instruction for how you can show God’s love for others as you live in community.

    When you give God’s love away to others through tangible acts, you will experience His presence in new and meaningful ways.

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  • Descubre Tu Destino – (Spanish)


    Donde deseas estar en 10 aos? A quien debes perdonar hoy para que disfrutes de tu maana? Que te impide recomenzar en este mismo instante? Tu actual forma de vivir es coherente con lo que proyectas para tu futuro? Ser responsable de su destino es el mayor regalo que alguien pueda recibir, o puede ser su mayor problema.

    Tiago Brunet es uno de los guias espirituales mas escuchados en Brasil y es un reconocido entrenador de lideres en nuestra generacion. En este libro, te presenta las llaves que abren las puertas de tu futuro. Aqui descubriras que:
    *El destino no es suerte, sino el encuentro de tus decisiones con un plan trascendental.
    *El destino no esta escrito, pero es la union entre tu preparacion personal y la conspiracion divina.

    Desde los heroes biblicos como Samuel, Abraham y Jesus, hasta los contemporaneos como Neymar y Martin Luther King descubrieron y vivieron sus propositos y destinos en esta tierra.

    Descubre tu destino revela respuestas ineditas, transmite enseanzas profundas y propone ideas practicas para que tu descubras y vivas tu destino.

    Aqui, todo sera revelado. !Esta obra es un paso a paso para que entiendas tu futuro!

    Where do you want to be in ten years? Who should you forgive today in order to enjoy tomorrow? What prevents you from restarting your life right now? Is your current way of living consistent with what you dream for your future? Being responsible for your destiny is the greatest gift anyone can receive, or it can be your biggest problem.
    Tiago Brunet is one of the most listened to spiritual guides in Brazil and is a renowned leadership coach for this generation. In this book, he presents the keys that open the doors of your future. Here, you will discover that:
    *Destiny is not luck, but the encounter of your decisions with a transcendent plan.
    *Destiny is not written, but it is the union between your personal preparation and divine cooperation.

    Biblical heroes like Samuel, Abraham, and Jesus as well as contemporary figures like Neymar and Martin Luther King all discovered and lived their purpose and destiny on this earth.

    Discovering your destiny reveals unique answers, deep teachings, and practical concepts to help you to discover and live your destiny.

    Here, everything will be revealed. This work is a step-by-step journey toward understanding your future!

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  • Ministry Of Healing


    Classic Christian author A. J. Gordon expresses curiosity about whether the healing miracles from the Middle Ages up to his day can be verified as a continuation of Christ’s Spirit in the church. Through deep study and inquiry of the established history, Gordon concludes that the power to heal followers remains with the church–there was no special era of miracle working. God and His powers remain the same in the modern era as they have right through human history. For Gordon, God’s intervention in the suffering and sickness of His followers is frequent; the will of the Lord however is variable–but He will not prolong the pain of someone whose illness is too great. Throughout this text, A. J. Gordon makes his argument from a biblical perspective, citing passages in both the Old and New Testament that support the continuation of spiritual gifts. Quoting testimonies of believers across the ages, he offers a convincing argument that the church ministry is, to this day, one of healing.

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  • Treasure : Uncovering Principles That Govern Success


    All of life is based on principles and follows patterns. Patterns are ways in which the universe operates. You will begin to prosper when you base your life on sound principles and establish proper patterns that lead to success. In this captivating, easy-to-read book, best-selling author Edwin Louis Cole uncovers immutable principles that govern success. He addresses issues such as attitude, character, the pitfalls and benefits of wealth, the curse of debt and poverty, and of developing a lifestyle of giving that will influence others. Learning the successful patterns and principles of success is a lifelong pursuit. You are never too old and never too young to begin to master them. The patterns you learn determine the life you live. Establishing them as habits will lead you to higher heights, straighter paths, and a better life.

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  • Get Out Of Your Head


    The visionary behind the million-strong IF: Gathering challenges Christian women to transform their outlook and their lives by interrupting their spiraling thoughts and realizing their God-given power to think differently.

    Speaker and Bible teacher Jennie Allen hears all the time from women who feel stuck in patterns of frustration and defeat. In her search for a solution, she’s learned that the greatest spiritual battle of our generation is taking place between our ears. How we think shapes how we live. So it’s crucial that we learn how to stop our spinning thoughts and refuse to fall prey to toxic thinking patterns like victimhood, anxiety, and distraction. In this book Jennie draws on biblical truth and recent discoveries in neuroscience to show exactly how we can fight the enemies of the mind with the truth of who God is and who He calls us to be.

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  • Practical Guide To Culture


    We don’t have to lose the next generation to culture. In this practical guide, John Stonestreet and Brett Kunkle explore questions including:
    *What unseen undercurrents are shaping twenty-first-century youth culture?
    *Why do so many kids struggle with identity?
    *How do we talk to kids about same-sex marriage and transgenderism?
    *How can leaders steer kids away from substance abuse and other addictions?
    *How can we ground students in the biblical story and empower them to change the world?

    With biblical clarity, this is the practical go-to manual to equip kids to rise above the culture.

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  • Every Day Matters


    True productivity is more than just getting things done.

    True productivity is less about getting things done; it is more concerned with stewarding priorities, time, and resources wisely and faithfully in a way that honors God. In Every Day Matters Brandon Crowe provides an accessible and biblical understanding of productivity filled with practical guidance and examples.

    Crowe draws insights from wisdom literature and the life and teaching of the Apostle Paul to reclaim a biblical perspective on productivity. He shows the implications for matters such as setting priorities and goals, achieving rhythms of work and rest, caring for family, maintaining spiritual disciplines, sustaining energy, and engaging wisely with social media and entertainment.

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  • Help My Unbelief (Expanded)


    Barnabas Piper unpacks what faith really means. He shows how embracing doubts and questions can help us to get to know God, and encourages us to risk trusting God in our everyday lives, even when we don’t understand everything about him.

    This book will encourage Christians seeking to ask questions in a godly way and will give them confidence to trust God, even when some questions remain.

    Includes testimonies from John Piper and Afshin Ziafat.

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  • Be True To Yourself


    Our culture tells us that the way to be happy is to be true to yourself. It’s posted on social media, promoted in adverts, taught in schools and, even, expressed in churches. But what does that mean, and does it actually work?

    Matt Fuller explores how true happiness, wholeness and freedom can be found in embracing who God has created us to be; allowing ourselves to be shaped by who the Bible says we are, rather than our own fluctuating feelings, or the voices around us. In the process, this book draws on a broad range of fascinating research and examples to give us a fresh biblical take on some of today’s biggest hot-button issues.

    By cutting through the confusion and showing us something better, this is a book to help every Christian live with confidence in today’s culture.

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  • 100 Ways To Love Your Husband Wife Deluxe Edition Bundle


    Couples with great marriages know one simple truth: the best marriages are made up of many everyday decisions that say, “I love you” rather than those that say, “I love me.” When we put the other person first, even in little ways, we find true fulfillment.

    These books offer husbands and wives practical, hands-on advice to start applying immediately. Maybe you are just entering into marriage and want to start off on the right foot. Maybe you have made some mistakes along the way and are struggling to connect. Or maybe you want your marriage to go from good to great. Wherever you currently are in your relationship, let Matt and Lisa Jacobson help you learn how to love your spouse well.

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  • Glorious Freedom : How To Experience Deliverance Through The Power And Auth


    Freedom from demonic oppression is surprisingly simple!

    If you struggle with addiction, anger, fear, or other negative cycles, it could be a result of demonic influence in your life.

    Even Christians can be oppressed by darkness–demons who specialize in stealthy whispers and subtle control. These evil influences go undetected and unchallenged by many believers.

    But there is hope–and the solution is simpler than you might think!

    Percy Burns has been moving in deliverance as an evangelical minister for more than 47 years. In Glorious Freedom, he offers a step-by-step guide to freedom from demonic strongholds in your own life, and empowers you to bring spiritual freedom in the lives of others!

    Discover how to:
    *Recognize whether or not your problem is demonic
    *Identify how demons gain access to your life
    *Use the power and authority of Jesus to release spiritual freedom
    *Dispel the fear, stigma, and misunderstanding surrounding deliverance ministry
    *Minister deliverance to your children in the midst of a culture saturated by darkness

    It’s time to learn how to recognize the symptoms of spiritual oppression and gain lasting freedom in every area of your life!

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  • Its Rigged In Your Favor


    How would you live if failure was impossible? All of Heaven is waiting for your answer.

    When Kevin Zadai died, he met Christ face-to-face. In this transformative encounter, Jesus revealed a life-changing truth, and sent him back to share it with every believer:

    “You can’t fail because it is all rigged in your favor!”

    These simple words will shift your whole paradigm for life. When you grasp the depth of all that is being done for you, right now, in the supernatural realm, you will walk in greater confidence and boldness. Even setbacks become opportunities for supernatural advancement!

    God believes in complete success in life for every Christian. He is ready to change the course of your life so that you can become the history-maker he has destined you to be!

    When you embrace the fact that it’s “all rigged in your favor,” you will:
    *See accelerated answer to prayer
    *Remove spiritual blockages hindering mountain-moving faith
    *Witness God’s redemptive hand in past failures
    *See setbacks as potential divine setups
    *Receive the plans God has written in your book in Heaven
    *Overcome all worry, fear and anxiety

    God is continually working on your behalf to accomplish His purposes in your life.

    Learn to see things from God’s perspective, and embrace the fullness of this amazing truth: It’s Rigged in your Favor!

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  • Soaking In The Spirit


    Discover the supernatural power of spiritual rest.

    In the journey of faith, there are times for work and times for rest. Sometimes, breakthroughs are attained through discipline. But many times, God simply invites us to rest in His presence.

    When we wait on the Lord, He does amazing things!

    “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Ps. 46:10)

    Carol Arnott, co-leader of the Toronto Outpouring, has been teaching believers to soak in the God’s presence for over twenty-five years. This practice of spiritual soaking has released thousands of Christians to receive divine healing, hear God’s voice, and experience the His love like never before.

    Learn how to…
    *practice soaking as a powerful form of prayer.
    *develop a consistent lifestyle of abiding in Jesus’ presence.
    *access the healing power of the Spirit.
    *encounter the Father’s love in radical ways.

    Consistent fellowship with God is available for every believer–it’s as simple as Soaking in His Presence!

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  • Prayers For Parents Of Prodigals


    Where to Turn When You Love a Wayward Child

    You know the most important thing your children need is love. And you’ve given it over and over again. You’ve done all you can to train your children up, and yet you’re left brokenhearted as you watch them choose a different path.

    Parents who love their prodigals no matter what, know the guilt, frustration, and sadness can be overwhelming. Whether you’re still waiting for your child’s return or are navigating your relationship after he or she has come home, there is One you can turn to for strength in the storm. This collection of topical prayers offers God’s comfort, wisdom, and compassion–be encouraged in your journey with heartfelt prayers for:

    As much love as you have for your prodigals, you can rest in the blessed assurance that your heavenly Father loves them even more.

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  • 1 Minute Prayers When You Need A Miracle


    God Is Big Enough

    When life looks bleak and you need God to show up in a big way, it can be hard to imagine how He might rescue you from your situation.

    One-Minute Prayers(R) When You Need a Miracle connects your needs to God’s promises as time spent in prayer stretches your faith and enlarges your view of God. Each devotion provides a heartfelt prayer and a Scripture to ponder and will:
    *comfort you when you face times of trouble
    *strengthen your faith as you hope and wait
    *build your trust as you lean into God’s plan for you

    If you are looking for a miracle on God, expect Him to answer and provide you with real hope even in your darkest hours.

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