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Christian Living

Showing 851–900 of 2826 results

  • When God Seems Gone


    What do you do when it feels like God isn’t there–when the state of the world, our own suffering, or the struggles of those we know suggest that God is absent? When you’ve experienced soul-crushing silence from heaven, despite your fervent supplications?

    Using the book of Habakkuk, as well as his own personal experience of deep suffering, Adam Mabry examines the art of lament–how to cry out to God in desperation from a place of faith and hope. At the end, there are practical suggestions for what you can do to keep faith even in times of darkness and doubt.

    Readers will learn that God is big enough and good enough to handle hard questions and that his sovereign silence is filled with purpose for their lives. They will be encouraged to keep trusting God even when he seems silent, slow, unfair, different or wrong.

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  • Blessed Is She Who Hopes: Devotions And Prayers For Women

    Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $10.39.


    This lovely devotional for women is a beautiful reminder that blessings abound for women who hope in the Lord. Each page features an encouraging devotional reading rooted in biblical truth and a heartfelt prayer to help you begin your daily quiet time with the heavenly Father. You will discover all the ways God blesses you every single day as you grow closer to Him and wrap your soul in His unconditional love. This delightful package features a ribbon marker and two-color interior design. . .a great gift for women of all ages!

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  • Free At Last


    Does your family history or that of a loved one have a common thread of dysfunction, marital problems, sickness, or abuse that goes from generation to generation? If so, this book is for you. There are countless ways you can be affected by the hurtful patterns that have been knowingly and unknowingly passed down through the generations. But you can break free.

    Here, Pastor Larry Huch reveals powerful truths from Scripture to show you how to break generational curses and begin to receive God’s blessing in every area of your life. Learn from his powerful testimony as he shares how a family curse plagued him until he turned to Jesus Christ for healing, and find your freedom.

    Does your family always seem to fall into the same sins, the same harmful actions? Do you have a history of sickness or marital problems or abuse? The past does not have to determine the course of your future. Let Larry Huch teach you about generational curses and how they affect you and your family.

    Learn how to…

    *Break generational curses
    *Regain your joy
    *Experience health and prosperity
    *Repair broken relationships
    *Claim dominion over things you touch and places you walk

    Find your freedom!

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  • Happily Even After


    Is happily-ever-after a myth-or can you experience something even better?

    Couples don’t ride off into the sunset after their honeymoon. The truth is marriage is hard. Maybe you’re in place where you’re feeling that. You might even feel like this is the end.

    Bob and Dannah Gresh have been there. But they decided to participate in God’s redemption story. Together they discovered something better than romance: a love that endures.

    Whether your relationship is suffering from pornography, addiction, an affair, or just years of unhappiness, Jesus Christ can help you redeem the broken places of your marriage. In Happily Even After, Dannah is a friend who walks beside you and helps you:

    *stop pretending everything is okay
    *strengthen yourself in the Lord
    *fight for your husband instead of with him
    *discover 7 essential beliefs every marriage needs to survive broken places
    *participate in your husband’s redemption story

    Dannah demonstrates how to forgive, live with joy, and hold your head high while you participate in His redemption story for your husband. You may feel like your story is over, but no one writes better-or happier-endings than Jesus.

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  • Heart On Fire


    You are alive right now for a reason–your purpose predestined for such a time as this.

    As the world slips deeper into darkness, most Christians feel stuck, powerless to effect change. Yet changing the world–your world–starts with you, right where you are, with a heart full of fire for Jesus.

    Grounded in biblical teaching and drawing from his own renewal experiences, pastor and revivalist Glen Berteau emboldens you to get fed up with the ineffectual status quo, showing you how to:

    * ignite the supernatural power God has placed in you
    * be filled up with the Holy Spirit
    * get fired up for what God can do through you
    * see beyond your current circumstance
    * and live a faith without limits

    You’re a Kingdom weapon, energized by God’s mighty power and forged to stand strong for what you believe, tear down strongholds, eradicate hatred and bring dead things to life. You are chosen to change the world.

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  • Supernatural Prayer Of Jesus


    Miracle-Secrets From the Most Supernatural Prayer in the Bible

    Many believers struggle with prayer: “How do I pray? What do I say? How do I know if my prayers are working?”

    Chad Gonzales has spent nearly two decades studying and meditating on the prayer Jesus in John Chapter 17. Commonly referred to as “The High Priestly Prayer,” this single chapter of Scripture grants you access to every miracle, sign, wonder, answered prayer, supernatural provision, and blessing that Jesus secured for you!

    In the Supernatural Prayer of Jesus, Chad Gonzales teaches you to access the miracles, signs, wonders, answered prayers, supernatural provision, and every blessing that Jesus secured through His High Priestly prayer in John Chapter 17.

    Available in this prayer are…

    *Supernatural Safety in Jesus’ Name
    *Heavenly Joy, no matter what circumstance you are facing
    *Defense from Satan and the forces of darkness
    *Access to the Glory that Jesus and the Father enjoyed
    *Deeper Experience of the love of God
    *Definitive Victory in the midst of life’s trials
    *and much more!
    ring biblical realities into your everyday! Learn to pray John 17, and access deeper fellowship with the Father and greater supernatural demonstration in your life.

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  • Pierced By Love


    In Pierced by Love: Divine Reading with the Christian Tradition, Hans Boersma invites Christians to retrieve this ancient and meditative way of reading the Bible.

    *Practice lectio divina.
    *Experience an ancient but fresh way of reading the Bible.
    *Learn from Augustine, Anselm of Canterbury, Bernard of Clairvaux, and others.

    Jesus is the point of reading the Bible. Christians read Scripture to encounter Christ and be conformed to his image. Scripture is no mere human text; it is God’s living word. So how should we read it? For Christians throughout the centuries, the answer has been lectio divina-“divine reading.” Lectio divina is a sacramental reading. It aims to take us more deeply into the life of God. Through practicing the four movements of lectio divina-attentive reading, extended meditation, prayerful reflection, and silent resting-we have a structured and simple way to focus on Christ, listen to the Spirit, and rest in God’s love. We no longer simply read the words of Scripture; instead, we read the face of God in the eternal Word.

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  • Authentic : The Confidence To Be Yourself, The Courage To Release Your Grea


    Discover True Greatness by Discovering the True You

    When you look in the mirror, are you blinded by inadequacy and inferiority? Do you question your value and wonder if you can achieve your God-given potential?

    You don’t have to be resigned to just existing. From the day you were born, God equipped you for success! Fulfilling your purpose begins with uncovering the greatness of who He created you to be.

    In Authentic, David S. Winston, ministry executive and entrepreneur, helps you conquer inferiority and chart a course to your divine destiny so you can live secure in your God-given value and purpose. Through profound truths, practical insights, and helpful exercises, David offers you a step-by-step guide to identifying and achieving your destiny.

    Authentic will empower you to…

    *Uncover your hidden potential
    *Become confident in your uniqueness
    *Navigate personal limitations
    *Avoid the pitfalls of comparison
    *Find strength through transparency

    Don’t cost yourself greatness. Embark on a new journey to discover your greatness and claim your divine destiny!

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  • Oracion Con Proposito Y Poder – (Spanish)


    Aprenda a orar, y cambie el mundo
    Basado en su libro mas popular , Entendiendo el Proposito y el Poder de la Oracion, este devocional del Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de exitos de ventas, ofrece animo y estimulo biblicos para desarrollar una vida de oracion diaria y eficaz. La perspectiva unica del Dr. Munroe sobre este tema a menudo malinterpretado, saca de la oracion el misterio, presentando respuestas practicas para preguntas dificiles acerca de la comunicacion con Dios.

    Oracion con Proposito y Poder: Un devocional de 90 dias le ayudara a entender el proposito y la prioridad de la oracion, como prepararse para la oracion, importantes principios de la oracion, y el poder de la oracion. El devocional de cada dia presenta enseanza e inspiracion, un pensamiento motivador para el dia, y una lectura de un pasaje biblico. Se incluyen doce pasos de accion especificos para la oracion.

    Mediante la oracion, Dios ha dado a la humanidad la capacidad de traer el cielo a la tierra, cambiando asi el mundo. Cuando El dijo: “Gobierne la humanidad sobre toda la tierra”, estaba ordenando el dominio del mundo de modo que fuera esencial una colaboracion con los seres humanos para el cumplimiento de sus propositos. Mediante la oracion, usted tiene a su disposicion todo lo que necesita para cumplir su proposito en la tierra.

    Los principios con base biblica y testados por el tiempo que se presentan en este devocional prenderan y transformaran el modo en que usted ora. Preparese para entrar en una nueva dimension de fe, una revelacion mas profunda del amor de Dios, y un entendimiento renovado sabiendo que sus oraciones pueden mover verdaderamente la mano de Dios.

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  • Seeing Beautiful Again Custom Edition

    Original price was: $26.99.Current price is: $16.19.

    In the middle of the pain you didn’t cause, the change you didn’t want, the reality you didn’t know was coming . . . your life can still be beautiful. We all have stories full of sorrow and celebration because of situations we’ve faced. But with God, there’s always more than we see being worked out behind the scenes. In Seeing Beautiful Again, New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst shares how she processed seasons of disappointment and heartbreak, while inviting you to hope again.

    Lysa assures us that the aching pain we feel is proof there’s a beautiful remaking already in process if we don’t give up. Through these 50 devotions, Scriptures, prayer prompts, and personal notes from Lysa, you will:

    *Gain healthier ways to process your pain and learn to see your situations through truth-based perspectives.

    *Disempower the lie that how you feel about your life is the full story by remembering with God there’s always something more true, lovely, and good right now.

    *Stop feeling alone in your struggles by spending guided time with God each day alongside Lysa, a friend who will bear witness to your hurts but also help you move on.

    While there’s no denying there are parts of our story we’d love to edit out, what if those circumstances are the unlikely ingredients God is using to weave together a greater good we’d never want to miss out on? Together we’ll discover the indescribable gift of our God, who breathes life into even the shattered pieces of our stories, creating something new and more beautiful than ever before.

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  • Prayers For Uncertain Times: When You Dont Know What To Pray


    Your Guide for Praying in Uncertain Times

    Here’s a practical guide of short prayer starters that will help readers pray confidently during uncertain times. From illness and death to family fights and job loss, dozens of topics are covered. Each section opens with a short devotional thought and applicable scripture. Great as a ministry resource or for a personal library, Prayers for Uncertain Times is a must-have tool for anyone searching for a stronger prayer life.

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  • Destruye Lo Que Roba Tu Fuerza – (Spanish)


    Tu puedes destruir lo que roba tu fuerza. Puedes saltar sobre cualquier obstaculo y derrotar a todos los enemigos. Los seguidores de Cristo tienen la habilidad sobrenatural para conquistar los desafios que enfrentamos, pero nuestro problema es que el pecado roba nuestra fuerza.

    Este libro responde por que tantos de nosotros somos incapaces de experimentar la fuerza divina que era evidente entre los cristianos del primer siglo. En Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza, John Bevere revela por que el pecado compromete comunidades, y como liberarte de su atadura.

    No apto para los debiles de corazon, Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza es todo menos un “alza en azucar” espiritual. Esta es verdad seria para cualquier seguidor de Cristo que anhela abrazar el desafiante, pero gratificante camino de la transformacion.

    You can destroy what steals your strength. You can jump over any obstacle and defeat all enemies. Followers of Christ have the supernatural ability to conquer the challenges we face, but our problem is that sin robs us of our strength.

    This book answers why so many of us are unable to experience the divine force that was evident among first-century Christians. In Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza, John Bevere reveals why sin binds communities, and how to free yourself from its bondage.

    Not for the faint of heart, Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza is anything but a spiritual “sugar boost”. This is serious truth for any Christ-follower who longs to embrace the challenging, yet rewarding path of transformation.

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  • Say The Right Thing


    Words are powerful. They sink deep into our minds and our spirits. They can build others up or put others down. Many of us want to “say the right thing” and make a difference to others with our words, but we don’t know how to. Others of us struggle to control our speech and want help to be more godly in this area of our lives.

    This positive, constructive book delves into the Bible to show us how to overcome specific temptations, such as gossip or angry words. But it also goes much further. It shows us how we can use our speech to bring beauty, hope, truth and comfort into the lives of those around us–and to give glory to God.

    Full of gracious words and practical help, this book will help readers to find out how to let the gospel shape their speech and enjoy the blessings that flow from this.

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  • Raising Healthy Teenagers


    Our kids are experiencing an unprecedented sense of isolation, interacting virtually in a world that seems ever more fearful with each news cycle. They absorb and internalize the stress and anxiety they see on their parents’ faces and on the phone, laptop, tablet, and TV screens that are ever before their eyes. Not surprisingly, their mental and physical health are suffering. As parents, we want to know how we can help.

    Practical and encouraging, Raising Healthy Teenagers helps you understand the mental, physical, and social toll the past couple years have taken on your kids. Then it offers proven strategies to help your teen get back onto a healthy path by:

    – reducing screen time and increasing green time
    – learning how to be a social being again
    – developing strategies to deal with disruptions in schooling
    – reclaiming a structured day
    – breaking the cycle of anxiety and depression
    – and much more

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  • 365 Days Of Grace


    A person’s wisdom yields patience;
    it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.
    Proverbs 19:11 NIV

    God created us for relationships; they are vital for happy, healthy living. But even the best of friends will disappoint because we are all imperfect, broken humans. At times, the words or actions of others can leave us feeling unloved, betrayed, devalued, or rejected.

    God’s grace is abundant in every situation and for all things. He will never let you down, and he will give you what you need to walk through the heartache of a broken relationship as well as the process of mending it.

    As you meditate on these daily Scriptures, devotions, and prayers, let the Father guide you in the way you should go–leaving the offense, and loving the offender through the power of his grace. You can choose love and forgiveness because he gave those to you first. Although it might be difficult, and you likely won’t get it right every time, you can rest in the knowledge that his mercies are new every morning. Don’t bury your face in your pillow; look up to God in thankfulness and praise. And always remember that you are loved, treasured, and accepted by the one who matters most.

    We are chosen and we are cherished by our God.

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  • Why Bad Looks Good


    Overcome deception with biblical perception.

    Have you ever misjudged a situation that appeared desirable but ended in disaster? Have you been betrayed by a friend, coworker, or love interest? We all face challenging, heartbreaking experiences that require us to make important decisions. Unlike worldly advice, God’s advice is perfect.

    Why Bad Looks Good uses biblical wisdom to improve your perception of the people and world around you. Using relatable, real-life examples, career prosecutor Dr. Wendy Patrick teaches you how to:

    *assess people and circumstances clearly and accurately,
    *identify healthy sources of power,
    *surround yourself with trustworthy people, and
    *transform rose-colored glasses into reading glasses.

    We are drawn to talent, wealth, and beauty, yet all of those things come from God. Apply his divine wisdom to live peacefully but proactively, compassionately yet carefully, and adopt a fresh, uplifting outlook on life.

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  • Grace Ambassador


    As believers, we have received unimaginable grace from the Father. Unfortunately, we often stop there. We live contained lives, separating our faith from our everyday interactions, passive about passing on the grace given to us. And then we wonder what good we are doing in the world.

    With depth and insight, Dr. John Jackson shows that we are positioned for the greatest season of revival in history–and grace distributed is the key. Through biblical teaching and prophetic revelation, Dr. Jackson helps you step into your role as a heavenly ambassador and partner with the Holy Spirit to share the grace you’ve been given wherever you go.

    The world is desperate for what you have, aching for sweeping social change, hope, and revival. When your life and faith intersect, you can unleash the redemptive presence of Jesus in your home, workplace, and community. Transformation happens when we bring heaven to earth.

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  • Siempre Ahi – (Spanish)


    Dios no nos creo y lo hizo todo para luego dejarnos a la suerte. Dios esta con nosotros cada dia de nuestras vidas. Lo vemos? Lo experimentamos? Discernimos su presencia? A traves de los Salmos en cada capitulo de este libro, Bernardo Stamateas trae a tu atencion la presencia de Dios en tu vida diaria, en todas sus expresiones de acuerdo con tus necesidades: como guia, en actos de bondad, como maestro cuando debes aprender algo, como fuente de provision, consuelo, paz, gracia, y hasta en aquellos milagros cotidianos que no puedes explicar. Lo sabe todo sobre ti, te consuela y aclara tus confusiones. !Aprende a ver al Dios que siempre esta ahi!

    God did not create us and did everything to leave us to chance. God is with us every day of our lives. Do we see Him? Do we experience Him? Do we discern His presence? Through the Psalms in each chapter of this book, Bernardo Stamateas brings to your attention the presence of God in your daily life, in all its expressions according to your needs: as a guide, in acts of kindness, as a teacher when you must learn something, as a source of provision, consolation, peace, grace, and even in those daily miracles that you cannot explain. He knows everything about you, He comforts you and clears up your confusions. Learn to see the God who is always there for you!

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  • Somos Uno – (Spanish)


    El hombre y la mujer no fueron creados para competir, sino para complementarse.

    Este libro, con la narrativa unica que caracteriza a los autores, de una manera divertida, sencilla y honesta, llevara al lector en un viaje excepcional descubriendo principios practicos para lograr un matrimonio fuerte e hijos felices. El resultado? !Una familia unida!

    Cuantos hombres y mujeres desean comprender totalmente a su pareja? !Parece imposible! Pero en Somos uno, usted aprendera que si es posible comprenderse, comunicarse y complementarse.

    Sin importar la etapa por la cual su matrimonio este pasando, Somos Uno es la valiosa ayuda que usted esta buscando. Si siente que su matrimonio se esta cayendo a pedazos, en este libro recibira esperanzas y encontrara soluciones.

    Si cree que todo esta bien, aprendera como llevar su matrimonio hacia la excelencia y disfrutar de su conyuge a plenitud. En verdad desea mejorar su matrimonio? Lea Somos uno y disfrute a traves de sus paginas, como lo han hecho miles de personas.

    Men and women were not created to compete, but to complement each other.
    With the unique narrative that characterizes the authors, in a fun, simple and honest way, this book will take the reader on an exceptional journey discovering practical principles for a strong marriage and happy children. The result? A united family!

    How many men and women want to fully understand their partner? It seems impossible! But in Somos Uno, you will learn that it is possible to understand, communicate and complement each other.

    Regardless of the stage your marriage is going through, Somos Uno is the valuable help you are looking for. If you feel like your marriage is falling apart, this book will give you hope and solutions.

    If you believe that everything is fine, you will learn how to lead your marriage to excellence and enjoy your spouse to the fullest. Do you really want to improve your marriage? Read Somos Uno and enjoy through its pages, as thousands of people have done.

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  • New Kind Of Love


    The two greatest forces in the world today are love and selfishness. Natural human love has failed because it is based upon selfishness.

    Does God have a solution for this problem? We believe that He has. It is The New Kind of Love that has been overlooked by the church but has recently been rediscovered.

    This book unveils the new kind of love that Jesus brought to the world. This love comes into a barren life and makes it blossom as a rose. It takes away the hardness and bitterness of life. There will be no empty lives, no barren lives. Every life may become a garden of delight. God has made it possible.

    To walk in love is actually to live in God. It is the realm where the Word dominates, where faith functions. Faith grows in the atmosphere of love. It becomes a dominating and creative force when love really rules.

    This new kind of love, agape, was born in the realm of divine revelation. It is a deep and profound sacrificial love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstances.

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  • Make Time For Joy


    Does your prayer time consist of an ever-lengthening list of requests for yourself and other people? Perhaps you spend a lot of time praying for the health of family or church members, guidance for a child or grandchild, or that God would intervene in global crises. But did you know that you can pray about more than just the things in life that seem to be going wrong? In fact, you can pray that God will transform your anxious and tired heart into a joyful one!

    It’s time to set aside the trials of life for a while and make joy a priority. Not sure how? Let this collection of Scripture-powered prayers from beloved author Linda Evans Shepherd be your guide. Packed with prayers of gratitude, praise, and hope, this inspiring collection will change your perspective, your life, and your heart as you press into pure, God-given joy.

    The perfect gift for yourself or someone else, Make Time for Joy will help you transform sadness into gladness as you rest on the love, joy, and provision that comes from God.

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  • Impacting The Seven Mountains From The Courts Of Heaven


    Robert Henderson started to explore the question, “what would the seven mountains of culture look like in a reformed state?” There is much talk in the apostolic and prophetic community about reformation and transformation, but sometimes, we don’t have a clear vision of what it would actually look like for these spheres of influence to be modeled, shaped, and impacted by believers who carry the Kingdom of God into their everyday places of assignment.

    As the bestselling teacher and leading authority on the Courts of Heaven, Robert Henderson explores each of the seven mountains of influence-religion, arts and entertainment, media, business, government, family, and education-and gives a powerful vision of what each one could look like if it were transformed and served by the Kingdom of God.

    However, in order to see principalities broken and ruling spiritual forces dismantled, we must do more than pray standard warfare prayers; we must enter the Courts of Heaven to contend for Kingdom influence and impact!

    In Impacting the Seven Mountains from the Courts of Heaven, you will…

    *Receive a prophetic blueprint of each of the seven mountains in a reformed state

    *Enter the Courts of Heaven to pray for the sphere of influence you have been called to reach and impact

    *Identify the spiritual powers that are demonically influencing the different spheres of influence

    Bring your case before the Courts of Heaven, and watch as God brings supernatural reformation to the seven mountains!

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  • Power To Change


    Feeling stuck no matter how hard you try to make positive changes in your life? You can start living the life you want through the practical, biblical, and highly doable strategies in The Power to Change.

    Few things in life are more frustrating than knowing you need to change, wanting to change, and trying to change, but not changing. Craig Groeschel knows what it’s like to be caught in that demoralizing cycle. That was his own story–until he discovered practical principles for experiencing lasting change. Since then, Craig has helped countless others find true change in their relationships, habits, and thoughts.

    In The Power to Change, Craig helps you understand:

    *How God’s power, not your willpower, leads to true transformation
    *The real reasons you do what you do
    *Why falling isn’t failure
    *The power of creating small habits that lead to big change
    *How to choose what you want most over what you want now

    A powerful blend of biblical wisdom and fascinating psychology, The Power to Change includes helpful exercises, real-life stories, and life-changing spiritual insights. Whether you are trying to lose weight, breathe new life into your marriage, read the Bible more, get out of debt, or give up an addiction, Craig’s step-by-step, time-tested strategies will equip you to start living the life God wants for you.

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  • Answer To Anxiety


    You don’t have to live with the stress and weariness of anxiety anymore.

    We all feel anxious, worried, or concerned at times; these feelings are common responses to stressful situations. But what if there was a way to put a stop to your worrying before it steals your peace of mind?

    In The Answer to Anxiety, renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer reveals truth from God’s Word that shows us how to focus on God when we’re feeling anxious or unsettled. She also teaches readers practical steps based on Scripture that we can take when we need to face our fears and resolve all of our anxieties.

    God doesn’t want you to live with worry and anxiety. And when you understand that He has a good plan for you, you can experience the life-changing peace He offers. Join Joyce on this journey to overcome anxiety and discover how you can have a God-centered, peace-filled life you enjoy every day.

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  • If The Tomb Is Empty


    A beloved pastor and a New York Times bestselling author examine scripture and share inspiring personal stories to help show the important role that Jesus’ resurrection plays in our everyday lives.

    The Son of God was crucified, died and buried, and He lay in the tomb for three days–until He walked out shining like the sun. In a culture in which history is erased or rewritten at will, the existence of an empty tomb matters. Why?

    Because if the tomb is empty–then anything is possible.

    In his first book, Joby Martin, Lead Pastor of The Church of Eleven22, dives deep into scripture and traces the story of salvation by highlighting the seven mountains throughout scripture where God manifests himself. As he describes each encounter with God, Martin shows us how the interaction on each mountain laid the groundwork for the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary, and shows what God revealed about Himself in the process. He illuminates seven familiar passages, unveiling how God’s plan for Christ’s sacrifice is threaded throughout scripture, and shows why Christ’s resurrection–impossible, unbelievable–means that nothing is too hard for our God. Ultimately, he asks readers, Do you live every day of your life as if the tomb is empty–or as though Jesus is still hanging on that cross?

    Written with New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin, If the Tomb is Empty is an insightful and spiritually rich examination of what the miracle of Christ’s resurrection means for all of us.

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  • Ignite Your Life


    Have the time of your life, for the rest of your life.

    If you want to have your life ignited every day with effortless faith, joy, peace, purpose, and direction, you’re going to love this book-with the emphasis on the word effortless. God has the perfect plan for your life, and He promises to pour it out on you when you simply live for His purpose rather than your own.

    This is a simple presentation of God’s Word that, when followed with childlike faith, will bring you into an intimate relationship with God. Imagine living every day with purpose, free from worry, and full of joy, no matter what the day holds for you.

    It’s not too good to be true! The most excited, joy-filled Christians are those who just accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. This is how God expects you to live your entire life!

    *Experience joy every day, no matter what your day holds
    *Know, without question, that God is answering your prayers
    *Move into an intimate relationship with God

    Satan is using fear to paralyze the church into inactivity and to sterilize Christians into not reproducing themselves. The battle is not in our streets or in Washington, DC. The battle is in our churches and in the heart and soul of every Christian.

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  • Looking Unto Jesus


    There is nothing that transforms the human heart like the revelation of the person of Jesus Christ.

    Countless sermons offer strategies for overcoming your past, building unshakable faith, and experiencing breakthrough. But nothing can transform the human heart like the revelation of the person of Jesus Christ.

    In Looking Unto Jesus: 30 Days of Transformation, Steve Foss takes you on a voyage through more than two dozen descriptions of Jesus found in Revelation 1. These depictions unveil “the light of the knowledge of the glory of God [as revealed] in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor. 4:6). Only as you see Jesus as He is will you be able to stand in these days of increasing crisis.

    This book will take you into the deep and intimate knowledge of Jesus’ character, nature, authority, and coming kingdom.

    In this thirty-day journey, you will learn the power and meaning behind why Jesus is called:

    *The faithful witness
    *The firstborn from the dead
    *The Alpha and Omega, and more

    We are living in a time when God is opening His Word like never before and unveiling the greatest revelation of Jesus Christ the world has ever known. Through these thirty days of transformation, as you focus on Jesus and what He is focused on-the end of the age-you will be empowered and transformed from glory to glory.

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  • Secular Sacred Spirit


    The spiritual realm affects everyday life in ways we’ve never imagined!

    This book will revolutionize your understanding of how the spiritual and physical worlds connect with one another so you can strategically live out kingdom purposes in all areas of your life.

    Since Blake Healy was a child, he has seen angels, demons, and other spiritual realities. He sees them with the naked eye as clearly as anything else. In his latest book, he gives readers a peek behind the veil as he shows them how the physical and spiritual realms connect.

    Known for his rich storytelling and vivid descriptions, Healy takes readers on a journey through everyday events-a trip to a grocery store, a family dinner, a busy workday-and helps them see how what is happening in the spirit is affected by the way we live our daily lives. In the end, readers will:

    *Gain a clearer understanding of how the spirit realm operates
    *Understand that their actions have spiritual consequences
    *Learn how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit can guide them into having a heavenly effect wherever they go.

    See God’s hand in every part of your life!

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  • How To Make Sure God Hears Your Prayers


    What if you could know God hears your prayers?

    We live in a noisy world full of uncertainty, hardship, and lies. In the confusion, it’s easy to wonder where God is and if he hears us at all.

    In How to Make Sure God Hears Your Prayers, Ray Comfort exposes biblical truths, revealing how the fear of the Lord is key to entering God’s holy presence and receiving his blessings. Through Ray’s powerful stories, profound biblical illustrations, and real-life examples, you will

    – discover what the Bible says about the fear of the Lord,
    – recognize the importance of repentance and obedience,
    – be empowered to share gospel truths, and
    – find peace in God’s promises.

    You can have confidence that God hears your prayers.

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  • Prayers To Strengthen Your Soul


    Connect with the still, small voice of God.

    With the demands and distractions of life, it doesn’t take long for worry and doubt to threaten your peace, overwhelm your mind, and steal your joy. The God of the universe hears your needs and longs for a personal relationship with you. All you have to do is listen and pray.

    Prayers to Strengthen Your Soul will refresh and guide your prayer life with daily Scripture-based prayers and thought-provoking questions to help you:

    *surrender your burdens and concerns to God,
    *align your heart and mind with God’s will, and
    *praise God through every season and circumstance.

    Draw near to God, find strength in his presence, and come alive as you walk faithfully with him.

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  • In The Footsteps Of The Savior

    Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $13.79.

    Have you ever wondered what the Holy Land might have looked like through Jesus’s eyes? Join pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado as he takes you on an unforgettable journey following Jesus through his life on earth, giving you a chance to see the Holy Land and God’s heart for humanity in a brand-new light.

    In the Footsteps of the Savior is an invitation to come alongside Max as he shares meaningful, insights on the people and places that shaped Jesus’s life. In this special compilation, Max weaves together in-depth teaching from his bestsellers with poignant reflections on his time in the Holy Land, guiding you through three distinct aspects of Jesus’ life:

    *The arrival of the Savior
    *Jesus’s ministry
    *The crossroads and the cross

    With beautiful photographs and thoughtful questions for reflection, In the Footsteps of the Savior will take you on a journey through Bethlehem, Nazareth, Galilee, the Jordan River, Bethany, Jerusalem, and more.

    As you see the places Jesus walked from a new perspective, you’ll also deepen your connection with the King of the universe who became the Savior on the cross.

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  • Gift Of Hope


    The ideal gift for those in need of a hopeful word. This elegantly designed booklet is a small treasure that beautifully opens up in a present-like way to reveal cherished truths from the Bible. Strengthened by promises of hope, recipients will be reminded of who God is, and who they are to God. Write a personalized note on the presentation page and uplift the spirit of your loved ones with this gentle reminder that they have all the hope they need in their heavenly Father.

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  • Essential Christianity : The Heart Of The Gospel In Ten Words


    Drawing on passages from Romans 1 to 12, J.D. Greear unpacks the essential aspects of the Christian message, showing both secular and religious people what the gospel is and how it addresses our most pertinent questions. The gospel, as he explains, is not just about life after death; it’s about reclaiming the life we’ve always yearned to live.

    Whether you are exploring the core concepts of Christianity or you are a weary Christian wanting to rediscover the excitement and joy of knowing God, this warm and compelling explanation of the goodness, truth and power at the heart of the Christian faith is for you.

    As J.D. says in his introduction:

    “The gospel is not just the diving board off which you jump into Christianity–it’s the swimming pool in which you swim. See this book as your invitation to rediscover the goodness, the excitement, the liberation and the power of the gospel.”

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  • Humility : The Joy Of Self-Forgetfulness


    Cultivating Humility in a Gospel-Centered Way

    There are many misconceptions about what it means to be humble. Some think that being humble means hiding your talents and abilities or being weak and inauthentic. But the Bible paints a different picture–defining humility as a self-forgetfulness leading to joy and explaining that it is a life-giving virtue that frees you from the restricting needs of your ego.

    In Humility: The Joy of Self-Forgetfulness, Gavin Ortlund encourages readers that humility is not just an abstract virtue but a mark of gospel integrity. Ortlund examines humility both on a personal level and in the context of the church, giving examples of ways to cultivate it–including meditation on the gospel and practicing intentional gratitude. Drawing from Philippians 2 and historical texts such as C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity and Jonathan Edwards’s sermon “A Christian Spirit Is a Humble Spirit,” Ortlund defines humility in light of the incarnation and death of Jesus Christ, casting a vision for a gospel-centered, humble life.

    *First Book in the Growing Gospel Integrity Series: Created in partnership with Union School of Theology

    *Written by Gavin Ortlund: Author of Theological Retrieval for Evangelicals: Why We Need Our Past to Have a Future and Finding the Right Hills to Die On: The Case for Theological Triage

    *For Small Groups and Individual Study: Questions at the end of each chapter encourage small group discussion

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  • Walking Free : Small Steps To A Big God


    Renowned Christian music artist and former youth pastor Micah Tyler helps readers set out on the path to a free and meaningful life in his first book, Walking Free.

    Inspired by his brother’s three-time battle with cancer, Micah Tyler’s Walking Free: Small Steps to a Big God encourages believers to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus, regardless of external circumstances. The journey from where we are to where God wants us to be is filled with challenges and obstacles. Walking Free uplifts readers with the truth that God will never leave us behind.

    Micah applies Scripture and Biblical wisdom in his teaching alongside personal stories which illuminate the path before us. With 42 steps, Walking Free includes questions and personal reflections that will encourage readers to grow in their relationship with God.

    Walking Free also includes:

    *A six-week plan for pursuing God like never before
    *42 steps covering the many of life’s challenges
    *Over 120 questions for self-reflection or discussion
    *Practical guidance for transforming your spiritual life
    *A glimpse into Micah Tyler’s life and insights.

    Walking Free will help you overcome life’s challenges by taking small steps to experience the mercy and mission of a closer connection with God.

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  • Bible Wisdom For Your Life Mens Edition


    Men have questions? God has answers!

    Bible Wisdom for Your Life: Men’s Edition is a compilation of hundreds of Bible verses, categorized under dozens of key life topics. Drawing from varied Bible translations for ease of reading, this book features subjects such as Brothers, Competitiveness, Emotions, Exercise, Fatherhood, Leadership, Legacy, Lust, Mentoring, Service, Sports, and Temptation. Each category is accompanied by a contemporary “life application” introduction, while quotations, prayers, and brief devotional thoughts are also scattered throughout-making Bible Wisdom for Your Life: Men’s Edition your one-stop resource for encouragement, challenge, and hope.

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  • Orphaned Believers : How A Generation Of Christian Exiles Can Find The Way


    In the wake of the culture wars of the 1980s and 1990s, many young evangelical Christians found themselves untethered, disillusioned, and–ultimately–orphaned as they grappled with the legalistic, politically co-opted churches of their youth and embarked on a search for a more loving, more biblical expression of the faith and discipleship taught by Jesus.

    Sara Billups was one of those orphans. She knows the grief of loving Jesus while watching political pundits twist her faith to support their power struggles and exclusionary policies. She knows the feeling of being alone, misunderstood, and maligned. In this honest yet hopeful book, she invites fellow orphaned believers to process their pasts so they can move boldly forward into a future where they know without a doubt that they are beloved by Christ and belong to the family of God. With love and compassion, she binds up the wounds of the broken and points them toward a new expression of faith that is motivated to make the world a better place.

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  • Quenched : Discovering God’s Abundant Grace For Women Struggling With Porno


    Lust is a man’s problem, right? Wrong. When we see lust as an exclusively male issue, it leaves Christian women with nowhere to turn when they struggle with the same things. They suffer silently and feel like they will never be free.

    Jessica Harris has been there, and she has made it her mission to break the silence, banish the shame, and bring women’s struggles into the light of God’s grace and forgiveness. She understands that when you suffer in silence, you are building a wall of shame between yourself and God that God does not desire for you. In this authentic and honest book, she shows women a road map for restoration that answers the question “Is there grace left for me?” with a resounding and emphatic “Yes!”

    For any woman who desires to escape the pull of lust, pornography, and sexual shame, this book is a refreshing drink of water that will quench the fire within and point the way toward freedom.

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  • How To Stay Standing


    Trouble in life is inevitable. Collapse is not.

    When you face trials and challenges, is your faith something you can stand upon or do you feel you’re about to lose your footing?

    In How to Stay Standing, teaching pastor Alli Patterson shows you how to build a faith that actually makes a difference in your life, a faith that can withstand anything the world throws at it. Drawing insight from the parable of the wise and the foolish builders, Alli helps you get honest about the foundation of your faith. She then breaks down three simple rhythms of faith–come, hear, practice–that produce a strong faith that cannot be shaken.

    If you’ve felt a nagging sense of anxiety that something in life is just not working, you need this book–now. Because while the waters may be rising, our God has given us the tools to build a faith that stays standing–even in a flood!

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  • Fit Gods Way


    An ESPN Fitness America Champion provides a step-by-step, God’s Word-based guide to equip Christian women with solutions to gain control of over food, find lasting motivation to workout, confidently seem themselves through God’s eyes, and live their best life.

    If you’re tired of starting your diet over every Monday, if getting dressed stresses you out, if scrolling through your social media feed makes you feel insecure, this is not of God!

    The way the world portrays health, fitness, and body confidence causes us to live in a thought cycle of “not good enough” and defeat, but in Christ we are free to live boldly as the best version of ourselves.

    If you’re a Christian woman who loves Jesus and fitness, but you haven’t been able to get fit or find confidence, this Word-based solution is your answer.

    An empowering Christ-centered system that exchanges the lies of the world for the truth of God is the answer you will find in this book.

    It’s time to trade relying on weak willpower for the Holy Spirit gift of self-control, lasting motivation found in your purpose, and confidence found seeing yourself through His eyes!

    Yes, you can cross the finish line of your goals. You just need your secret recipe!

    Fit God’s Way provides the necessary tools you need to create your personalized daily system of success through the 7 Habits of Christ-Centered Fitness.

    If you know in your heart that you were made for more than failed diets and feeling less than… and you are ready to dare to believe with boldness you can become God’s best version of yourself, it’s time to live Strong. Confident. His.

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  • Jesus Each Day For Teen Guys


    There’s no greater personality than Jesus–so why not make time each day to know Him better?

    This 365-day devotional highlights aspects of Jesus’ life and work, His teaching and impact on our lives, offering you powerful insights for each day.

    The brief readings aren’t theological, but inspirational pieces that provide food for thought as you start or end your day–or take a devotional break somewhere in between!

    Monthly themes, such as:

    *and more

    Tie the encouraging messages into the annual calendar.

    The Creator, Sustainer, Lover, and Redeemer of humanity is worthy of every moment you devote to Him. . .Jesus Each Day for Teen Guys will help you do just that.

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  • Start From Joy


    Breaking old patterns doesn’t have to be so hard.

    You’ve heard it before: if you want to change, you have to try harder. Keep pushing through blood, sweat, and tears. Emotions don’t matter.

    But what if that’s all a lie? What if there’s a better, healthier way to get life-changing results?

    Neal and Carly Samudre believe that joy is what’s missing from our ability to make lasting change in our lives. Building on biblical insights and the latest findings in positive psychology, Start from Joy outlines an emotionally healthy approach to change–one where joy leads the way. This doesn’t mean we choose happiness, become blindly optimistic, or force ourselves to have a positive mindset. Instead, we discover that real, lasting transformation can come free of shame, guilt, and fear. It can be fun.

    In Start from Joy, you’ll discover:

    *Why your bad habits are keeping you stuck–and how you can take steps toward freedom and positive change

    *How the four gifts of joy can help you stick with healthy patterns

    *How to heal your relationships with work, money, your body, and other people

    Leave shame, guilt, and fear behind–and create the fulfilling life you were always meant to live.

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  • Awake To His Presence


    Do you really know Him?

    It’s one thing to know Jesus as Savior and Helper, but do you know Him as your closest Friend, Lover, and Healer?

    Kellie Copeland, daughter of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and co-host of “Kellie & Jerri” on the Victory Channel, wants to help you cultivate this kind of deep, intimate relationship with Jesus in your own life.

    In Awaken to His Presence, Kellie shares what God has spoken to her through scriptural and prophetic impressions received in her own vibrant times with the Lord. She imparts this wisdom to you and outlines how you can…

    *Be free to be everything Jesus is calling you to be
    *Identify spiritual and emotional roadblocks that are trapping you in the past
    *Allow His presence to heal the bruises of life and relationships

    The real beauty of a relationship with Jesus is not simply His saving work or His help in overcoming problems–it’s really knowing Him!

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  • Prayer With Purpose And Power


    Learn to Pray-And Change the World

    Based on his most popular book, Understanding the Purpose and Power of Prayer, this devotional by best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers biblical encouragement for developing an effective daily prayer life. Dr. Munroe’s unique perspective on this often-misunderstood subject takes the mystery out of prayer, providing practical answers for difficult questions about communicating with God.

    Prayer with Purpose and Power: A 90-Day Devotional will help you understand the purpose and priority of prayer, how to prepare for prayer, major principles of prayer, and the power of prayer. Each day’s devotion features teaching and inspiration, a motivating thought for the day, and a Scripture reading. Included are twelve specific action steps to prayer.

    Through prayer, God has given humanity the ability to bring heaven to earth, changing the world. When He said, “Let mankind rule over all the earth,” He was arranging the dominion of the world so that a partnership with human beings was essential for the accomplishment of His purposes. Everything you need to fulfill your purpose on earth is available to you through prayer.

    The biblically based, time-tested principles in this devotional will ignite and transform the way you pray. Be prepared to enter into a new dimension of faith, a deeper revelation of God’s love, and a renewed understanding that your prayers can truly move the hand of God.

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  • Abre Puertas A Tu Favor – (Spanish)


    Yader Simpson nos presenta con base biblica los grandes beneficios que recibimos cuando desarrollamos y vivimos en una cultura de honra. Al trazar esta cultura desde la creacion del mundo, aprendemos con ejemplos como la honra afirma la identidad, refuerza la confianza y produce felicidad; se cultivan relaciones solidas; se conserva la salud; recibimos el favor de Dios y de las personas que nos rodean; y la abundancia, la prosperidad y el exito reinan en nuestras vidas.

    ?Yader Simpson presents us, within a biblical basis, the great benefits that we receive when we develop and live in a culture of honor. Tracing this culture from the creation of the world, we learn by examples how honor affirms identity, builds trust, and produces happiness; strong relationships are cultivated; health is preserved; we receive the favor of God and the people around us; and abundance, prosperity and success reign in our lives.

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  • Breaking The Spirit Of Delilah


    A demonic spirit has placed a slumbering stranglehold on many highly anointed saints in the modern church. Its mission is to stop believers from fulfilling their destiny by seducing, enticing, and berating them so that they fall asleep, forgetting their true purpose and giving Satan an advantage over God’s people.

    This is the spirit of Delilah. Although the woman named Delilah in Judges 16 was flesh and blood, a demonic spirit controlled her to bring down Samson, one of the mightiest warriors of the Bible. The spirit of Delilah is still thriving amid God’s people today, conspiring to weaken them and thwart their purpose in Christ.

    Prophetic minister Andrew Towe wrote Breaking the Spirit of Delilah: Accessing God’s Power to Topple Ancient Strongholds after an encounter with the Lord in which He revealed the enemy’s agenda to entice believers into a passionless Christianity that is void of power. God commissioned Andrew to expose the spirit whose assignment is to lull God’s warriors into a deadening sleep that leaves them powerless.

    Breaking the Spirit of Delilah contains explosive information concerning Christian living, spiritual warfare, prayer, and revival.

    *If you believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not for you…
    *If you believe God does not have a plan for your life…
    *If you’re not sure God’s Word can be trusted…

    Then this book is for you! Don’t let the spirit of Delilah make you weak and powerless! Join the fight to expose this wicked spirit and advance God’s kingdom.

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  • Come Lord Jesus


    Bestselling Author John Piper Examines End-Times Theology and Scripture’s Command to Love the Second Coming of Christ

    Many people are curious about the second coming of Christ–what it will be like, when it will happen, and what signs will come first. In his latest book, Come, Lord Jesus, John Piper addresses all these issues, but stresses that those who love the second coming of Christ will receive a crown of righteousness (2 Timothy 4:6-8).

    Piper examines key biblical texts around the second coming while encouraging readers toward a Spirit-awakened affection for Jesus’s return. He also explores important questions such as, Could Jesus come at any moment, or must certain events happen first?; What does it mean to “Watch, for you know neither the day nor the hour”?; and What should we be doing when he comes? With a special focus on the teachings of Jesus, Paul, and Peter, Come, Lord Jesus portrays not only the glory of the revealed Savior, but also the glorification of the resurrected saints.

    *Essential, Christ-Exalting Eschatology: Piper guides Christians to examine whether they long for the appearing of Christ, and what this event will mean for Christians, non-Christians, and for Christ himself

    *Careful Exegesis: Piper pays close and precise attention to the words of Scripture, especially with a view to showing how Jesus and Paul were of one mind about the second coming

    *Practical: The final 5 chapters are devoted to how Christians should live in this age between the first and second appearing of Christ

    *Written by Bestselling Author John Piper: Author of Don’t Waste Your Life, Desiring God, and Providence

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  • Blessing Of Taking Communion


    “Do this in remembrance of Me.” A simple phrase, spoken by Jesus to His disciples in the upper room, remains some of the most meaning-filled words ever spoken. Communion. The Lord’s Supper. The body and blood of Christ. Known by many names and observed by believers for over 2000 years, it is one of the most sacred and unifying ordinances ever given to the church. Yet many believers fail to comprehend the significance to their daily lives. So much more than a box to check, a tradition to keep, or a movement to go through. It is a wonderful gift, freely given by Jesus for the benefit of the body, and it is filled with meaning, blessing, and significance. A standing invitation offered to us to spend time with Jesus, receive all supply from Heaven, and enjoy unbroken relationship with our heavenly Father. In this book, discover ten Communion encounters designed to offer greater insight and deeper understanding into one of the greatest exchanges in the history of mankind.

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  • Birthright : Out Of The Servant’s Quarters Into The Father’s House


    If you believe your life is a cause for condemnation rather than celebration . . . If you are weighted down by the guilt of things done-and undone . . . If you are haunted by a sense of failure to please your heavenly Father . . . Let this book set you free! Come home to your Father’s warm embrace.

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  • Mind Battles : Root Out Mental Triggers To Release Peace


    Fear is one of the driving forces of our lives, especially when times are dark and we don’t know who to trust. Our own minds can torment us when we experience emotional ailments, vain imaginations, uncontrollable thoughts, demonic attacks, or mental health issues.

    “We all have a battle that triggers unproductive and unfruitful thoughts,” explains prophetic deliverance minister and author Kathy DeGraw. “Although the battle rages in our minds, the truth is we have the power within us to capture, dismiss, and change every negative thought.”

    In Mind Battles: Root Out Mental Triggers to Release Peace, you will discover:

    *The Bible’s arsenal of tools and weapons to uproot demonic strongholds
    *How to take control of vain imaginations
    *The root cause of depressing and tormenting thoughts that threaten your destiny
    *Revelation and application to receive mental breakthroughs
    *Practical examples and biblical insights for breaking mind-binding torment
    *Step-by-step instructions and principles that will release mental peace
    *Applications, prayers, and prophetic activations for deliverance

    When you uproot the mental triggers that are trying to destroy your peace of mind, you’ll find that supernatural healing awaits.

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