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Showing 701–750 of 6378 results

  • Bible Trivia Word Searches (Large Type)


    Bible Trivia Word Searches Large Print is an exciting Bible word search game with a twist!

    Dozens of word search puzzles feature Bible clues given in the form of trivia. . .then you have to figure out the correct answers to the Bible trivia to discover the words you need to search for in the 15×15 puzzle grid. Scripture hints are provided along with the clues in case you need help finding the answers to the trivia. An easy-to-read answer key is provided for each puzzle. Bible Trivia Word Searches Large Print is a fun way to deepen your knowledge of God’s Word!

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  • Tapestry : Threads Of Life Woven By The Master


    When you reflect on your life, does it seem like a series of random events or can you see a pattern emerge that points to the artistry of a Master Designer? When a leading cancer researcher and world-renowned oncologist is given a terminal cancer diagnosis, the doctor who is now a patient has an experiential conversation with the Lord.

    While reflecting on some of the major events of his life, Asher gains a perspective that gives him peace for what lies ahead. When he can see the intentional, exquisite craftsmanship of his past, he knows he can trust his future to the same Master Craftsman.

    Grab a tissue or two as you get a glimpse of a father who may soon leave this earth and the son he loves. Enjoy the customized illustrations that depict the occasion of each tapestry thread. Let Asher’s story bolster your faith that God is in control of all things, and that He weaves His love and grace into the fabric of our very being.

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  • Pop Up Bible Stories


    Introduce stories from the Bible with this amazing collection of pop-up rhymes.

    Turn the colorful pages to see the 3-D scenes pop to life as you join Jesus, Jonah, Noah, and other key figures on their exciting and important adventures.

    With each well-known story retold in simple but engaging rhymes, this innovative format is perfect for reading together to inspire little ones.


    *Well-known stories retold in simple but engaging rhymes make this innovative format perfect for reading together and for building a love of reading

    *Bright illustrations make it a joy for all readers

    *Sturdy board pages are durable and easy for tiny hands to hold

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  • Chosen Novels1-3 : I Have Called You By Name – Come And See – And I Will Gi


    The Chosen Novel Collection

    Based on the acclaimed video series The Chosen, the life of Jesus gets a fresh, new telling in this novel series from New York Times bestselling author Jerry B. Jenkins. This special edition boxed set contains the first three novels in the series.

    I Have Called You By Name
    What was it like to encounter Jesus face-to-face? Journey to Galilee in the first century. See the difference He made in the lives of those He called to follow Him and how they were forever transformed.

    Come and See
    As Jesus’ ministry grew, more people wanted to hear and be healed. All, by encountering Jesus, were forever changed. Follow along with Jesus’ disciples as they witness miraculous healings, confrontations with the religious establishment, growing concern among Roman officials over Jesus’ popularity, and, most of all, love personified.

    And I Will Give You Rest
    In this third installment, we see Jesus healing the sick, preaching, feeding the five thousand, and raising the dead. His enemies grow more determined to silence him. And his very human disciples struggle with their own questions and concerns, believing in but not yet understanding their Messiah.

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  • Grandma Loves You


    This gorgeously illustrated picture book describes the love shared between a grandmother and child. The beautiful images and scenes presented bring the message alive and help to reinforce a Grandma’s love.

    A fantastic book to read at bedtime, the padded board cover and thick board pages make this book particularly appealing to little ones.


    *Beautiful new illustrated storybook will melt every heart!
    *Adorable illustrations and detailed scenes bring the story to life.
    *Simple message is portrayed in a beautiful way.
    *The padded board cover and thick board pages are easy for little hands to hold.

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  • He Calls Me His Child


    You are a child of God.

    Christian counselor and author Marie Chapian takes you on a new adventure of self-discovery and spiritual empowerment in He Calls Me His Child. Its one hundred inspiring teaching meditations and over six hundred Christian affirmations are daily gifts to give to yourself. Read them again and again to:

    *embrace the power of speaking the truth aloud,
    *build your faith to new heights, and
    *live a transformed life as a child of God.

    Don’t doubt yourself or God any longer. Be strengthened with the power and assurance found in the promises of God.

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  • Power Of Gratitude


    Gratitude is a powerful weapon against toxic emotions like envy, resentment, and frustration. Being grateful also improves physical and relational health, helping individuals boost self-esteem and decrease self-pity. When people focus on the things they are grateful for, their satisfaction in life increases. Comparisons cease. Unnecessary pursuits pause.
    And they begin to notice things that truly matter. Life. Breath. Generosity. Beauty. Grace. This is where deep connection with God is found.

    As you read these devotions and Scriptures, be inspired to live with gratitude in your heart and praise on your lips. Meditate on things that produce life and peace. Evaluate each day in the light of God’s truth and stand in awe of a heavenly Father who gives abundantly more than you can ask or imagine. As you quiet yourself before him, experience the goodness of his presence and be refreshed with his life-giving joy.

    Choose to be thankful today and watch how it changes your perspective for the days ahead.

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  • Count Your Blessings And Stop Stressing


    Overcome stress and dwell in God’s abundant peace.

    Stress can be relentless, overwhelming our thoughts and emotions–but God has a better plan for his children. It’s possible to experience so much peace and joy that they overflow to those around you.

    In Count Your Blessings and Stop Stressing, Ray Comfort shares devotions that empower readers to replace anxiety, fear, and worry with assurance, gratitude, and strength. Steeped in Scripture and filled with wise counsel and encouragement, this book will:

    – soothe your heart with God’s promises,
    – lift you above daily stressors,
    – renew the power of your faith, and
    – comfort you with the depths of God’s great love.

    Rejoice in the knowledge that every blessing comes from God.

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  • Bloom And Grow


    Growth begins in the garden.

    In this fast-paced world, our souls wilt without a place to pause and take root. It becomes easy then to overlook the many reminders of God’s abundant life and transformation evident in creation.

    Inspired by her garden, Laurie V. Soileau shares how to find mindful rest and fruitful flourishing in the Creator’s faithful hands. Through 365 devotions entwined with Scripture, reflections, practical tips, and prayers, Bloom and Grow will help you:

    *find peace amid seasons of chaos and decay,
    *steward relationships with people and nature,
    *seek the steady presence of the Creator, and
    *thrive where and how God has planted you.

    Pull on your gardening gloves and discover the strength and renewal revealed in God’s breathtaking creation.

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  • It Is Finished

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $17.99.

    Across forty days of vivid storytelling, It Is Finished offers you a unique and vital roadmap to trace the power and necessity of the cross throughout the Bible, from the book of Genesis all the way to your present-day reality.

    Through forty slices of the story of Calvary, master storyteller and vivid Bible teacher Charles Martin, will walk you back to the cross to look up at it from a different angle each day and ask the Father to reveal to you:

    *What exactly did he mean when the dying Jesus said, It is finished-what was finished at the cross?

    *When did what Jesus finish at the cross even begin?

    *What does this man’s death 2,000 years ago have to do with me today?

    *What is God offering at the cross that I so easily forget and take for granted?

    *What do I not realize about myself that the Father God has never forgotten?

    Whether it is your first, tenth, or ten thousandth time looking up at the cross of Christ, you can trust New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin, to wrap an arm around your shoulder, come alongside and walk with you as a fellow pilgrim headed in the same direction and answering the same question: What will I do with this man, Jesus?

    Because before we can celebrate the resurrection, we need to backtrack to where Jesus has been, how He got there, and what His presence there accomplished. And while Satan can’t change what happened on that Friday, he has been working ever since to hide what happened there. To obscure the work of the Cross. To avert our eyes. But on this 40-day pilgrimage your eyes will open wide and your heart will race as you discover the answer to the question that can change your life, Lord, why me? Why would you endure the cross and despise the shame, for me?

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  • What I Promise You


    A Family’s History Is Lost to the Ravages of WWII in Southwest France


    Noemie Treves, a young, pregnant Jewish woman, had her entire world shattered when she is arrested and taken to the Camp de Rivesaltes transit camp in Southwest France. No sooner does she arrive, though, than she assists in helping two young girls scheduled for transport escape to a nearby maternity hospital. The matron there befriends her and changes her name to help hide her. But nothing goes according to plan, and Hannah finds herself doing the unimaginable to save one precious life.


    Caitlyn Laurant is haunted by recent events in her life and hopes becoming a nurse on the mission field will help her forget. While in training, she and her friends travel to France where her grandfather was born. What should have been an easy search for his birthplace turns into anything but and reveals secrets that no one alive has ever heard.

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  • Quilt Room Secret


    Trini Holds Secret Dreams for Her Future

    Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.

    As they took turns pushing each other on the swing that hung from a large tree, the mature–for a five-year-old–Jacob Lantz asked Trini Sutter to marry him. The nine-year-old thoughtfully responded that she’d consider his proposal when they were older.

    Nearly two decades later, the Amish farmer returns to the beautiful countryside of Arthur, Illinois, to take the independent owner of The Quilt Room up on her promise. Quiet, handsome Jacob is truly in love with the spirited list maker, and Trini finds herself falling in love with Jacob, but the youngest of eleven has big plans of her own.

    Jacob’s long-held aspirations are put to the test when he learns that Trini has been holding a secret. He prays for a turnaround of events; however, when Trini moves away from her tight-knit community, he begins to realize that his dream of them being Mr. and Mrs. most likely won’t happen.

    Will Trini forfeit her own well-laid plan for the man of her dreams?

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  • God Calls You Blessed Girl

    Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $10.39.

    In a culture that fills your head and heart with lies about your value in the world. . .there is One who calls you blessed.

    And He can be trusted. His Word is truth.

    This delightful devotional–created just for you–will encourage and inspire your young soul with deeply rooted truths from God’s Word. Each devotional reading and heartfelt prayer will assure you that you are truly blessed–because God says so. . .and His Word is unchanging! Each of the 180 readings in God Calls You Blessed, Girl will help you to grow in your faith and increase your self-confidence as you become the strong and courageous young woman the heavenly Creator intended you to be!

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  • Kids Hidden Trivia Bible Word Searches

    Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $5.59.

    Calling all 8-to-12-year-olds. . .you’ll love the double challenge of Kids’ Hidden Trivia Bible Word Searches!

    Here’s a fantastic collection of Bible puzzles with a bonus–“hidden trivia” questions made from the leftover letters!

    These 100 puzzles are based on the easy-reading New Life and Simplified King James Versions. They cover all of scripture–from Genesis to Revelation–including the:

    *things and

    of God’s Word. First, you’ll find the 13-18 search words in the puzzle grid. Then you’ll read the leftover letters for a related Bible trivia question. Kids’ Hidden Trivia Bible Word Searches is a great way to turn “down time” into something great!

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  • My Bible Study Tracker Leather Forest

    Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $6.39.

    You know that Bible study is vital to your spiritual well-being. . .

    . . .but you also know how life interferes with your time in God’s Word. My Bible Study Tracker is designed to focus your thoughts on a particular passage or topic, and gently walks you through important observations and applications of scripture.

    And My Bible Study Tracker always encourages you to keep at Bible study–even if you miss a day (or a week) along the way.

    God’s Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), and every minute spent in it will help your Christian life. My Bible Study Tracker is ready to guide you and cheer you on.

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  • 365 Bedtime Devotions For Pre Teen Girls

    Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $11.99.

    Just for the pre-teen girls in your life, these 365 perfect-for-bedtime devotional readings and prayers will encourage and inspire their young hearts.

    In just 3 easy steps–1) meditate on a brief, but powerful, scripture selection; 2) read through a relevant devotion; 3) start a conversation with God by reading a heartfelt prayer–girls will be encouraged and motivated to grow in their faith. Bedtime will become peaceful and comforting–the very best time of the day!–with these truth-filled devotions and prayers!

    After snuggling in with this delightful devotional, girls will be well on their way to a sweet, peaceful sleep every night of the year!

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  • 365 Bedtime Devotions For Pre Teen Boys

    Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $11.99.

    Just for the pre-teen boys in your life, these 365 perfect-for-bedtime devotional readings and prayers will encourage and inspire their young hearts.

    In just 3 easy steps–1) meditate on a brief, but powerful, scripture selection; 2) read through a relevant devotion; 3) start a conversation with God by reading a heartfelt prayer–boys will be encouraged and motivated to grow in their faith. Bedtime will become peaceful and comforting–the very best time of the day!–with these truth-filled devotions and prayers!

    After snuggling in with this delightful devotional, boys will be well on their way to a sweet, peaceful sleep every night of the year!

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  • Land Of My Sojourn


    In the years since leaving local church ministry, I’ve devoted an enormous amount of time and resources to examining the church’s often troubled witness, its ongoing crisis of leadership, and the epidemic of narcissism, abuse, and cover-up that has continued to emerge year after year. This book is about my journey both before and undergirding that work-the shattering of dreams and the grace that restored a broken faith in the aftermath. It’s a story about grace leading me home when I thought all was lost.

    Taken together, my encounters with Peter, Elijah, and Jesus connected to indelible images from my time in Israel and formed a new spiritual landscape in my mind, one with enough gravity to draw my feet back to solid ground. My hope is that as I tell this story you might find echoes of your own. I pray if you’re in the wilderness, you might find that though the territory is a mystery, you are far from alone. Most of all, I pray that you rediscover that Jesus is chasing you like a lover . . . right through heaven’s gates.

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  • What A Croc


    From best-selling author Bill Myers comes a hilarious, faith-filled, and action-packed adventure starring the Mulligan family.

    For some reason, things keep going wrong for the Mulligan kids. There was the incident with the bugs on the bus. Then came the mixed-up lunches. And now several animals have escaped from the park. What is going on?

    Could the curse that Madame Clare mentioned at her fortune-telling booth actually be true? What’s more, could it seriously hurt their animal park and family connection. Will Mike Mulligan fail in his bid to oust the corrupt Mayor?

    Neither Michael nor Traci Mulligan had intended upon a large family, let alone one of such diversity. But God had other plans. After their second child, Lisa, was born blind, they began to see their gift for reaching out, connecting, and laughing with special children with special needsa*all while raising their family among the many creatures living at the animal park that they operate.

    Are there trials? You bet. There’s no way to keep the boat from rocking with so many children from such diverse backgrounds and in such an incredible environment. But their faith in Christ, commitment to one another, and ability to laugh at themselves keep them digging in to make it work.

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  • Finding The Extra In Ordinary


    Break free from mediocrity and start living the vibrant life God has for you.

    Most people settle for an ordinary existence a predictable schedule, easily attainable goals, reasonable expectations. While there’s comfort in the ordinary, there’s also the risk of getting stuck in a life that lacks meaning, purpose, and joy. And God doesn’t want you to get stuck especially when He has so much more for you!

    Finding the Extra in Ordinary by Jeff Simmons explores the extraordinary stories of people from all walks of life who have managed to transform their ordinary lives into something truly remarkable. From everyday people to celebrities, entrepreneurs, and sports stars, Simmons captures the inspiring stories of those who have found the extra in ordinary.

    In this book, you will learn how to:

    *live out God’s plan for loving others
    *invest wisely in the things that really matter
    *choose joy and share that joy freely with the world
    *discover your passion and purpose in life
    *start living every day with motivation and meaning

    Stop playing it safe. Step out and surpass the ordinary and start living an extraordinary life for Christ.

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  • Peabody The Mini Horse

    Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $12.97.

    Get ready to meet Peabody! He’s the world’s smallest horse with a BIG message:

    We are all very special, and God never makes mistakes!

    Miniature horse trainer Faith San Severino wrote this delightful, fictional tale featuring a real-life miniature horse with dwarfism Peabody! He is a therapy animal who brings joy to millions of people.

    Peabody the Mini Horse was rescued by the author and trained as a therapy animal. Once Faith started sharing videos of Peabody on TikTok, this mini horse captured the hearts of millions including Kelly Clarkson who featured Peabody on the What I’m Liking segment of her television show.

    In this first picture book from the Peabody and Friends series, Peabody is told that he is too small to ever amount to anything. But with the help of new friends who also feel small, Peabody learns that he is just the way he is supposed to be, that God made him, and that God doesn’t make mistakes.

    In this book, you will find:

    *One caring nurse named Pippa who makes a home for Peabody
    *A handsome mini husky named Bubblegum (like Peabody, based on a real-life animal)
    *A delightful mini donkey with dwarfism named Fitzgerald (also based on a real-life animal)
    *And the one and only PEABODY!

    In addition, you’ll find the following features:

    *Beautiful full-color illustrations by Sebastien Braun
    *Adorable photos of the real-life animals in the back of the book

    Peabody, Bubblegum, and Fitzgerald come to discover that no matter how small or different they may feel, they can find friendship, belonging, and their forever home. So, grab this book and snuggle up with someone special. Then prepare to give your heart to Peabody and his friends.

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  • 1 Final Target

    Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $9.97.

    Two wounded heroes shattered by tragedy and paralyzed by guilt and must find their footing and work together to catch a killer.

    A warrant service in the San Bernardino Mountains goes horribly wrong when an IED blast kills four police officers. Devastated by the loss of her team, the lone survivor, Long Beach sergeant Jodie King, struggles with her guilt and grief, especially as the case remains open with no clear leads or suspects. Weeks after the explosion, Jodie retires from the police department and returns to the mountain bomb site seeking peace and resolution . . . only to find herself in the crosshairs once again.

    Sam Gresham just happens to be in the right place at the right time when shots are fired at Jodie. The newest detective for the county sheriff’s department, Sam is assigned to work the IED, his first case back after his own traumatic loss. While Sam sees an opportunity to help Jodie heal from her lingering scars, Jodie hopes fresh eyes will bring new insight to the investigation. Because after this latest shooting, one thing seems clear: Jodie has always been the intended target and the threat may be much closer to her than anyone wants to admit.

    Janice Cantore delivers another pulse-pounding contemporary romantic suspense novel about overcoming grief and learning to trust again.

    *Contemporary romantic suspense
    *Discussion questions for book clubs
    *Police drama

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  • Dysfunction Junction : A Novel

    Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $9.97.

    When three women receive an unexpected phone call that leaves them reeling, they have no other choice but to reckon with a lifetime of memories they’ve long tried to bury. Only in facing the past will they find their path forward.

    Frances Mae Livingston’s firm grip of her family’s destructive history makes her hold her husband and four children even closer. But she’s losing bits of herself while proving to everybody and her mama that she’s enough. There’s no way she’ll repeat her mama’s mistakes, even if it kills her.

    Annabelle McMillan didn’t have trouble kicking the Eastern North Carolina dust off her feet. The tough part was replanting herself in familiar soil. Now she’s blending her old life with her new husband, stepson, and unborn child. And battling old memories of abandonment and new fears of rejection.

    Dr. Charlotte Winters has built a career around helping others sort through their emotional baggage. She’s also spent a lifetime refusing to unpack her own. So what if Charlotte doesn’t recall all that her mama did to her and what her daddy didn’t do for her? Her only mission is to help others help themselves…until the women from her past and the man in her future undo her well-sewn life.

    At the junction of healed and hurting, broken and whole, and past and present, three women wrestle with their inability to forgive and forget in this riveting Southern family drama about sisterhood from award-winning author Robin W. Pearson.

    *Southern family saga
    *Discussion questions for book groups
    *For fans of Black authors like Patricia Raybon, Toni Shiloh, and Brit Bennett

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  • All My Secrets

    Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $10.97.

    Bestselling author Lynn Austin returns with a luminous work of historical fiction set amid the opulence of Gilded Age New York, where three generations of women in one family must reckon with the choices they have made and their hopes for the future.

    New York, 1898. The only thing more shocking than Arthur Stanhope III’s unexpected death is the revelation that his will bestows his company and most of the vast fortune that goes with it to the nearest male heir, leaving his mother, wife, and daughter nearly impoverished. His widow, Sylvia, quickly realizes she must set aside her grief to ensure their daughter, Adelaide, is launched into society as soon as the appropriate mourning period passes. If Sylvia can find a wealthy husband for Addy before anyone realizes they’re practically destitute, there will be little disruption to the lifestyle they’re accustomed to.

    Sylvia’s mother-in-law, Junietta, believes their life could use a little disruption. She has watched Sylvia play her role as a society wife, as Junietta once did, despite what it cost them both. Junietta vows to give her granddaughter the power to choose a path beyond what society expects.

    But for Addy to have that chance, both mother and grandmother must first confront painful truths about their own choices. Only in bringing their secrets to light can they hope to reshape their family inheritance into a legacy more fulfilling than they ever dared dream.

    *Stand alone Christian historical romance from Christy Award Hall of Fame author
    *Historical drama full of complex family dynamics
    *Perfect for fans of Eve’s Daughters and other family sagas
    *Includes discussion questions for book clubs

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  • Fannie Lou Hamer


    Read the true story of Fannie Lou Hamer, a Civil Rights activist who courageously stood up for the vulnerable and contended for the rights of unborn children.

    Living in Mississippi, “Mother Hamer” left school at six and was subjected to the racist “Jim Crow” laws. She and her friends marched for the right to vote and became known as “the Freedom Fighters.” Fannie was imprisoned and beaten but eventually was able to speak to the Houses of Congress in Washington, D.C. Having won the vote, Mother Hamer helped bring people out of poverty and stood up for the right of unborn children to be born and to be loved.

    This beautifully illustrated children’s biography of Fannie Lou Hamer (1917-1977) features engaging illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos. It is part of a series called Do Great Things For God, which is designed to show kids that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

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  • Supernatural Provision : Uncovering The Mystery Of God’s Blessing


    Is it possible today to live in God’s blessing? Yes, when we obey the Lord’s highest command: SEEK HIM FIRST. Learn how to seek God first from a heart of love and devotion.
    Then, when doing the work of the Kingdom, He will generate a supernatural flow of provision to distinguish you from the world. Veteran author Dr. Ed King concludes by issuing a charge to embrace the sacredness of God’s blessing as a reward to those who seek Him first.

    Through this book, you will learn how to:

    ” PURSUE God and His righteousness first.
    ” RECOGNIZE God can and will meet your needs.
    ” HARNESS supernatural forces that amplify your work.
    ” WELCOME God’s blessing into your life.
    ” REMEMBER the Lord at all times.

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  • Gods Big Promises Easter


    Using simple sentences and stunning illustrations from God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, this board book takes toddlers through the story of the first Easter, showing what happened and that King Jesus is alive again.

    The God’s Big Promises Easter Board Book features:

    – a robust board-book format.

    – stunning illustrations from the God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, which will engage young children.

    – simple sentences that communicate truths in a way toddlers can understand.

    – content that provides a basic understanding of the events of the first Easter for children aged 1-3.

    This foundational book makes a perfect gift for toddlers.

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  • Upheld : Meeting Our Trustworthy God Through Isaiah A 6-Week Bible Study


    Over and over again, Scripture reminds us of God’s faithfulness and mercy. God’s stunning promises to his followers in Isaiah 40-48-I am with you, I will strengthen and help you, I will uphold you-offered reassurance and comfort during difficult days.

    We are also desperate for God’s comfort and help today. Life is filled with challenges and heartache, and we long for forgiveness, restoration, and relief from all that weighs us down. The good news is that God’s promises spoken through the prophet Isaiah are also true for us today. Join Bible teacher Kori de Leon as she guides us through a six-week Bible study experience, pointing us to the wonders of our remarkable God and leading us to sing with Isaiah, Who is like the Lord? There is no God like him!

    When you purchase this Bible study guide, you’ll get access to videos and discussion questions to use with your group.

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  • Non Anxious Life


    Do you, like so many of us, see anxiety as an incentive to perform? Or a proof of how much you care? Or is anxiety simply an unwelcome shadow over your days, bringing with it clenched teeth and an upset stomach?

    Anxiety leads us to succumb to fear and fight peace. Anxious living is a distortion of good motives, blocking the clarity of stillness and rest.

    Alan Fadling has also felt mastered by worry, but he brings counsel on how to learn a better way and who to look to for it: Jesus, “the ultimate non-anxious presence.” He constructs a posture from which we can rest more deeply, live more fully, and lead better. Fixing our minds on grace and eternity, we can begin to see the benefit of loosening our grip and operating from a sure foundation. Join Alan in releasing anxiety and taking up authentic love in A Non-Anxious Life.

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  • Digital Disciple : Carlo Acutis And The Eucharist


    A comic book based on the life of Bl. Carlo Acutis!

    Meet Carlo, an Italian fifteen-year-old computer geek who loved superheroes and video games, but most of all, the Holy Eucharist. This action packed comic book highlights the final years of Blessed Carlo Acutis’ life and how he became a digital disciple, creating a dynamic website and stunning display that taught others about the many remarkable Eucharistic miracles around the world. Readers will be captivated by Carlo, a likable teenage boy who continues to inspire the world by his simple life and extraordinary example of holiness.

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  • Armor Of God Activity Book Ages 8-10


    Coloring and activity book for kids ages 8-10 featuring 16 reproducible pages of Bible-themed activities for home or classroom use.

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  • Moments With God For Teen Girls


    The Moments with God for Teen Girls Pink Floral Devotional will help teenage girls grow closer to God and look to God’s Word for the answers to life.

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  • Up From Dust


    Martha of Bethany is no stranger to adversity. After her mother’s untimely death, Martha shoulders the responsibility of raising her siblings–quiet and studious Lazarus, and wild and rambunctious Mary. She finds solace in friendship and the beginnings of first love, but just as Martha begins to imagine a new future, hardship strikes again and her dreams crumble into dust.

    Ten years later, Martha’s friend pleads for the new teacher, Jesus of Nazareth, to come and heal her husband. When Martha discovers that the carpenter-rabbi is connected to her past, she’s not sure she can trust him with her future. But as he continues to perform miracles, the invitation to believe becomes harder to resist, renewing Martha’s hardened heart, even as she faces an unknown future.

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  • New Marriage Same Couple Workbook (Workbook)


    For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health. We say those words and mean them. Until we don’t. This is a workbook about creating a different, better, new kind of marriage with the exact same person-no matter how dire the circumstances-with vision, commitment, and hope in the Lord.

    Remember those early days of love? When your heart felt all fluttery, and you saw your person through rose-colored glasses? They could do no wrong. You were going to have the most beautiful life with big adventures and lots of sex. Of course, everyone says marriage is work, you knew that. But that was okay; you could get through anything together. It was going to be great.Until it wasn’t.

    Something happened. Or maybe nothing happened. Maybe it was one big something, or a lot of little somethings over many years that landed you in a marriage you hardly recognize. For Josh and Katie Walters, it was a big something: infidelity. Now they counsel couples who find themselves exactly where they were: lost, hopeless, and unsure of how to fix their marriage.

    This accompanying workbook to New Marriage, Same Couple lays out the principles Josh and Katie learned in that season when God healed and restored their marriage. This process is broken into four parts and is an acronym for the word STAY:

    *S-start with you. (Discovering that when one person changes, the entire relationship changes.)

    *T-take quitting off the table. (Bringing your whole self to the solution and not checking out mentally and emotionally.)

    *A-allow others to be a part of your journey. (Trusting the right people, in the right ways, at the right time.)

    *Y-yield to vision. (Looking past what is and imagining what could be.)

    New Marriage, Same Couple Workbook will help establish hope in a couple’s marriage. And it will show them how to create a brand-new marriage, whether they’ve been married for a short time, or for decades.

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  • Practicing The Way


    The author of the international bestseller The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry calls us to rediscover the path that leads to a deeper life with God.

    We are constantly being formed by the world around us. To be formed by Jesus will require us to become his apprentice.

    To live by what the first Christian disciples called a Rule of Life–a set of practices and relational rhythms that slow us down and open up space in our daily lives for God to do what only God can do–transforms the deepest parts of us to become like him.

    This introduction to spiritual formation is full of John Mark Comer’s trademark mix of theological substance and cultural insight as well as practical wisdom on developing your own Rule of Life.

    These ancient practices have much to offer us. By learning to rearrange our days, we can follow the Way of Jesus. We can be with him. Become like him. And do as he did.

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  • I Am The Prodigal I Am The Eldest


    The parable of the prodigal son is one of the most favored stories in the Bible, and it’s one that many can relate to.

    When Jesus shared the story, He was speaking to the Pharisees and Sadducees, leaders in the synagogues who lived strict lives in obedience to the laws of the Torah. They harshly judged others who failed to meet their strict standards and showed little grace and mercy.

    By taking a closer look at the culture and traditions of the Israelites in Jesus’s day, we can dig more deeply into the meaning of this story-and yes, the story of the prodigal son is about so much more than a wayward son coming home.

    In the novel, we meet Aziel, an adventurous young man whose desire to experience life at its fullest pulls him away from the security of his family and community. This beautiful rendition of the famous parable reveals just how much our heavenly Father and His Son love us.

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  • She Is Blessed Guided Journal


    The She is Blessed Navy Floral Guided Journal is filled with prompts and devotional thoughts to encourage women to reflect with gratitude on God’s grace and blessings. When times are tough, it’s helpful to take time out to count your blessings. Sometimes, it’s easy to see how God has been at work in your life; other times, it takes some reflection. This guided journal will help you to reflect on the blessings you’ve received from God’s hand, express gratitude for His daily grace, and allow you to journal your hopes and dreams.

    The covers of the deep navy blue softcover journal are decorated with bouquets of pink flowers with green leaves and gold-foiled flower outlines that are placed in opposing corners. The title is presented in large white and pink letters, while the subtitles are foiled in gold.

    Blessed is She Guided Journal Meditating on the treasure of God’s blessings and grace.

    The 128 full-color interior pages are decorated with serene green landscapes and foliage and accented with vibrant pink flowers. There are 21 of these pages dedicated to beautifully stylized Scripture verses.

    Each of the 100 topics covered in this prompted journal features a devotional thought by Nancy Taylor, a journaling prompt, a lined space for recording personal reflections, and a relevant Scripture verse. You will be prompted to look back at your past to help you recognize blessings, ponder present situations to open your eyes to the blessings hidden in plain sight and look into the future to set goals and live with gratitude for every new day.

    Author Nancy Taylor has spent the past 19 years raising her five children while maintaining an active freelance writing and editing schedule. Born and raised in Wheaton, Illinois, she is a graduate of Wheaton College with a degree in English and Christian Education. When she isn’t writing or driving the kids to music lessons and activities, she enjoys traveling (especially with her husband, Jeremy), playing board games, and creating jewelry.

    Start counting your blessings today with the Blessed Navy Floral Guided Journal. It makes a beautiful birthday gift for a friend or a Christmas gift for a mother.

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  • Nothing Is Impossible For God Journal With Scripture


    The Nothing is Impossible Red Tractor Wirebound Journal blends nostalgia and faith to create a gift for a father or grandfather. The durable and practical wirebound journal is perfect for daily reflections, and its design and sentiment will honor your loved one’s heritage and faith journey.

    A vintage red tractor is parked in front of a white-washed barn on the front cover of the wire-bound journal. A faded rusty-red sign is painted on the barn and doubles as the journal’s sentiment, while the Scripture reference is painted in red on the tractor’s hood.

    Nothing is impossible for God

    The back cover zooms in on the rusty red sign and presents the Scripture references in faded white letters.
    Luke 1:37

    The interior pages and journal covers are bound together by silver metal wire binding. There are 192 pages, all lined, each featuring a Scripture verse at the bottom. In addition to these pages, a presentation page is included at the front of the journal. This page can be personalized and inscribed with a meaningful message to celebrate a memorable occasion.

    The Nothing is Impossible Red Tractor Wirebound Journal is part of the Nothing is Impossible Red Farm Collection, which includes a wirebound journal, metal keychain, and medium gift bag.

    Give your father or grandfather the Nothing is Impossible Red Tractor Wireound Journal as a birthday or Father’s Day gift to honor and celebrate his rich family and spiritual heritage, connecting the past’s cherished values with his enduring faith in the present.

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  • Mini Devotions Meaningful Moments With God


    Take time to reflect on God’s goodness when you read the devotions in the Meaningful Moments with God Mini Devotional and experience the blessing of time spent in His presence.

    The teal cover of the mini devotional is decorated with luscious red and orange flowers. The title is presented in the middle of the front cover in white lettering.

    Meaningful Moments with God

    The interior of the book is printed in a dusty teal font. A presentation page at the front can be personalized when the mini devotional is given as a gift. This page features teal floral corner designs that are repeated on the interior pages.

    With 180 short and insightful devotions that invite you to grab a cup and settle in to spend some quiet time with God, this little devotional will become your go-to morning devo. Topics include God’s love for you, His endless grace, and much more.

    The Meaningful Moments with God Mini Devotional is small enough to fit in a handbag or backpack and makes an excellent stocking stuffer for Christmas. Give the Meaningful Moments with God Mini Devotional to the women in your small group or Bible study as an economical Christmas gift.

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  • Strength And Courage Journal With Zipper Closure


    Teach your son self-care skills from an early age by introducing him to journaling with the Lionface Strength and Courage Brown Faux Leather Classic Journal. Journaling is a powerful tool for communicating, problem-solving, enhancing creativity, and fostering self-reflection. In this journal, your son can use its pages, adorned with inspirational Scripture verses, to reflect on the lessons he’s learned.

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  • Easter Week Activity Book Ages 8-10


    Easter-themed coloring book for kids ages 8-10 featuring 16 reproducible pages of activities for home or classroom use.

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  • Mom Journal With Scripture


    To express your gratitude for your mother’s countless hours of prayer and care throughout your life, consider giving her the Thank You Mom Pink and White Daisy Wirebound Journal as a Mother’s Day gift this year.

    A white daisy with colorful leafy stalks grows from a white container on the front of the wirebound journal. The container is inscribed with a message that forms an integral part of the overall sentiment of the journal.

    Thank you, Mom

    The back of the journal features a hedge of leafy stalks that underscores the Scripture verse that is printed in black letters.

    Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

    A lovely rose gold metal wire binding secures this journal’s charming covers and its 192 creamy white lined pages. These hardcovers, bound together with wire, ensure easy page flipping and provide a sturdy writing surface. Each interior page features a scripture verse at the bottom, perfect for meditation. In addition, a presentation page at the front of the journal allows for a heartfelt inscription to honor your mom.

    The Thank You Mom Pink and White Daisy Wirebound Journal is part of the Love You Mom Daisy Collection, designed to honor mothers for their hard work. This collection also includes a stainless steel travel tumbler with a reusable straw, a ceramic coffee mug, a wirebound journal, a metal keychain, a magnetic notepad and pen set, and a gift bag.

    Give the Thank You Mom Pink and White Daisy Wirebound Journal as a Mother’s Day gift, and encourage your mom to prioritize self-care. She can record her feelings, set goals, and note answered prayers within its pages. The Thank You Mom Pink and White Daisy Wirebound Journal is more than just a journal; it’s the emotional outlet every mother needs.

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  • Easter Ideals 2024


    Find hope in the pages of this family-favorite, time-honored Easter tradition.

    Loyal readers are drawn to Ideals for its celebration of life’s most treasured moments. This year’s compilation of prose and poetry continues Ideals’ legacy of providing inspiration and comfort for readers. The Easter issue, always a reminder of the true heart of Easter, includes heartwarming text selected with care, alongside beautiful, full-color photographs and fine art reproductions. Beloved writer Pamela Kennedy shares holiday memories and family traditions; poet Eileen Spinelli taps into the charm of the season; and the original Easter story is told through Bible passages accompanied by fine art. The Family Recipes feature, a reader favorite, offers Easter-appropriate recipes to prepare and share.

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  • ESV Bible Promises


    Hundreds of God’s Promises Organized and Made Accessible

    In moments of confusion or doubt, humans look beyond themselves for answers. Thankfully God offers us countless assuring promises, and it’s our joy to encounter them throughout Scripture. In this convenient resource, 700 of God’s most beloved promises are thematically organized into one easily accessible volume Christians will cherish for years to come.

    Each carefully selected passage is arranged into 150 centralized topics, including anxiety, faith, family, heaven, renewal, thanksgiving, work, and more. Readers can use this tool to supplement their daily Bible readings, utilize the alphabetical table of contents to find verses on a particular topic, or simply flip through passages for encouragement. ESV Bible Promises will bless believers in all stages of life and faith as they meditate on the assurance of God’s unfailing promises.

    *700 Carefully Selected Passages: Each verse helps believers strengthen their faith and rely on God’s unfailing promises

    *Organized Thematically: Features 150 centralized themes including anxiety, faith, family, heaven, renewal, thanksgiving, work, and more

    *Accessible: Alphabetical table of contents, ribbon marker, and easy-to-read layout help readers access Scripture effectively

    *Useful Tool for All: Great for both men and women in all stages of life

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  • How To Memorize Scripture For Life


    A Simple, Proven Method for Memorizing Long Passages of Scripture

    When God’s word abides in believers, it overflows with blessings for everyday life. Many Christians have individual Scripture verses “stored up” in their hearts, but there can be even greater spiritual benefit to memorizing long passages-even entire books-of the Bible. Unfortunately, this is often dismissed as impossible or too time consuming.

    Andrew M. Davis helps readers commit to extended Scripture memorization so they may grow in holiness, resist temptation, and share the gospel with others. In this brief guide, he offers an accessible, time-tested pattern for studying Scripture that includes simple daily procedures and tips for long-term retention. By building up a storehouse of biblical truth in their hearts, readers will strengthen their prayer life and intimacy with Christ as they prepare to share God’s truth with others.

    *Has Helped Thousands Memorize Books of the Bible: Proven, daily plan for extended Scripture memorization and retention

    *Encouraging: Offers a strong, biblical defense for memorizing Scripture and empowers believers to develop this important spiritual discipline

    *Applicable: Helpful for growth in godliness, evangelism, conviction of sin, and powerful daily prayer

    *Previously published as An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture

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  • Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart Journal With Zipper Closure


    Each time you pick up the Trust With All Your Heart Pink Faux Leather Classic Journal with Zipper Closure, you will be reminded that a life of trusting in the LORD is filled with abundant blessings. As you document your prayers, reflections, aspirations, and worries within this elegant journal, you’ll create a personal testament to the ways God has blessed and guided you. Looking back through its pages, you’ll witness the unique journey of faith and grace that has brought you closer to Him.

    The front cover of the pink faux leather journal showcases a heat-debossed frame that wraps around a fun garden filled with heat-debossed flowers, further enhanced with white screen printing. The heat-debossed sentiment is displayed in the middle of the design.

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart
    Proverbs 3:5

    The entire verse is heat-debossed on the back cover and flanked by a heat-debossed horizontal floral swag.

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.
    Proverbs 3:5-6

    The flexcover journal features a zipper closure with a metal zipper pull to keep the inside of your journal protected. There are 366 lined pages, each graced with a Bible verse at the bottom. The journal also includes a presentation page, perfect for gifting, and a satin ribbon marker to access your most recent entry easily.

    This charming journal is perfect for any woman you’re looking to celebrate but will be especially encouraging for your college-age daughter. Tuck the Trust With All Your Heart Pink Faux Leather Classic Journal with Zipper Closure in her bag before she leaves to remind her to look to God for wisdom.

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  • Stay Strong Secret Diary


    Give your kids an emotional outlet and teach them to plan and journal in the Stay Strong Secret Diary. Journaling can feel daunting when emotions are messy and thoughts are all over the place. This uncertainty might make your child feel uneasy about putting pen to paper. Reassure your children that their thoughts are safe when they lock their diary with the included lock and use the secret code alphabet to encode their musings.

    The navy blue hardcovers of the secret diary are covered in colorful stickers with positive sentiments and uplifting Scripture verses. The stickers are embossed to create an interesting tactile element in the design. Bright red foil adds an eye-catching glare to the design.

    A silver lock is attached to the covers of the diary, and it is furnished with a lock and 2 keys that can be opened easily without assistance-perfect for children 5 years old and older. A ribbon marker will help them keep track of their progress.

    The diary comes with 160 one-color pages filled with prompts to guide your children through the journaling and planning process. The front of the secret diary has a secret code alphabet that kids can use to encode a message when the book is given as a gift. The content is organized by wee. Each section has a dotted grid page for doodles and lists, a prayer list for the week, gals for the week, a dotted grid page to list what they are grateful for, and 5 lined pages for journaling. The diary cycles through 10 Scripture verses at the bottom of the lined pages that can be used for Scripture memory verses.

    The Stay Strong Secret Diary will give your children somewhere to capture their thoughts. Boys and girls alike can have fun to discover what they believe.

    The Stay Strong Secret Diary is part of the Stay Strong Kid Collection. This collection also includes a matching stainless steel water bottle and a gift bag.

    Give the Stay Strong Secret Diary as a birthday or back-to-school gift to kickstart the year with a sense of fun and creativity.

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  • Rock Solid Devotional


    God’s truth is rock solid!

    In a world that says truth is ever-changing, what are kids supposed to believe? This devotional reminds kids that they can always trust God’s Word to be true.

    Through these one hundred short devotions, kids will be challenged as they discover that God’s truth never changes, understand that everyone needs Jesus, and learn to speak the truth in love. Adventure awaits each day as kids explore games, activities, and prayer prompts that encourage readers to believe that what the Bible says is true.

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  • Divine Proverb Of Streusel


    Shaken by her parents’ divorce and discouraged by the growing chasm between herself and her serious boyfriend, Nikki Werner seeks solace at her uncle’s farm in a small Missouri hamlet. She’ll spend the summer there, picking up the pieces of her shattered present so she can plan a better future. But what awaits her at the ancestral farm is the past–one she barely knows.

    Among her late grandmother’s belongings, Nikki finds an old notebook filled with handwritten German recipes and wise sayings pulled from the book of Proverbs. With each recipe she makes, she invites locals to the family table to hear their stories about the town’s history, her ancestors, and her estranged father.

    What started as a cathartic way to connect to her heritage soon becomes the means through which she learns how the women before her endured–with the help of their cooking prowess and a healthy dollop of faith.

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  • Storytime With Jesus Coloring Book Ages 2-4


    Coloring book for kids ages 2-4 featuring 16 reproducible pages for home or classroom use.

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