
Showing 451–500 of 6293 results

  • Taking The 5 Leaps


    When is the last time God called you to do something that felt terrifying?

    When God nudges us into the unknown, it can be thrilling and exciting but also overwhelming and risky. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a corporate leader looking to follow God’s calling, or retiree who knows you have more to give to the world, this book was written for you.

    Wife, mother, Bible teacher, and entrepreneur Rachel G. Scott loves to help men and women navigate their God-given callings. In Taking the 5 Leaps, Rachel equips readers to go from delay to action. What kind of leap are you being invited to make? And how can you prepare, plan, and execute that leap? This book outlines five types of leaps you can take using illustrations from the Bible and personal stories.

    Taking a risk of any kind is often accompanied with feelings of fear, uncertainty, and hesitancy. It requires courage and wisdom. In the Bible, we meet several leapers who learned to make obedience to God a non-negotiable. Rachel introduces us to biblical characters who have paved the way to lead us into a greater understanding of God’s heart and intentions for modern-day leapers. This is your invitation to take the leap and partner with God in living a leaping lifestyle!

    I would love to be your leap mentor for a few days, weeks, or months. We will go at your pace. I want to cheer you on as you learn from my mistakes and successes about how to leap into God’s destiny for you. Taking leaps always includes risks and tons of unknowns, but I want you to remember that the risk is worth Heaven’s reward. – Rachel G. Scott

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  • Breakthrough : 5 Essential Strategies For Freedom, Healing, And Wholeness


    Many of us read our Bibles and pray, but we can still feel fragile, tired, and defeated. This is the book we’ve longed for.We need a breakthrough. We need healing. From our pasts. And from our present battles. But sometimes we feel stuck or despairing-as if nothing is ever going to change. Dr. Marcus Warner shows us the pathway to healing and maturity.Breakthrough! goes beyond the usual one-size-fits-all answers. Written from a Christian perspective, this book takes the Bible and brain science-with the Holy Spirit-and provides an integrative approach to building emotional resilience that changes lives.As you explore five strategies-Be aware of your body, unleash your beliefs, increase your belonging, listen to the Spirit, and defeat demons (BUILD)-you will discover a breakthrough. Our memories and hearts can heal. We can mature and grow in Christ. Whether you’re at your end or simply in need of some spiritual vivacity, this book will not disappoint.Breakthrough! is an excellent resource for Christian counselors, providing essential tools and helpful exercises. It is also for the brokenhearted and those ministering to the weary and brokenhearted. Discover and develop a hope-filled pathway to Christian maturity.

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  • She Believed He Could So She Did


    Our culture has been lying to women. The world defines female empowerment as believing in yourself or looking within to find the power to succeed. But what happens when women grow weary from trying to do it all? Jesus offers a better way.

    Becky Beresford used to believe and even promoted some of society’s lies to women. But in God’s kindness, Becky came to the end of herself and embraced healing truth found in the Bible.

    Tired and frustrated with self-dependence, Becky wants to be God-dependent. In She Believed HE Could So She Did, Becky invites you to join her as she dismantles commonly held misconceptions and lies so we can live in real freedom and godly confidence.

    This is a brave journey toward freedom as we learn to experience Christ-centered empowerment-not by believing in ourselves . . . but by trusting in our faithful God. Becky devotes chapters to the most common messages promoted by our culture and gives readers dependable biblical truths grounded in the gospel:

    *Believe in Your God vs. Believe in Yourself
    *Speak THE truth vs. Speak Your Truth
    *Follow Your King vs. Follow Your Heart
    *You Be His vs. You Be You
    *The Future is Found Together vs. The Future is Female
    *And so much more!

    Together we will discover how to rely on the Holy Spirit in order to battle cultural lies, put the enemy in his place, and live boldly for Jesus. We will be lifted of the burden to find strength in ourselves and reassured of the hope, joy, and power that comes from living in Christ. We don’t have to be the savior of our own stories.

    Contrary to what you’ve been told, true female empowerment doesn’t start with a woman. It starts with a man, and His name is Jesus Christ. –Becky Beresford

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  • Never Shaken : Finding Your Footing When The World Is Sliding Away


    Finding a firm foundation in a shaken and fractured world.

    Do you feel tossed about or a little disoriented? The foundations of predictable society are shifting. In this ambiguous cultural forecast, we’re wondering what’s right, what matters most, and how we should respond.

    How do we build a meaningful life and legacy when our lives feel fragile–when our future seems discouragingly uncertain? With a pastoral heart Daniel Henderson looks to Psalm 15 when David–late in his years–was also trying to make sense of the strangest of times. David felt the unexpected loss of family, dignity, and destiny. Some of his pain was the result of seeds he’d sown earlier in his life. Yet, as he penned Psalm 15, he was led to the solid ground of intimacy with God and integrity in his own life. He was left with the promise from God that He would always be secure – never moved.

    The burdens under which David was laboring are staggeringly similar to our own. In Never Shaken, Henderson shows us how to build our lives on the gospel of Jesus Christ. He reveals how true worship and the presence of God is found in Christ’s life in and through us.

    This book is an invaluable resource for all who desire to live with the hope and courage of Jesus Christ no matter what befalls us.

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  • Kids Big Questions About Heaven The Bible And Other Really Important Stuff


    What is heaven like? Is it going to be fun?
    Does God answer our prayers?
    How do I make God smile?
    Were there really spies in the Bible?

    Kids have lots of questions. But adults don’t always have the answers, especially about the BIG things. Sandy Silverthorne is here to help! In this book, he tackles 101 questions–including some you never thought to ask–offering honest, biblical answers. His quirky cartoons and activities make finding the answers fun. And the information he provides helps kids explore their faith, consider God’s plans for their lives, and understand just how much God loves and cares for them.

    Perfect for kids ages 6-8, this thoughtful and entertaining book is great for sparking conversation over breakfast, reading before bed, and all those in-between times when kids are coming up with more questions to ask!

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  • Just For The Summer


    Ginny Masters manages a popular boutique hotel in Seattle and manages it with aplomb. But the daily challenges and irritations of a fast-paced job and a demanding boss are starting to get to her. Jacqueline Potter manages her grandfather’s fishing lodge in Idaho because it was the only job she could find after graduating with her hospitality degree. She’s grateful for the work but longs for a more sophisticated and cosmopolitan life she’s just not going to find in this backwoods town.

    The solution to both their problems seems obvious. Just for the summer, they’ll swap jobs and lifestyles. But they never anticipated swapping love interests . . .

    In this fabulous new twist on an age-old fable, award-winning and bestselling author Melody Carlson introduces you to two career-focused women who are about to discover that there’s more to finding happiness than just switching up the scenery.

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  • Lady With The Dark Hair


    Esther Markstrom and her artist mother have always been proud of their ancestor, painter Francisco Vella. They even run a small museum and gallery dedicated to raising awareness of his scandalously underappreciated work. But when Esther reconnects with her former art history professor, she finds her once-solid family history on shaky ground as questions arise about Vella’s greatest work–a portrait entitled The Lady with the Dark Hair.

    In 1879, Catalan orphan-turned-fugitive Viviana Torrens has found sanctuary serving in the home of an aging artist in Southern France. It is in his studio that she meets Francisco Vella, a Gibraltarian merchant who sells artists’ pigments. When her past catches up to her, she is compelled to pose as Vella’s sister and join him on his travels or be deported back to Spain to stand trial. Along the way she will discover that the many parts she has been playing in order to hide her identity have far-reaching implications she never could have foreseen.

    This dual-timeline story from award-winning author Erin Bartels takes readers from the sleepy Midwest to the sultry Mediterranean on a relentless search for truth, identity, and the freedom to follow one’s dreams.

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  • Leveling Up : 12 Questions To Elevate Your Personal And Professional Develo

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.99.

    Experience explosive growth and success in your career and personal life by taking ownership of your personal development and understanding you don’t need to know all the answers–but you do need to ask the right questions.

    Whether you’re a leader of ten, a hundred, or many more, there’s no one more important to lead than yourself. If you’re not leading yourself, why would anyone else want to follow you? Ryan Leak speaks to thousands of leaders every year, and he has learned that the most successful people have taken ownership of their own development–and in order to realize your potential, you need to fully understand yourself.

    Being a great leader is not about having all the answers but asking the right questions–and that starts with careful introspection and inviting others to tell you what they see in you. Leveling Up helps you focus on the person you’re becoming and think about the goals you want to accomplish. Some of the twelve strategic questions in this book include:

    *What is it like to be around me? (The Self-Awareness Question)
    *What credit can I give away? (The Team Player Question)
    *Who knows who I really am? (The Transparency Question)
    *What’s my definition of success? (The Vision Question)
    *Do I have to do it all? (The Rest Question)
    *Am I enjoying it? (The Fun Question)

    Leadership theory and business practices are important to study, but nothing is better than discovering the answers that will reveal who you are at your core, where you want to go in your career and life in general, and how you can influence and impact those around you

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  • Unlimited Motherhood : Overcome 12 Limits That Overwhelm And Conflict Our H


    Forces OUTSIDE You Can’t Stop the God WITHIN You

    It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and limited by the demands on your life as a mom. Your heart’s cry is for God to use you, but at the end of the day, you don’t have much left to give.

    But what if the limits on your life could be overcome through the power of the Holy Spirit?

    With humor, vulnerability, and stories of her own limited life as a mom of five–two of whom struggle with severe autism–pastor and podcaster Jessica Hurlbut ignites hope in the hearts of overwhelmed moms to believe that God has more. Revealing 12 limits that hinder mothers–very real things like exhaustion, distractions, and disillusionment–Jessica empowers you to respond in obedience rather than react in emotions. From there she will teach you how to recognize and follow the Holy Spirit’s lead so you can experience the abundant life Jesus promised rather than the just-getting-by life we tend to settle for.

    No matter your circumstances, God sees you, knows you, and has more for your life–even amid the crazy season of motherhood.

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  • Noble Scheme


    Gemma Parks is known throughout high society as G. M. Parker, a columnist renowned for her commentary on the cream of society. Behind the scenes, she uses her talent to aid the Imposters in their investigations by gathering intel at events and providing alibis for the elite firm’s members through her columns. Yet her clandestine work would be more exhilarating if it weren’t for the constant presence of the gentleman who broke her heart.

    Graham Wharton has never had eyes for anyone but Gemma, and she left his soul in tatters when she walked away from him. When the Imposters take on a new job to recover a kidnapped boy mistaken for his aristocratic cousin, Graham is determined to use the time with Gemma not only to restore the missing boy, but also to win back the only woman he’s ever loved. As they trace the clues laid out before them, Graham must devise a noble scheme to save the boy’s life and heal their hearts.Christy Award-winning author Roseanna M. White whisks you away to Edwardian-era England in an exhilarating tale of glamor, intrigue, and romance set among high society’s most elite–and most dangerous–families.

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  • Prayers For A Widows Journey


    “I don’t want a future, Lord. I want my past. But ahead lie Your plans. Ahead lies life.”

    Life after a husband’s death is full of grief, uncertainty, and loneliness. Who can possibly understand the heavy ache of this new life that must be lived alone? Only someone who has lived this experience too.

    In Prayers for a Widow’s Journey, a collection of more than 100 reflective prayers, author Gayle Roper talks to the Lord about what it feels like to be caught in the unsought solitude of widowhood. Each prayer is accompanied by a verse from Scripture that grounds the prayer not in self-pity, but in an awareness of the boundless care of the God of all comfort. Rather than explaining grief away, Gayle acknowledges the pain and invites you to trust God even in these darkest of days.

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  • God Who Hears


    Praying for God’s Power in Your Times of Need

    Life’s storms serve as sharp reminders of our profound need for God’s strength. But how do we pray when the trials we face bring us to our knees? And how do we cry out to God when we don’t know how to put our heart’s trouble into words?

    From author and pastor James Merritt, The God Who Hears is a 40-day journey designed to help you seek the Lord in every circumstance. Guiding you through the apostle Paul’s prayers from prison, Dr. Merritt illuminates how these petitions and praises provide a model for communicating with God today, enabling you to draw nearer to him as you trust his perfect ability to meet your every need.

    No matter the challenges you face, The God Who Hears is an inspiring reminder of the power and privilege the Lord has given us through prayer. Rooted in Scripture, this encouraging devotional provides insightful teaching and practical takeaways, equipping you to pray through hardship with clarity and confidence.

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  • World Wonder


    Young readers will join Cora, a girl with big dreams and even bigger aspirations, on a journey to discover what makes life truly meaningful.

    Ever since she was a little girl, Cora has dreamed of designing truly fantastical things, awe-inspiring structures that everyone recognizes as world wonders…and that’s exactly what she does!

    As Cora ages and her accomplishments and acclaim grow, she returns to her hometown to fulfill her childhood dream–to transform the house on top of the hill into a true world wonder. In the process, Cora learns that living a meaningful life isn’t all about amazing achievements or always making bigger and better things, but about building community, giving generously of your time and talents, and loving others along the way.

    Vividly illustrated and imaginative, A World Wonder helps parents and educatorsencourage children to dream big but also to value wonder and beauty in the ordinary. Most important, young readers will learn that in a world of limitless possibility, it’s the bonds we form and the people we love that bring real meaning and satisfaction in life.

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  • Build : God Loves You And Created You To Build In Your Own Brilliant Way


    This sweet story celebrates the specialness of boys and encourages children to become who God created them to be.

    “Day after day, amazing ideas flashed into his mind. They zipped and zapped from his head to his hands as he built his newest creation. Yes, Brady boy loved to build.”

    We are each a masterpiece designed by God to reflect His image in our own one-of-a-kind, never-ever-to-be-duplicated way. Help your children celebrate their specialness as you share this charming tale about a boy who discovers the truth of who God made him to be, with a little help from his animal friends–some of nature’s master builders.

    Featuring original writing and watercolors from popular author and artist Emily Lex, Build will become a family reading time favorite and spark important conversations with your children about their unique place in God’s creation.

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  • Jesus Everywhere : 60 Days Of Encountering God In Unexpected Places


    Notice God in Every Detail of Your Day

    It’s easy to get stuck seeing life as a series of endless patterns that leave you feeling bored and burned out. Yet for followers of God, there’s no such thing as ordinary–we’re invited to experience Jesus at every unsuspected turn.

    In Jesus Everywhere, author Kariss Farris shares bite-size devotions birthed from her everyday experiences as a wife, mother, and business owner. Jam-packed with reflection questions, encouraging prayers, and scriptural insights, this book will inspire you to take inventory of each day and boldly act on the wisdom you’ve gained as a servant and daughter of the God Most High. Meanwhile, you’ll journey with Kariss to notice each of life’s moments–whether routine or extraordinary–and uncover all that is vibrant, beautiful, and given to you by God.

    No matter your season of life or faith, this uplifting devotional will help rejuvenate your walk with Christ. Answer this call to break away from the mundane and emerge engaged in God’s daily work in your life as you experience Jesus, everywhere.

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  • Gods Grace For Every Family


    Weaving her own story together with nine attributes of God’s character revealed from Scripture, Anna Meade Harris speaks to vulnerable single parents and to churches who want to love them well.

    After the death of her husband, Anna Meade Harris discovered that single-parent families don’t seem to have a place in the local church. Because she and her kids no longer fit into the Christian family mold, the body of Christ felt alien and strange when Anna’s family needed it the most. Belonging, even in the most loving church, was a challenge.

    God’s Grace for Every Family was born out of Anna’s desire to help other families avoid feeling the loneliness that hers felt. This gospel-centered work addresses the single parent who needs to know that God sees, loves, and cares for their family. The book also addresses the church at large, in the hopes that Christians will come to understand the unique needs of single-parent families and do a better job of welcoming, valuing, and loving them.

    The book begins with Anna’s story and then presents information about single-parent families in America, providing an understanding of their unique needs and complex dynamics. The chapters that follow each focus on a particular area of need and contain:

    *Exegesis of Scripture demonstrating the character of God in relationship with his people

    *Short narratives collected through interviews with single parents from a variety of backgrounds

    *Suggestions for how the church can serve God and families

    This book is written for all Christians, married or single, parent or childless. It’s written for widows, divorcees, and those who never married. And it’s written for the congregants, pastors, leaders, and church family who wants to embrace every family and learn how to serve them well. By addressing families and the church together, God’s Grace for Every Family opens the door for gracious conversations and greater unity in the family of God.

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  • Interior Castle : Exploring A Spiritual Classic As A Modern Reader


    Teresa of Avila was a sixteenth-century Carmelite nun who was committed to a life of contemplative prayer. Beloved for both her deep spiritual insights and practical approach to life, her writings are considered spiritual classics, and The Interior Castle is widely recognized as her literary masterpiece. To read The Interior Castle is to put yourself in the hands of an extraordinarily qualified faith mentor who well understands our struggles to connect with God.

    Teresa’s primary metaphor throughout this work is that the human soul is an “interior castle,” or a series of “dwelling places,” of great grandeur, beauty, and value. Her book is a tour of the different ways we relate to God through prayer, with varying intensity, awareness, and intimacy, culminating with spiritual unity with God.

    Many books on prayer are about what we do to pray, or to pray better. But there are relatively few, like The Interior Castle, that focus on what God does in prayer–particularly the sometimes inexplicable ways God gives us experiences of love, healing, strength, insight, companionship, and knowledge of God’s presence in, and will for, our lives.

    In this new edition of The Interior Castle, editor Laurel Mathewson, author of An Intimate Good: A Skeptical Christian Mystic in Conversation with Teresa of Avila, brings this renowned spiritual leader into clear focus for contemporary readers while modernizing the text to include shorter paragraphs, simpler sentence structure, and updated vocabulary. It features an introduction to St. Teresa and her work, chapter introductions and summaries, brief footnotes for additional information and clarity, and questions for reflection. Mathewson encourages us to be open to the ways in which Teresa’s “experiences and writings still shed light on things that happen in our world, so different from hers in so many ways but still filled with human beings struggling to be in relationship with one another and God.”

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  • Intimate Good : A Skeptical Christian Mystic In Conversation With Teresa Of


    At age twenty-one, the pain of losing her mother to cancer sent Laurel Mathewson–with a naturally skeptical and questioning outlook–on a years-long existential journey. After an unexpected, overwhelming experience of God’s love, Laurel felt God say to her, “Turn to Teresa. She will guide you.” She understood that “Teresa” was the sixteenth-century saint Teresa of Avila, but she knew very little about her. Even after becoming an Episcopal priest, she had never read more than a few pages of Teresa’s writings.

    Laurel began to read The Interior Castle, Teresa’s book about the “dwellings” within our souls that we move through to develop an ever-deepening relationship with God through prayer. She truly marveled at discovering a text that illuminated her own spiritual path with such insight, candor, and clarity. And she continued to experience the intimate presence of a God who kept defying and transforming her cynical nature–and offered her the gift of healing.

    This beautifully written and moving memoir illustrates an ancient reality still very much alive today: the love and closeness of a good God, as known through Jesus Christ, who seeks to move out into the world, into our very bodies and lives. Not by nature or training inclined to believe such a wild claim, Laurel discovered that God is full of surprises.

    In every age, but perhaps particularly in our own, people hunger for personal narratives that help bring to life complex frameworks and ideas. An Intimate Good brings into focus not just Teresa’s Interior Castle but also the living God who is at the heart of it, especially for modern readers who take the life of the mind seriously and yearn for confirmation of meaning and belovedness. Laurel’s journey will lead you to a clearer understanding of the varied avenues God works in our lives over time, through prayer and other people, leading us in ways only possible by One who knows us intimately and loves us deeply.

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  • Hebrew Versus Greek


    What do you get when you cross classical Hebrew with Koine Greek? It may sound like the metaphor for a strange new animal, but what it creates is a fascinating dive into the Bible that’s rarely, if ever, been attempted before in a devotional study.

    In Hebrew versus Greek: A Devotional Study of Scripture Through Two Lenses, Hebrew scholar Chaim Bentorah and Greek scholar Chris Palmer explore fifty concepts from the Septuagint (LXX) and explain the subtle nuances found in Hebrew and Greek.

    You will discover how:

    *Bringing our traumas to speech through prayer can help heal our souls
    *Trusting in God binds us to His divine power
    *Affliction invites us to walk intimately with the Lord
    *Saying, “There is no God” is like walking through fog
    *The promise of “long life” can be understood even though people often die young

    Used by the early church, the Septuagint is the oldest translation of the Old Testament into another language: from Hebrew to Greek. It’s considered to be the most important translation of the Bible.

    Palmer says, “The Septuagint is underappreciated and underused in theological pursuits, especially in working with the biblical languages. This book breaks ground in that it uses the Septuagint for something as simple as a devotional Bible study.”

    Bentorah adds, “This offers a whole new dimension to our understanding of the Old Testament and the importance of using the Greek Septuagint to explain some difficult passages.”

    Hebrew versus Greek will draw you nearer to the original text through simple devotional lessons that explore the rich meanings found in these ancient languages.

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  • Aslans Breath : Seeing The Holy Spirit In Narnia


    In the seven volumes of The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis represents God the Father as the Emperor-over-the-sea and depicts God the Son as Aslan. But Lewis believed in a triune God one God in the three persons. Is the Third Person of the Trinity to be found in Narnia? Aslan’s Breath answers with a resounding “Yes,” and then demonstrates from the stories themselves that the Holy Spirit is present throughout Narnia in complex and beautiful ways. Return to Narnia, and reflect on the imagery of the Breath of Aslan not in an academic or esoteric way but in a readable book that goes further up and further in, exploring the implications and applications of the Breath to the spiritual formation of those fortunate enough to find themselves between the paws of the True Aslan.

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  • Song Of Songs Word For Word Bible Comic NIV


    Passionate love, marriage and sexual desire intertwine in this ancient poem by the renowned King Solomon. This graphic novel includes every word of this scripture, chapter and verse, and is visualized within its historical, cultural and geographical context. While there is no nudity, the adult themes give an advisory rating of 12+. The central character in this ancient love poem is a woman who pursues and is pursued by her beloved. It is a celebration of love, marriage and desire between a man and woman, while poetically pointing to the deeper truth of the love between God and his people.

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  • Graceful Influence : Making A Lasting Impact Through Lessons From Women Of


    Ever wonder if you’re making a difference in your world? Lori Stanley Roeleveld offers you the chance to realize the power of your influence. In examining the lives of pairs of women from the Bible, you will discover how their contrasting choices allowed them to influence future generations. In 30 short chapters, unpack the relevance of their struggles and shed light on the struggles modern women face in making similar choices.

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  • Africa And The Bible From A To Z


    Throughout the Bible, God has used African people and places to tell his incredible story. The daughter of Pharaoh, Phinehas the high priest, Simeon called Niger, Libya, Cush… the list goes on! Many Africans played a crucial role in God’s plans, and the African continent has received many of God’s incredible promises. From A to Z, God cares about Africa!

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  • Loving People Who Are Hard To Love


    Renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers to love the people in their life who are hard to love.

    We’re never going to be able to prevent people from saying or doing things that hurt our feelings. We will always have opportunities to get offended. But if we do things God’s way, we can choose to save ourselves a lot of misery and hardship. This doesn’t mean we allow people to abuse us. No, there is a time for confronting people and dealing with situations. However, the Bible commands us to love our enemies and forgive those who have wronged us, even when it feels impossible.

    Everything the Lord asks us to do in the Bible is ultimately for our good. In fact, when we choose to love our enemies and forgive those who have hurt us, we are actually helping ourselves more than anyone else. Because whatever the Lord commands us to do, He is going to give us the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish it–and that includes loving and being good to difficult people! God’s love flowing through us is strong enough to melt even the hardest hearts, so use kindness as a weapon to overcome the meanness in people.

    A Study Guide is also available for purchase.

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  • 7 Lies That Will Ruin Your Life


    Joshua Broome knows this firsthand. He had a successful career in the adult film industry, making lots of money and achieving notoriety and all the markers of success. And yet he felt empty inside. After hitting rock bottom, he cried out to Jesus … and it was only then that he was fully redeemed.

    In 7 Lies That Will Ruin Your Life, Joshua examines seven things we are told will make us happy and shows how each of them points us back to our need for God.Using his own journey as a point of reference, 7 Lies That Will Ruin Your Life pairs his personal experiences with Biblical truths, demonstrating both how we can be deceived and the healing truth that comes when we realize that Jesus really is enough.

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  • Love Language Of The South

    Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $29.97.

    Experience love the southern way with television host, blogger, and cookbook veteran Stacy Lyn Harris as she shares her family’s most treasured memories and recipes.

    Stacy grew up watching her grandmother cook the same way other kids watched cartoons. The Love Language of the South is a memoir of southern culinary culture, regional traditions, and easy-to-follow recipes.

    More than eighty recipes and dozens of hospitality tips give entertaining tools for novice and experienced hosts alike. Featuring an index designed to help cooks with meal planning, and find content by course, this cookbook will make cooking fun and productive. Or you might go straight for the southern classics, like Hoppin John, Bacon Cheddar Biscuits, Pimiento Cheese, and Cornmeal Fried Okra.

    With southern food, it’s much more than keeping hunger pangs at bay. Learn the importance of gathering around the table to share food and bring comfort to those you love with The Love Language of the South!

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  • Not All Roads Lead To Heaven Devotional

    Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $15.97.

    Jesus said no one comes to the Father except through him. But in our inclusive world, such an exclusive claim isn’t popular. Believers today face persistent pressure to abandon this belief, which the world sees as antiquated at best and hateful at worst. What we need is godly encouragement to stay the course and courage to share the gospel compassionately with those around us.

    Based on his popular book Not All Roads Lead to Heaven, this new devotional from Dr. Robert Jeffress offers 100 daily readings to bolster your faith in Jesus and boost your passion for sharing the Good News. These readings delve into what both the Old and New Testaments say about salvation, answer popular objections to the gospel, and equip you with the wisdom, reasoning, and illustrations you need to share your faith with boldness and love.

    God has appointed us to be his representatives on earth to proclaim the truth that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. It’s the most loving thing we can do for the people around us. Let this devotional encourage and equip you to live joyfully in the knowledge of our one-of-a-kind Savior.

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  • Young Men We Need


    The world needs young men to grow up into real men. But here’s the problem: young men get so many conflicting messages about what it means to be a man, they find it hard to know what masculinity looks like when men are at their absolute best.

    Into this cultural confusion Brant Hansen paints a refreshingly specific, compelling picture of what men are designed to be. Combining depth and humor, he calls for young men of all interests and backgrounds to be ambitious about the right things and to see themselves as protectors and defenders of the vulnerable, with whatever resources they have at their disposal.

    The (Young) Men We Need is witty, to the point, bracingly honest, and packed with wisdom. Perfect for any guy age 14 and up who wants to know “Why am I here?”–and is ready to show up. Includes discussion questions.

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  • Call To Contentment


    Why the Bible’s call to contentment will bring more satisfaction than the world’s desire for more – and practical steps to finding it.

    While the Bible not only encourages contentment, but commands it, it can feel like a vague, fleeting, unachievable goal.

    David Kaywood’s helpful book begins by moulding our understanding of what it means to be content. Do you find yourself worrying, coveting, grumbling, giving way to unrighteous anger, or dwelling unhealthily on the past or the future? You might be discontent – and it might be leading you into all sorts of other sins.

    He tackles three common areas of discontentment – money and possessions; pain and suffering; success and work – and digs into the reality of our desires. Ultimately, Kaywood invites readers to focus on Jesus: the God who became poor for us and suffered for us, and who calls us to work for him.

    The final chapter includes eight rules for contentment. These are practical steps you can take to increase the godly satisfaction in your life. The book also includes discussion questions to guide conversations on these issues with friends.

    If you are looking to live a life of contentment, start by reading this book.

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  • Rebel To Your Will


    “Hurt people hurt people. But those who have been called by grace become new creations.”

    Emotional and raw, Sean DeMars tells his story of a life turned around. It is a tale of two families: one scarred by brokenness, another renewed by grace. In his storytelling, the tragedy and horror of his early years are punctuated with the beauty of restoration evident in the life he now leads. Abandoned by a father and abused by a mother, his search for a father finds a home with the King of heaven who graces him with love and sonship.

    Follow his journey through abuse, drugs and prison, across the battlefield and mission field and into marriage, family and ministry in this personal, engaging and honest testament to God’s grace. As his life and his church are turned around, their stories become a platform to display how God chooses the nothings of the world. His story is the story of every sinner saved by grace: once a victim and rebel, now redeemed and reconciled.

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  • Time To Mourn


    To a Christian, the death of an unbeliever is heartbreaking. But even in the darkness of grief, there can be light. Will Dobbie’s nuanced examination of the hope found in the Bible offers more than shallow comfort.

    The death of unbelieving loved ones is a taboo. Often we don’t know how to grieve, or how to comfort Christian friends who have experienced that loss. Where do we find hope when all seems hopeless? The answer is in the character of the God who reveals Himself in the pages of Scripture.

    With the tone of a pastor, who knows how hard it is to lose an apparently unbelieving friend, Will Dobbie directs our eyes towards the One who alone knows for certain the destiny of the departed. He points us to the God who, in the case of the lost, shares our heartache and comforts us, the God who is loving and compassionate as well as just and holy and wise. Ultimately, he shows us the God who is glorious.

    Will does not shy away from tough questions along the way. If hell is real, how loving is God really? What about predestination? What about those who were never able to hear the gospel? What about infants? What about those with severe mental disabilities? What about those who commit suicide? And in the case of someone I dearly loved, who was unsaved, how can I have any peace, any closure, ever again?

    If you are mourning a loved one whose eternity was uncertain, or seeking to comfort someone who is, this book offers not shallow consolation, but the truth and solace of Scripture.

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  • How Do I Get To Heaven


    Answering big questions about what the Bible says about life after death for 4-8-year-olds

    How do I get to heaven? Can anybody go there? What happens when someone dies? These are all questions that a child will ask at some point in their life. When a relative or close friend comes to the end of their life what does a child need to know? They need to know about Jesus. They need to know about Salvation. They need to know that there really is eternal life but there is only one way to God.

    In simple terms, this attractive, full-colour illustrated hardback paints a beautiful picture of heaven and explains what heaven will be like. It also explains that the only way to heaven is by trusting in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

    Each spread includes one question or topic, a brief explanation, and a Bible verse that can be used as a memory verse. There are also explanations of words which might be new to readers, like salvation, resurrection, and substitute.

    Headings include:

    *Tell Me About Heaven
    *What is Heaven Like?
    *Is There Really a Place Called Heaven?
    *Who is in Heaven?
    *What is Dying Like?
    *Why Are We Sad When People Go to Heaven?
    *Will I See Jesus in Heaven?
    *Why are People Happy in Heaven?
    *Tell Me About Jesus
    *What is Jesus Like?
    *What did God Give Jesus for His Very Own?
    *Does Jesus Love Me?
    *How Did Jesus Come to Earth?
    *How Did Jesus Die?
    *Why Did Jesus Die?
    *What Happened After Jesus Died
    *Tell Me About Salvation
    *Do You Want to Be Perfect?
    *What is it Like to Be Perfect?
    *Can We Be Perfect?
    *Is Anyone Perfect?
    *How Can I Get to Heaven?
    *How Does Jesus Change Me?
    *Do I Have to Buy Salvation?
    *What is Faith?
    *Do You Want Jesus to be Your Saviour?
    *What Is Justification?
    *What is the Family of God?
    *Can Anyone Help Me to be Good?
    *Has Jesus Saved You?

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  • Quest For The Guardians


    In Book 4 of the Dream Keeper Saga, Lily Embarks on a Global Quest to Save the World from Its Nightmares

    Lily is excited to reunite with her family after her latest quest in the Somnium Realm, but when she reaches home, she discovers that evil nightmares have invaded the waking world. With the help of her parents, magical friends, and a team of displaced guardians of the Realm, she races to rescue the earth from destruction. Traveling by time machine to the Great Wall of China, Tanzania, and the mountains of Peru, they work together to save the world from fear. As their efforts falter and the threat looms ever darker, Lily pleads for Pax to reach into the waking world to help . . . but can he?

    Book 4 of the Dream Keeper Saga is a fast-paced adventure that helps kids and their families discuss biblical themes of sin, salvation, and trust in God.

    *Ideal for Middle-Grade Readers and Families: Includes kids’ favorite fantasy and adventure elements with imaginative new characters and settings they’ll love

    *Christian Themes: This exciting story invites readers into deep conversations about the gospel and theological issues

    *Book 4 in the Popular Dream Keeper Saga by Kathryn Butler

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  • Bravest Heart : 365 Devotions For Boys


    “Here is what I’m commanding you to do. Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid. Do not lose hope. I am the LORD your God. I will be with you everywhere you go.”
    Joshua 1:9 NIRV

    You can be strong and brave because God made the whole world, and he made you! When you spend time praying and reading your Bible, you will learn more about God and how much he loves you.

    This book of devotions is written especially for boys like you. It will teach you to trust God, to make good choices, and to help others.

    You were created to do something special! With God on your side, you can do whatever he wants you to do. He can give you the bravest heart… you only have to ask!


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    *A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.

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  • Why Everything That Doesnt Matter Matters So Much

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.99.

    A hopeful and practical model for what it means to be a Christian and a culture-maker in a world of hurt and wondrous possibility, from multi-Grammy winner Charlie Peacock and his wife and author, Andi Ashworth.

    Do you feel powerless and overwhelmed by the pain and suffering all around you? Have you ever asked, What can I do to mend the world, my family, or my own life? And if I could, why bother? Does my own small part even matter? If so, here comes hope from two guides who are further down the road. Charlie and Andi have written a collection of letters to Christians and spiritual seekers who think deeply and care acutely about the state of the world and their personal spheres of influence.

    In Why Everything That Doesn’t Matter, Matters So Much, beloved and trusted mentors, Charlie and Andi offer you:

    *Thought-provoking explorations into the many facets of Christian culture care and making, from the kitchen to Carnegie Hall.

    *Practical guidance for how to care for and improve the quality of human life, locally and globally, no matter your vocation.

    *A theology of imagination and creativity that provides a framework for all of life.

    *A model for expressing love in marriage, friendship, citizenship, and every kind of work–even in the midst of cynicism, fear, exhaustion, and oppression.

    It might be said of Christians that our lives are either moving in the direction of the redemption Jesus has on offer, or away from it. Each of these letters is a gentle nudge in the direction of God’s powerfully ordinary purpose for each of us, no matter what the future holds, to participate fully in the beautiful, redemptive work of Christ.

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  • Permission To Dream

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.99.

    Do you have a dream God has put on your heart? A desire to change the world around you for the better? As you pursue those dreams and your purpose in this life, you will encounter moments where you feel unworthy, ill-equipped, or like you’re not enough. And when you do, it is important to know that God is for you.

    The highs and lows are part of your story, but they aren’t the whole story. With God’s help, you can build the resilience to keep pushing forward and hold onto hope–even in the face of setbacks or obstacles.

    Permission to Dream by bestselling author Christine Caine will:

    *teach you about resiliency and how to be strong despite the challenges.
    *help you listen and tune into God’s calling so you can overcome previous pain.
    *provide you with steps on how to overcome feelings of unworthiness.
    *teach you strategies to help you manage disappointment and maintain hope.

    This book is for anyone who:

    *knows their purpose but isn’t sure how to take the next step forward.
    *questions their value.
    *feels like they’re not enough.
    *is wondering what God has planned for them.

    Curated from messages shared in Unstoppable, Undaunted, and Unexpected, along with new insights and encouragement, Permission to Dream is a reminder that you are needed in this world, and you matter. Your purpose is bigger than you know, and God has created you to do something that will reflect his light in the world, and he has qualified you to do it. With his help, you can fulfill all that He’s created you to do.

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  • Hidden Peace : Finding True Security, Strength, And Confidence Through Humi

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.99.

    The peace we long for begins with coming to the end of ourselves.

    There are inescapable aspects of life we are all marked by. We have less control than we want, more anxiety than we’re comfortable with and just enough insecurity to continually remind us of our shortcomings. To experience these things is to be human. We aren’t superheroes and invincibility isn’t an option.

    But humility is.

    Whether we’ve incorrectly defined it or underestimated its relevance to our daily life, humility is the missing piece for the security, strength and confidence we all want. It’s time to stop trying so hard to avoid our limitations or overcompensate for them. God has better for us and it begins with bowing low in humility.

    With relatable stories, practical wisdom and biblical theology broken down into digestible takeaways, The Hidden Peace by Dr. Joel Muddamalle will help you:

    *Overcome the fear of being “found out” or looking like a fraud by realizing God’s intent for shortcomings and weaknesses.

    *Walk through hurtful situations in the most God-honoring way by gaining a true understanding of biblical humility.

    *Answer the question “why do bad things happen to good people?” by learning a perspective shift that will change how you process suffering.

    *Know confidently that you’re living with purpose and being used by God through seven ways to practically live like Him today.

    *Be led by the biblical definition of self-awareness so you can experience the unexpected ways it brings safety and security to your life.

    *Stop believing the lie that theology is out of touch or too difficult to comprehend as Joel shows you how to dig into scripture and study it yourself.

    Weakness is not your enemy. Planted in the soil of humility, weakness becomes a means to gaining more strength and more peace.

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  • Amazing Grace : The Life Of John Newton And The Surprising Story Behind His

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.99.

    Now available in trade paper!

    Amazing Grace is the surprising true story of John Newton, author of the song that has touched millions. A biography that reads like a novel, it reveals Newton’s dramatic story of sin and salvation as a slave trader before his ultimate transformation to speaking out against the horror of slavery. His story speaks to the brokenness within us all and our need for God’s amazing grace-and reveals the truth behind his song.

    Amazing Grace is based on years of research on the life and writings of John Newton. It tells of a prodigal who returns home, and a young love that defies the odds; of a young man whose life is torn by grief and wounded by the cruelty of others, following his descent into deeper suffering and finally into the brutal world of the slave trade. Newton rejects God repeatedly but is rescued by a divine mercy that reaches deeper than he could ever have imagined as he ultimately faces his past and repents.

    Newton’s story is shocking, and Amazing Grace does not try to airbrush or excuse his faults. There are glaring contradictions in the life of a ship’s Captain who retreats to his cabin to study his Bible and write tender love letters to his wife while hundreds of slaves lie in chains in the hold below.

    The profound lessons from his life are applicable to us today, helping us to:

    *Discover that the need for grace is universal and offers the deepest hope for overcoming hatred

    *Be honest about our lives even when we are ashamed and face seemingly unresolvable problems

    *Look for grace when life is far from perfect and doesn’t match up to our expectations

    *Trust that our mistakes and regrets, no matter how deep, can be redeemed in the end
    Since the first public singing of Amazing Grace almost 250 years ago, every generation has been profoundly moved by the song, and now readers can connect with John Newton’s story like never before. In these days of extreme polarization when beliefs about race, church, and politics have all become deeply divisive in society, we need grace more than ever. We need stories like this one that talk honestly about the human condition but even more about the relentless love of God and his forgiveness of sins.

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  • Grace For The Moment For Moms

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.99.

    You’re the best, Mom. Mothers, for so many, are a welcoming hug, a helping hand, a comforting ear, a wise source of guidance. They do so much for so many, and in the devotional Grace for the Moment for Moms, bestselling author, husband, father, and grandfather Max Lucado offers moms comfort, encouragement, and some much-needed moments of grace and appreciation.

    You’ll find Scripture-based devotions that:

    *Encourage moms in their faith and help them embrace the hope of the Lord

    *Remind moms of God’s grace over their lives and the lives of their children and grandchildren

    *Inspirational insight on how to choose love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and faithfulness in very real situations

    This compilation of 50 beautiful devotions from Max’s bestselling brand also includes:

    *A prayer for moms by Max
    *Lovely design and illustrations
    *Inspirational messages that remind moms how loved and appreciated they are
    *Written-out Bible verses to encourage and uplift mothers

    Whether a gift for your own mom or for a mom who means so much to you, this book is ideal for Mother’s Day, birthdays, Valentine’s Day, and more and will be a cherished favorite for years to come.Tell your mom thank you, I love you, and more with Grace for the Moment for Moms.

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  • Clear Mind Peaceful Heart

    Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $14.99.

    God not only has the whole world in His hands; He’s holding the details of your life in His faithful hands as well.

    What lies heaviest on your heart as you lay your head on your pillow? Are paralyzing fear and anxiety stealing tomorrow’s peace? Listen to this invitation from Jesus: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NIV).
    Experiencing this kind of rest won’t come from escapism, more vacation days, or stuffing our feelings. Jesus Himself provides rest to our weary souls. While He may not always fix everything right away, we can fix our thoughts on His Word. In doing this, we can sleep at night with ease knowing that God has it all under control.

    Through the pages of Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart, written by New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst and her friends at Proverbs 31 Ministries, you will be equipped to:

    *Quiet fearful and anxious thoughts that always seem to be the loudest before bedtime by incorporating the Bible into your nightly routine

    *Find relief from the stress of daily obligations and pressures through 50 encouraging devotions and guided prayers written by women like you

    *Release the heaviness you feel about hard situations in your life so you can wake up refreshed and walk into the next day with courage

    We may feel afraid, but we don’t have to live afraid. Let this devotional help you fall asleep tonight with a clear mind and a peaceful heart.

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  • Get Your Hopes Up


    Tweens will encounter much-needed hope, read inspiring true stories, and learn to love generously and why connection matters in this 90-day devotional from Carlos Whittaker, bestselling author, activist, and head of the “Instafamilia,” a hope-minded online community. With Bible truths, stories of real hope and joy, and Carlos’s “let’s do this” energy, kids will be empowered to thrive no matter how life tries to discourage them, put them down, make them anxious, or cause them to feel isolated.

    In Get Your Hopes Up, 8 to 12-year olds will:

    *connect Bible verses with real-life stories of finding and spreading hope,
    *see prayer in action today,
    *discover ways to advocate for the marginalized, and
    *learn to lead with love and fight for change.

    In this plugged-in world, the lines between childhood and adulthood have become blurred, and kids are exposed to hate, division, injustice, and negative emotions earlier than ever. Knowing where to find truth and positive environments can be confusing. Jesus gave us something long ago, though, that helps us remain grounded and steady in the face of all that’s broken in our world: hope.

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  • K9 Mattis On The Job

    Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $13.29.

    Meet Mattis, a K9 police dog who loves helping people and fighting crime alongside his partner, Sergeant Mark. Learn what Mattis’s favorite part of the day is as he follows scent trails, tracks down missing items, and performs his official police work. K9 Mattis on the Job from author and police sergeant Mark Tappan will captivate kids as they discover what a day in the life of a German shepherd police dog is all about.

    Real-life hero Mattis the K9 officer first captured America’s hearts on A&E’s America’s Top Dog and at school visits across the country. Now, through this fun story based on Mattis’s official police work, kids will find out what this pup loves to do each day, from driving to the police station in the morning (okay, Sergeant Mark does most of the driving) to training with the other officers to using his super sniffer to find missing items! But can you guess what Mattis’s favorite part of the day is?

    This picture book:

    *is for boys and girls ages 4 to 8;

    *is for kids who love dogs, are fascinated by police officers or other first responders, or are fans of PAW Patrol’s Chase and Officer Buckle and Gloria;

    *includes bright, action-packed illustrations; and

    *is a perfect choice for read-aloud events at school or libraries.

    Find out why so many have already fallen in love with one of America’s fluffiest heroes!

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  • Gods Wisdom For The Graduate Class Of 2024 Mountain NKJV

    Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $8.99.

    Graduates, now more than ever, need God’s wisdom to face uncertain times. And while the world around them is full of changes, God’s Word and His wisdom are constant. God’s Wisdom(R) for the Graduate inspires young people with its biblical teachings, relevant for their new season of life and beyond.

    It addresses carefully chosen topics that are highly pertinent to this season of life, such as spiritual discipline, godly relationships, and finding peace in God. The writings are organized by theme, allowing graduates to find wisdom for their specific needs quickly and easily.

    From Jack Countryman, bestselling author of God’s Promises(R) for Graduates, this classic graduation gift offers:

    *More than 70 inspirational writings
    *Relevant Bible verses from the New King James Version (NKJV) translation
    *A modern, high-quality cover that today’s grads will value
    *A presentation page to personalize your gift
    *A portable size, perfect for a gift basket or to take on-the-go

    Celebrate the graduate in your life with this popular, inspirational book impacting nearly 2 million graduates with the hope of God’s Word.

    Look for additional biblical inspiration for the graduates in your life through the God’s Promises(R), God’s Answers(R), and God’s Wisdom(R) gift books.

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  • Gods Promises For Graduates Class Of 2024 Pink NKJV

    Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $8.99.

    Today’s high school and college graduates are looking for a promise of hope for their future. This practical and inspirational gift for graduates delivers God’s promises of wisdom, guidance, comfort, and encouragement straight from the Bible on relevant topics such as character, integrity, loyalty, focus, respect, and perseverance.

    This attractive book is a perfect keepsake gift offering:

    *Hundreds of Scripture passages from the New King James Version Bible translation
    *A Leathersoft cover designed for personalization with your graduate’s name
    *A portable size, perfect to take on-the-go
    *Two popular color options: navy and pink

    God’s Promises for Graduates(R) is a #1 bestselling inspirational book impacting nearly 2 million graduates with the hope of God’s Word.

    Look for additional biblical inspiration for the graduates in your life through the God’s Promises(R), God’s Answers(R), and God’s Wisdom(R) gift books.

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  • Gods Promises For Graduates Class Of 2024 Black NIV

    Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $8.99.

    Today’s high school and college graduates are looking for a promise of hope for their future. This practical and inspirational gift for graduates delivers God’s promises of wisdom, guidance, comfort, and encouragement straight from the Bible on relevant topics such as character, integrity, loyalty, focus, respect, and perseverance.

    This attractive book is a perfect keepsake gift offering:

    *Hundreds of Scripture passages from the New International Version Bible translation
    *A Leathersoft cover designed for personalization with your graduate’s name
    *A portable size, perfect to take on-the-go

    God’s Promises(R) for Graduates is a #1 bestselling inspirational book impacting nearly 2 million graduates with the hope of God’s Word.

    Look for additional biblical inspiration for the graduates in your life through the God’s Promises(R), God’s Answers(R), and God’s Wisdom(R) gift books.

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  • Change Starts With You

    Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $11.39.

    Injustice, division, and suffering may loom large in this broken world, but you have the power to stand up for truth, unity, and healing. Join writer, motivational speaker, humanitarian, and NFL veteran Sam Acho as he gives you the courage you need to be a changemaker.

    When gold is put into a crucible over a fire, the impurities (known as “dross”) rise to the top. When faced with extreme heat, these precious metals are purified. Nothing about the metal’s essential makeup changes, but the impurities in them are brought to the surface, leaving behind precious gold.

    America is in a crucible right now–and maybe you are, too. The pandemic has strained an already struggling economy, longstanding cultural and political divisions have reached a boiling point, and injustices have been brought into the spotlight in ways that we can no longer ignore. But the thing about crucibles is that they bring out both the worst and the best of us.

    As you read Change Starts with You, you’ll be:

    *Inspired to discover and follow your fire–the unique passions that God has put in each of our hearts

    *Equipped to dream big, channeling your passions into creating positive change wherever God has called you

    *Encouraged by Acho’s firsthand accounts of communities transformed by people with the courage and tenacity to follow their own fire

    *Motivated to be a leader who empowers others to become changemakers too

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  • Help Is Here

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.99.

    Bills pile up. Savings accounts go down. Marriages go south. Pandemics rage. Work goes off the rails. Stress goes off the charts. Suddenly, you feel powerless to calm life’s chaos. It’s all too much to take on by yourself. But pastor and bestselling author Max Lucado has great news for you–Help Is Here.

    Now more than ever, we’re all weary from the loads we carry and the challenges we face. We have questions we cannot answer and problems we cannot solve. We’d hoped that life would be an invigorating adventure or an inspiring journey. We never expected to grow so tired so quickly. But Max teaches us that we can find fresh strength and purpose in the power of the Holy Spirit.

    The Bible makes more than a hundred references to the Holy Spirit, and Jesus says more about the Spirit than he does about the church, marriage, finances, and the future. But do we really know the Spirit? In Help Is Here, Max will give you the tools and encouragement you need to:

    *Learn who the Spirit is and how the Spirit can help
    *Become joyful, enthusiastic, and empowered as you draw closer to God
    *Confidently take on any difficulty with the power of the Spirit
    *Discover your unique gifts and purpose to further God’s kingdom

    Help Is Here reminds us that our Good Shepherd doesn’t just feed us; he leads us. He does more than correct us; he directs us. God keeps us on track–and best of all, he’s commissioned the Holy Spirit to guide us down the winding roads of life, wherever they may lead us.

    No more walking this path alone. No more carrying weight you were not intended to bear. It’s time for you to enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit and experience the vigorous life he offers. You can rest easy knowing that Help Is Here.

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  • Love Unscripted

    Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $10.79.

    The perfect boyfriend only exists on paper…doesn’t he?

    Fresh off the heels of a bad breakup, Chloe Anderson poured her heart into penning the perfect boyfriend–and the result was an off-the-charts debut beach read that resonated with women worldwide. Now, Chloe’s scripted hero is headed for Hollywood, with her book destined to become a major motion picture.

    When Chloe gets wind that silver screen bad boy Liam Hamilton has been cast as the ideal-in-every-way hero of her novel, she’s horrified by the film director’s choice. How could a player like Liam possibly do Chloe’s perfect hero justice? Unafraid to speak her mind, Chloe lets her executive producer know she’s one hundred percent opposed to the casting. And oops–the call is on speakerphone, where the annoyingly attractive Hollywood star hears Chloe’s unbridled outrage firsthand.

    With Liam’s reputation already on the rocks, his agent concocts a PR plan to upgrade Liam’s image while putting the story–and the film–in the spotlight. The catch? During the movie’s filming in Chloe’s cute hometown of Stillwater, North Carolina, Chloe and Liam will fake a wholesome, committed relationship. Both stand to gain something from the arrangement. Liam’s fans will see him in a new light, while Chloe can boost her struggling social media following and further her writing career. What could possibly go wrong?

    As author and actor navigate the waters of the PR relationship, they’re unprepared when their professional agreement turns into an actual friendship. And when serious sparks start to fly–well, that’s an unread chapter for both of them.

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  • No Address An Interactive Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    A four-session interactive Bible study, based on the documentary Americans with No Address, that examines the biblical response to people experiencing homelessness.

    Homelessness is not an “issue”; it’s an opportunity for the church to love our neighbors. In this four-session interactive Bible study, we examine what Scripture has to say on the topic. A companion to the documentary Americans with No Address and the full-length theatrical movie No Address (starring Ashanti, William Baldwin, Beverly D’Angelo, and Xander Berkeley), this study teaches participants:

    *The root causes of different types of homelessness.
    *How to engage rather than enable.
    *The importance of collaboration among existing agencies.
    *How to mobilize their church to follow Jesus’ call to serve.

    Each session includes:

    *Facts, true stories, and background about the people who experience homelessness in America.

    *QR code for quick link to online videos.

    *Discussion questions for churches and small groups.

    *Perspective from the Bible.

    *”Go and Do” action steps.

    *Ideas for further resources.

    *Prayer prompts and reflection questions.

    The government can’t solve homelessness alone. The nonprofit sector can’t solve it alone. But neighbors loving neighbors, working together, can make a difference for the people who are experiencing homelessness in America. No Address equips Christians to lead the way.

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  • Lets Read The Gospels

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $16.97.

    New York Times bestselling author Annie F. Downs knows from personal experience that when you start to read the Gospels, they start to change your life. As an experiment, she read all four Gospels–Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John–in 30 days. When she finished, she picked up another translation of the Bible and did it again. And again. Suddenly she realized she couldn’t keep this experience to herself, and the Let’s Read the Gospels podcast was born.

    Annie wants you to have the same life-changing experience reading the Gospels as she has, and with this guided journal, she makes it even easier. Each of the 30 entries

    – shows you what to read on that day
    – offers questions to think about and journal through
    – can be used again and again, as many times as you go through the Gospels

    Join this growing community of people who are seeing their lives, attitudes, and relationships change as they immerse themselves in the story of Jesus.

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