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    Carolyn Warren

    • Journaling Through Your Pregnancy

      Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $18.97.

      When you’re pregnant, your mind is constantly churning through thoughts both joyful and anxious. What will this child be like? When should I tell my friends? What if something goes wrong? Am I allowed to eat that? Amid growth charts and birth plans and lists of potential names, it’s easy to lose sight of the one thing that can bring you peace: God knew and loved this child before you did (and he loves you just as much).

      In addition to being the perfect place to work out your feelings now, this journal will be a treasured keepsake to look back on in the future as you see how God brought you through an anxious and joyful time. Combining encouraging reflections on Scripture, practical advice for new moms, insightful journaling prompts, and prayers for each week of your pregnancy, Journaling Through Your Pregnancy helps you center yourself on God’s Word, celebrate your excitement, be open about your struggles, and place it all in the capable hands of your loving Savior.

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    • Praying Through Your Pregnancy


      Pregnancy is a time of great preparation. We prepare the nursery for the baby, we prepare our families to welcome a new member, we prepare our bodies to bring a sweet new life into the outside world. But how much thought do we give to preparing our hearts?

      Praying Through Your Pregnancy is the perfect companion for this special time in your life. Each chapter in this week-by-week guide reveals what is happening with your baby’s development that week, starting with the very first moment of conception. You’ll discover how to reduce stress and anxiety by placing your confidence in God for the healthy development of your precious growing baby. Journaling space helps you remember in years to come how God was at work at every stage. And each chapter contains a special list of Scripture verses to guide further prayer and meditation on God’s Word.

      As you enter a time of great joy–and great change–for your family, let Praying Through Your Pregnancy be with you every step of the way.

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