Christian Living

Showing 1–50 of 2827 results

  • End The Stalemate


    When was the last time you had a real & meaningful conversation? What has happened to our society?

    Differences of opinion have always been part of life. For decades, spouses, family members, co-workers, and neighbors have had spirited conversations about politics, social issues, religion, current events, and even sports. But what was different in the past is that these disagreements wouldn’t sever ties between family and friends.

    Today, we live in an argument culture that has let to nearly a third of people reporting they have stopped talking to a friend or family member due to a disagreement and nearly two-thirds of people saying they stay quiet about their beliefs due to the fear of offending others. From cyberbullying to hate speech, workplace harassment, demonizing political language, verbal abuse, and intolerance, the vast majority of us–eighty-seven percent–no longer feel safe in public places to share our opinions.

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  • Complete Bible Answer Book Collectors Edition Revised And Expanded

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $17.99.

    We all have questions about the Bible–whether we have read it or not. Join the nearly 400,000 people who have looked to The Complete Bible Answer Book for answers about the Bible, Christian beliefs, life problems, and what God’s Word says about current issues.

    This comprehensive guide covers more than 170 of the top questions people have asked Bible teacher and theologian Hank Hanegraaff, aka the Bible Answer Man, over the last 40 years. Revised and expanded topics include:

    *creation and our existence
    *spiritual gifts
    *the secret to effective prayers
    *religions and cults
    *the resurrection and afterlife
    *and many more issues vital to a better understanding of God and living a spiritually nourishing life.

    Each question is answered in Hanegraaff’s scholarly yet approachable style and also includes additional resources for those who want to explore the topics further.

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  • Why I Believe


    A leadership expert, clinical psychologist, and New York Times bestselling author asks the big questions and shares his early mental health struggles in this groundbreaking, uplifting book.

    World-renowned psychologist and leadership expert Henry Cloud has impacted millions of lives through his groundbreaking books and through his work coaching leaders of the most influential organizations in the world. But few people know the details of his own story and how he became one of the most beloved and respected psychologists and faith influencers in America.

    In this indelibly personal and vulnerable book, Dr. Cloud leads us through his early struggles with illness and depression and the miracles that healed him and led him to his calling as a healer of others. Through masterful storytelling combined with a deeply nuanced understanding of the human mind, Dr. Cloud invites readers to inhabit the spaces of suffering and elation that make us most human and to walk alongside of him as he ponders the great questions we are so often afraid to ask but which also give life meaning.

    Written in the vein of such groundbreaking books as An Unquiet Mind, When Breath Becomes Air, and On Being Mortal, Why I Believe is a masterwork in spiritual exploration from one of the great scientific minds and faith voices of our time.

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  • You Can Be Free

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.99.

    Beat the cycle of habitual sin as Kirby Kelly guides you through how God’s strength can win back your freedom and bring you everyday peace. Find rescue and relief through a practical battle plan to defeat that sin that feels stuck on repeat and win back your life.

    Tired of the same cycle over and over again? Of the endless spirals of self-destructive sin? In You Can Be Free, discover a real-life battle plan to break the spiritual bondage of habitual sin.

    You’re not alone. So many Christians are desperate to find a way to overcome recurring sin in their lives, a dominating factor when it comes to coping mechanisms in today’s society. Kirby Kelly has been there, and she’s created a battle plan to help others break free from unhealthy thoughts, behaviors, and cycles to find God’s actual peace in their lives.

    Leading from the front, Kelly offers her own story first and shares biblical strategies to:

    *Connect and confess
    *Stay in bounds
    *Know your enemy
    *Know your God
    *Know yourself
    *Set your green and red light zones
    *Turn around and come home
    *Makeover your mind

    Kirby Kelly offers practical, tactical advice to the questions: How does one break, and stay, free? And how does one truly overcome what they thought they broke free from, only to see its disappointing return in their life? Through theology, hope, and God’s guidance, there is a way to become vulnerable with your community, grow spiritually and personally, and welcome God’s promise of freedom.

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  • Sex Talk You Never Got

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.99.

    Men today are starved for sexual formation. They’ve been failed by parents, churches, and culture alike, leading to widespread shame, confusion, and brokenness in the area of sexuality. In The Sex Talk You Never Got, therapist Sam Jolman helps men reconnect their God-given sexuality with innocence, awe, and joy, and shows readers how to celebrate–instead of struggle against–the gift of sexual desire.

    In our sex-saturated world, it might seem surprising that men need more talk about sex. But the reality is that sexuality is one of the most neglected aspects of men’s lives. From the woefully inadequate sex talks many young men receive from parents (little more than an anatomy lesson or a purity lecture, if anything at all) to cultural messages that unhelpfully weave both shame and permissiveness into men’s understanding of their own sexuality and masculinity, too many boys and men experience sexual desire as an area of struggle, confusion, and brokenness.

    But it doesn’t need to be this way. God made men to be moved, to live with wonder and awe–and sexual desire must be formed within the context of that design. Sam Jolman, a professional therapist who specializes in men’s issues and sexual trauma recovery, shows men the way out of the wilds of sexual struggle. This timely and incisive book will help readers:

    *learn about the vital link between sexual desire and their identity as worshipers;

    *regain a wild and vigorous sexuality within the context of God’s design;

    *understand how purity culture has needlessly put men in a conflict-ridden relationship with their sexuality;

    *see sexual purity not as the goal but as the preparation for becoming fully alive to beauty, awe, and worship; and

    *discover how to trade shame and confusion for a sexuality that’s filled with innocence and wonder.

    In the Bible, Jesus’ greatest kindness was often offered to those suffering sexual harm and brokenness. He offers this same kindness today. He does not want men to repent of their sexual desire. Rather, through reconnecting sexuality with innocence and awe, God opens the door for men to experience the wild joy of desire, rightly ordered toward worship and God’s good purposes for their life.

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  • Known For Love


    Answering the hard and painful questions in a sexually confused world.

    We live in a world with competing voices about what it means to love and to be loving. It’s tough–if not impossible–to feel this tension. But what does it mean that Jesus was known for love? We want to be like Him–known for love–but that can quickly become confusing when feelings, family, and dear friends come into the picture. In Known for Love, pastor Casey Hough provides a biblical and theological framework for thinking through the hard situations we encounter with family and friends. Drawing from a well of faithful biblical scholars, Hough provides insights for everyday Christians living in a sexually broken world.

    What did Jesus say, if anything, about homosexuality?

    Should we refer to people as “gay” Christians?

    Should Christians attend the wedding of a gay marriage?

    Should I welcome my same sex attracted child and partner to my home?

    How do I love my daughter who now believes she’s my son?

    Along with answering these important questions, Hough gives us a framework that helps us think through future scenarios that we will likely encounter.

    Just reading through these questions can stir up a lot of emotions. But Casey brings us biblical news which is always good news. If you want to cultivate a heart for God and others that upholds truth, a heart that is marked by compassion and love, a heart that strengthens you and others in the gospel, you will welcome this essential and timely resource.

    Known for Love gives us the wisdom and courage we need to live into these days with faithful and truly loving hearts.

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  • Opt Out Family

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.99.

    Discover a new and hopeful path forward as you consider your family’s approach to social media, screen time, and technology.

    We’ve all heard the mind-boggling statistics about technology and social media use. The numbers don’t lie; our obsession with smartphones and social media is slowly eroding the very essence of our homes and families. We see it. We feel it. We know it.

    So what do we do about it?

    Spoiler alert: Forget parental control apps, time limits, or reward charts. This revolutionary path takes us into the heart of the beast itself: the social media algorithm. Former social media influencer and trailblazer Erin Loechner has seen the perks and pitfalls of social media usage, and she knows how to hack the strategies of tech wizards and platform experts so you can borrow their billion-dollar playbook to engage your family in meaningful ways away from screens.

    The Opt-Out Family is packed with eye-opening research and startling insights, as well as practical encouragement and creative ideas to transform your family’s relationship with today’s ever-evolving technology. As a result, you will:

    *Experience more quality time with your children that doesn’t revolve around screens

    *Create healthy habits as a family that will set your children up for success in the future

    *Discover what your kids actually need from you, and learn how to delight and engage them better than a device can

    *And, ultimately, establish true and lasting influence within your own four walls–and far beyond

    The Opt-Out Family unlocks a world where genuine connections flourish and technology takes a backseat. It’s time to reclaim your home and build a tech-free family culture that’s stronger than your Wi-Fi signal.

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  • Shaped By The Spirit


    Shun self-help in favour of spiritual-help and become the other-focussed disciple that Jesus is inviting you to be in this accessible and practical book.

    In recent years, the Church in the West has witnessed a growing hunger to engage in spiritual disciplines that help us become more like Jesus. And yet, if our practices cause us to look inwards without looking outwards, then we can unwittingly distance ourselves from him instead. Jesus was inherently other-focussed, and in this immensely practical book, Kate Pocklington invites us to explore why being formed by the Spirit is only half of the picture. We are formed by the Spirit, formed through our experiences with others and formed for the sake of God’s mission in the world. Together we will see how God – the grand recycler – wants to use every part of our past and personality to shape us into other-focussed people.

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  • Triunfo – (Spanish)


    Manual practico para la guerra espiritual efectiva del lider profetico y autor de exitos de ventas

    Cada persona nace en una batalla espiritual, y para una batalla espiritual. Sin embargo, muchos de nosotros estamos mal equipados e incluso perdiendo batallas que deberiamos estar ganando. Con su caracteristica vision profetica, el autor de exitos de ventas y lider intercesor, James W. Goll, ofrece sabiduria, formacion e instruccion practica, presentados en capitulos cortos que puedes aplicar de inmediato, aprendidos de las trincheras de la guerra espiritual. A traves de investigacion integral, enseanza biblica y un plan de batalla para la victoria, Goll te equipa para:

    *armas espirituales personales y corporativas
    *discernir el verdadero enemigo y sus tacticas
    *mantenerte firme y luchar eficazmente
    *hacer cumplir la victoria de Cristo en la cruz

    La batalla esta en pleno apogeo y es hora de que tomes tu lugar en la primera linea. Pero no temas: naciste para esto y fuiste creado para triunfar en Cristo Jesus.

    Hands-On Manual to Effective Spiritual Warfare from Prophetic Leader and Bestselling Author

    Every person is born in a spiritual battle–and for a spiritual battle. Yet so many of us are under-equipped and even losing battles we should be winning. With his trademark prophetic insight, bestselling author and intercessory leader James W. Goll offers wisdom, hands-on training, and practical instruction presented in short chapters you can apply immediately, learned from the trenches of spiritual warfare. Through comprehensive research, biblical teaching, and a battle plan for victory, Goll equips you to:

    *arm yourself with personal and corporate spiritual weapons
    *discern the real enemy and his tactics
    *stand firm and fight effectively
    *enforce the victory of Christ on the cross

    The battle is raging, and it’s time for you to take your place on the front lines. But do not fear: You were born for this–and made to triumph in Christ Jesus.

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  • Large Print Devotions


    Discover True Wisdom Found in God’s Word

    This large print devotional collection is designed to draw you closer to your heavenly Father’s heart. Featuring 90 inspiring readings combined with scripture and powerful prayers, this lovely book will provide both encouragement and Bible wisdom, as you come to know just how deeply and tenderly God loves you. Here you’ll find your faith journey enhanced and strengthened as you experience an intimate connection with the Master Creator.

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  • Excellence


    #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen helps readers achieve new levels of success and hope in their lives, no matter their current circumstances.

    You were created to be a cut above, to stand out in a crowd, and rise above average to exceptional. Indeed, the only way to be truly happy and successful is to live with a commitment to excellence and integrity in all you do.

    Favor, increase, promotion, and reaching your highest potential are all tied to a spirit of excellence. When you strive to be excellent, you’re always taking steps to grow, to make the most of every opportunity, to go the extra mile. You do your best and do what’s right whether anyone is watching or not.

    When you live a life of excellence, you will outperform, outclass, and outshine, and God will promote you and set you in a place of honor.

    This compact digest by #1 New York Times bestselling author JOEL OSTEEN helps you to keep improving, to stay focused, to stay passionate, and to make a habit of excellence. He encourages readers to get out of their comfort zones and make the rest of their life the best of their life.

    Joel can be heard 24/7 on SiriusXM 128–Joel Osteen Radio. Connect with Joel on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or visit his website at

    Derived from material previously published in You Can, You Will, The Power of I Am, and Break Out!

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  • Trust The Whisper


    Ever feel like it’s easier to believe we’ll meet God in the afterlife than it is to feel God at work in this life, with its chores and schedules and messes and unrealized dreams? The truth is, God is at work every day of our lives, but because this work is quieter than we expect, we so often dismiss it as coincidence or chance. What if we could clearly understand those divine whispers? What if listening to them is the beginning of living out our truest story and purpose?

    In Trust the Whisper, Kathy Izard shares compelling true stories that help you connect the “God Dots” in your life. Sharing her own and others’ experiences of moving from a place of doubt that a higher power even exists to being certain about the divine weave in the world, Kathy offers you the courage to recognize God’s guidance in your own life. She helps you ask the right questions, trust your deepest intuition, be powerfully present, embrace the unexpected, and risk believing in the dreams God is quietly urging you to follow.

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  • Great To Good


    Greatness is overrated.

    People tend to measure success by worldly standards. We assume that greatness comes from charisma, influence, and followers. But God cares more about our character than about what people around us think of our reputations.

    Pastor Jae Hoon Lee challenges us not to pursue greatness but to grow in goodness. Jesus called his followers to cultivate character of goodness, not to aspire to positions of power. The faithful Christian life is one that seeks to become good. These reflections and meditations on the good Christian life unpack what it means for the church to live in obedience and faith, to strip away ambitious self-glorification, and to instead live humble lives of goodness and love.

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  • Parenting : 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family With

    Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $16.09.

    Paul David Tripp’s Bestselling Book on Parenting, Now with Study Questions

    Sometimes parents wish there was a guaranteed formula for raising good kids-a certain list of rules to follow to ensure they’d have obedient children. But if moms and dads view their role through the lens of God’s grace, they will see that the gospel must first shape how they parent before they can effectively shape their children.

    In the bestselling book Parenting, Paul David Tripp unfolds a more biblical perspective on parenting than merely adhering to a list of rules. He lays out 14 gospel-centered principles that will radically change the way parents think about what it means to raise up a child, informing everything they do as a parent. This edition includes a section of engaging study questions for every chapter, helping individuals and groups reflect on each topic in greater depth.

    Downloadable study questions are available for free.

    *Christ-Centered Advice for Families: Explains how the gospel should affect the way parents interact with their children at every age

    *Engaging Study Questions: Reflect on each chapter alone or as part of a small group

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  • Dont Stop : Learn To See Your Failures And Struggles As Opportunities


    Don’t give up on God’s dream for you.

    Many of us long to pursue the dream God has placed on our hearts, but along the way, the path has become littered with unmet expectations, unpassable roadblocks, and failure, stopping us short of our unique purpose and destiny.

    What if you’re one try away from the breakthrough you’ve been praying for?

    The obstacles you face don’t have to be the end of your story. Pastor Tyler Feller integrates his experiences and biblical wisdom with practical steps to boost your resilience and endurance, improve your decisions, and grow your faith. No matter how impossible your dream feels, Don’t Stop can help you:

    *identify what’s keeping you stuck,
    *activate strengths God has placed in you,
    *see God for who he really is,
    *listen for the Lord’s direction, and
    *flourish in your fullest potential.

    Even the greatest struggle is an opportunity. Launch into your calling with renewed passion and vision, equipped with the confidence that God goes with you.

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  • Day By Day And Night By Night


    Lead with God by your side.

    Moses had too many responsibilities, King David faced opposition, and Paul felt alone, but leaning into God’s guidance, these biblical leaders rallied people toward a better future. You, too, can tackle any challenge and move forward with vision however the Lord has called you to lead.

    Imparting principles from God’s Word and his own experiences, Ronnie Floyd will inspire you to lead with confidence in this 365-day devotional. Each day contains a Scripture passage, a morning devotion with a daily declaration, and an evening devotion with a prayer. Day by Day and Night by Night will help you:

    *listen for spiritual direction,
    *make decisions with insight and humility,
    *stand firm during change and trials,
    *grow in your life and leadership, and
    *trust Jesus every step of the way.

    Become a leader empowered by God’s continuous presence day by day and night by night.

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  • Press Pause Teen Devotional


    Take a Break!

    For so long, culture and society have based our worth on what we do and achieve. That has led us to be overworked, overscheduled, busy people. Life never seems to stop. God wants us to live differently. From the very beginning, God has commanded rest and intentional time in communion with Him. But how do we create space for life-giving rest when we are busy giving our time to other things? God’s Word gives us a thorough blueprint on how to make rest a routine and shows us what can happen when we don’t pause and rely on Him. In this thirty-day devotional, we will learn why God wants us to rest in Him.

    In this 12-volume series, each 30-day devotional will point to the unchanging truth of God’s love and anchor students in His Word as they walk through?the?seasons of change and milestones that come with each passing year. Students will learn to Discover God’s Word, Delight in the Lord, and Display God’s work in their lives.

    Discover (Identity + Theology): Who is God? Who am I in light of who God is? These are two of the most important questions students can grapple with because in discovering who God is, they learn who He has meant for them to be. Studies within the Discover category will help students align their lives under God’s rule which will give them confidence in who they were created to be.

    Delight (Spiritual Disciplines): What does it mean to delight in God? What leads to delight in God? Helping students see God in every detail teaches them to delight in Him. When students find their delight in God, they will learn what it means and how to be in relationship with Him.

    Display (Leadership, Mission, + Disciple Making): How do students display the glory of God? How do they help others grow in their relationship with Him? How can they lead others to display the truth of God? Through students learning to lead, live on mission, and make disciples, God’s glory is on display and His kingdom is expanded.

    Each book includes 30 daily devotions, applicable Scripture, prayer prompts, and practical application.

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  • Broken Still Chosen


    Experience the Blessings of Brokenness

    We’re all broken. Mentally, physically, relationally, or emotionally–it looks different for each person. But the pain, grief, and hopelessness we feel are the same.

    Diagnosed with muscular dystrophy at age five, Rob Roozeboom watched helplessly as his illness destroyed his dreams. Feeling painfully different and forgotten, he questioned his very existence, rebelling against God. But God wasn’t done with him yet. Weaving his inspiring story with biblical teaching, Rob offers help for anyone feeling unloved, unseen, or unworthy, including how to:

    *process feelings of insecurity, inferiority, disappointment, and hopelessness
    *replace lies and negative cultural labels with truths from God’s Word
    *wrestle with your faith when everything’s out of control
    *experience strength in your weakness
    *receive the hope available in Jesus

    In your dark hours, God still chooses you–still has purpose for you. And turning to Him is the first step toward your brighter future.

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  • Hope After Church Hurt


    The people of God hurt you–but the heart of God is to heal you.

    Written for anyone wounded in a place of worship, and unsure how to move forward in their faith, this powerful book is an insightful and honest guide into eight unique types of church hurt–and how to heal from them.

    Having helped thousands move from anger, distrust, apathy, and heartache to safely reengaging in their faith–and local church–Pastor Joe Dobbins offers compassion, wisdom, and practical advice to help you:

    *understand why church hurt is so potent and hard to address
    *break free from bad beliefs, self-defeating patterns, and cycles of pain
    *discover the way to inner healing
    *release your pain and reframe your story
    *find the courage to reengage in a faith community
    *protect yourself in the future

    The pain of church hurt is real. But so is the hope of healing–and that healing can begin today.

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  • Wordless Prayer : How God Hears And Answers Your Groans And Tears


    The Most Powerful Prayers Don’t Need Words

    Spurred to prayer by tragedy, pain, frustration, or raw hunger for God, you’ve felt it: the joyful anguish, the grief-longing, the burden for mercy, reformation, revival, justice–even Christ’s return. Your heart is gripped, and words cannot express all that is churning deep in your soul.

    It’s here, in this holy ground beyond human language, where mysteries are unveiled, authority is imparted, and the most powerful prayers are birthed–not by you, but by the Holy Spirit within you. Through biblical insight, prophetic impartations, and fiery encouragement, intercessory leader Tammie Southerland empowers you to:

    *yield to the Spirit’s perfect prayers when you have no words left
    *intercede with Christ according to the will of heaven
    *live as a faithful witness and bold messenger who moves in the miraculous
    *bear eternal fruit in crisis, setbacks, and persecution

    You’ve been gripped for a purpose. Step into the transformative dimension of wordless prayer and become a lightning rod for heaven to manifest on earth.

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  • Resilient And Redeemed


    You Are Not Alone

    God cares deeply about you and your mental health. Author and mental health advocate Chris Morris has battled depression and suicidality his entire adult life. Even coming to Christ didn’t change this, which is something many fellow Christians don’t seem to understand. He still had to face the grief of unrelenting illness, the shame of struggling, and the pain of poor guidance.

    In this compassionate and engaging book, Chris shares how he overcame these challenges and invites you to do the same–no matter your diagnosis. Weaving biblical truth and personal stories with thoughtful strategies and hard-earned wisdom, he helps you move past fear and shame to combat the specters of depression and suicidality.

    God is still there, even in the darkest of places. May this book be a step in the process of healing and help you find hope in your battle.

    Includes reflection questions, Scripture meditations, and a bonus video course.

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  • Dont Sink Your Own Ship

    Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $16.09.

    Don’t Sink Your Own Ship equips believers with simple truths for living fulfilling lives, because sometimes it’s all too easy to sail into trouble unnecessarily. In this lighthearted guide, bestselling author and Bible teacher, Max Anders, gives powerfully practical insights that, if heeded, can keep you afloat in even the most treacherous of seas.

    Generously punctuated by interesting and sometimes outrageous stories, Max walks readers through 20 spiritual lessons, providing biblical clarity on problems we all face. Each lesson includes application questions, scripture references, and recommended reading. The book’s format and the teaching guideline included at the end make this an ideal small group resource.

    Whether you read this book individually or as a group, you’ll get a fresh grip on transforming truths, like:

    *The small stuff in life will build up to become big stuff, if you let it.
    *We become what we think about.
    *We are created for love. It’s the principle of existence and its only end.
    *Success is being faithful to what God asks of us and leaving the results to Him
    *Unless we are willing to forgive, our wounds will never heal.

    Truth seekers, new Christians, and established Christians alike will benefit from the simple reminders that this book provides. You don’t have to learn your lessons the hard way.

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  • Guide To A Better You

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.99.

    Grow in your spiritual life and live more like Jesus.

    A Guide to a Better You includes 20 sections, 50 prompts, and journaling space to help you better understand the Bible, become more like Jesus, and reflect on continued growth in all aspects of your life.

    What if you could expand your spiritual life and live more like Jesus? Have you wondered how to find ways to grow in all aspects of your faith journey as you become the best version of yourself? A Guide to a Better You is an interactive tool that will help you deepen your faith and guide you toward a more enriching spiritual life.

    A Guide to a Better You is organized into 20 sections, includes 50 prompts, ample space to write, and bullet journaling pages. The readings focus on questions such as:

    *How can I develop persistence?
    *What does and does not require forgiveness?
    *How do I build connection between generations?
    *How should I handle pressure?
    *How can I take godly criticism?
    *How can I participate in God’s work?

    After reading, you will:

    *identify steps to interpret the Bible.
    *create an authentic and intentional existence in your everyday interactions and routines.
    *make wiser decisions.
    *recognize intentional sins and how you can do better.
    *reflect on how you can continue to grow as a better person in your home life, career, and other areas of your life.

    If you are seeking a deeper relationship with God and looking for a way you can be part of God’s work, A Guide to a Better You is a perfect next step. You can use this complete interactive guide independently or as part of a small group. A Guide to a Better You is also a thoughtful gift you can give to loved ones or friends for birthdays or as a holiday gift.

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  • God Who Became Bread


    The gospel of God is the Bread of the Presence, and it reaches down into the
    deepest, darkest, ugliest recesses of the human spirit, the places polite chit-chat
    won’t allow, the places watery juice doesn’t open up, the places where crawfish
    and other creeping things of the swamps live.

    These are the places in which we run to the altar and find the bread, still warm.
    Places in which we begin to get full. Where our only food becomes God Himself.
    In this memoir described as “poetic, raw, and achingly beautiful,” Emily T. Wierenga takes readers on a vulnerable literary journey.

    A former anorexic who nearly starved to death, Emily longed for more-the more she’d glimpsed during her childhood in the Congo, surrounded by vibrant faith. All she had now was dry religion. She craved a Communion that was more than an empty ritual.

    It would be Emily’s return to Africa that would bring her healing. Unexpectedly, it would be the poorest of the poor who would lead her there. Emily exchanged her deep struggles with food for a growing discovery that the God of inapproachable light “dons an apron and prepares us a banquet.”

    All who are broken-come to the table. Break bread with Emily, and feast on the God Who Became Bread. You will never go hungry again.

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  • Bedtime Devotions For Peaceful Sleep


    200 Nighttime Devotions for Your Heart!

    Inspired by Proverbs 3:24 (NIV): “When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet,” this delightful nighttime devotional will encourage your heart. Nearly 200 devotions will comfort and refresh your weary spirit as you unwind at the end of your busy day. You’ll relax as you spend much-needed quiet time. . .to reflect on and end your day in peaceful conversation with the heavenly Father.

    It’s a beautiful way to a peaceful night’s sleep!

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  • Joy In The Morning


    Joy in the Morning is designed to enhance your spiritual journey.

    Featuring 200 biblically based meditations designed to enhance your positive outlook, Joy in the Morning offers a powerful blend of inspiration, encouragement, and motivation no matter your age or stage of life.

    Touching on topics like beauty, blessings, family, faith, patience, prayer, relationships, rest, and more, each refreshing reading will draw you ever closer to your heavenly Father as you meditate on each truth-filled page and open your heart and mind to God’s Word.

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  • Power Of One Prayer


    If you’ve experienced the power of prayer. . .you know that just one single little prayer goes a very, very long way. . .resulting in a bigger, bolder faith!

    You’re invited to grow your faith alongside these 200-plus prayer-themed devotions, where you’ll be challenged and inspired to pray–every day–with more courage, more love, more hope, more joy, more patience, more trust. . .and all of your heart.

    With each turn of the page, you’ll be drawn closer to the heavenly Father as you meditate on each truth-filled devotion and open your heart and mind to His very best for you!

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  • 180 Devotions On Courage For Men


    Life gets really hard sometimes.

    But Christian men can face every challenge with courage.

    This 180-entry devotional builds off the inspired message of 2 Corinthians 12:10:

    For Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

    Featuring both contemporary entries and “classics” from figures such as D. L. Moody, Andrew Murray, Charles Spurgeon, and John Wesley, 180 Devotions on Courage for Men promises insight and inspiration for guys of all ages.

    Whatever life is throwing at you, you’ll be encouraged to seek your daily strength from God through Jesus Christ. Sure, life can be tough. But with the all-powerful God on your side, how can you be anything but courageous?

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  • Joy Of An Uncluttered Life


    Battle burnout, simplify your life, and change your thinking with #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer.

    Many of us understand how easy it is for life to become hectic, stressful, and busy. We are overcommitted, have no free time, and feel trapped in the daily demands of life. But there is good news–you don’t have to live this way!

    In The Joy of an Uncluttered Life, you will find relief from burnout and unnecessary stress with 100 ways to simplify your life. These doable tips will teach you to set boundaries, stay positive, clear out clutter in your life, deal with other people in healthy ways, and more. Even the smallest things we do in a day have the power to bring about more peace, and this book will empower you to make lasting changes in your life.

    Discover a life beyond stress and frustration and develop a mindset of simplicity and peace!

    Derived from material previously published in 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life.

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  • Connect To Your Calling


    Bestselling author Bishop T.D. Jakes shares this essential guide to recognizing, understanding, and utilizing your spiritual instincts to find God’s calling in your life.

    Each of us has innate instincts that drive our actions, our feelings, and our desires. Learning to recognize, understand, and act on those instincts can help each of us reach for the opportunities and step into the purpose for which God has called us.

    This compact digest by #1 New York Times bestseller T. D. Jakes will inspire you to identity and understand the longings and interests at the core of who you are. It then guides you to use those passions to uncover your goals, intentions, and deepest desires.

    The profound but easy-to-apply lessons in this short book will help you evaluate your gifts and talents and walk boldly into your calling and a life of purpose.

    Derived from material previously published in Instinct.

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  • Dog Named Mattis


    Take a ride-along with Sergeant Mark Tappan and his amazing K9 partner Mattis, whose heroic actions will inspire you to live courageously, serve selflessly, and love passionately because every human (and dog) has a purpose.

    Sergeant Mark Tappan shares a unique bond with his K9 partner Mattis, one of the most decorated police K9s of all time. Mark knew from the first time they interacted that Mattis was something special. As a man of deep faith, Mark also knew that God’s most profound teaching often comes through the most unexpected sources, and he soon realized that Mattis was going to teach him about loyalty, selfless service, and so much more.

    In A Dog Named Mattis, Mark shares twelve life lessons he’s learned from working with Mattis. Through these first-hand accounts of bravery and service, you will learn profound lessons, like:

    *being willing to ‘go all in’ and work with all your heart even when things are uncertain,
    *how persistence pays off when you are willing to stick with what you know is right,
    *how to be strong and courageous in the face of adversity,
    *and much more.

    You will also get a behind-the-scenes look at the world of police K9s and gain a deeper understanding of:

    *the many ways that K9 units assist police departments,
    *what a K9 officer’s daily life looks like,
    *what kind of training police dogs and their handlers must go through,
    *how a police dog is tested and selected,
    *and the lengths a dog will go to in order to complete their mission.

    A Dog Named Mattis will capture the hearts of dog lovers everywhere and remind you that true success is built on relationships filled with trust, communication, and love.

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  • Heavenly Rescues And Answered Prayers


    Powerful Stories of Life’s Emergencies

    For more than 35 years, veteran EMT Andrea Jo Rodgers has been helping people in their most terrifying and vulnerable moments–and bearing witness to the miraculous power and handiwork of God.

    In this new collection of unforgettable stories, Andrea shares more heart-pounding accounts of rescues and interventions from her vast experience as a first responder. Whether it’s a boy fallen through thin ice into freezing water, an old woman and her walker stuck at a railroad crossing, or a loyal dog playing guardian angel for his incapacitated owner, join Andrea as she responds to incredible scenarios that testify to God’s power and love.

    Not only will you be astounded by the courage exemplified by Andrea and other first responders, but you will also be inspired by her faith, empathy, and hope–even amid the most daunting circumstances. These powerful stories will encourage you and deepen your awe for God’s amazing mercy and grace.

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  • Gentle Thoughts After Loss



    These short reflections and Scripture verses, coupled with beautiful artwork throughout, give grieving readers the peace and hope they need, whenever they need it most.

    Whatever your loss may be–a loved one, your health, your job, your security, your freedom, or your spirit–you need to know that Jesus is right there with you. Experience His presence as you meditate on select Scripture verses and encouraging affirmations, such as:

    I will get through this with God’s help.

    I am stronger than I think.

    I will only do what I am comfortable doing and what I have the energy for.

    Gentle Thoughts After Loss also makes a loving and thoughtful gift for someone you know who’s grieving.

    May this book bring you comfort in simple, small ways and remind you that are not alone.

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  • Good Gift Of Weakness


    This overview of the theme of weakness in the Bible offers readers practical encouragement and hope as they learn to view their frailties as part of God’s plan and purpose for their lives.

    Our culture deifies strength–and sadly, the church does too. Who has the most successful ministry, the largest congregation, or the godliest family? Our misplaced faith in human strength is a false hope with no basis in Scripture.

    But a closer look throughout the Bible reveals the central role human frailty plays in the redemption story. From Genesis to Revelation, God’s power is made perfect when people are at their weakest. Far from an undesirable defect, God designed our weakness to draw us closer to himself.

    As you learn to accept the good gift of weakness, you will experience true strength–the kind that only comes from a loving and infinitely powerful God.

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  • Win Some : 5 Proven Life Strategies To Win In Relationships – A Business Fa


    Meet Sam Masterson, an aging professional baseball player who feels he can’t catch a break. In most conversations, Sam strikes out, causing strained relationships wherever he is. Self-absorbed and distracted, Sam tries to rehab his aching body so no one will notice his diminishing prowess. Then a public debacle threatens to end his career.

    Just when things appear hopeless, the team’s clubbie befriends Sam and teaches him five tools for developing positive and authentic relationships. Using these tools, Sam begins to change his self-centered communication and negative outlook in hopes of helping his family, restoring his place on the team, and re-establishing trust.

    In Win Some, author Brian Slipka wraps vital relational skills inside an inspiring life story. Learn how to shift your mindset from selfish ambition to wanting the best for others, so you can engage in meaningful relationships at work, home, and play.

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  • Becoming Like Jesus


    What If We Really Imitated Jesus?

    Living as Jesus lived–is that even possible? Jesus was sinless, performed miracles, and atoned for the sins of humanity. He was God’s beloved Son! How could we possibly come anywhere close to being like Him? But Scripture tells us to live as Jesus did, which means God Himself makes this kind of life possible. How then can we allow Him to shape our hearts, motivations, and actions so we increasingly remind people of the One we follow?

    Renowned Bible study writer Cynthia Heald explores the everyday journey of becoming like Christ. With the seasoned guidance from a lifelong faith, she shares the challenges and rewards of embodying Christlikeness, as well as her own imperfect, stumbling experiences in learning to become like Jesus. In this insightful, accessible, and thought-provoking book, perfect for quiet time or a 6-week small-group study, you’ll find yourself inspired and encouraged to step into the simple yet powerful ways God molds us into the image of His Son.

    In Becoming Like Jesus, you will find:

    *devotional reflections on the invitation to daily spiritual growth,
    *insightful quotations from godly writers and prayers, and
    *Scripture references and Bible study reflection questions.

    Don’t hesitate to embark on a life-changing journey of becoming like Jesus. Embrace the call to imitate Christ and discover the joy and fulfillment that come from reflecting His character in your everyday life.

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  • Rhythm Of Home


    Feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of parenting? Want to cultivate a home life that aligns with your deepest dreams and values as a family?

    Chris and Jenni Graebe, authors of The Rhythm of Us: Create the Marriage You Long For, are back to share the intentional habits of flourishing families who love God and truly enjoy each other. You’ll take inventory of your current family rhythms, consider your unique core values, and move toward the life you truly envision for your family. Along the way, Chris and Jenni offer practical tips and strategies to navigate the challenges of parenting and cultivate a thriving family life.

    Through exploring five intentional practices of flourishing families, you will learn to

    *map out a vision for your family legacy,
    *create a home environment that supports your deepest family values,
    *connect on a deeper level with your kids in ways that will last a lifetime, and
    *shape a loving and joy-filled family culture.

    Whether you are just starting your family or are farther along in your parenting journey, The Rhythm of Home will help you create a strong foundation. You don’t have to let the family life you dream of slip through your fingers, you can intentionally cultivate the loving, flourishing home you truly desire. The Rhythm of Home will lead the way!

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  • Choose Courage : 3-Minute Devotions For Teen Girls


    God Wants You to Live a Courageous Life, Girl!

    This delightful devotional encourages you to take a few moments of your day to quiet your spirit, think on God’s amazing love for you, and to choose courage in your thoughts, words, and actions.

    Dozens of just-right-sized readings pack a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration and are designed to meet you right where you are in life. In only 3 short minutes, you’ll be on your way to a bold, courageous faith!

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  • Choose Strong : 3-Minute Devotions For Teen Guys



    The world might try to convince you differently, but being strong is a choice.

    Each day, you can choose God’s way or the world’s way. Right or wrong. Strong or weak.
    It’s up to you.

    This book of strength-building devotions can help guide you to choose wisely.

    Every page provides you with scriptural truth, a relatable devotional reading, and a short prayer.

    In just 3 minutes you’ll be well on your way to the good life–the strong life–God intended for you.

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  • Happiness : Uncovering The Secret To Everlasting Joy


    Do you ever wonder whether God even cares if we’re happy?

    This world can be so hard, and we aren’t promised an easy road. But that’s not the whole story. The Bible is filled with verses that prove that ours is a God who not only loves celebrations but also desperately wants his children to experience happiness. Why else would he go to the lengths he did to ensure our eternal happiness in his presence? We know that we will experience unimaginable joy and happiness in heaven, but that doesn’t mean we can’t also experience joy and happiness here on earth.

    In Happiness, noted theologian Randy Alcorn (bestselling author of Heaven) dispels centuries of misconceptions about happiness, including downright harmful ideas like the prosperity gospel, and provides indisputable proof that God not only wants us to be happy, he commands it. Randy covers questions like:

    *How can I cultivate happiness in my life?
    *What’s the difference between joy and happiness?
    *Can good things become idols that steal our happiness?
    *Is seeking happiness selfish?
    *How can I achieve happiness through gratitude?
    *What does it look like to receive God’s grace?

    The most definitive study on the subject of happiness to date, this book is a paradigm-shifting wake-up call for the church and Christians everywhere.

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  • Bit Of Earth


    Prayers, poetry, and Scripture for a life in the garden

    In A Bit of Earth, Andrea G. Burke looks at the seasonal practice and common grace of gardening through a devotional lens. Part memoir, part prayer book, A Bit of Earth weaves care and intent through moments of ordinary living. This book is a lifelong resource of Scripture, poetry, and prose on the life of faith for contemplatives, gardeners, and believers.

    God walks in the garden at the cool of the day. The Lord is with us when we dream about what plants to grow and when we drag our feet to pull weeds. He is with us when we preserve the fruit of our hard labors. He is with us even when we weep at the desolate, snowbound landscape of winter.

    Whether you’re new to gardening or already have a green thumb, anyone can learn how to garden and cultivate the soil of their hearts through A Bit of Earth.

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  • 21 Oraciones Mas Efectivas De – (Spanish)


    God Hears Our Prayers!

    The 21 Most Effective Prayers of the Bible speaks to believers of all ages and backgrounds with an uplifting message: that the prayers of the Bible are prayers for us today. It’s a very readable study that investigates twenty-one heartfelt prayers that produced results. Author Dave Earley shares personal examples from years of ministry that illustrate how these deepest petitions worked not only for Bible heroes, but for us today. This inspiring book will encourage you to greater faith in the power of effective prayer.

    Dios escucha nuestras plegarias

    Las 21 oraciones mas efectivas de la Biblia se dirige a creyentes de todas las edades y procedencias con un mensaje edificante: las oraciones de la Biblia son tambien para nosotros hoy. Es un estudio muy ameno que analiza veintiuna oraciones de corazon que produjeron resultados. El autor, Dave Earley, comparte ejemplos personales de aos de ministerio que ilustran como estas peticiones tan profundas funcionaron no solo para los heroes de la Biblia, sino tambien para nosotros hoy. Este libro inspirador te animara a crecer en tu fe en el poder de la oracion eficaz.

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  • Who Did You See Today


    In January 2019, a U.S. Census Bureau survey reported that 11 percent of respondents indicated symptoms of anxiety or depression. Just twenty-two months later in December 2020, the percentage nearly quadrupled to more than 42 percent. As believers, we are the ones called to truly “see” the lonely and hurting among us. What if instead of getting caught up in our own busy calendars and daily stressors, we dialed into the needs of those around us, listening with bold intentionality and responding to them with extravagant thoughtfulness and outrageous kindness? Jesus offered us the ultimate example of how to serve and minister to others by meeting people right where they were. Through us, neighbors, coworkers, classmates, and family members should experience that same grace, kindness, and loving attention.

    Author Dustin Schadt offers a biblical and theological basis for seeing people, outlines practical ways that individuals, families, schools, nonprofits, small groups, churches, and other organizations can collectively value, focus on, and respond to the world around us. Our care builds a bridge of trust strong enough to bear the weight of our gospel conversations.

    Kindness has become a precious commodity. We are fast-paced, busy, and often distracted. In a world marked by skepticism, loneliness, and anxiety, Christ-followers must be the ones who live beyond differences and distractions to see the people God places in our lives. Jesus saw us, drew closer, and gave Himself up to make a way for us to come to Him. He is calling us to do the same-to love people the way Jesus loved people, ears open and eyes widen to the beauty of the love of Christ shown in His gospel.

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  • What Does Depression Mean For My Faith


    Biblical Hope for Those Who Suffer from Clinical Depression

    Studies show that everyone will encounter someone who struggles with clinical depression at some point in their lifetime. Depression’s debilitating, pervasive joylessness is crippling. It can affect your body and brain, numb your emotions, and put strain on your relationships. For Christians, it can even inhibit them from delighting in the greatest gift ever known–the good news of the gospel.

    What should Christians think about clinical depression? How can church leaders respond lovingly to those who face this dark, unsettling, and sometimes baffling dilemma? In What Does Depression Mean for My Faith? author and physician Kathryn Butler addresses common misconceptions about mental illness in the church. She offers grace, relief, and practical help to Christians who feel shame, and she equips church leaders with the tools they need to extend Christ’s love to the vulnerable.

    *Comforts Those Who Suffer: Offers grace, relief, and practical help to Christians who feel shame over clinical depression

    *Equips Those Who Care: Provides a clinical, theological, and practical understanding of depression so church leaders can compassionately assist those who suffer

    *Short, Accessible Format: Combines anecdotes, a concise overview of depression, and practical pointers

    *TGC Hard Questions Series: Equips readers with answers to difficult questions facing today’s church

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  • How Do I Get Started In Evangelism


    Small, Convenient Guide Offers Biblical Advice for Communicating the Gospel Message

    Too often, believers find themselves unprepared to share their faith. They might be afraid of saying the wrong thing or afraid of even starting a conversation. Before they know it, a great opportunity for evangelism has passed. What if Christians never missed another chance to tell others about Jesus?

    In this small yet practical guide, J. Mack Stiles defines proper evangelism and offers advice for communicating God’s truth clearly, biblically, and persuasively. Readers learn how to explain the gospel message, live the gospel, understand conversion, and more. This guide is easy to read and share, making it a great resource for churches and small groups.

    *Part of the Church Questions Series: Developed to give biblical insight into common questions about church life

    *Applicable: Explains that evangelism is “teaching the gospel with the aim to persuade” and gives readers practical advice for sharing their faith

    *Short and Accessible Format: Concise, biblical teaching that’s easy to read and share

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  • Moving Forward After Messing Up


    Is something from your past impacting your future?

    No one wakes up and says, “I think I’ll make a mess of my life.” But many people find themselves in places that feel beyond repair. If you’ve made decisions that have left you and others hurt–that have brought you to a place that feels dark or desperate–you’re not alone. Professor and pastor Chris Rappazini looks to real life biblical characters who’ve made messes of their lives and shows how God delights in forgiveness and redemption.

    Do you need God to do something that feels impossible? Freedom from an addiction or the haunting consequences of bad choices? A second chance at marriage, family, or a career? Maybe you love someone whose devastating path of poor decisions is inflicting heartache upon heartache.

    Through sharing the personal journey he’s been on with his brother–who is in the process of moving forward after messing up–Rappazini uncovers the true heart of the Father and the dramatic ends He goes to bring restoration.

    What happens when we honestly face our mess and seek God? Can beauty, love, or hope follow? Failure and regret can create humility and deepen our character. Those who seem permanently wrecked can experience joy, freedom, and a newfound dream. In Moving Forward After Messing Up, Rappazini takes us beyond despair to biblically based forgiveness and a faithful future.

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  • 101 Devotions On Powerful Prayer For Men


    You know that prayer is important. . .this book provides the biblical insights you need, plus the encouragement to really, truly pray .

    God wants to hear from His children. At any time, in any circumstance, you have the privilege of talking with the almighty Creator of the universe. And according to Jesus, the standard for prayer is that His Father will hear and answer: “Ask, and it shall be given to you. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8).

    Perhaps that has not been your experience with prayer. Or maybe you’ve enjoyed success in prayer but would like to be even more effective. Whatever the case, the Bible offers many insights, and this book distills them into 101 principles such as:

    *Prayer Can Be Learned
    *Prayer Gets God’s Attention
    *Prayer Blesses Others
    *Prayer Is the Answer to What You’re Seeking

    If you make prayer a priority–by studying its biblical basis and then putting those truths into practice–you’ll find yourself in a deeper, more intimate relationship with God.
    Isn’t that what life is all about?

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  • Grace Not Perfection


    Let God’s Grace Renew Your Heart

    Here is a delightful women’s devotional that reminds Christian women of all ages that God provides daily grace to His beloved daughters. Thoughtful readings will speak to your heart, and lovely prayers, memorable quotations, and scripture passages add to the rich spiritual depth of the book. It’s the perfect book to give as a gift or for personal quiet time.

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  • Jesus Calling Enjoying Peace In His Presence

    Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $10.19.

    Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus as you savor the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever.

    With scripture and personal reflections, bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus’ message of peace-for today and every day.

    In this #1 New York Times bestselling devotional, readers will receive words of hope, encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of Jesus’ unending love. The devotions are written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to each reader and are based on Jesus’ own words of hope, guidance, and peace within Scripture-penned by one who loves him and reveres His Word. Each entry is accompanied by Scripture for further reflection and meditation.

    These much-loved devotions will help you look forward to your time with the Lord. Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is always with you.

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  • Elisabeth Elliot Classics Collection

    Original price was: $69.99.Current price is: $49.97.

    Wife of martyred missionary Jim Elliot, Elisabeth Elliot spent her life serving others, sharing the gospel, and encouraging believers in their walk with God through thought-provoking and inspiring books. Her personal story has been a testament to God’s faithfulness and love, and her insight into Scripture on a variety of topics has been strengthening the family of God for generations.

    Now you can own five of Elliot’s best-loved books in a handsome collection at an affordable price. The Elisabeth Elliot Classics Collection includes the following titles:

    – A Path through Suffering
    – On Asking God Why
    – Secure in the Everlasting Arms
    – These Strange Ashes
    – The Path of Loneliness

    With this collection, you’ll enjoy many hours of Elliot’s calm, compassionate, and steady influence in your Christian walk. They’re books you’ll want to turn to again and again in the days, months, and years to come.

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